Beispiel #1
        private async Task <bool> PushAsync(
            IEnumerable <string> items,
            PushOptions options)
            LocalSettings settings       = GetSettings();
            SleetLogger   log            = new SleetLogger(Log, NuGet.Common.LogLevel.Verbose);
            var           packagesToPush = items.ToList();

            // Create a separate LocalCache to use for read only operations on the feed.
            // Files added to the cache before the lock could be modified by the process
            // currently holding the lock. Sleet assumes that files in the cache
            // are valid and identical to the ones on the feed since operations are
            // normally performed inside the lock.
            using (var preLockCache = CreateFileCache())
                var preLockFileSystem = GetAzureFileSystem(preLockCache);

                if (!options.AllowOverwrite && options.PassIfExistingItemIdentical)
                    var context = new SleetContext
                        LocalSettings = settings,
                        Log           = log,
                        Source        = preLockFileSystem,
                        Token         = CancellationToken
                    context.SourceSettings = await FeedSettingsUtility.GetSettingsOrDefault(

                    var flatContainer = new FlatContainer(context);

                    var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);

                    // Check packages sequentially: Task.WhenAll caused IO exceptions in Sleet.
                    for (int i = packagesToPush.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        string item = packagesToPush[i];

                        bool?identical = await IsPackageIdenticalOnFeedAsync(

                        if (identical == null)


                        if (identical == true)
                                "Package exists on the feed, and is verified to be identical. " +
                                $"Skipping upload: '{item}'");
                                "Package exists on the feed, but contents are different. " +
                                $"Upload failed: '{item}'");

                    if (!packagesToPush.Any())
                        Log.LogMessage("After skipping idempotent uploads, no items need pushing.");

            // Create a new cache to be used once a lock is obtained.
            using (var fileCache = CreateFileCache())
                var lockedFileSystem = GetAzureFileSystem(fileCache);

                return(await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                           skipExisting : false,
                           log : log));
Beispiel #2
        public async Task NuGetReader_PackageMetadataResourceAsync()
            // Arrange
            using (var sourceCacheContext = new SourceCacheContext())
                using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                    using (var target = new TestFolder())
                        using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                            var outputRoot = Path.Combine(target.Root, "output");
                            var baseUri    = UriUtility.CreateUri("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/");

                            var log = new TestLogger();

                            var testPackage = new TestNupkg()
                                Nuspec = new TestNuspec()
                                    Id                       = "packageA",
                                    Version                  = "1.0.0",
                                    Authors                  = "author",
                                    Description              = "desc",
                                    IconUrl                  = "",
                                    Icon                     = "icon.png",
                                    Language                 = "en-us",
                                    MinClientVersion         = "1.0.0",
                                    Title                    = "title",
                                    Tags                     = "a b d",
                                    Summary                  = "summary",
                                    LicenseUrl               = "",
                                    ProjectUrl               = "",
                                    ReleaseNotes             = "notes",
                                    Owners                   = "owners",
                                    Copyright                = "copyright",
                                    RequireLicenseAcceptance = "true"
                                Files = new List <TestNupkgFile>()
                                    new TestNupkgFile("icon.png")

                            var testPackage2 = new TestNupkg()
                                Nuspec = new TestNuspec()
                                    Id                       = "packageA",
                                    Version                  = "2.0.0",
                                    Authors                  = "author2",
                                    Description              = "desc2",
                                    IconUrl                  = "",
                                    Icon                     = "icon.png",
                                    Language                 = "en-us",
                                    MinClientVersion         = "1.0.0",
                                    Title                    = "title2",
                                    Tags                     = "a b c",
                                    Summary                  = "summary2",
                                    LicenseUrl               = "",
                                    ProjectUrl               = "",
                                    ReleaseNotes             = "notes2",
                                    Owners                   = "owners2",
                                    Copyright                = "copyright2",
                                    RequireLicenseAcceptance = "true"
                                Files = new List <TestNupkgFile>()
                                    new TestNupkgFile("icon.png")

                            var sleetConfig = TestUtility.CreateConfigWithLocal("local", outputRoot, baseUri.AbsoluteUri);

                            var sleetConfigPath = Path.Combine(target.Root, "sleet.config");
                            await JsonUtility.SaveJsonAsync(new FileInfo(sleetConfigPath), sleetConfig);

                            var zipFile  = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                            var zipFile2 = testPackage2.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                            var settings   = LocalSettings.Load(sleetConfigPath);
                            var fileSystem = await FileSystemFactory.CreateFileSystemAsync(settings, cache, "local");

                            var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, log);

                            // Act
                            // Run sleet
                            success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, new List <string>() { zipFile2.FullName }, false, false, log);

                            success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, log);

                            // Create a repository abstraction for nuget
                            var nugetFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(outputRoot), baseUri);
                            var localSource     = GetSource(outputRoot, baseUri, nugetFileSystem);

                            var resource = await localSource.GetResourceAsync <PackageMetadataResource>();

                            var results = await resource.GetMetadataAsync("packageA", true, true, sourceCacheContext, log, CancellationToken.None);

                            var resultArray = results.OrderBy(e => e.Identity.Version).ToArray();

                            // Assert
                            Assert.True(success, log.ToString());

                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.Authors, resultArray[0].Authors);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.Description, resultArray[0].Description);
                            Assert.Equal("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/flatcontainer/packagea/1.0.0/icon", resultArray[0].IconUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.Id, resultArray[0].Identity.Id);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.Version.ToString(), resultArray[0].Identity.Version.ToString());
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.LicenseUrl, resultArray[0].LicenseUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.ProjectUrl, resultArray[0].ProjectUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.Summary, resultArray[0].Summary);
                            Assert.Equal("a, b, d", resultArray[0].Tags);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage.Nuspec.Title, resultArray[0].Title);
                            Assert.True(resultArray[0].Published.Value.Year == DateTime.UtcNow.Year);
                            Assert.Equal("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/", resultArray[0].ReportAbuseUrl.AbsoluteUri);

                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Authors, resultArray[1].Authors);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Description, resultArray[1].Description);
                            Assert.Equal("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/flatcontainer/packagea/2.0.0/icon", resultArray[1].IconUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Id, resultArray[1].Identity.Id);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Version.ToString(), resultArray[1].Identity.Version.ToString());
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.LicenseUrl, resultArray[1].LicenseUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.ProjectUrl, resultArray[1].ProjectUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Summary, resultArray[1].Summary);
                            Assert.Equal("a, b, c", resultArray[1].Tags);
                            Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Title, resultArray[1].Title);
                            Assert.True(resultArray[1].Published.Value.Year == DateTime.UtcNow.Year);
                            Assert.Equal("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/", resultArray[1].ReportAbuseUrl.AbsoluteUri);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task GivenThatIRemoveAllPackagesWithTheCatalogDisabledVerifyItSucceeds()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log        = new TestLogger();
                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true

                        context.SourceSettings.CatalogEnabled = false;

                        var testPackage1 = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.1");
                        var testPackage2 = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.2");
                        var testPackage3 = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.3");

                        var zipFile1 = testPackage1.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                        var zipFile2 = testPackage2.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                        var zipFile3 = testPackage3.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                        var catalog      = new Catalog(context);
                        var registration = new Registrations(context);
                        var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);
                        var search       = new Search(context);
                        var autoComplete = new AutoComplete(context);

                        // Act
                        // run commands
                        await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                        await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile1.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                        await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile2.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                        await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile3.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                        await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, "packageA", "1.0.3", "", false, context.Log);

                        await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, "packageA", "1.0.1", "", false, context.Log);

                        await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, "packageA", "1.0.2", "", false, context.Log);

                        var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                        // read outputs
                        var catalogEntries = await catalog.GetIndexEntriesAsync();

                        var catalogExistingEntries = await catalog.GetExistingPackagesIndexAsync();

                        var regPackages = await registration.GetPackagesByIdAsync("packageA");

                        var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                        var searchPackages = await search.GetPackagesAsync();

                        var autoCompletePackages = await autoComplete.GetPackageIds();

                        // Assert
                        validateOutput.Should().BeTrue("the feed is valid");
                        catalogEntries.Should().BeEmpty("the catalog is disabled");
                        catalogExistingEntries.Should().BeEmpty("the catalog is disabled");
                        regPackages.Should().BeEmpty("all packages were removed");
                        indexPackages.Should().BeEmpty("all packages were removed");
                        searchPackages.Should().BeEmpty("all packages were removed");
                        autoCompletePackages.Should().BeEmpty("all packages were removed");
Beispiel #4
        public int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication();

            app.Name = "kpm";

            var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue);

            app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion());

            // Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified
            app.OnExecute(() =>

            app.Command("restore", c =>
                c.Description = "Restore packages";

                var argRoot   = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json.");
                var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command",
                var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>",
                                                 "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages",
                var optNoCache       = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optQuiet         = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information",
                var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources",
                                                      "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements",

                c.OnExecute(async() =>
                    var command     = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue());

                    command.RestoreDirectory    = argRoot.Value;
                    command.Sources             = optSource.Values;
                    command.FallbackSources     = optFallbackSource.Values;
                    command.NoCache             = optNoCache.HasValue();
                    command.PackageFolder       = optPackageFolder.Value();
                    command.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue();

                    if (optProxy.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value());

                    var success = await command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return(success ? 0 : 1);

            app.Command("bundle", c =>
                c.Description = "Bundle application for deployment";

                var argProject          = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optionOut           = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment (Debug|Release|{Custom})",
                var optionOverwrite = c.Option("--overwrite", "Remove existing files in target folders",
                var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Compiles the source files into NuGet packages",
                var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <RUNTIME>", "Name or full path of the runtime folder to include",
                var optionNative = c.Option("--native", "Build and include native images. User must provide targeted CoreCLR runtime versions along with this option.",
                var optionWwwRoot = c.Option("--wwwroot <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the project directory",
                var optionWwwRootOut = c.Option("--wwwroot-out <NAME>",
                                                "Name of public folder in the bundle, can be used only when the '--wwwroot' option or 'webroot' in project.json is specified",
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of bundled files",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new BundleOptions
                        OutputDir              = optionOut.Value(),
                        ProjectDir             = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Configuration          = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug",
                        RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.RuntimeFramework,
                        WwwRoot    = optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        WwwRootOut = optionWwwRootOut.Value() ?? optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        Overwrite  = optionOverwrite.HasValue(),
                        NoSource   = optionNoSource.HasValue(),
                        Runtimes   = optionRuntime.HasValue() ?
                                     string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values).
                                     Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
                                     new string[0],
                        Native  = optionNative.HasValue(),
                        Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue())

                    var manager = new BundleManager(_hostServices, options);
                    if (!manager.Bundle())


            app.Command("pack", c =>
                c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework     = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut           = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionDependencies  = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optionQuiet         = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of nupkgs",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to pack, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions              = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir        = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir       = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations   = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = true;
                    buildOptions.Reports          = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())


            app.Command("build", c =>
                c.Description = "Produce assemblies for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework     = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut           = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionQuiet         = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as dependencies in use",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions              = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir        = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir       = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations   = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = false;
                    buildOptions.Reports          = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())


            app.Command("add", c =>
                c.Description = "Add a dependency into dependencies section of project.json";

                var argName    = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                    var command        = new AddCommand();
                    command.Reports    = reports;
                    command.Name       = argName.Value;
                    command.Version    = argVersion.Value;
                    command.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return(success ? 0 : 1);

            app.Command("install", c =>
                c.Description = "Install the given dependency";

                var argName    = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add, default is the latest version.");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optSource  = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command",
                var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>",
                                                 "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages",
                var optNoCache       = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optQuiet         = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information",
                var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources",
                                                      "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements",

                c.OnExecute(async() =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue());

                    var addCmd        = new AddCommand();
                    addCmd.Reports    = reports;
                    addCmd.Name       = argName.Value;
                    addCmd.Version    = argVersion.Value;
                    addCmd.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var restoreCmd     = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    restoreCmd.Reports = reports;

                    restoreCmd.RestoreDirectory    = argProject.Value;
                    restoreCmd.Sources             = optSource.Values;
                    restoreCmd.FallbackSources     = optFallbackSource.Values;
                    restoreCmd.NoCache             = optNoCache.HasValue();
                    restoreCmd.PackageFolder       = optPackageFolder.Value();
                    restoreCmd.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue();

                    if (optProxy.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value());

                    var installCmd     = new InstallCommand(addCmd, restoreCmd);
                    installCmd.Reports = reports;

                    var success = await installCmd.ExecuteCommand();

                    return(success ? 0 : 1);

            app.Command("packages", packagesCommand =>
                packagesCommand.Description = "Commands related to managing local and remote packages folders";
                packagesCommand.OnExecute(() =>

                packagesCommand.Command("add", c =>
                    c.Description = "Add a NuGet package to the specified packages folder";
                    var argNupkg  = c.Argument("[nupkg]", "Path to a NuGet package");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]", "Path to packages folder");

                    c.OnExecute(async() =>
                        var options = new AddOptions
                            Reports        = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false),
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            NuGetPackage   = argNupkg.Value
                        var command = new Packages.AddCommand(options);
                        var success = await command.Execute();
                        return(success ? 0 : 1);

                packagesCommand.Command("push", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                                               "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        // Implicitly commit changes before push
                        var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                            Reports        = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                        var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                        var success       = commitCommand.Execute();
                        if (!success)

                        var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                            Reports        = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                        success         = pushCommand.Execute();
                        return(success ? 0 : 1);

                packagesCommand.Command("pull", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from remote location to local packages";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                                               "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        bool success;
                        if (Directory.Exists(argSource.Value))
                            // Implicitly commit changes before pull
                            var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                                Reports        = reports,
                                SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                            var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                            success           = commitCommand.Execute();
                            if (!success)

                        var pullOptions = new PullOptions
                            Reports        = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pullCommand = new PullCommand(pullOptions);
                        success         = pullCommand.Execute();
                        return(success ? 0 : 1);

            app.Command("list", c =>
                c.Description      = "Print the dependencies of a given project.";
                var showAssemblies = c.Option("-a|--assemblies",
                                              "Show the assembly files that are depended on by given project.",
                var framework = c.Option("--framework",
                                         "Show dependencies for only the given framework.",
                var runtimeFolder = c.Option("--runtime",
                                             "The folder containing all available framework assemblies.",
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "The path to project. If omitted, the command will use the project in the current directory.");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new DependencyListOptions(CreateReports(verbose: true, quiet: false), argProject, framework)
                        ShowAssemblies = showAssemblies.HasValue(),
                        RuntimeFolder  = runtimeFolder.Value(),

                    if (!options.Valid)
                        if (options.Project == null)
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("A project could not be found in {0}.", options.Path).Red());
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine("Invalid options.".Red());

                    var command = new DependencyListCommand(options);

            // "kpm wrap" invokes MSBuild, which is not available on *nix
            if (!PlatformHelper.IsMono)
                app.Command("wrap", c =>
                    c.Description = "Wrap a csproj into a project.json, which can be referenced by project.json files";

                    var argPath          = c.Argument("[path]", "Path to csproj to be wrapped");
                    var optConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>",
                                                    "Configuration of wrapped project, default is 'debug'", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                    var optMsBuildPath = c.Option("--msbuild <PATH>",
                                                  @"Path to MSBuild, default is '%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe'",
                    var optInPlace = c.Option("-i|--in-place",
                                              "Generate or update project.json files in project directories of csprojs",

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        var command           = new WrapCommand();
                        command.Reports       = reports;
                        command.CsProjectPath = argPath.Value;
                        command.Configuration = optConfiguration.Value();
                        command.MsBuildPath   = optMsBuildPath.Value();
                        command.InPlace       = optInPlace.HasValue();

                        var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                        return(success ? 0 : 1);

Beispiel #5
        public async Task AddRemove_AddManyPackagesThenRemoveSome()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log        = new TestLogger();
                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true,
                                SymbolsEnabled = true

                        var identities = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();
                        var ids        = new[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };

                        foreach (var id in ids)
                            for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                                var testPackage = new TestNupkg(id, $"{i}.0.0");
                                var zipFile     = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                                identities.Add(new PackageIdentity(testPackage.Nuspec.Id, NuGetVersion.Parse(testPackage.Nuspec.Version)));

                        var catalog      = new Catalog(context);
                        var registration = new Registrations(context);
                        var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);
                        var search       = new Search(context);
                        var autoComplete = new AutoComplete(context);

                        await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                        await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { packagesFolder.Root }, false, false, context.Log);

                        // Act
                        // run delete command
                        await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, "b", null, "removing", false, context.Log);

                        var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                        // read output
                        var catalogEntries = await catalog.GetIndexEntriesAsync();

