public static InAppMessage FromAndroid(AndroidJavaObject androidObject) { var inapp = new InAppMessage(); try { var inappJson = PusheAndroidUtils.Extension("inappmessaging").CallStatic <string>("inAppToJson", androidObject); inapp = JsonUtility.FromJson <InAppMessage>(inappJson); } catch (Exception e) { PusheUnity.Log("Failed to parse inapp message.\n" + e); } return(inapp); }
public static NotificationButtonData FromAndroid(AndroidJavaObject androidJavaObject) { NotificationButtonData button = new NotificationButtonData(); try { string json = PusheAndroidUtils.Extension("notification").CallStatic <string>("notificationButtonToJson", androidJavaObject); button = JsonUtility.FromJson <NotificationButtonData>(json); } catch (Exception e) { PusheUnity.Log("Failed to parse notification " + e); } return(button); }
private void InitializeSomeMethods() { // Listen to Register PusheUnity.OnPusheRegistered(OnPusheRegisteredSuccessfully); PusheUnity.OnPusheInitialized(() => { PusheUnity.Log("Pushe Modules have initialized successfully."); }); // Set notification listener PusheNotification.SetNotificationListener(new PusheNotifListener()); // Check if pushe is already registered PusheUnity.Log(PusheUnity.IsRegistered() ? "Pushe is registered" : "Pushe is NOT registered!"); }
/** * Called when Pushe is registered. */ private void OnPusheRegisteredSuccessfully() { PusheUnity.Log(" --- Pushe has been REGISTERED to server successfully --- "); var adId = PusheUnity.GetAdvertisingId(); PusheUnity.Log("Ad id: " + adId); var deviceId = PusheUnity.GetDeviceId(); PusheUnity.Log("Device id : " + deviceId); // Pushe Notification PusheUnity.Log("Notification enabled? " + PusheNotification.IsNotificationEnabled()); PusheUnity.Log("Custom sound enabled? " + PusheNotification.IsCustomSoundEnabled()); PusheNotification.CreateNotificationChannel("CustomChannel", "CustomChannel"); // Analytics PusheAnalytics.SendEvent("Some_Event"); PusheAnalytics.SendEcommerceData("EcommerceData", 12.0); PusheUnity.Log("Subscribing to test1"); PusheUnity.Subscribe("test1"); PusheUnity.Log("Set 123123 as custom id"); PusheUnity.SetCustomId("123123"); PusheUnity.Log("CustomId is: " + PusheUnity.GetCustomId()); var tags = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "name", "Mohammad" }, { "age", "25" }, { "birthday", "1435187386" } }; PusheUnity.AddTags(tags); PusheUnity.RemoveTags("name", "age"); PusheUnity.Log("Tags: " + PusheUnity.GetSubscribedTags()); PusheUnity.Log("Topics: " + string.Join(",", PusheUnity.GetSubscribedTopics())); PusheInAppMessaging.DisableInAppMessaging(); PusheUnity.Log("Is in app messaging enabled?" + PusheInAppMessaging.IsInAppMessagingEnabled()); PusheInAppMessaging.EnableInAppMessaging(); PusheUnity.Log("Is in app messaging enabled? " + PusheInAppMessaging.IsInAppMessagingEnabled()); PusheInAppMessaging.TriggerEvent("qqq"); PusheInAppMessaging.SetInAppMessagingListener(new InAppMessagingListener()); }
public void OnNotification(NotificationData notificationData) { PusheUnity.Log("Notification received: " + notificationData); }
public void OnInAppMessageButtonClicked(InAppMessage inAppMessage, int index) { PusheUnity.Log("In app message button: " + inAppMessage.title + " index: " + index); }
public void OnInAppMessageDismissed(InAppMessage inAppMessage) { PusheUnity.Log("In app message dismissed: " + inAppMessage.title); }
/// Trigger a local event. Local event is useless for sending data to server. /// Since no data is sent to server. Local events are only useful for triggering an in app messaging /// which is stored before. If you want to send data to server public static void TriggerEvent(string eventName) { PusheUnity.Log("Triggering local event " + eventName); PiamService().Call("triggerEvent", eventName); }
// Use this for initialization private void Start() { PusheUnity.Log("Starting Pushe sample script"); InitializeSomeMethods(); }
public void OnButtonClick(NotificationButtonData notificationButtonData, NotificationData notificationData) { PusheUnity.Log("Notification button clicked\n Data: " + notificationData + "\n ButtonData: " + notificationButtonData); }
public void OnNotificationDismiss(NotificationData notificationData) { PusheUnity.Log("Notification dismissed: " + notificationData); }
/// **VisibleForTesting** /// In order to test a message locally using code /// you can use this function to test the message that is used in API\ /// Note that the function should ONLY BE USED FOR TESTING and does not send any info /// and will not trigger any callback /// <param name="message">Is a json string adopted from Restful-API body</param> /// <param name="instant">Tells if messsage should be triggered instantly or wait for it's display conditions.</param> public static void TestInAppMessage(string message, bool instant = false) { PusheUnity.Log("Sending test message to InAppMessaging module\nMessage:" + message); PiamService().Call("testInAppMessage", new object[] { message, instant }); }
public static void DisableInAppMessaging() { PusheUnity.Log("Disabling InAppMessaging"); PiamService().Call("disableInAppMessaging"); }
public void OnCustomContentReceived(string customJson) { PusheUnity.Log("Notification custom content received: " + customJson); }
public void OnInAppMessageTriggered(InAppMessage inAppMessage) { PusheUnity.Log("In app message triggered: " + inAppMessage.title); }
