Beispiel #1
        private static void onContactModify(PxContactModifyCallback * @this, PxContactModifyPair *pairs, uint count)
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                //BIOQUIRK: Probably the "more correct" thing to do here is to use the generated constant array type, but these types currently have long confusing names.
                // A Span<PxRigidActor*> would also be nice, but isn't possible in C# today.
                // Could be improved by
                PxRigidActor **actors = (PxRigidActor **)&pairs[i].actor; //BIOQUIRK: Unobvious cast.
                PxShape **     shapes = (PxShape **)&pairs[i].shape;      //BIOQUIRK: Unobvious cast

                //Search for actors that represent vehicles and shapes that represent wheels.
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    PxRigidActor *actor = actors[j];
                    if (actor->userData != null && ((ActorUserData *)(actor->userData))->vehicle != null)
                        PxVehicleWheels *vehicle = ((ActorUserData *)(actor->userData))->vehicle;
                        Debug.Assert(vehicle->getRigidDynamicActor() == actors[j]);

                        PxShape *shape = shapes[j];
                        if (shape->userData != null && ((ShapeUserData *)(shape->userData))->isWheel)
                            uint wheelId = ((ShapeUserData *)(shape->userData))->wheelId;
                            Debug.Assert(wheelId < vehicle->mWheelsSimData.getNbWheels());

                            //Modify wheel contacts.
                            PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts(*vehicle, wheelId, WHEEL_TANGENT_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER, MAX_IMPULSE, ref pairs[i]);
Beispiel #2
        private static void onCCDContactModify(PxCCDContactModifyCallback * @this, PxContactModifyPair *pairs, uint count)
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                PxRigidActor **actors = (PxRigidActor **)&pairs[i].actor; //BIOQUIRK: Unobvious cast.
                PxShape **     shapes = (PxShape **)&pairs[i].shape;      //BIOQUIRK: Unobvious cast

                //Search for actors that represent vehicles and shapes that represent wheels.
                for (uint j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    PxRigidActor *actor = actors[j];
                    if (actor->userData != null && ((ActorUserData *)(actor->userData))->vehicle != null)
                        PxVehicleWheels *vehicle = ((ActorUserData *)(actor->userData))->vehicle;
                        Debug.Assert(vehicle->getRigidDynamicActor() == actors[j]);

                        PxShape *shape = shapes[j];
                        if (shape->userData != null && ((ShapeUserData *)(shape->userData))->isWheel)
                            uint wheelId = ((ShapeUserData *)(shape->userData))->wheelId;
                            Debug.Assert(wheelId < vehicle->mWheelsSimData.getNbWheels());

                            //Modify wheel contacts.
                            PxVehicleModifyWheelContacts(*vehicle, wheelId, WHEEL_TANGENT_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER, MAX_IMPULSE, ref pairs[i]);
Beispiel #3
    static void createKinematics()
        const uint NbX = NB_KINE_X;
        const uint NbY = NB_KINE_Y;

        PxVec3 dims = new(1.5f, 0.2f, 1.5f);
        PxQuat rot  = new PxQuat(PxIdentity);

        const float YScale = 0.4f;

        PxShape *shape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxBoxGeometry(dims), *gMaterial,
                                               false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing default arguments

        const float ScaleX = KINE_SCALE;
        const float ScaleY = KINE_SCALE;

        for (uint y = 0; y < NbY; y++)
            for (uint x = 0; x < NbX; x++)
                float           xf   = ((float)(x) - (float)(NbX) * 0.5f) * ScaleX;
                float           yf   = ((float)(y) - (float)(NbY) * 0.5f) * ScaleY;
                PxTransform     pose = new(new PxVec3(xf, 0.2f + YScale, yf), rot);
                PxRigidDynamic *body = gPhysics->createRigidDynamic(pose);
                body->attachShape(ref *shape);
                gScene->addActor(ref *body);
                body->setRigidBodyFlag(PxRigidBodyFlags.eKINEMATIC, true);

                gKinematics[y, x] = body;
     * Creates two example collections:
     * - collection with actors and joints that can be instantiated multiple times in the scene
     * - collection with shared objects
    static void createCollections(ref PxCollection *sharedCollection, ref PxCollection *actorCollection, ref PxSerializationRegistry sr)
        PxMaterial *material = gPhysics->createMaterial(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f);

        float         halfLength = 2.0f, height = 25.0f;
        PxVec3        offset    = new(halfLength, 0, 0);
        PxRigidActor *prevActor = (PxRigidActor *)PxCreateStatic(ref *gPhysics, new PxTransform(new PxVec3(0, height, 0)), new PxSphereGeometry(halfLength), ref *material, new PxTransform(offset)); //BIOQUIRK: Base cast

