protected override async Task StartListeningAsync()
            await base.StartListeningAsync();

            SensusContext.Current.MainThreadSynchronizer.ExecuteThreadSafe(() =>
                if (Beacons.Count > 0)
                    _proximityObserver = new ProximityObserver(new CloudCredentials(EstimoteCloudAppId, EstimoteCloudAppToken), error =>
                        SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Error while initializing proximity observer:  " + error, LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());

                    List <ProximityZone> beaconZones = new List <ProximityZone>();

                    foreach (EstimoteBeacon beacon in Beacons)
                        ProximityZone beaconZone = new ProximityZone(beacon.Tag, new ProximityRange(beacon.ProximityMeters))
                            OnEnter = async(triggeringDeviceAttachment) =>
                                await StoreDatumAsync(new EstimoteBeaconDatum(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, beacon, EstimoteBeaconProximityEvent.Entered));

                            OnExit = async(triggeringDeviceAttachment) =>
                                await StoreDatumAsync(new EstimoteBeaconDatum(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, beacon, EstimoteBeaconProximityEvent.Exited));



                if (Location != null)
                    EILRequestFetchLocation locationFetchRequest = new EILRequestFetchLocation(Location.Identifier);

                    locationFetchRequest.SendRequest((fetchedLocation, error) =>
                        if (error == null)
                            _indoorLocation = fetchedLocation;
                            SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Failed to fetch Estimote indoor location:  " + error, LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            // get your app ID and token on:
            var creds = new CloudCredentials("app ID", "app token");

            observer = new ProximityObserver(creds, (error) =>
                Debug.WriteLine($"error = {error}");

            var range = new ProximityRange(1.0);

            var zone1 = new ProximityZone("lobby", range)
                OnEnter = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone1 enter, context = {context}");
                OnExit = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone1 exit, context = {context}");
                OnContextChange = (contexts) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone1 contextChange, contexts = {contexts}");

            var zone2 = new ProximityZone("conf-room", range)
                OnEnter = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone2 enter, context = {context}");
                OnExit = (context) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone2 exit, context = {context}");
                OnContextChange = (contexts) =>
                    Debug.WriteLine($"zone2 contextChange, contexts = {contexts}");

            observer.StartObservingZones(new ProximityZone[] { zone1, zone2 });

            Debug.WriteLine("Proximity all ready to go!");

Beispiel #3
 // Se sobreescribe el metodo para que solo la primera vez que se suscriban
 // se cree lo necesario para que la lib de estimote escanee objetos.
 public override IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver <T> observer)
     if (proximityZone == null)
         this.proximityZone = this.estimoteProximityObserver
                              .withOnEnterAction((ProximityContext, Unit) => {
             // Por cada objeto detectado, llamo a OnObjectDetecte para que publique el evento
             this.OnObjectDetected(EventType.OnEnter, ProximityContext.Id);
                              .withOnExitAction((ProximityContext, Unit) => {
             // Por cada objeto detectado, llamo a OnObjectDetecte para que publique el evento
             this.OnObjectDetected(EventType.OnExit, ProximityContext.Id);
                              .withOnChangeAction((ProximityContext[], Unit >) => {
             // Por cada objeto detectado, llamo a OnObjectDetecte para que publique el evento
             this.OnObjectDetected(EventType.OnChange, ProximityContext[0].Id);