/// <summary>
        /// 绑定数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        public void BindGrid(int pageIndex)
            string strWhere = " AND A.SingleProjectID=" + Common.DNTRequest.GetQueryString("SingleProjectID");

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())
                strWhere += " AND D.AREA_CODE LIKE '" + Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE") + "%'";
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())
                strWhere += " AND D.AREA_CODE LIKE '" + Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE") + "%'";

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            DataTable dt = trBll.GetListPaging(strWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount, null);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 列表数据绑定
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        private void BindGridView(int pageIndex)
            string sqlWhere = " b.CompanyType !=" + SystemSet._ARCHIVE;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtLoginName.Text.Trim()))
                sqlWhere += " And a.LoginName like '%" + txtLoginName.Text.Trim() + "%' ";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUserName.Text.Trim()))
                sqlWhere += " And a.UserName like '%" + txtUserName.Text.Trim() + "%' ";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCompanyName.Text.Trim()))
                sqlWhere += " And b.CompanyName like '%" + txtCompanyName.Text.Trim() + "%' ";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGcmc.Text.Trim()))
                sqlWhere += " And d.gcmc like '%" + txtGcmc.Text.Trim() + "%' ";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGcdd.Text.Trim()))
                sqlWhere += " And d.gcdd like '%" + txtGcdd.Text.Trim() + "%' ";
            if (ddlUserType.SelectedValue != "0")
                sqlWhere += " And lower(a.UserType)='" + ddlUserType.SelectedValue.Trim().ToLower() + "' ";

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //超级管理员
                sqlWhere += " And b.Area_Code like '" + Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE") + "%' ";
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())   //馆里用户
                sqlWhere += " And b.Area_Code like '" + Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE") + "%' ";

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            DataTable dt = userBLL.GetCompanyUserList(sqlWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        public void BindGrid(int pageIndex)
            //工程状态必须走到了 整理接收 且没有入库 !=3722 才可以做补卷管理
            string strWhere = " AND D.WorkFlow_DoStatus >=(select WorkFlowID from T_WorkFlow where LOWER(WorkFlowCode)='" +
                              SystemSet.EumWorkFlowCode.WINRECV.ToString().ToLower() + "') and  d.Status!=3722 ";

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //管理员管理员获取所有工程
                strWhere += " AND D.AREA_CODE LIKE '" + Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE") + "%'";
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆用户看自己的
                strWhere += " AND D.AREA_CODE LIKE '" + Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE") + "%'";
                if (PublicModel.isLeader())     //建设单位只看到自己
                    strWhere += " AND A.SingleProjectID in (select SingleProjectID from T_SingleProject  A,(select distinct ConstructionProjectID from T_Construction_Project ";
                    strWhere += " where CompanyID=" + Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyID") + ") B where A.ConstructionProjectID=B.ConstructionProjectID)";

            if (txtgcmc.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " AND D.gcmc LIKE '%" + txtgcmc.Text.Trim() + "%'";
            if (txtgcbm.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " AND D.gcbm LIKE '%" + txtgcbm.Text + "%'";
            if (txtajtm.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " AND A.ajtm like '%" + txtajtm.Text.Trim() + "%' ";

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);
            DataTable dt = archiveBLL.GetListPaging(strWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        protected void BindGrid(int pageIndex)
            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht.Add("CompanyType", DNTRequest.GetQueryString("CompanyType"));
            if (txtCompanyName.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("CompanyName", txtCompanyName.Text.Trim());

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())   //超级管理员
                ht.Add("Area_Code", Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE"));
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆用户看自己的
                ht.Add("Area_Code", Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE"));
            else if (PublicModel.isLeader())      //建设单位
                ht.Add("Area_Code", Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE"));
                if (DNTRequest.GetQueryInt("CompanyType", 0) == SystemSet._JSCOMPANYINFO)
                    ht.Add("CompanyID", Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyID"));
                ht.Add("CompanyID", Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyID"));

            DataTable dt = compBLL.GetListPaging(ht, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        public void BindGrid(int pageIndex)
            string strWhere = " AND A.SingleProjectID=" + Common.DNTRequest.GetQueryString("SingleProjectID");

