Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool debug = true;

            // Come up with a puzzle to solve
            Puzzle puzzle = PuzzleBuilder.FromString(PuzzleStrings.Cherries);

            // Draw once
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start the solve...");

            // Solve as much as we can
            PuzzleSolver solver = new PuzzleSolver();

            solver.SegmentSolvers = new List <SegmentSolver>()
                // Start simple with known entire chunks:
                new SegmentEntirelyFilled(),            // The segment is all true or all false
                new SequenceAddsToSegmentLength(),      // When the sequences already adds up to the total size

                // Easy pickings
                new BookendOnesInOneOnlySequence(),     // When the sequence contains only 1s, bookend all 1s with False

                // Perform solves in single number chunks
                new SingleSequenceOverlapSolver(),      // Single sequence overlap
                new SingleSequenceConnectEnds(),        // Single sequence connection
                new SingleSequenceExcludeOOB(),         // Single sequence exclude bounds

                // Finish off
                new SegmentCompleteMarkBlanksFalse(),   // Mark blank cells in a "complete" segment as false
                new SequenceTerminatesOnASide(),        // Terminate the other side of a full sequence touching an edge
                new OnlyFinalPiecesRemain(),            // When the number of blanks remaining match the number of trues remaining, fill them all in
                new ImpossibleStartOrEnd(),             // When the first or last number in a sequence can't fit in the first or last holes, fill the holes
                new ExtendStartAndEnd(),                // When a first or last segment cell is True, extend it outward the number of known cells in that segment

            // Start a stopwatch
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Solve the puzzle
            solver.SolvePuzzle(puzzle, debug);

            // Stop the stopwatch

            // Draw again

            // Print out the solving stats
            Console.WriteLine("Solve completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds + "ms");
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown cells left: " + puzzle.UnknownCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Segment passes: " + SolverStats.Instance.SegmentPasses);
Beispiel #2
    void SetSection(int index)
        int     c       = splitLevel.sections.Count;
        Section section = splitLevel.sections[index / c][index % c];

        GameObject.Find("GameGUI").GetComponent <GameGUI>().enabled = true;
        GameObject.Find("GameGUI").GetComponent <GameGUI>().paused  = false;
        Time.timeScale = 1;
        GameObject.Find("PuzzleBuilder").GetComponent <PuzzleWatcher>().enabled = true;
        PuzzleBuilder b = GameObject.Find("PuzzleBuilder").GetComponent <PuzzleBuilder>();

        b.enabled = true;
        b.BuildPuzzlePart(section, currentPuzzle);
        canClose = true;