Beispiel #1
 protected ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType GetOpType(ProtoCore.PrimitiveType type)
     ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Int;
     // Data coercion for the prototype
     // The JIL executive handles int primitives
     if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeInt == type ||
         ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeBool == type ||
         ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeChar == type ||
         ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeString == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Int;
     else if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeDouble == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Double;
     else if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVar == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.VarIndex;
     else if (ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeReturn == type)
         optype = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Register;
Beispiel #2
        // classScope is a global context, it tells we are in which class's scope
        // functionScope is telling us which function we are in.
        // 1. Try to find if the target is a member function's local variable
        //        classScope != kInvalidIndex && functionScope != kInvalidIndex;
        // 2. Try to find if the target is a member variable
        //     2.1 In a member functions classScope != kInvalidIndex && functionScope != kInvalidIndex.
        //         Returns member in derived class, or non-private member in base classes
        //     2.2 In a global functions classScope == kInvalidIndex && functionScope != kInvalidIndex.
        //         Returns public member in derived class, or public member in base classes
        //     2.3 Otherwise, classScope == kInvalidIndex && functionScope == kInvalidIndex
        //         Return public member in derived class, or public member in base classes
        public int GetSymbolIndex(string name, int classScope, int functionScope, int blockId, Core core, out bool hasThisSymbol, out ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType addressType)
            hasThisSymbol = false;
            addressType   = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Invalid;

            if (symbols == null)

            IEnumerable <SymbolNode> allSymbols = symbols.GetNodeForName(name);

            if (allSymbols == null)

            int  myself = typeSystem.classTable.IndexOf(;
            bool isInMemberFunctionContext = (classScope == myself) && (functionScope != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
            bool isInStaticFunction        = isInMemberFunctionContext && (vtable.procList[functionScope].isStatic);

            // Try for member function variables
            var blocks = core.GetAncestorBlockIdsOfBlock(blockId);

            blocks.Insert(0, blockId);

            Dictionary <int, SymbolNode> symbolOfBlockScope = new Dictionary <int, SymbolNode>();

            foreach (var memvar in allSymbols)
                if ((isInMemberFunctionContext) && (memvar.functionIndex == functionScope))
                    symbolOfBlockScope[memvar.codeBlockId] = memvar;
            if (symbolOfBlockScope.Count > 0)
                foreach (var blockid in blocks)
                    if (symbolOfBlockScope.ContainsKey(blockid))
                        hasThisSymbol = true;
                        addressType   = AddressType.VarIndex;

            // Try for member variables.
            var candidates = new List <SymbolNode>();

            foreach (var memvar in allSymbols)
                if (memvar.functionIndex == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope)
            // Sort candidates descending based on their class scopes so that
            // we can search member variable in reverse order of hierarchy tree.
            candidates.Sort((lhs, rhs) => rhs.classScope.CompareTo(lhs.classScope));
            hasThisSymbol = candidates.Count > 0;

            foreach (var symbol in candidates)
                bool isAccessible = false;
                if (isInMemberFunctionContext)
                    isAccessible = (symbol.classScope == myself) || (symbol.access != ProtoCore.CompilerDefinitions.AccessSpecifier.kPrivate);
                    if (isInStaticFunction)
                        isAccessible = isAccessible && symbol.isStatic;
                    isAccessible = symbol.access == ProtoCore.CompilerDefinitions.AccessSpecifier.kPublic;

                if (isAccessible)
                    addressType = symbol.isStatic ? AddressType.StaticMemVarIndex : AddressType.MemVarIndex;

Beispiel #3
        protected bool DfsEmitIdentList(Node pNode, Node parentNode, int contextClassScope, ref ProtoCore.Type lefttype, ref int depth, ref ProtoCore.Type finalType, bool isLeftidentList, ref bool isFirstIdent, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null, ProtoCore.DSASM.AssociativeSubCompilePass subPass = ProtoCore.DSASM.AssociativeSubCompilePass.kNone)
            bool isRefFromIdentifier = false;

            dynamic node = pNode;

            if (node is ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.IdentifierListNode || node is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierListNode)
                dynamic bnode = node;
                if ( != bnode.Optr)
                    throw new BuildHaltException();