        PxShape *shape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxBoxGeometry(halfLength, 1.0f, 1.0f), *material,
                                               false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing defaults

        for (uint i = 1; i < 8; i++)
            PxTransform     tm      = new(new PxVec3((float)(i * 2) * halfLength, height, 0));
            PxRigidDynamic *dynamic = gPhysics->createRigidDynamic(tm);
            dynamic->attachShape(ref *shape);
            PxRigidBodyExt.updateMassAndInertia(ref *dynamic, 10.0f);

            PxSphericalJointCreate(ref *gPhysics, prevActor, new PxTransform(offset), dynamic, new PxTransform(offset.operator_Minus())); //BIOQUIRK: Operator overload
            prevActor = (PxRigidActor *)dynamic;                                                                                          //BIOQUIRK: Base cast

        sharedCollection = PxCreateCollection(); // collection for all the shared objects
        actorCollection  = PxCreateCollection(); // collection for all the nonshared objects

        sharedCollection->add(ref *shape);
        PxSerialization.complete(ref *sharedCollection, ref sr);          // chases the pointer from shape to material, and adds it
        PxSerialization.createSerialObjectIds(ref *sharedCollection, 77); // arbitrary choice of base for references to shared objects

        actorCollection->add(ref *prevActor);
        PxSerialization.complete(ref *actorCollection, ref sr, sharedCollection, true); // chases all pointers and recursively adds actors and joints
Beispiel #5
    static void createGroudPlane()
        PxTransform    pose  = new PxTransform(new PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new PxQuat(MathF.PI * 0.5f, new PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        PxRigidStatic *actor = gPhysics->createRigidStatic(pose);
        PxShape *      shape = PxRigidActorExt.createExclusiveShape(ref *actor, new PxPlaneGeometry(), *gMaterial,
                                                                    PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing default

        gScene->addActor(ref *actor);
        private static PxFilterFlags *pairFound(PxSimulationFilterCallback * @this, PxFilterFlags *_retBuf, uint pairID,
                                                uint attributes0, PxFilterData *filterData0, PxActor *a0, PxShape *s0,
                                                uint attributes1, PxFilterData *filterData1, PxActor *a1, PxShape *s1,
                                                PxPairFlags *pairFlags)
            // Console.WriteLine("pairFound");

            if (s0->userData != null || s1->userData != null) // See createTriggerShape() function
                *pairFlags = PxPairFlags.eTRIGGER_DEFAULT;

                if (usesCCD())
                    *pairFlags |= PxPairFlags.eDETECT_CCD_CONTACT | PxPairFlags.eNOTIFY_TOUCH_CCD;
                *pairFlags = PxPairFlags.eCONTACT_DEFAULT;

            *_retBuf = default;
Beispiel #7
    static void createDynamics()
        const uint NbX = 8;
        const uint NbY = 8;

        PxVec3      dims          = new(0.2f, 0.1f, 0.2f);
        const float sphereRadius  = 0.2f;
        const float capsuleRadius = 0.2f;
        const float halfHeight    = 0.5f;

        const uint  NbLayers = 3;
        const float YScale   = 0.4f;
        const float YStart   = 6.0f;
        PxShape *   boxShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxBoxGeometry(dims), *gMaterial,
                                                     false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE);  //BIOQUIRK: Missing default arguments
        PxShape *sphereShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxSphereGeometry(sphereRadius), *gMaterial,
                                                     false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE);  //BIOQUIRK: Missing default arguments
        PxShape *capsuleShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxCapsuleGeometry(capsuleRadius, halfHeight), *gMaterial,
                                                      false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing default arguments
        PxMat33 m;

        for (uint j = 0; j < NbLayers; j++)
            float  angle = (float)j * 0.08f;
            PxQuat rot   = setRotY(out m, angle);

            const float ScaleX = 4.0f;
            const float ScaleY = 4.0f;

            for (uint y = 0; y < NbY; y++)
                for (uint x = 0; x < NbX; x++)
                    float xf = ((float)(x) - (float)(NbX) * 0.5f) * ScaleX;
                    float yf = ((float)(y) - (float)(NbY) * 0.5f) * ScaleY;