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //管理员管理员获取所有工程
                strWhere += " AND D.AREA_CODE LIKE '" + Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE") + "%'";
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())  //档案馆用户看自己的
                strWhere += " AND D.AREA_CODE LIKE '" + Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE") + "%'";

            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            if (ddlChkStatus.SelectedValue != "")     //关于审核状态,都是查询最后一次的审核信息
                ht.Add("CheckStatus", ddlChkStatus.SelectedValue);
                ht.Add("SingleProjectID", singleProjectID);
                ht.Add("WorkFlowID", workFlowID);
            if (txtXH.Text != "")
                strWhere += " AND XH=" + ConvertEx.ToInt(txtXH.Text.Trim()) + "";
            if (txtTitle.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " AND A.ajtm like '%" + txtTitle.Text.Trim() + "%' ";

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            DataTable dt = trBll.GetListPaging(strWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount, ht);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定列表
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGridView(int pageIndex)
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht.Add("CodeType", SystemSet.EumReportType.ZRS.ToString());
            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //超级管理员
                ht.Add("AREA_CODE", Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE"));
            if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser()) //档案馆用户看自己的
                ht.Add("OLD_AREA_CODE", Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE"));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtReadyCheckBookCode.Text.Trim()))
                ht.Add("ReadyCheckBookCode", txtReadyCheckBookCode.Text.Trim());
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGcmc.Text.Trim()))
                ht.Add("gcmc", txtGcmc.Text.Trim());
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGcbm.Text.Trim()))
                ht.Add("gcbm", txtGcbm.Text.Trim());
            if (ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "" && ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "0")
                ht.Add("ProjectType", ddlProjectType.SelectValue);
            if (ddlReadyCheckBookType.SelectedValue == "1") //已发放
                ht.Add("ReadyCheckBookTypeFlag", 1);
            if (ddlReadyCheckBookType.SelectedValue == "0")  //未发放
                ht.Add("ReadyCheckBookTypeFlag", 0);
            Session["ZRS_HtStrWhere"] = ht;
            DataTable dt = readBLL.GetListPaging(ht, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定列表
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGridView(int pageIndex)
            string sqlWhere = " b.CompanyType=" + SystemSet._ARCHIVE;

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())
                sqlWhere += " And b.Area_Code like '%" + Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE") + "%'";
            if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())
                sqlWhere += " And b.Area_Code like '%" + Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE") + "%'";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddlCompany.SelectValue))
                sqlWhere += " And a.CompanyID=" + ddlCompany.SelectValue + "";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtRoleName.Text.Trim()))
                sqlWhere += " And a.RoleName like '%" + txtRoleName.Text.Trim() + "%'";
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddlRoleType.SelectValue))
                sqlWhere += " And lower(a.RoleType)  like '%" + ddlRoleType.SelectValue.ToLower() + "%'";

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            DataTable dt = roleBLL.GetListPaging(sqlWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        private void BindGrid(int pageIndex)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())
                string _where = "";
                if (txtXMMC.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                    _where += "AND A.xmmc like '%" + txtXMMC.Text.Trim() + "%'";
                dt = bll1.GetListPaging("", "", "", pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount, _where);
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆用户看自己的
                dt = bll1.GetListPaging("", "", Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE"), pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);
            else     //其他人只能看自己的
                dt = bll1.GetListPaging(Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyID"), Common.Session.GetSession("RoleID"), pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        private void BindGridView(int pageIndex)
            StringBuilder strWhere = new StringBuilder();

            strWhere.Append(" 1=1 AND Status>=3721 AND WorkFlow_DoStatus=" + ViewState["workFlowID"].ToString());
            strWhere.Append(" AND ProjectType in (select SystemInfoCode from T_SystemInfo where SystemInfoID in(" + ProjectType + ")) ");

