Beispiel #1
        public MainViewModel(ReadingEntity readingModel)
            // Publish an event with eventName = PubSubTest. Others can subscribe to said eventName, in order to catch when it is raised
            PubSub <object> .PublishEvent("PubSubTest", PubSubCheckedHandler);

            // ReadingModel contains a list of movie objects data fetched from the database
            this.readingModel = readingModel;

            // Initialize other viewmodels
            WatchedMoviesViewModel    = new WatchedMoviesViewModel(readingModel.WatchedMovies);                         // Pass list of movie objects to the WatchedMovies
            NonWatchedMoviesViewModel = new NonWatchedMoviesViewModel(readingModel.NonWatchedMovies);                   // Pass list of movie objects to the NonWatchedMovies
            AddMovieViewModel         = new AddMovieViewModel(this, WatchedMoviesViewModel, NonWatchedMoviesViewModel); // Pass reference for mainviewmodel and both datagrids, so when we add a new movie we know where to put it

            // Subscribe to the ViewModels' OnpropertyChanged event
            WatchedMoviesViewModel.PropertyChanged    += MoviesViewModel_PropertyChanged;
            NonWatchedMoviesViewModel.PropertyChanged += MoviesViewModel_PropertyChanged;
            this.PropertyChanged += MainWindowViewModel_PropertyChanged; // Subscribe to MainViewModels OnPropertyChanged event to check for changes in MainViewModel

            // Register commands so we are able to execute specific buttons
            RegisterCommand(SaveCommand = new ActionCommand(Save, CanSave));
            RegisterCommand(LoadCommand = new ActionCommand(Load, CanLoad));
            RegisterCommand(TestCommand = new ActionCommand(Test, CanTest));