                    PxRigidDynamic *dynamic = null;

                    uint   v   = j & 3;
                    PxVec3 pos = new PxVec3(xf, YStart + (float)(j) * YScale, yf);

                    switch (v)
                    case 0:
                        PxTransform pose = new(pos, rot);
                        dynamic = gPhysics->createRigidDynamic(pose);
                        dynamic->attachShape(ref *boxShape);

                    case 1:
                        PxTransform pose = new(pos, new PxQuat(PxIdentity));
                        dynamic = gPhysics->createRigidDynamic(pose);
                        dynamic->attachShape(ref *sphereShape);

                        PxTransform pose = new(pos, rot);
                        dynamic = gPhysics->createRigidDynamic(pose);
                        dynamic->attachShape(ref *capsuleShape);

                    PxRigidBodyExt.updateMassAndInertia(ref *dynamic, 10f);

                    gScene->addActor(ref *dynamic);
Beispiel #8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"PhysX native runtime build information: '{MochiPhysX.BuildInfo}'...");

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing error callback");
            // Switch between these to use PhysX's default error callback or one implemented from C#
            PxDefaultErrorCallback errorCallback = new();

            //PxErrorCallback errorCallback = ErrorCallback.Create();

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing allocator callback");
            // Switch between these to use PhysX's default allocator callback or one implemented from C#
            PxDefaultAllocator allocator = new();

            //PxAllocatorCallback allocator = BasicAllocator.Create();
            //PxAllocatorCallback allocator = LoggingAllocator.Create();

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing foundation");
            //BIOQUIRK: PhysX owns both of these references, which means both the allocator and error callback must remain pinned for the lifetime of the foundation.
            // (In our case they're stack allocated and implicitly pinned.)
            // This seems somewhat unobvious since C# references don't normally care. Should we emit this function differently to convey the unsafe-ness here?
            PxFoundation *foundation = PxCreateFoundation(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, ref allocator, ref errorCallback);

            if (foundation == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create foundation.");

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing Pvd...");
            //BIOQUIRK: This pattern comes up a lot in PhysX. It does technically match how it is in C++ though, not sure if it's a problem.
            // I experimentally enabled having C++ reference returns translate as C# reference returns, but that creates a weird situation when you need to store them.
            PxPvd *pvd = PxCreatePvd(ref *foundation);

            PxPvdTransport *transport;

            byte[] host = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("");
            fixed(byte *hostP = host)
                transport = PxDefaultPvdSocketTransportCreate(hostP, 5425, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Pvd...");
            pvd->connect(ref *transport, PxPvdInstrumentationFlags.eALL);

            Console.WriteLine("Initializing physics");
            PxPhysics *physics = PxCreatePhysics(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, ref *foundation, new PxTolerancesScale(), trackOutstandingAllocations: true, pvd);

            if (physics == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create physics.");

            Console.WriteLine("Creating dispatcher");
            PxDefaultCpuDispatcher *dispatcher = PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(2, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Creating scene");
            PxSceneDesc sceneDescription = new(*physics->getTolerancesScale());

            sceneDescription.gravity = new PxVec3()
                x = 0f, y = -9.81f, z = 0f
            sceneDescription.cpuDispatcher = (PxCpuDispatcher *)dispatcher;
            sceneDescription.filterShader  = PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader;
            PxScene *scene = physics->createScene(sceneDescription);

            Console.WriteLine("Configuring scene Pvd client");
            PxPvdSceneClient *pvdClient = scene->getScenePvdClient();

            if (pvdClient != null)
                pvdClient->setScenePvdFlag(PxPvdSceneFlags.eTRANSMIT_CONSTRAINTS, true);
                pvdClient->setScenePvdFlag(PxPvdSceneFlags.eTRANSMIT_CONTACTS, true);
                pvdClient->setScenePvdFlag(PxPvdSceneFlags.eTRANSMIT_SCENEQUERIES, true);