            if (kgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND kgsj>='" + kgsj1.Text.Trim() + " 00:00:00.00 ' ");
            if (kgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND kgsj<='" + kgsj2.Text.Trim() + " 23:59:59.99' ");
            if (jgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND jgsj>='" + jgsj1.Text.Trim() + " 00:00:00.00 ' ");
            if (jgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND jgsj<='" + jgsj2.Text.Trim() + " 23:59:59.99' ");
            if (txtGcbm.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND gcbm like '%" + txtGcbm.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtGcmc.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND gcmc like '%" + txtGcmc.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtGcdd.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND gcdd like '%" + txtGcdd.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtghxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND ghxkzh like '%" + txtghxkzh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND sgxkzh like '%" + txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "" && ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "0")
                strWhere.Append(" AND ChargeUserID= " + ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue);

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //超级管理员
                strWhere.Append(" AND Area_Code like '" + ConvertEx.ToString(Session["AREA_CODE"]) + "%'");
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆用户看自己的
                strWhere.Append(" AND Area_Code like '" + ConvertEx.ToString(Session["OLD_AREA_CODE"]) + "%'");
            else if (PublicModel.isLeader())    //工程管理员(建设单位)也看全部
                strWhere.Append(" AND ConstructionProjectID in (select ConstructionProjectID from T_Construction_Project where CompanyID=" + Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyID") + ")");

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);
            DataTable dt = singleProjectBLL.GetListPaging(strWhere.ToString(), pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        private void BindGridView(int pageIndex)
            StringBuilder strWhere = new StringBuilder();

            strWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            string CompanyID = "";

            //只显示文件登记环节的工程  ,暂时未考虑多机构的问题
            strWhere.Append(" AND d.WorkFlowID=" + PublicModel.getWorkFlowIdByWorkFlowCode(SystemSet.EumWorkFlowCode.FILEREG.ToString()));

            if (ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "" && ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "0")
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.ProjectType=(select SystemInfoCode from T_SystemInfo where SystemInfoID=" + ddlProjectType.SelectValue + ") ");
            if (kgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.kgsj>='" + kgsj1.Text.Trim() + " 00:00:00.00 ' ");
            if (kgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.kgsj<='" + kgsj2.Text.Trim() + " 23:59:59.99' ");
            if (jgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.jgsj>='" + jgsj1.Text.Trim() + " 00:00:00.00 ' ");
            if (jgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.jgsj<='" + jgsj2.Text.Trim() + " 23:59:59.99' ");
            if (txtGcbm.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.gcbm like '%" + txtGcbm.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtGcmc.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.gcmc like '%" + txtGcmc.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtGcdd.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.gcdd like '%" + txtGcdd.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtghxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.ghxkzh like '%" + txtghxkzh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.sgxkzh like '%" + txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "" && ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "0")
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.ChargeUserID= " + ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue);

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //超级管理员
                CompanyID = "0";
                strWhere.Append(" and a.Area_Code like '" + ConvertEx.ToString(Session["AREA_CODE"]) + "%'");
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆用户看自己的
                CompanyID = "0";
                strWhere.Append(" and a.Area_Code like '" + ConvertEx.ToString(Session["OLD_AREA_CODE"]) + "%'");
                if (Common.Session.GetSessionInt("CompanyType") == SystemSet._JSCOMPANYINFO)  //其他人只能看自己的
                    CompanyID = Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyId");
                    CompanyID = "0";
                    strWhere.Append(" AND EXISTS(select SingleProjectID from T_SingleProjectCompany where ");
                    strWhere.Append("CompanyID=" + Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyId") + " AND SingleProjectID=a.SingleProjectID )");

