private async Task ScrapeStockTable(Page page, ResultCollection <ResultItemCollection> resultCollection, Dictionary <string, object> args = null)
            var resultSelector = "#MAIN_BODY";
            await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(resultSelector);

            //try to get the table headers
            var mappings = _scrappedSettingRepository.GetItemSettings("TableDataSetting");

            var dataSelector = "#MAIN_BODY table > tbody > tr";
            var tData        = await PuppeteerHelper.GetTableData(page, dataSelector, mappings);

            var identifier = mappings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsIdentifier)?.Key;

            foreach (JToken link in tData)
                resultCollection.Add(new ResultItemCollection
                    Key   = identifier,
                    Items = mappings.Select(x => new ResultItem
                        Name  = x.Key,
                        Value = link[x.Key].GetValue()
        private async Task ScrapeHistoricalData(Page page, ResultCollection <ResultItemCollection> resultCollection, Dictionary <string, object> args = null)
            var resultSelector = "#HistoricalDataTable";
            await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(resultSelector);

            //try to get the table headers
            var mappings = _scrappedSettingRepository.GetItemSettings("HistoricalData");

            var dataSelector = "#HistoricalDataTable > tbody > tr";
            var tData        = await PuppeteerHelper.GetTableData(page, dataSelector, mappings);

            var identifier = args["StockCode"].ToString();
            var collection = resultCollection.GetItem(identifier);

            var date = "";

            foreach (var item in tData)
                if (date != item["Date"]?.GetValue())
                    date = item["Date"].GetValue();

                collection.Items.AddRange(mappings.Select(x => new ResultItem
                    Name       = x.Key,
                    Value      = item[x.Key].GetValue(),
                    Group      = date,
                    IsMultiple = true
        private async Task ScrapeRealTimeMonitoringData(Page page, ResultCollection <ResultItemCollection> resultCollection, Dictionary <string, object> args)
            var resultSelector = "#StockQuoteTable";
            await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(resultSelector);

            //try to get the table headers
            var mappings = _scrappedSettingRepository.GetItemSettings("RealTimeMonitoring");

            var dataSelector = "#StockQuoteTable > tbody > tr";
            var tData        = await PuppeteerHelper.GetTableData(page, dataSelector, mappings);

            foreach (JToken link in tData)
                resultCollection.Add(new ResultItemCollection
                    Key   = link["StockCode"].GetValue(),
                    Items = mappings.Select(x => new ResultItem
                        Name  = x.Key,
                        Value = link[x.Key].GetValue()