            Console.WriteLine("Creating a basic material");
            PxMaterial *material = physics->createMaterial(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.6f);

            Console.WriteLine("Adding a ground plane");
            PxPlane planeDescription = new PxPlane()
                n = new PxVec3()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 1f,
                    z = 0f
                d = 0f
            PxRigidStatic *groundPlane = PxCreatePlane(ref *physics, planeDescription, ref *material);

            scene->addActor(ref *groundPlane, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Adding stacks");
                const float   halfExtent       = 2f;
                PxBoxGeometry stackBoxGeometry = new PxBoxGeometry(halfExtent, halfExtent, halfExtent);
                PxShapeFlags  shapeFlags       = PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE;
                //BIOQUIRK: shapeFlags should be able to be defaulted now but it isn't.
                PxShape *shape  = physics->createShape(stackBoxGeometry, *material, isExclusive: false, shapeFlags);
                float    stackZ = 10f;
                for (int stackNum = 0; stackNum < 5; stackNum++)
                    const int size = 10;

                    PxVec3 transformPosition = new PxVec3()
                        x = 0f,
                        y = 0f,
                        z = stackZ -= 10f
                    PxTransform transform = new(transformPosition);

                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < size - i; j++)
                            PxVec3 position = new PxVec3()
                                x = ((float)(j * 2) - (float)(size - i)) * halfExtent,
                                y = ((float)(i * 2 + 1)) * halfExtent,
                                z = 0f
                            PxTransform localTransform = new(position);

                            PxTransform     bodyTransform = transform.transform(localTransform);
                            PxRigidDynamic *body          = physics->createRigidDynamic(bodyTransform);
                            body->attachShape(ref *shape);
                            PxRigidBodyExt.updateMassAndInertia(ref *body, 10f);
                            scene->addActor(ref *body);

            Console.WriteLine("Throwing a ball at the stacks");
                PxVec3 position = new PxVec3()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = 40f,
                    z = 100f,
                PxTransform      transform = new(position);
                PxSphereGeometry geometry  = new(10f);

                PxVec3 velocity = new PxVec3()
                    x = 0f,
                    y = -50f,
                    z = -100f

                PxTransform     identity = new(default(PxIDENTITY)); //BIOQUIRK: This could be a special generated property instead. Also missing default.
                PxRigidDynamic *dynamic  = PxCreateDynamic(ref *physics, transform, geometry, ref *material, 10f, identity);
                scene->addActor(ref *dynamic);

            const int noInputFrameCount = 100;

            Console.WriteLine($"Simulating the world{(Console.IsInputRedirected ? $" for {noInputFrameCount} frames." : "... (Press escape to stop.)")}");
            Stopwatch sw       = new Stopwatch();
            int       frameNum = 0;

            const uint scratchMemoryBlockSize  = 16 * 1024;
            const uint scratchMemoryBlockCount = 4;
            uint       scratchMemorySize       = scratchMemoryBlockSize * scratchMemoryBlockCount;
            void *     scratchMemory           = allocator.allocate(scratchMemorySize, null, null, 0);

            while (true)
                double msSinceLastTick = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
                string consoleTitle    = $"Simulating frame {frameNum} -- {msSinceLastTick:0.00} ms -- {1.0 / (msSinceLastTick / 1000.0):00.0} FPS";
                if (BasicAllocator.AllocationCount > 0) // This is only applicable when a allocator implemented in C# is in use, assume 0 allocations implies the PhysX one is being used
                    consoleTitle += $" -- {BasicAllocator.AllocationCount} allocations";
                    BasicAllocator.AllocationCount = 0;
                Console.Title = consoleTitle;


                scene->simulate(1f / 60f, scratchMemBlock: scratchMemory, scratchMemBlockSize: scratchMemorySize);

                uint errors;
                scene->fetchResults(true, &errors);
                if (errors != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"fetchResults error: {errors}");

                if (Console.IsInputRedirected)
                    if (frameNum > noInputFrameCount)
                else if (Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)

            Console.WriteLine("Shutting down");
    static void createLongChain()
        const float scale       = 0.25f;
        const float radius      = 0.5f * scale;
        const float halfHeight  = 1.0f * scale;
        const uint  nbCapsules  = 40;
        const float capsuleMass = 1.0f;