public void OnNotificationClick(NotificationData notificationData) { PusheUnity.Log("Notification clicked: " + notificationData); }
public void OnInAppMessageClicked(InAppMessage inAppMessage) { PusheUnity.Log("In app message Clicked: " + inAppMessage.title); }
/// <summary> /// With this function you can send notification from user to user. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="Exception">Will be thrown if needed param was entered as a null value</exception> public static void SendNotificationToUser(UserNotification userNotification) { if (userNotification.Id == null || userNotification.Title == null || userNotification.Content == null) { throw new Exception("id, title and content must be set."); } var userNotifClass = new AndroidJavaClass(""); AndroidJavaObject userNotif; switch (userNotification.Type) { case UserNotification.IdType.CustomId: userNotif = userNotifClass.CallStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("withCustomId", userNotification.Id); break; case UserNotification.IdType.AndroidId: userNotif = userNotifClass.CallStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("WithAndroidId", userNotification.Id); break; case UserNotification.IdType.GoogleAdId: userNotif = userNotifClass.CallStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("withAdvertisementId", userNotification.Id); break; default: throw new Exception("IdType is not valid"); } userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setTitle", userNotification.Title) .Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setContent", userNotification.Content); if (userNotification.IconUrl != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setIconUrl", userNotification.IconUrl); } if (userNotification.BigTitle != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setBigTitle", userNotification.BigTitle); } if (userNotification.BigContent != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setBigContent", userNotification.BigContent); } if (userNotification.ImageUrl != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setImageUrl", userNotification.ImageUrl); } if (userNotification.CustomContent != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setCustomContent", userNotification.CustomContent); } if (userNotification.AdvancedJson != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setAdvancedNotification", userNotification.AdvancedJson); } if (userNotification.NotifIcon != null) { userNotif = userNotif.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("setNotifIcon", userNotification.NotifIcon); } try { PusheAndroidUtils.PusheNotificationService().Call("sendNotificationToUser", userNotif); } catch (Exception e) { PusheUnity.Log("Could not send a notification " + e); } }
/** * Called when Pushe is registered. */ private void OnPusheRegisteredSuccessfully() { PusheUnity.Log(" --- Pushe has been REGISTERED to server successfully --- "); var adId = PusheUnity.GetAdvertisingId(); PusheUnity.Log("Ad id: " + adId); var deviceId = PusheUnity.GetDeviceId(); PusheUnity.Log("Device id : " + deviceId); // Pushe Notification PusheUnity.Log("Notification enabled? " + PusheNotification.IsNotificationEnabled()); PusheUnity.Log("Custom sound enabled? " + PusheNotification.IsCustomSoundEnabled()); // PusheNotification.CreateNotificationChannel("CustomChannel", "CustomChannel"); PusheUnity.Log("Sending d2d"); PusheNotification.SendNotificationToUser(UserNotification.WithDeviceId(PusheUnity.GetDeviceId()).SetTitle("Title").SetContent("Content")); // Analytics PusheAnalytics.SendEvent("Some_Event"); PusheAnalytics.SendEcommerceData("EcommerceData", 12.0); PusheUnity.Log("Subscribing to test1"); PusheUnity.Subscribe("test1"); PusheUnity.Log("Set 123123 as custom id"); PusheUnity.SetCustomId("123123"); PusheUnity.Log("CustomId is: " + PusheUnity.GetCustomId()); var tags = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "name", "Mohammad" }, { "age", "25" }, { "birthday", "1435187386" } }; PusheUnity.AddTags(tags); PusheUnity.RemoveTags("name", "age"); PusheUnity.Log("Tags: " + PusheUnity.GetSubscribedTags()); PusheUnity.Log("Topics: " + string.Join(",", PusheUnity.GetSubscribedTopics())); // InAppMessaging PusheInAppMessaging.DisableInAppMessaging(); PusheUnity.Log("Is in app messaging enabled?" + PusheInAppMessaging.IsInAppMessagingEnabled()); PusheInAppMessaging.EnableInAppMessaging(); PusheUnity.Log("Is in app messaging enabled? " + PusheInAppMessaging.IsInAppMessagingEnabled()); PusheInAppMessaging.TriggerEvent("qqq"); PusheInAppMessaging.SetInAppMessagingListener(new InAppMessagingListener()); // FCM token and ... var fcmToken = PusheUnity.GetFcmToken(); var hmsToken = PusheUnity.GetHmsToken(); var activeService = PusheUnity.GetActiveService(); PusheUnity.Log("Fcm token: " + fcmToken + "\nHms token: " + hmsToken + "\nActive service: " + activeService); // Foreground awareness feature of notification PusheUnity.Log("Are all notifications aware of foreground state? " + PusheUnity.IsForceForegroundAware()); PusheUnity.Log("Toggle to true"); PusheUnity.EnableNotificationForceForegroundAware(); PusheUnity.Log("Are all notifications aware of foreground state? " + PusheUnity.IsForceForegroundAware()); PusheUnity.Log("Toggle back to false"); PusheUnity.DisableNotificationForceForegroundAware(); PusheUnity.Log("Are all notifications aware of foreground state? " + PusheUnity.IsForceForegroundAware()); }