                isRefFromIdentifier = DfsEmitIdentList(bnode.LeftNode, bnode, contextClassScope, ref lefttype, ref depth, ref finalType, isLeftidentList, ref isFirstIdent, graphNode, subPass);

                if (lefttype.rank > 0)
                    lefttype.UID = finalType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;
                node = bnode.RightNode;

            if (node is ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.IdentifierNode || node is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode)
                dynamic identnode = node;

                int ci = core.ClassTable.IndexOf(identnode.Value);
                if (ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != ci)
                    finalType.UID = lefttype.UID = ci;
                else if (identnode.Value == ProtoCore.DSDefinitions.Kw.kw_this)
                    finalType.UID = lefttype.UID = contextClassScope;
                    ProtoCore.DSASM.SymbolNode symbolnode = null;
                    bool isAllocated  = false;
                    bool isAccessible = false;
                    if (lefttype.UID != -1)
                        isAllocated = VerifyAllocation(identnode.Value, lefttype.UID, out symbolnode, out isAccessible);
                        isAllocated = VerifyAllocation(identnode.Value, contextClassScope, out symbolnode, out isAccessible);

                    bool callOnClass = false;
                    if (pNode is ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.IdentifierListNode ||
                        pNode is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierListNode)
                        dynamic leftnode = ((dynamic)pNode).LeftNode;
                        if (leftnode != null &&
                            (leftnode is ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.IdentifierNode ||
                             leftnode is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode))
                            string leftClassName = leftnode.Name;
                            int    leftci        = core.ClassTable.IndexOf(leftClassName);
                            if (leftci != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex)
                                callOnClass = true;

                                depth = depth + 1;

                    if (null == symbolnode)    //unbound identifier
                        if (isAllocated && !isAccessible)
                            lefttype.UID = finalType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;

                        if (depth == 0)
                            lefttype.UID = finalType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;
                            ProtoCore.DSASM.DyanmicVariableNode dynamicVariableNode = new ProtoCore.DSASM.DyanmicVariableNode(identnode.Value, globalProcIndex, globalClassIndex);
                            int dim = 0;
                            if (null != identnode.ArrayDimensions)
                                dim = DfsEmitArrayIndexHeap(identnode.ArrayDimensions);
                            lefttype.UID = finalType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeVar;
                        if (callOnClass && !symbolnode.isStatic)
                            lefttype.UID = finalType.UID = (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeNull;
                    lefttype = symbolnode.datatype;

                    int dimensions = 0;

                    // Get the symbols' table index
                    int runtimeIndex = symbolnode.runtimeTableIndex;

                    ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType operandType = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.Pointer;

                    if (null != identnode.ArrayDimensions)
                        /* Remove static type checking
                         * if (lefttype.UID != (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeArray && !lefttype.IsIndexable)
                         *  buildStatus.LogWarning(BuildData.WarningID.kWarnMax, string.Format("'{0}' is not indexable at compile time", identnode.Name));
                        dimensions  = DfsEmitArrayIndexHeap(identnode.ArrayDimensions);
                        operandType = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.ArrayPointer;

                    //update the rank
                    if (lefttype.rank >= 0)
                        lefttype.rank -= dimensions;
                        if (lefttype.rank < 0)
                            //throw new Exception("Exceed maximum rank!");
                            lefttype.rank = 0;

                    if (0 == depth || (symbolnode != null && symbolnode.isStatic))
                        if (ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kGlobalScope == symbolnode.functionIndex &&
                            ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex != symbolnode.classScope)
                            // member var
                            operandType = symbolnode.isStatic ? ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.StaticMemVarIndex : ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.MemVarIndex;
                            operandType = ProtoCore.DSASM.AddressType.VarIndex;
                    depth     = depth + 1;
                    finalType = lefttype;
            else if (node is ProtoCore.AST.ImperativeAST.FunctionCallNode || node is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.FunctionCallNode)
                TraverseFunctionCall(node, pNode, lefttype.UID, depth, ref finalType, graphNode, subPass);
                //finalType.UID = isBooleanOp ? (int)PrimitiveType.kTypeBool : finalType.UID;
                lefttype = finalType;
                depth    = 1;
            //    throw new BuildHaltException();