        PxVec3   initPos      = new(0.0f, 24.0f, 0.0f);
        PxVec3   pos          = initPos;
        PxShape *capsuleShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxCapsuleGeometry(radius, halfHeight), *gMaterial,
                                                      false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing defaults
        PxArticulationLink *firstLink = null;
        PxArticulationLink *parent    = null;

        const bool overlappingLinks = true; // Change this for another kind of rope


        // Create rope
        for (uint i = 0; i < nbCapsules; i++)
            PxArticulationLink *link = gArticulation->createLink(parent, new PxTransform(pos));
            if (firstLink == null)
                firstLink = link;

            link->attachShape(ref *capsuleShape);
            PxRigidBodyExt.setMassAndUpdateInertia(ref *link, capsuleMass);



            PxArticulationJointBase *joint = link->getInboundJoint();

            if (joint != null) // Will be null for root link
                PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate *rcJoint = static_cast <PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate>(joint);
                rcJoint->setMotion(PxArticulationAxis.eSWING2, PxArticulationMotions.eFREE);
                rcJoint->setMotion(PxArticulationAxis.eSWING1, PxArticulationMotions.eFREE);
                rcJoint->setMotion(PxArticulationAxis.eTWIST, PxArticulationMotions.eFREE);
                if (overlappingLinks)
                    joint->setParentPose(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(halfHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
                    joint->setChildPose(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(-halfHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
                    joint->setParentPose(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(radius + halfHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
                    joint->setChildPose(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(-radius - halfHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f)));

            if (overlappingLinks)
                pos.x += (radius + halfHeight * 2.0f);
                pos.x += (radius + halfHeight) * 2.0f;
            parent = link;

        //Attach large & heavy box at the end of the rope
            const float boxMass  = 50.0f;
            const float boxSize  = 1.0f;
            PxShape *   boxShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxBoxGeometry(boxSize, boxSize, boxSize), *gMaterial,
                                                         false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing defaults

            pos.x -= (radius + halfHeight) * 2.0f;
            pos.x += (radius + halfHeight) + boxSize;

            PxArticulationLink *link = gArticulation->createLink(parent, new PxTransform(pos));


            link->attachShape(ref *boxShape);
            PxRigidBodyExt.setMassAndUpdateInertia(ref *link, boxMass);

            PxArticulationJointBase *joint = link->getInboundJoint();
            PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate *rcJoint = static_cast <PxArticulationJointReducedCoordinate>(joint);
            rcJoint->setMotion(PxArticulationAxis.eSWING2, PxArticulationMotions.eFREE);
            rcJoint->setMotion(PxArticulationAxis.eSWING1, PxArticulationMotions.eFREE);
            rcJoint->setMotion(PxArticulationAxis.eTWIST, PxArticulationMotions.eFREE);
            if (joint != null) // Will be null for root link
                joint->setParentPose(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(radius + halfHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
                joint->setChildPose(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(-boxSize, 0.0f, 0.0f)));
        gScene->addArticulation(ref *gArticulation);

        // Attach articulation to static world
            PxShape *anchorShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxSphereGeometry(0.05f), *gMaterial,
                                                         false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing defaults
            PxRigidStatic *anchor = PxCreateStatic(ref *gPhysics, new PxTransform(initPos), ref *anchorShape);
            gScene->addActor(ref *anchor);
            PxSphericalJoint *j = PxSphericalJointCreate(ref *gPhysics, anchor, new PxTransform(new PxVec3(0.0f)), firstLink, new PxTransform(new PxVec3(0.0f)));

        // Create obstacle
            PxShape *boxShape = gPhysics->createShape(new PxBoxGeometry(1.0f, 0.1f, 2.0f), *gMaterial,
                                                      false, PxShapeFlags.eVISUALIZATION | PxShapeFlags.eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE | PxShapeFlags.eSIMULATION_SHAPE); //BIOQUIRK: Missing defaults
            PxRigidStatic *obstacle = PxCreateStatic(ref *gPhysics, new PxTransform(initPos.operator_Plus(new PxVec3(10.0f, -3.0f, 0.0f))), ref *boxShape);   //BIOQUIRK: Overloaded operator
            gScene->addActor(ref *obstacle);