                        var catalogExistingEntries = await catalog.GetExistingPackagesIndexAsync();

                        var catalogPackages = await catalog.GetPackagesAsync();

                        var regPackages = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();

                        foreach (var id in ids)
                            regPackages.UnionWith(await registration.GetPackagesByIdAsync(id));

                        var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                        var searchPackages = await search.GetPackagesAsync();

                        var autoCompletePackages = await autoComplete.GetPackageIds();

                        // Assert
                        Assert.Equal(identities.Count + 50, catalogEntries.Count);
                        Assert.Equal(identities.Count - 50, catalogExistingEntries.Count);
                        regPackages.Count.Should().Be(identities.Count - 50);
                        Assert.Equal(identities.Count - 50, indexPackages.Count);
                        Assert.Equal(identities.Count - 50, searchPackages.Count);
                        Assert.Equal(ids.Length - 1, autoCompletePackages.Count);
Beispiel #6
        public async Task PushCommand_GivenADifferentNuspecCasingVerifyPush()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log        = new TestLogger();
                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.0");

                        var zipFile = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                        using (var tempZip = new ZipArchive(zipFile.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None), ZipArchiveMode.Update))
                            var nuspec = tempZip.Entries.Single(e => e.FullName == "packageA.nuspec");

                            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                                using (var nuspecStream = nuspec.Open())
                                ms.Position = 0;

                                var newEntry = tempZip.CreateEntry("PacKAGEa.NuSpec");

                        using (var zip = new ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(zipFile.FullName), ZipArchiveMode.Read, false))
                            var input = PackageInput.Create(zipFile.FullName);

                            var catalog      = new Catalog(context);
                            var registration = new Registrations(context);
                            var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);
                            var search       = new Search(context);
                            var autoComplete = new AutoComplete(context);

                            // Act
                            // run commands
                            await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                            await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                            var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                            // read outputs
                            var catalogEntries = await catalog.GetIndexEntriesAsync();

                            var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                            // Assert
                            Assert.Equal(1, catalogEntries.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, indexPackages.Count);
Beispiel #7
        public async Task RetentionPruneCommand_PrunesOnPushWithMultiplePushes()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var packagesFolder2 = new TestFolder())
                    using (var target = new TestFolder())
                        using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                            var log        = new TestLogger();
                            var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                            var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                            var context = new SleetContext()
                                Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                                LocalSettings  = settings,
                                Log            = log,
                                Source         = fileSystem,
                                SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                    CatalogEnabled                 = true,
                                    SymbolsEnabled                 = true,
                                    RetentionMaxStableVersions     = 2,
                                    RetentionMaxPrereleaseVersions = 1

                            // Initial packages
                            var identities = new List <PackageIdentity>()
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0-alpha")),
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0-beta")),
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0")),

                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0-alpha")),
                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0-beta")),
                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0")),

                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0-alpha")),
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0-beta")),
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0")),

                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0-alpha")),
                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0-beta")),
                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0")),

                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0-alpha")),
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0-beta")),
                                new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0")),

                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0-alpha")),
                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0-beta")),
                                new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0")),

                            await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                            // Push packages 1 at a time
                            foreach (var id in identities)
                                var testPackage = new TestNupkg(id.Id, id.Version.ToFullString());
                                var zipFile     = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                                await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                            // Validate
                            var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                            // read output
                            var packageIndex  = new PackageIndex(context);
                            var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                            // Assert
                            indexPackages.Contains(new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0"))).Should().BeTrue();
                            indexPackages.Contains(new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0"))).Should().BeTrue();
                            indexPackages.Contains(new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0-beta"))).Should().BeTrue();

                            indexPackages.Contains(new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0"))).Should().BeTrue();
                            indexPackages.Contains(new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0"))).Should().BeTrue();
                            indexPackages.Contains(new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0-beta"))).Should().BeTrue();
Beispiel #8
        public async Task Symbols_ForcePushPackageShouldNotAffectOtherType(bool isSymbols)
            using (var testContext = new SleetTestContext())
                var context = testContext.SleetContext;
                context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled = true;

                // Create package
                var identity = new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0"));
                var pkgA     = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                var zip      = pkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(zip);

                var symPkgA = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                symPkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                symPkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                symPkgA.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = true;
                var symZip      = symPkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var symPkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(symZip);

                var forcePushZip = zip.FullName;

                if (isSymbols)
                    forcePushZip = symZip.FullName;

                // Init
                var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(
                    enableCatalog : true,
                    enableSymbols : true,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log,
                    token : CancellationToken.None);

                // Push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName, symZip.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Force push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { forcePushZip },
                    force : true,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);


                // Both packages should exist, force should not delete one or the other.
                var index = new PackageIndex(context);
                (await index.Exists(identity)).Should().BeTrue();
                (await index.SymbolsExists(identity)).Should().BeTrue();
Beispiel #9
        public void PushCommandUsesNuGetOrgWhenNoSourceSpecified(string input, string expected)
            var push = new PushCommand(CreateSourceProvider(), CreateSettings());

            Assert.Equal(expected, push.ResolveSource(input));
Beispiel #10
        public async Task Symbols_AddSymbolsPackagesContainingTheSameFilesVerifyDeleteDoesNotRemove()
            using (var testContext = new SleetTestContext())
                var context = testContext.SleetContext;
                context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled = true;

                // Create package
                var identity = new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0"));
                var pkgA     = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                pkgA.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = true;
                var zip      = pkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(zip);

                var identityB = new PackageIdentity("b", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0"));
                var pkgB      = new TestNupkg("b", "1.0.0");
                pkgB.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgB.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                pkgB.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = true;
                var zipB      = pkgB.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInputB = testContext.GetPackageInput(zipB);

                // File path
                var dllPath             = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.dll", "A7F83EF08000", "a.dll");
                var dllPackagesJsonPath = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.dll", "A7F83EF08000", "packages.json");
                var pdbPath             = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.pdb", "B1680B8315F8485EA0A10F55AF08B565ffffffff", "a.pdb");
                var pdbPackagesJsonPath = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.pdb", "B1680B8315F8485EA0A10F55AF08B565ffffffff", "packages.json");

                var files = new List <string>

                // Init
                var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(
                    enableCatalog : true,
                    enableSymbols : true,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log,
                    token : CancellationToken.None);

                // Push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName, zipB.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Verify files are present
                files.ForEach(e => File.Exists(e).Should().BeTrue(e));

                // Remove
                success &= await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(
                    force : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Verify files are still present
                files.ForEach(e => File.Exists(e).Should().BeTrue(e));

                // Validate
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

Beispiel #11
        public async Task Symbols_AddAndRemovePackagesMultipleTimesVerifyValidation()
            using (var testContext = new SleetTestContext())
                var context = testContext.SleetContext;
                context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled = true;

                // Create package
                var identity = new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0"));
                var pkgA     = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                var zip      = pkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(zip);

                var symPkgA = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                symPkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                symPkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                symPkgA.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = true;
                var symZip      = symPkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var symPkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(symZip);

                // Init
                var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(
                    enableCatalog : true,
                    enableSymbols : true,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log,
                    token : CancellationToken.None);

                // Push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName, symZip.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate 1
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Remove
                success &= await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(
                    force : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate 2
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Push Again
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName, symZip.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate 3
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Remove Again
                success &= await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(
                    force : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate 4
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

Beispiel #12
        public async Task Symbols_RemovePackageVerifySymbolsRemoved()
            using (var testContext = new SleetTestContext())
                var context = testContext.SleetContext;
                context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled = true;

                // Create package
                var identity = new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0"));
                var pkgA     = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                pkgA.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = true;
                var zip      = pkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(zip);

                // File path
                var nupkgPath           = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, ToLocalPath(SymbolsIndexUtility.GetSymbolsNupkgPath(identity)));
                var detailsPath         = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, ToLocalPath(SymbolsIndexUtility.GetSymbolsPackageDetailsPath(identity)));
                var dllPath             = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.dll", "A7F83EF08000", "a.dll");
                var dllPackagesJsonPath = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.dll", "A7F83EF08000", "packages.json");
                var pdbPath             = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.pdb", "B1680B8315F8485EA0A10F55AF08B565ffffffff", "a.pdb");
                var pdbPackagesJsonPath = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "a.pdb", "B1680B8315F8485EA0A10F55AF08B565ffffffff", "packages.json");
                var packageAssetsPath   = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, ToLocalPath(SymbolsIndexUtility.GetPackageToAssemblyIndexPath(identity)));

                var files = new List <string>

                // Init
                var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(
                    enableCatalog : true,
                    enableSymbols : true,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log,
                    token : CancellationToken.None);