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            DataTable dt = singleProjectBLL.GetListPaging(ConvertEx.ToInt(CompanyID), strWhere.ToString(), pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        private void BindGridView(int pageIndex)
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht.Add("NotInCompanyType", string.Concat(SystemSet._ARCHIVE, ",", SystemSet._SIGNATURECOMPANYINFO, ",", SystemSet._OUTHELPCOMPANYINFO));

            if (ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "" && ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "0")
                ht.Add("ProjectType", ddlProjectType.SelectValue);
            if (kgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("kgsj", kgsj1.Text.Trim());
            if (kgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("kgsj2", kgsj2.Text.Trim());
            if (jgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("jgsj", jgsj1.Text.Trim());
            if (jgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("jgsj2", jgsj2.Text.Trim());
            if (txtGcbm.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("gcbm", txtGcbm.Text.Trim());
            if (txtGcmc.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("gcmc", txtGcmc.Text.Trim());
            if (txtGcdd.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("gcdd", txtGcdd.Text.Trim());
            if (txtghxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("ghxkzh", txtghxkzh.Text.Trim());
            if (txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                ht.Add("sgxkzh", txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim());
            if (ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "" && ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "0")
                ht.Add("ChargeUserID", ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue);

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())        //超级管理员    Area_Code
                ht.Add("Area_Code", Common.Session.GetSession("AREA_CODE"));
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆用户看自己的
                ht.Add("Area_Code", Common.Session.GetSession("OLD_AREA_CODE"));
            else                                    //建设单位看自己相关的,监理,施工无权限
                ht.Add("CompanyId", Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyId"));

            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);

            DataTable dt = singleProjectBLL.GetListPaging(ht, pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定列表数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        private void BindGrid(int pageIndex)
            StringBuilder strWhere = new StringBuilder();

            strWhere.Append(" 1=1 ");
            string CompanyID = "0";

            if (kgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.kgsj>='" + kgsj1.Text.Trim() + " 00:00:00.00 ' ");
            if (kgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.kgsj<='" + kgsj2.Text.Trim() + " 23:59:59.99' ");
            if (jgsj1.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.jgsj>='" + jgsj1.Text.Trim() + " 00:00:00.00 ' ");
            if (jgsj2.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.jgsj<='" + jgsj2.Text.Trim() + " 23:59:59.99' ");
            if (txtGcmc.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.gcmc like '%" + txtGcmc.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtGcdd.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.gcdd like '%" + txtGcdd.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtghxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.ghxkzh like '%" + txtghxkzh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.sgxkzh like '%" + txtsgxkzh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
            if (ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "" && ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue != "0")
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.ChargeUserID= " + ddlChargeUserID.SelectValue);
            if (ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "" && ddlProjectType.SelectValue != "0")
                strWhere.Append(" AND a.ProjectType=(select SystemInfoCode from T_SystemInfo where SystemInfoID=" + ddlProjectType.SelectValue + ") ");
            if (ddl_WorkFlowName.SelectValue != "" && ddl_WorkFlowName.SelectValue != "0")
                strWhere.Append(" AND d.WorkFlowID =" + ddl_WorkFlowName.SelectValue + " ");

            if (PublicModel.isSuperAdmin())  //超级管理员看全部
                strWhere.Append(" and a.Area_Code like '" + ConvertEx.ToString(Session["AREA_CODE"]) + "%' ");
            else if (PublicModel.isArchiveUser())    //档案馆的人看全部部分
                strWhere.Append("and a.Area_Code = '" + ConvertEx.ToString(Session["OLD_AREA_CODE"]) + "' ");
            else if (PublicModel.isLeader())    //工程管理员(建设单位)也看全部
                CompanyID = Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyId");
                CompanyID = "0";
                strWhere.Append(" AND EXISTS(select distinct SingleProjectID from T_SingleProjectCompany where ");
                strWhere.Append("CompanyID=" + Common.Session.GetSession("CompanyId") + " AND SingleProjectID=a.SingleProjectID )");
            if (ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] == null && Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex")) > 0)
                pageIndex = Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(DNTRequest.GetQueryString("PageIndex"));
                ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"] = pageIndex;
                pageIndex = ConvertEx.ToInt(ViewState["CurrentPageIndex"]);
            DataTable dt = singleProjectBLL.GetListPaging(ConvertEx.ToInt(CompanyID), strWhere.ToString(), pageSize, pageIndex, out itemCount);;

            AspNetPager.AlwaysShow = true;
            AspNetPager.PageSize   = pageSize;

            AspNetPager.RecordCount      = itemCount;
            AspNetPager.CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex;

            rpData.DataSource = dt;