Beispiel #1
        public static void EncodePixel(this PsuTexturePixelFormat format, byte[] sourcePixels, int sourceAddress, byte[] destinationPixels, int destinationAddress)
            switch (format)
            //These are direct copies.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Palette8:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Argb1555:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgb555:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgb565:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Argb8888:
                Array.Copy(sourcePixels, sourceAddress * format.GetSourceBytesPerPixel(), destinationPixels, destinationAddress * format.GetDestinationBytesPerPixel(), format.GetSourceBytesPerPixel());

            //Promote all 4 colors from 4 to 8 bits.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Argb4444:
                byte a  = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 3];
                byte r  = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 2];
                byte g  = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 1];
                byte b  = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4];
                byte ar = (byte)((a & 0xF0) | (r >> 4));
                byte gb = (byte)((g & 0xF0) | (b >> 4));
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2]     = gb;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2 + 1] = ar;

            //Copy 3 bytes, discard the next, copy the result into 3.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Xrgb8888:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4]     = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 0]; // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 1]; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 2]; // R

            //Promote first byte to upper byte of destination
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Ax88:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 1];

            //Promote all 3 colors to 8 bits
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgb655:
                b = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3];
                g = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 1];
                r = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 2];
                byte lowerByte = (byte)((b >> 5) | ((g & 0x38) << 2));
                byte upperByte = (byte)((r & 0xFC) | ((g & 0xC0) >> 6));
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2]     = lowerByte;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2 + 1] = upperByte;

            //Copy values, add dummy third value
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Gb88:
                g = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 1];
                b = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 0];
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2]     = b;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2 + 1] = g;

            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rb88:
                r = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 1];
                b = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 3 + 0];
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2]     = b;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2 + 1] = r;

            //Reorder values
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgba8888:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4];     // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 1]; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 3] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 2]; // R
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4]     = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 3]; // A

            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Abgr8888:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4];     // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 1]; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 0] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 2]; // R
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 3] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 3]; // A

            //These values have no bitmasks, so nothing gets copied.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Mystery16:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Mystery32:
            default: break;
Beispiel #2
        public static void DecodePixel(this PsuTexturePixelFormat format, byte[] sourcePixels, int sourceAddress, byte[] destinationPixels, int destinationAddress)
            switch (format)
            //These are direct copies.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Palette8:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Argb1555:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgb555:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgb565:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Argb8888:
                Array.Copy(sourcePixels, sourceAddress * format.GetSourceBytesPerPixel(), destinationPixels, destinationAddress * format.GetDestinationBytesPerPixel(), format.GetSourceBytesPerPixel());

            //Promote all 4 colors from 4 to 8 bits.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Argb4444:
                byte gb = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2];
                byte ar = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 1];
                byte a  = (byte)(ar & 0xF0);
                byte r  = (byte)((ar & 0xF) << 4);
                byte g  = (byte)(gb & 0xF0);
                byte b  = (byte)((gb & 0xF) << 4);
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4]     = b;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 1] = g;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 2] = r;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 3] = a;

            //Copy 3 bytes, discard the next, copy the result into 3.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Xrgb8888:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3]     = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 0]; // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 1]; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3 + 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 2]; // R

            //Promote first byte to upper byte of destination
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Ax88:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 2 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2];

            //Promote all 3 colors to 8 bits
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgb655:
                ushort combinedColor = (ushort)((sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 1] << 8) | sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2]);
                b = (byte)((combinedColor & 0x1F) << 3);
                g = (byte)((combinedColor & 0x3E0) >> 2);
                r = (byte)((combinedColor & 0xFC00) >> 8);
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3]     = b; // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3 + 1] = g; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3 + 2] = r; // R

            //Copy values, add dummy third value
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Gb88:
                g = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 1];
                b = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 0];
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3]     = b;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3 + 1] = g;

            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rb88:
                r = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 1];
                b = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 2 + 0];
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3]     = b;
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 3 + 1] = r;

            //Reorder values
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Rgba8888:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4]     = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 1]; // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 2]; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 3]; // R
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 3] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4];     // A

            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Abgr8888:
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4]     = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 2]; // B
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 1] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 1]; // G
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 2] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 0]; // R
                destinationPixels[destinationAddress * 4 + 3] = sourcePixels[sourceAddress * 4 + 3]; // A

            //These values have no bitmasks, so nothing gets copied.
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Mystery16:
            case PsuTexturePixelFormat.Mystery32:
            default: break;