                // Push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Verify files are present
                files.ForEach(e => File.Exists(e).Should().BeTrue(e));

                // Remove
                success &= await DeleteCommand.RunAsync(
                    force : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Verify files are gone
                files.ForEach(e => File.Exists(e).Should().BeFalse(e));

                // Validate
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);


                var testLogger = (TestLogger)testContext.SleetContext.Log;
                testLogger.GetMessages().Should().Contain("Removing symbols package a.1.0.0");
Beispiel #13
        public async Task Symbols_AddSymbolsPackageVerifyFeed()
            using (var testContext = new SleetTestContext())
                var context = testContext.SleetContext;
                context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled = true;
                var symbols       = new Symbols(context);
                var packageIndex  = new PackageIndex(context);
                var catalog       = new Catalog(context);
                var autoComplete  = new AutoComplete(context);
                var flatContainer = new FlatContainer(context);
                var registrations = new Registrations(context);
                var search        = new Search(context);

                // Create package
                var pkgA = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                pkgA.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = true;
                var zip      = pkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(zip);

                // Init
                var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(
                    enableCatalog : true,
                    enableSymbols : true,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log,
                    token : CancellationToken.None);

                // Push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(


                // Exists under symbols
                (await symbols.GetSymbolsPackagesAsync()).Should().NotBeEmpty();
                (await packageIndex.GetSymbolsPackagesAsync()).Should().NotBeEmpty();

                // Does not exist in non-symbols
                (await symbols.GetPackagesAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();
                (await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();

                // Verify it does not appear in other services
                (await catalog.GetPackagesAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();
                (await autoComplete.GetPackageIds()).Should().BeEmpty();
                (await flatContainer.GetPackagesByIdAsync("a")).Should().BeEmpty();
                (await registrations.GetPackagesByIdAsync("a")).Should().BeEmpty();
                (await search.GetPackagesAsync()).Should().BeEmpty();

                // Verify nupkg exists
                var nupkgPath = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "packages", "a", "1.0.0", "a.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg");

                // Verify package details
                var detailsPath = Path.Combine(testContext.Target, "symbols", "packages", "a", "1.0.0", "package.json");
Beispiel #14
        public async Task Symbols_AddPackageWithSymbolsVerifyInIndex(string isSymbolsString)
            var isSymbols = bool.Parse(isSymbolsString);

            using (var testContext = new SleetTestContext())
                var context = testContext.SleetContext;
                context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled = true;
                var symbols      = new Symbols(context);
                var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);

                // Create package
                var pkgA = new TestNupkg("a", "1.0.0");
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.dll", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestAdll").GetBytes());
                pkgA.AddFile("lib/net45/a.pdb", TestUtility.GetResource("SymbolsTestApdb").GetBytes());
                pkgA.Nuspec.IsSymbolPackage = isSymbols;
                var zip      = pkgA.Save(testContext.Packages);
                var pkgInput = testContext.GetPackageInput(zip);

                // Init
                var success = await InitCommand.RunAsync(
                    enableCatalog : true,
                    enableSymbols : true,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log,
                    token : CancellationToken.None);

                // Push
                success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                    new List <string>() { zip.FullName },
                    force : false,
                    skipExisting : false,
                    log : testContext.SleetContext.Log);

                // Validate
                success &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(

                var symbolsIndex     = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();
                var packageIndexPkgs = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();

                if (isSymbols)
                    symbolsIndex.UnionWith(await symbols.GetSymbolsPackagesAsync());
                    packageIndexPkgs.UnionWith(await packageIndex.GetSymbolsPackagesAsync());
                    symbolsIndex.UnionWith(await symbols.GetPackagesAsync());
                    packageIndexPkgs.UnionWith(await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync());

                // Verify package does not show up in symbols index
                symbolsIndex.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0")) });
                packageIndexPkgs.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0")) });

                // Validate
Beispiel #15
        public async Task SubFeed_PushAndVerifyWithNestedFeedsVerifySuccess()
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var testContext = new AzureTestContext())
                    using (var testContext2 = new AzureTestContext())
                        // Use a subfeed for the filesystem
                        var subFeedName = "testSubFeed";
                        var root        = UriUtility.GetPath(testContext.Uri, subFeedName);
                        testContext.FileSystem = new AzureFileSystem(testContext.LocalCache, root, root, testContext.StorageAccount, testContext.ContainerName, feedSubPath: subFeedName);

                        await testContext.InitAsync();

                        await testContext2.InitAsync();

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.0");
                        var zipFile     = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                        var result = await InitCommand.RunAsync(testContext.LocalSettings,
                                                                enableCatalog : true,
                                                                enableSymbols : true,
                                                                log : testContext.Logger,
                                                                token : CancellationToken.None);

                        result &= await InitCommand.RunAsync(testContext.LocalSettings,
                                                             enableCatalog : true,
                                                             enableSymbols : true,
                                                             log : testContext2.Logger,
                                                             token : CancellationToken.None);

                        result &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(testContext.LocalSettings,
                                                             new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName },
                                                             force : false,
                                                             skipExisting : false,
                                                             log : testContext.Logger);

                        result &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(testContext.LocalSettings,
                                                             new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName },
                                                             force : false,
                                                             skipExisting : false,
                                                             log : testContext2.Logger);

                        result &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(testContext.LocalSettings,

                        result &= await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(testContext.LocalSettings,


                        await testContext.CleanupAsync();

                        await testContext2.CleanupAsync();
Beispiel #16
        private async Task <bool> PushAsync(
            IEnumerable <string> items,
            PushOptions options)
            LocalSettings   settings   = GetSettings();
            AzureFileSystem fileSystem = GetAzureFileSystem();
            SleetLogger     log        = new SleetLogger(Log);

            var packagesToPush = items.ToList();

            if (!options.AllowOverwrite && options.PassIfExistingItemIdentical)
                var context = new SleetContext
                    LocalSettings = settings,
                    Log           = log,
                    Source        = fileSystem,
                    Token         = CancellationToken
                context.SourceSettings = await FeedSettingsUtility.GetSettingsOrDefault(

                var flatContainer = new FlatContainer(context);

                var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);

                // Check packages sequentially: Task.WhenAll caused IO exceptions in Sleet.
                for (int i = packagesToPush.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    string item = packagesToPush[i];

                    bool?identical = await IsPackageIdenticalOnFeedAsync(

                    if (identical == null)


                    if (identical == true)
                            "Package exists on the feed, and is verified to be identical. " +
                            $"Skipping upload: '{item}'");
                            "Package exists on the feed, but contents are different. " +
                            $"Upload failed: '{item}'");

                if (!packagesToPush.Any())
                    Log.LogMessage("After skipping idempotent uploads, no items need pushing.");

            return(await PushCommand.RunAsync(
                       skipExisting : false,
                       log : log));
        private static void RegisterPushSubcommand(CommandLineApplication packagesCmd, ReportsFactory reportsFactory)
            packagesCmd.Command("push", c =>
                c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                    "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>

                    var reports = reportsFactory.CreateReports(quiet: false);

                    // Implicitly commit changes before push
                    var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                        Reports = reports,
                        SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                    var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                    var success = commitCommand.Execute();
                    if (!success)
                        return 1;

                    var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                        Reports = reports,
                        SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                        RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                    var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                    success = pushCommand.Execute();
                    return success ? 0 : 1;
Beispiel #18
        public async Task NuGetReader_PackageSearchResourceAsync()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var outputRoot = Path.Combine(target.Root, "output");
                        var baseUri    = UriUtility.CreateUri("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/");

                        var log = new TestLogger();

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg()
                            Nuspec = new TestNuspec()
                                Id                       = "packageA",
                                Version                  = "1.0.0",
                                Authors                  = "author",
                                Description              = "desc",
                                IconUrl                  = "",
                                Language                 = "en-us",
                                MinClientVersion         = "1.0.0",
                                Title                    = "title",
                                Tags                     = "a b d",
                                Summary                  = "summary",
                                LicenseUrl               = "",
                                ProjectUrl               = "",
                                ReleaseNotes             = "notes",
                                Owners                   = "owners",
                                Copyright                = "copyright",
                                RequireLicenseAcceptance = "true"

