/// <summary>
    /// Unsigned VarInt format
    /// </summary>
    public static void WriteUInt64(CitoStream stream, int val)
        byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
        int    count  = 0;

        while (true)
#if !CITO
            buffer[count] = (byte)(val & 0x7F);
            buffer[count] = (val & 0x7F).LowByte;
            val = ProtoPlatform.logical_right_shift(val, 7);
            if (val == 0)

            buffer[count] |= 0x80;

            count += 1;

        stream.Write(buffer, 0, count + 1);
    /// <summary>
    /// Read the value for an unknown key as bytes.
    /// Used to preserve unknown keys during deserialization.
    /// Requires the message option preserveunknown=true.
    /// </summary>
    public static byte[] ReadValueBytes(CitoStream stream, Key key)
        byte[] b;
        int    offset = 0;

        switch (key.GetWireType())
        case Wire.Fixed32:
            b = new byte[4];
            while (offset < 4)
                offset += stream.Read(b, offset, 4 - offset);

        case Wire.Fixed64:
            b = new byte[8];
            while (offset < 8)
                offset += stream.Read(b, offset, 8 - offset);

        case Wire.LengthDelimited:
            //Read and include length in value buffer
            int length          = ProtocolParser.ReadUInt32(stream);
            CitoMemoryStream ms = new CitoMemoryStream();
                //TODO: pass b directly to MemoryStream constructor or skip usage of it completely
                ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(ms, length);
                b = new byte[length + ms.Length()];
                byte[] arr = ms.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(arr); i++)
                    b[i] = arr[i];
                offset = ms.Length();

            //Read data into buffer
            while (offset < ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(b))
                offset += stream.Read(b, offset, ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(b) - offset);

        case Wire.Varint:

#if !CITO
            throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown wire type: " + key.GetWireType());
    public static byte[] ReadVarIntBytes(CitoStream stream)
        byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
        int    offset = 0;

        while (true)
            int b = stream.ReadByte();
            if (b < 0)
#if !CITO
            { throw new IOException("Stream ended too early"); }
            { return(null); }
#if !CITO
            buffer[offset] = (byte)b;
            buffer[offset] = b.LowByte;
            offset += 1;
            if ((b & 0x80) == 0)
                break; //end of varint
            if (offset >= ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(buffer))
#if !CITO
            { throw new InvalidDataException("VarInt too long, more than 10 bytes"); }
            { return(null); }
        byte[] ret = new byte[offset];
        for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++)
            ret[i] = buffer[i];
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes length delimited byte array
 /// </summary>
 public static void WriteBytes(CitoStream stream, byte[] val)
     WriteUInt32_(stream, ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(val));
     stream.Write(val, 0, ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(val));
 public static void WriteString(CitoStream stream, string val)
     WriteBytes(stream, ProtoPlatform.StringToBytes(val));
 public static string ReadString(CitoStream stream)
     byte[] bytes = ReadBytes(stream);
     return(ProtoPlatform.BytesToString(bytes, 0));