                        var testPackage2 = new TestNupkg()
                            Nuspec = new TestNuspec()
                                Id                       = "packageA",
                                Version                  = "2.0.0",
                                Authors                  = "author2",
                                Description              = "desc2",
                                IconUrl                  = "",
                                Language                 = "en-us",
                                MinClientVersion         = "1.0.0",
                                Title                    = "title2",
                                Tags                     = "a b c",
                                Summary                  = "summary2",
                                LicenseUrl               = "",
                                ProjectUrl               = "",
                                ReleaseNotes             = "notes2",
                                Owners                   = "owners2",
                                Copyright                = "copyright2",
                                RequireLicenseAcceptance = "true"

                        var sleetConfig = TestUtility.CreateConfigWithLocal("local", outputRoot, baseUri.AbsoluteUri);

                        var sleetConfigPath = Path.Combine(target.Root, "sleet.config");
                        await JsonUtility.SaveJsonAsync(new FileInfo(sleetConfigPath), sleetConfig);

                        var zipFile  = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                        var zipFile2 = testPackage2.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                        var settings   = LocalSettings.Load(sleetConfigPath);
                        var fileSystem = FileSystemFactory.CreateFileSystem(settings, cache, "local");
                        var success    = await InitCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, log);

                        // Act
                        // Run sleet
                        success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, new List <string>() { zipFile2.FullName }, false, false, log);

                        success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, log);

                        // Create a repository abstraction for nuget
                        var nugetFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(outputRoot), baseUri);
                        var localSource     = GetSource(outputRoot, baseUri, nugetFileSystem);

                        var resource = await localSource.GetResourceAsync <PackageSearchResource>();

                        var results = await resource.SearchAsync(string.Empty, new SearchFilter(includePrerelease : true), 0, 10, log, CancellationToken.None);

                        var result = results.Single();

                        var versions = await result.GetVersionsAsync();

                        // Assert
                        Assert.True(success, log.ToString());

                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Authors, result.Authors);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Description, result.Description);
                        Assert.Equal(0, result.DownloadCount);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.IconUrl, result.IconUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Id, result.Identity.Id);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Version.ToString(), result.Identity.Version.ToString());
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.LicenseUrl, result.LicenseUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Owners, result.Owners);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.ProjectUrl, result.ProjectUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Summary, result.Summary);
                        Assert.Equal("a, b, c", result.Tags);
                        Assert.Equal(testPackage2.Nuspec.Title, result.Title);

                        Assert.Equal(2, versions.Count());
                        Assert.Equal("1.0.0", versions.First().Version.ToString());
                        Assert.Equal("2.0.0", versions.Skip(1).First().Version.ToString());
Beispiel #19
        public int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication();
            app.Name = "kpm";

            var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion());

            // Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified
            app.OnExecute(() =>
                return 2;

            app.Command("restore", c =>
                c.Description = "Restore packages";

                var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json.");
                var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command",
                var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>",
                    "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages",
                var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information",
                var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources",
                    "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements",

                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue());

                    command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value;
                    command.Sources = optSource.Values;
                    command.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values;
                    command.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue();
                    command.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value();
                    command.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue();

                    if (optProxy.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value());

                    var success = await command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("bundle", c =>
                c.Description = "Bundle application for deployment";

                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment (Debug|Release|{Custom})",
                var optionOverwrite = c.Option("--overwrite", "Remove existing files in target folders",
                var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Compiles the source files into NuGet packages",
                var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <RUNTIME>", "Name or full path of the runtime folder to include",
                var optionNative = c.Option("--native", "Build and include native images. User must provide targeted CoreCLR runtime versions along with this option.",
                var optionWwwRoot = c.Option("--wwwroot <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the project directory",
                var optionWwwRootOut = c.Option("--wwwroot-out <NAME>",
                    "Name of public folder in the bundle, can be used only when the '--wwwroot' option or 'webroot' in project.json is specified",
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of bundled files",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new BundleOptions
                        OutputDir = optionOut.Value(),
                        ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug",
                        RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.RuntimeFramework,
                        WwwRoot = optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        WwwRootOut = optionWwwRootOut.Value() ?? optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        Overwrite = optionOverwrite.HasValue(),
                        NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(),
                        Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ?
                            string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values).
                                Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
                            new string[0],
                        Native = optionNative.HasValue(),
                        Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue())

                    var manager = new BundleManager(_hostServices, options);
                    if (!manager.Bundle())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("pack", c =>
                c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of nupkgs",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to pack, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = true;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("build", c =>
                c.Description = "Produce assemblies for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as dependencies in use",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = false;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("add", c =>
                c.Description = "Add a dependency into dependencies section of project.json";

                var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                    var command = new AddCommand();
                    command.Reports = reports;
                    command.Name = argName.Value;
                    command.Version = argVersion.Value;
                    command.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("install", c =>
                c.Description = "Install the given dependency";

                var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add, default is the latest version.");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optSource = c.Option("-s|--source <FEED>", "A list of packages sources to use for this command",
                var optFallbackSource = c.Option("-f|--fallbacksource <FEED>",
                    "A list of packages sources to use as a fallback", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optProxy = c.Option("-p|--proxy <ADDRESS>", "The HTTP proxy to use when retrieving packages",
                var optNoCache = c.Option("--no-cache", "Do not use local cache", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optPackageFolder = c.Option("--packages", "Path to restore packages", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as HTTP request/cache information",
                var optIgnoreFailedSources = c.Option("--ignore-failed-sources",
                    "Ignore failed remote sources if there are local packages meeting version requirements",

                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optQuiet.HasValue());

                    var addCmd = new AddCommand();
                    addCmd.Reports = reports;
                    addCmd.Name = argName.Value;
                    addCmd.Version = argVersion.Value;
                    addCmd.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var restoreCmd = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    restoreCmd.Reports = reports;

                    restoreCmd.RestoreDirectory = argProject.Value;
                    restoreCmd.Sources = optSource.Values;
                    restoreCmd.FallbackSources = optFallbackSource.Values;
                    restoreCmd.NoCache = optNoCache.HasValue();
                    restoreCmd.PackageFolder = optPackageFolder.Value();
                    restoreCmd.IgnoreFailedSources = optIgnoreFailedSources.HasValue();

                    if (optProxy.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", optProxy.Value());

                    var installCmd = new InstallCommand(addCmd, restoreCmd);
                    installCmd.Reports = reports;

                    var success = await installCmd.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("packages", packagesCommand =>
                packagesCommand.Description = "Commands related to managing local and remote packages folders";
                packagesCommand.OnExecute(() =>
                    return 2;

                packagesCommand.Command("add", c =>
                    c.Description = "Add a NuGet package to the specified packages folder";
                    var argNupkg = c.Argument("[nupkg]", "Path to a NuGet package");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]", "Path to packages folder");

                    c.OnExecute(async () =>
                        var options = new AddOptions
                            Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false),
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            NuGetPackage = argNupkg.Value
                        var command = new Packages.AddCommand(options);
                        var success = await command.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("push", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        // Implicitly commit changes before push
                        var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                        var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                        var success = commitCommand.Execute();
                        if (!success)
                            return 1;

                        var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                        success = pushCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("pull", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from remote location to local packages";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        bool success;
                        if (Directory.Exists(argSource.Value))
                            // Implicitly commit changes before pull
                            var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                                Reports = reports,
                                SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                            var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                            success = commitCommand.Execute();
                            if (!success)
                                return 1;

                        var pullOptions = new PullOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pullCommand = new PullCommand(pullOptions);
                        success = pullCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("list", c =>
                c.Description = "Print the dependencies of a given project.";
                var showAssemblies = c.Option("-a|--assemblies",
                    "Show the assembly files that are depended on by given project.",
                var framework = c.Option("--framework",
                    "Show dependencies for only the given framework.",
                var runtimeFolder = c.Option("--runtime",
                    "The folder containing all available framework assemblies.",
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "The path to project. If omitted, the command will use the project in the current directory.");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new DependencyListOptions(CreateReports(verbose: true, quiet: false), argProject, framework)
                        ShowAssemblies = showAssemblies.HasValue(),
                        RuntimeFolder = runtimeFolder.Value(),

                    if (!options.Valid)
                        if (options.Project == null)
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("A project could not be found in {0}.", options.Path).Red());
                            return 1;
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine("Invalid options.".Red());
                            return 2;

                    var command = new DependencyListCommand(options);
                    return command.Execute();

            // "kpm wrap" invokes MSBuild, which is not available on *nix
            if (!PlatformHelper.IsMono)
                app.Command("wrap", c =>
                    c.Description = "Wrap a csproj into a project.json, which can be referenced by project.json files";

                    var argPath = c.Argument("[path]", "Path to csproj to be wrapped");
                    var optConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>",
                        "Configuration of wrapped project, default is 'debug'", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                    var optMsBuildPath = c.Option("--msbuild <PATH>",
                        @"Path to MSBuild, default is '%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe'",
                    var optInPlace = c.Option("-i|--in-place",
                        "Generate or update project.json files in project directories of csprojs",

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        var command = new WrapCommand();
                        command.Reports = reports;
                        command.CsProjectPath = argPath.Value;
                        command.Configuration = optConfiguration.Value();
                        command.MsBuildPath = optMsBuildPath.Value();
                        command.InPlace = optInPlace.HasValue();

                        var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            return app.Execute(args);
Beispiel #20
        public async Task NuGetReader_DependencyInfoResource_DependencyGroupsAsync()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var outputRoot = Path.Combine(target.Root, "output");
                        var baseUri    = UriUtility.CreateUri("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/");

                        var log = new TestLogger();

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg()
                            Nuspec = new TestNuspec()
                                Id           = "packageA",
                                Version      = "1.0.0",
                                Dependencies = new List <PackageDependencyGroup>()
                                    new PackageDependencyGroup(NuGetFramework.Parse("net46"), new List <PackageDependency>()
                                    new PackageDependencyGroup(NuGetFramework.Parse("net45"), new[] { new PackageDependency("packageB", VersionRange.Parse("1.0.0")), new PackageDependency("packageC", VersionRange.Parse("2.0.0")) }),
                                    new PackageDependencyGroup(NuGetFramework.Parse("any"), new List <PackageDependency>()
                                        new PackageDependency("packageB", VersionRange.Parse("1.0.0"))

                        var sleetConfig = TestUtility.CreateConfigWithLocal("local", outputRoot, baseUri.AbsoluteUri);

                        var sleetConfigPath = Path.Combine(target.Root, "sleet.config");
                        await JsonUtility.SaveJsonAsync(new FileInfo(sleetConfigPath), sleetConfig);

                        var zipFile = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                        var settings   = LocalSettings.Load(sleetConfigPath);
                        var fileSystem = FileSystemFactory.CreateFileSystem(settings, cache, "local");
                        var success    = await InitCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, log);

                        // Act
                        // Run sleet
                        success &= await PushCommand.RunAsync(settings, fileSystem, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, log);

                        // Create a repository abstraction for nuget
                        var nugetFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(outputRoot), baseUri);
                        var localSource     = GetSource(outputRoot, baseUri, nugetFileSystem);

                        var dependencyInfoResource = await localSource.GetResourceAsync <DependencyInfoResource>();

                        var dependencyPackagesNet46 = await dependencyInfoResource.ResolvePackages("packageA", NuGetFramework.Parse("net46"), log, CancellationToken.None);

                        var dependencyPackageNet46 = dependencyPackagesNet46.Single();
                        var depString46            = string.Join("|", dependencyPackageNet46.Dependencies.Select(d => d.Id + " " + d.VersionRange.ToNormalizedString()));

                        var dependencyPackagesNet45 = await dependencyInfoResource.ResolvePackages("packageA", NuGetFramework.Parse("net45"), log, CancellationToken.None);

                        var dependencyPackageNet45 = dependencyPackagesNet45.Single();
                        var depString45            = string.Join("|", dependencyPackageNet45.Dependencies.Select(d => d.Id + " " + d.VersionRange.ToNormalizedString()));

                        var dependencyPackagesNet40 = await dependencyInfoResource.ResolvePackages("packageA", NuGetFramework.Parse("net40"), log, CancellationToken.None);

                        var dependencyPackageNet40 = dependencyPackagesNet40.Single();
                        var depString40            = string.Join("|", dependencyPackageNet40.Dependencies.Select(d => d.Id + " " + d.VersionRange.ToNormalizedString()));

                        // Assert
                        Assert.True(success, log.ToString());

                        Assert.Equal("https://localhost:8080/testFeed/flatcontainer/packagea/1.0.0/packagea.1.0.0.nupkg", dependencyPackageNet46.DownloadUri.AbsoluteUri);
                        Assert.Equal("packageA", dependencyPackageNet46.Id);
                        Assert.Equal("1.0.0", dependencyPackageNet46.Version.ToNormalizedString());
                        Assert.Equal("", depString46);
                        Assert.Equal("packageB [1.0.0, )|packageC [2.0.0, )", depString45);
                        Assert.Equal("packageB [1.0.0, )", depString40);
Beispiel #21
        public async Task RetentionPruneCommand_NoopsWhenNoPackagesNeedToBeRemoved()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log        = new TestLogger();
                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true,
                                SymbolsEnabled = true

                        var identities = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>()
                            new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("1.0.0")),
                            new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("2.0.0")),
                            new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("3.0.0")),
                            new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("4.0.0")),
                            new PackageIdentity("a", NuGetVersion.Parse("5.0.0")),

                        foreach (var id in identities)
                            var testPackage = new TestNupkg(id.Id, id.Version.ToFullString());
                            var zipFile     = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);

                        await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                        await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { packagesFolder.Root }, false, false, context.Log);

                        var pruneContext = new RetentionPruneCommandContext()
                            StableVersionMax     = 10,
                            PrereleaseVersionMax = 10

                        // Run prune
                        await RetentionPruneCommand.PrunePackages(context, pruneContext);

                        // Validate
                        var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                        // read output
                        var packageIndex  = new PackageIndex(context);
                        var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                        // Assert
Beispiel #22
        public async Task Feed_VerifyBaseUriIsAppliedToLocal(string baseUriString)
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log = new TestLogger();

                        var fileSystemRoot = UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root);
                        var baseUri        = new Uri(baseUriString);

                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, fileSystemRoot, baseUri);
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true,
                                SymbolsEnabled = true

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.0");
                        var zipFile     = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                        using (var zip = new ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(zipFile.FullName), ZipArchiveMode.Read, false))
                            var input = PackageInput.Create(zipFile.FullName);

                            // Act
                            // run commands
                            await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                            await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                            var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                            // read outputs
                            var catalog      = new Catalog(context);
                            var registration = new Registrations(context);
                            var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);
                            var search       = new Search(context);
                            var autoComplete = new AutoComplete(context);

                            var catalogEntries = await catalog.GetIndexEntriesAsync();

                            var catalogExistingEntries = await catalog.GetExistingPackagesIndexAsync();

                            var catalogLatest = await catalog.GetLatestEntryAsync(input.Identity);

                            var regPackages = await registration.GetPackagesByIdAsync(input.Identity.Id);

                            var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                            var searchPackages = await search.GetPackagesAsync();

                            var autoCompletePackages = await autoComplete.GetPackageIds();

                            // Assert
                            Assert.Equal(1, catalogEntries.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, catalogExistingEntries.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, regPackages.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, indexPackages.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, searchPackages.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, autoCompletePackages.Count);

                            // Walk json to check for bad urls
                            await TestUtility.WalkJsonAsync(target.Root, (file, json, toCheck) =>
                                // Check only URLs found
                                if (toCheck.IndexOf("://") > -1)
                                    var cleanUriSchema = toCheck.Replace(":///", string.Empty).Replace("://", string.Empty);

                                    var doubleSlash = cleanUriSchema.IndexOf("//") > -1;
                                    Assert.False(doubleSlash, toCheck);
    IEnumerator PreviewTrajectoryAndGiveRobotCommand()
        Vector3 prevCursorPosition   =;
        Vector3 cursorPosition       = Input.mousePosition;
        Vector3 cursorScreenPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPosition);
        Command previewCommand       = null;

        GameObject lastRobot = null;
        GameObject previewRobot;
        float      timeBetweenPreivews = 0.1f;

        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        Command.AvailableCommands    prevSelectedCommand = selectedCommand;

        while (selectedRobot != null)
            cursorPosition       = Input.mousePosition;
            cursorScreenPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPosition);
            if (timeInput <= selectedRobot.GetComponent <RobotBehaviour>().freeTime&& timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > timeBetweenPreivews)
                if (prevCursorPosition != cursorPosition || prevSelectedCommand != selectedCommand || RevertCommand() || lastRobot != selectedRobot)
                    if (robotMovingTrails[selectedRobotIndex].Count > 0)
                        previewRobot = robotMovingTrails[selectedRobotIndex].Last().Node;
                        previewRobot = selectedRobot;
                    cursorPosition = Input.mousePosition;

                    cursorScreenPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(cursorPosition);

                    if (selectedCommand == Command.AvailableCommands.Move)
                        previewCommand = new MoveCommand(previewRobot, cursorScreenPosition, timeInput, Turns);
                    else if (selectedCommand == Command.AvailableCommands.Push && timeInput <= selectedRobot.GetComponent <RobotBehaviour>().freeTime - shockWavePrefab.GetComponent <ShockwaveBehaviour>().intendedLifetime)
                        previewCommand = new PushCommand(previewRobot, cursorScreenPosition, timeInput, Turns);
                        Debug.Log("No command selected!");
                    latestRobotTrail = new MovingTrail(previewCommand, timeInput, previewRobot.GetComponent <RobotBehaviour>().prevVelocity);

                    //Not done yet!
                    //if (latestRobotTrail != null && latestRobotTrail.Node != null)
                    //    directionPointer = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Prototype stuff (remove or rework)/Direction Arrow")) as GameObject;
                    //    //directionPointer.transform.position = latestBallTrail.Node.transform.position;
                    //    //directionPointer.transform.parent = latestBallTrail.Node.transform;
                    //    float AngleRad = Mathf.Atan2(cursorPosition.y - directionPointer.transform.position.y, cursorPosition.x - directionPointer.transform.position.x);
                    //    float AngleDeg = (180 / Mathf.PI) * AngleRad;
                    //    directionPointer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, AngleDeg);

                    // = "Direction Pointer";

                if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && latestRobotTrail != null)
                    latestRobotTrail.TrailGameObject.transform.parent = movingPreviews[selectedRobotIndex].transform;
                    latestRobotTrail = null;

            if (selectedRobot != lastRobot)
            prevCursorPosition  = cursorPosition;
            prevSelectedCommand = selectedCommand;
            lastRobot           = selectedRobot;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.005f));
Beispiel #24
        public async Task GivenThatIAddAPackageWithTheCatalogDisabledVerifyItSucceeds()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log        = new TestLogger();
                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true

                        context.SourceSettings.CatalogEnabled = false;

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.0");

                        var zipFile = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                        using (var zip = new ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(zipFile.FullName), ZipArchiveMode.Read, false))
                            var input = PackageInput.Create(zipFile.FullName);

                            var catalog      = new Catalog(context);
                            var registration = new Registrations(context);
                            var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);
                            var search       = new Search(context);
                            var autoComplete = new AutoComplete(context);

                            // Act
                            // run commands
                            await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                            await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                            var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                            // read outputs
                            var catalogEntries = await catalog.GetIndexEntriesAsync();

                            var catalogExistingEntries = await catalog.GetExistingPackagesIndexAsync();

                            var catalogLatest = await catalog.GetLatestEntryAsync(input.Identity);

                            var regPackages = await registration.GetPackagesByIdAsync(input.Identity.Id);

                            var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                            var searchPackages = await search.GetPackagesAsync();

                            var autoCompletePackages = await autoComplete.GetPackageIds();

                            var catalogEntry = await registration.GetCatalogEntryFromPackageBlob(input.Identity);

                            // Assert
                            validateOutput.Should().BeTrue("the feed is valid");
                            catalogEntries.Should().BeEmpty("the catalog is disabled");
                            catalogExistingEntries.Should().BeEmpty("the catalog is disabled");
                            regPackages.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { input.Identity });
                            indexPackages.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { input.Identity });
                            searchPackages.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { input.Identity });
                            autoCompletePackages.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { input.Identity.Id });

Beispiel #25
        public async Task AddRemove_AddSinglePackage()
            // Arrange
            using (var packagesFolder = new TestFolder())
                using (var target = new TestFolder())
                    using (var cache = new LocalCache())
                        var log        = new TestLogger();
                        var fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(cache, UriUtility.CreateUri(target.Root));
                        var settings   = new LocalSettings();

                        var context = new SleetContext()
                            Token          = CancellationToken.None,
                            LocalSettings  = settings,
                            Log            = log,
                            Source         = fileSystem,
                            SourceSettings = new FeedSettings()
                                CatalogEnabled = true

                        var testPackage = new TestNupkg("packageA", "1.0.0");

                        var zipFile = testPackage.Save(packagesFolder.Root);
                        using (var zip = new ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(zipFile.FullName), ZipArchiveMode.Read, false))
                            var input = PackageInput.Create(zipFile.FullName);

                            var catalog      = new Catalog(context);
                            var registration = new Registrations(context);
                            var packageIndex = new PackageIndex(context);
                            var search       = new Search(context);
                            var autoComplete = new AutoComplete(context);

                            // Act
                            // run commands
                            await InitCommand.InitAsync(context);

                            await PushCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, new List <string>() { zipFile.FullName }, false, false, context.Log);

                            var validateOutput = await ValidateCommand.RunAsync(context.LocalSettings, context.Source, context.Log);

                            // read outputs
                            var catalogEntries = await catalog.GetIndexEntriesAsync();

                            var catalogExistingEntries = await catalog.GetExistingPackagesIndexAsync();

                            var catalogLatest = await catalog.GetLatestEntryAsync(input.Identity);

                            var regPackages = await registration.GetPackagesByIdAsync(input.Identity.Id);

                            var indexPackages = await packageIndex.GetPackagesAsync();

                            var searchPackages = await search.GetPackagesAsync();

                            var autoCompletePackages = await autoComplete.GetPackageIds();

                            // Assert
                            Assert.Equal(1, catalogEntries.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, catalogExistingEntries.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, regPackages.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, indexPackages.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, searchPackages.Count);
                            Assert.Equal(1, autoCompletePackages.Count);

                            Assert.Equal("packageA", catalogLatest.Id);
                            Assert.Equal("1.0.0", catalogLatest.Version.ToIdentityString());
                            Assert.Equal(SleetOperation.Add, catalogLatest.Operation);
Beispiel #26
        public int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication();
            app.Name = "dnu";
            app.FullName = "Microsoft .NET Development Utility";

            var optionVerbose = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Show verbose output", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
            app.VersionOption("--version", GetVersion);

            // Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified
            app.OnExecute(() =>
                return 2;

            app.Command("restore", c =>
                c.Description = "Restore packages";

                var argRoot = c.Argument("[root]", "Root of all projects to restore. It can be a directory, a project.json, or a global.json.");
                var feedOptions = FeedOptions.Add(c);
                var optLock = c.Option("--lock",
                    "Creates dependencies file with locked property set to true. Overwrites file if it exists.",
                var optUnlock = c.Option("--unlock",
                    "Creates dependencies file with locked property set to false. Overwrites file if it exists.",
                var optParallel = c.Option("--parallel",
                    "Restores in parallel when more than one project.json is discovered.",

                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var command = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), feedOptions.Quiet);
                    command.RestoreDirectory = argRoot.Value;
                    command.FeedOptions = feedOptions;
                    command.Lock = optLock.HasValue();
                    command.Unlock = optUnlock.HasValue();
                    command.Parallel = optParallel.HasValue();

                    if (feedOptions.ProxyOptions.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", feedOptions.Proxy);

                    var success = await command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("publish", c =>
                c.Description = "Publish application for deployment";

                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");
                var optionOut = c.Option("-o|--out <PATH>", "Where does it go", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The configuration to use for deployment (Debug|Release|{Custom})",
                var optionNoSource = c.Option("--no-source", "Compiles the source files into NuGet packages",
                var optionRuntime = c.Option("--runtime <RUNTIME>", "Name or full path of the runtime folder to include, or \"active\" for current runtime on PATH",
                var optionNative = c.Option("--native", "Build and include native images. User must provide targeted CoreCLR runtime versions along with this option.",
                var optionWwwRoot = c.Option("--wwwroot <NAME>", "Name of public folder in the project directory",
                var optionWwwRootOut = c.Option("--wwwroot-out <NAME>",
                    "Name of public folder in the output, can be used only when the '--wwwroot' option or 'webroot' in project.json is specified",
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of published files",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new PublishOptions
                        OutputDir = optionOut.Value(),
                        ProjectDir = argProject.Value ?? System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                        Configuration = optionConfiguration.Value() ?? "Debug",
                        RuntimeTargetFramework = _environment.RuntimeFramework,
                        WwwRoot = optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        WwwRootOut = optionWwwRootOut.Value() ?? optionWwwRoot.Value(),
                        NoSource = optionNoSource.HasValue(),
                        Runtimes = optionRuntime.HasValue() ?
                            string.Join(";", optionRuntime.Values).
                                Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
                            new string[0],
                        Native = optionNative.HasValue(),
                        Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue())

                    var manager = new PublishManager(_hostServices, options);
                    if (!manager.Publish())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("pack", c =>
                c.Description = "Build NuGet packages for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionDependencies = c.Option("--dependencies", "Copy dependencies", CommandOptionType.NoValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as source/destination of nupkgs",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to pack, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = true;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("build", c =>
                c.Description = "Produce assemblies for the project in given directory";

                var optionFramework = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>", "A list of target frameworks to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "A list of configurations to build.", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);
                var optionOut = c.Option("--out <OUTPUT_DIR>", "Output directory", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optionQuiet = c.Option("--quiet", "Do not show output such as dependencies in use",
                var argProjectDir = c.Argument("[project]", "Project to build, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var buildOptions = new BuildOptions();
                    buildOptions.OutputDir = optionOut.Value();
                    buildOptions.ProjectDir = argProjectDir.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    buildOptions.Configurations = optionConfiguration.Values;
                    buildOptions.TargetFrameworks = optionFramework.Values;
                    buildOptions.GeneratePackages = false;
                    buildOptions.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), optionQuiet.HasValue());

                    var projectManager = new BuildManager(_hostServices, buildOptions);

                    if (!projectManager.Build())
                        return -1;

                    return 0;

            app.Command("install", c =>
                c.Description = "Install the given dependency";

                var argName = c.Argument("[name]", "Name of the dependency to add");
                var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "Version of the dependency to add, default is the latest version.");
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                var feedOptions = FeedOptions.Add(c);


                c.OnExecute(async () =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), feedOptions.Quiet);

                    var addCmd = new AddCommand();
                    addCmd.Reports = reports;
                    addCmd.Name = argName.Value;
                    addCmd.Version = argVersion.Value;
                    addCmd.ProjectDir = argProject.Value;

                    var restoreCmd = new RestoreCommand(_environment);
                    restoreCmd.Reports = reports;
                    restoreCmd.FeedOptions = feedOptions;

                    restoreCmd.RestoreDirectory = argProject.Value;

                    if (feedOptions.ProxyOptions.HasValue())
                        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", feedOptions.Proxy);

                    var installCmd = new InstallCommand(addCmd, restoreCmd);
                    installCmd.Reports = reports;

                    var success = await installCmd.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("packages", packagesCommand =>
                packagesCommand.Description = "Commands related to managing local and remote packages folders";
                packagesCommand.OnExecute(() =>
                    return 2;

                packagesCommand.Command("add", c =>
                    c.Description = "Add a NuGet package to the specified packages folder";
                    var argNupkg = c.Argument("[nupkg]", "Path to a NuGet package");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]", "Path to packages folder");

                    c.OnExecute(async () =>
                        var options = new AddOptions
                            Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false),
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            NuGetPackage = argNupkg.Value
                        var command = new Packages.AddCommand(options);
                        var success = await command.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("push", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from local packages to remote location";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        // Implicitly commit changes before push
                        var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                        var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                        var success = commitCommand.Execute();
                        if (!success)
                            return 1;

                        var pushOptions = new PushOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pushCommand = new PushCommand(pushOptions);
                        success = pushCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

                packagesCommand.Command("pull", c =>
                    c.Description = "Incremental copy of files from remote location to local packages";
                    var argRemote = c.Argument("[remote]", "Path to remote packages folder");
                    var argSource = c.Argument("[source]",
                        "Path to source packages folder, default is current directory");

                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                        bool success;
                        if (Directory.Exists(argSource.Value))
                            // Implicitly commit changes before pull
                            var commitOptions = new CommitOptions
                                Reports = reports,
                                SourcePackages = argSource.Value
                            var commitCommand = new CommitCommand(commitOptions);
                            success = commitCommand.Execute();
                            if (!success)
                                return 1;

                        var pullOptions = new PullOptions
                            Reports = reports,
                            SourcePackages = argSource.Value,
                            RemotePackages = argRemote.Value
                        var pullCommand = new PullCommand(pullOptions);
                        success = pullCommand.Execute();
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("list", c =>
                c.Description = "Print the dependencies of a given project";
                var showAssemblies = c.Option("-a|--assemblies",
                    "Show the assembly files that are depended on by given project",
                var frameworks = c.Option("--framework <TARGET_FRAMEWORK>",
                    "Show dependencies for only the given frameworks",
                var runtimeFolder = c.Option("--runtime <PATH>",
                    "The folder containing all available framework assemblies",
                var hideDependents = c.Option("--hide-dependents",
                    "Hide the immediate dependents of libraries referenced in the project",
                var resultsFilter = c.Option("--filter <PATTERN>",
                    "Filter the libraries referenced by the project base on their names. The matching pattern supports * and ?",
                var argProject = c.Argument("[project]", "Path to project, default is current directory");

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var options = new DependencyListOptions(CreateReports(verbose: true, quiet: false), argProject)
                        TargetFrameworks = frameworks.Values,
                        ShowAssemblies = showAssemblies.HasValue(),
                        RuntimeFolder = runtimeFolder.Value(),
                        HideDependents = hideDependents.HasValue(),
                        ResultsFilter = resultsFilter.Value()

                    if (!options.Valid)
                        if (options.Project == null)
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine(string.Format("Unable to locate {0}.".Red(), Runtime.Project.ProjectFileName));
                            return 1;
                            options.Reports.Error.WriteLine("Invalid options.".Red());
                            return 2;

                    var command = new DependencyListCommand(options, _environment.RuntimeFramework);
                    return command.Execute();

            app.Command("commands", cmd =>
                cmd.Description = "Commands related to managing application commands (add, remove)";
                cmd.OnExecute(() =>
                    return 2;

                cmd.Command("install", c =>
                    c.Description = "Installs application commands";

                    var argPackage = c.Argument("[package]", "The name of the application package");
                    var argVersion = c.Argument("[version]", "The version of the application package");

                    var optOverwrite = c.Option("-o|--overwrite", "Overwrites conflicting commands", CommandOptionType.NoValue);

                    var feedOptions = FeedOptions.Add(c);


                    c.OnExecute(async () =>
                        var command = new InstallGlobalCommand(
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(feedOptions.TargetPackagesFolder) ?
                                    AppCommandsFolderRepository.CreateDefault() :

                        command.FeedOptions = feedOptions;
                        command.Reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), feedOptions.Quiet);
                        command.OverwriteCommands = optOverwrite.HasValue();

                        if (feedOptions.Proxy != null)
                            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy", feedOptions.Proxy);

                        var success = await command.Execute(argPackage.Value, argVersion.Value);
                        return success ? 0 : 1;


                cmd.Command("uninstall", c =>
                    c.Description = "Uninstalls application commands";

                    var argCommand = c.Argument("[command]", "The name of the command to uninstall");

                    var optNoPurge = c.Option("--no-purge", "Do not try to remove orphaned packages", CommandOptionType.NoValue);


                    c.OnExecute(() =>
                        var command = new UninstallCommand(
                            reports: CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false));

                        command.NoPurge = optNoPurge.HasValue();

                        var success = command.Execute(argCommand.Value);
                        return success ? 0 : 1;

            app.Command("wrap", c =>
                c.Description = "Wrap a csproj into a project.json, which can be referenced by project.json files";

                var argPath = c.Argument("[path]", "Path to csproj to be wrapped");
                var optConfiguration = c.Option("--configuration <CONFIGURATION>",
                    "Configuration of wrapped project, default is 'debug'", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
                var optMsBuildPath = c.Option("--msbuild <PATH>",
                    @"Path to MSBuild, default is '%ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe'",
                var optInPlace = c.Option("-i|--in-place",
                    "Generate or update project.json files in project directories of csprojs",
                var optFramework = c.Option("-f|--framework",
                    "Target framework of assembly to be wrapped",

                c.OnExecute(() =>
                    var reports = CreateReports(optionVerbose.HasValue(), quiet: false);

                    var command = new WrapCommand();
                    command.Reports = reports;
                    command.InputFilePath = argPath.Value;
                    command.Configuration = optConfiguration.Value();
                    command.MsBuildPath = optMsBuildPath.Value();
                    command.InPlace = optInPlace.HasValue();
                    command.Framework = optFramework.Value();

                    var success = command.ExecuteCommand();

                    return success ? 0 : 1;

            return app.Execute(args);