Beispiel #1
        public static void SetComboBoxValue(ComboBox comboBox, string val)
            for (int i = 0; i < comboBox.Items.Count; i++)
                if (comboBox.Items[i] is PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion && (comboBox.Items[i] as PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion).InternalValue == val)
                    comboBox.SelectedIndex = i;

            var item = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                InternalValue = val

            comboBox.SelectedItem = item;
Beispiel #2
        //parsing KConfig
        static PropertyList ParserKConfig(string pKFile)
            string typ = "";
            string name = "", UID = "", min = "", max = "";
            bool   newProperty = false, flHelp = false, flEnum = false;
            var    def     = "";
            string lstHelp = "";
            List <PropertyEntry> ListProperties = new List <PropertyEntry>();
            PropertyEntry        PropEntry      = new PropertyEntry.Boolean();
            bool BoolNameChoice = false;

            PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion        SugEnum    = null;// new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion();
            List <PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion> lstSugEnum = new List <PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion>();
            int    aCounrEnumDef = 0;
            int    resParse;
            string lnHist = "";

            foreach (var ln in File.ReadAllLines(pKFile))
                if (ln.Contains("menu \"Example Configuration\""))
                    resParse = 3;
                Match m = Regex.Match(ln, "^(menuconfig|config|choice)[ ]+([A-Z0-9_]+)");
                if (m.Success)
                    if (flEnum)
                        SugEnum = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion();
                        SugEnum.InternalValue = m.Groups[2].Value;
                        if (m.Groups[2].Value == def)
                            def = $"{aCounrEnumDef}";

                    if (m.Groups[1].Value == "choice")
                        BoolNameChoice = true; flEnum = true;
                    if (m.Groups[1].Value == "config")
                        BoolNameChoice = false;

                    if (name != "")//save
                        if (typ == "string")
                            PropEntry = new PropertyEntry.String
                                Name         = name,
                                UniqueID     = UID,
                                Description  = lstHelp,
                                DefaultValue = def
                        if (typ == "int")
                            PropEntry = new PropertyEntry.Integral
                                Name         = name,
                                UniqueID     = UID,
                                Description  = lstHelp,
                                DefaultValue = Int32.TryParse(def, out resParse) ? Int32.Parse(def) : 0,
                                MinValue     = Int32.TryParse(min, out resParse) ? Int32.Parse(min) : 0,
                                MaxValue     = Int32.TryParse(max, out resParse) ? Int32.Parse(max) : 0x0FFFFFFF
                            //    break;
                        if (typ == "bool")
                            PropEntry = new PropertyEntry.Boolean
                                Name         = name,
                                UniqueID     = UID,
                                Description  = lstHelp,
                                DefaultValue = def.ToLower().Contains("y") ? true : false
                            //      break;
                        if (!flEnum)
                            lstHelp = "";//.Clear();
                        flHelp = false;

                    UID         = m.Groups[2].Value;
                    newProperty = true;
                if (!newProperty)

                if (flHelp && !ln.TrimStart().StartsWith("#") && ln.Length > 1)
                    lstHelp += ln.Trim();

                m = Regex.Match(ln, "^[ \t]+(int|bool|hex|prompt)[ ]+[\"]?([\\w0-9_ ]*)[\"]?");
                if (m.Success)
                    if (flEnum)
                        if (m.Groups[1].Value == "bool" && !BoolNameChoice)
                            SugEnum.UserFriendlyName = m.Groups[2].Value;
                        //  if (m.Groups[1].Value == "prompt")
                        //     throw new Exception(" no endchoice "+ lnHist);
                    typ = m.Groups[1].Value; name = m.Groups[2].Value;
                    // if (typ == "prompt") flEnum = true;

                m = Regex.Match(ln, "^[ \t]+default[ \t]([\\w\\d]+)");
                if (m.Success)
                    def = m.Groups[1].Value; continue;

                m = Regex.Match(ln, "^[ \t]+range[ \t]([\\w\\d]+)[ \t]+([\\w\\d]+)");
                if (m.Success)
                    min = m.Groups[1].Value; max = m.Groups[2].Value; continue;

                if (Regex.IsMatch(ln, "^[ \t]+help[ \t]*"))
                    flHelp = true; continue;

                if (Regex.IsMatch(ln, "^[ \t]*endchoice[ \t]*")) // end prompt
                    if (typ != "prompt" && typ != "bool")
                        throw new Exception(" no prompt in endchoice");
                    flEnum    = false;
                    PropEntry = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated
                        Name = name,
                        // UniqueID = UID,
                        Description       = lstHelp,
                        DefaultEntryIndex = 1,// def.ToLower().StartsWith("y") ? true : false
                        SuggestionList    = lstSugEnum.ToArray()
                    //      break;

                    lstHelp       = "";//.Clear();
                    flHelp        = false;
                    aCounrEnumDef = 0;

                lnHist = ln;

            // end file
            //save old record , need it to new function or class
            if (typ == "int")
                PropEntry = new PropertyEntry.Integral
                    Name         = name,
                    UniqueID     = UID,
                    Description  = lstHelp,
                    DefaultValue = Int32.TryParse(def, out resParse) ? Int32.Parse(def) : 0,
                    MinValue     = Int32.TryParse(min, out resParse) ? Int32.Parse(min) : 0,
                    MaxValue     = Int32.TryParse(max, out resParse) ? Int32.Parse(max) : 0x0FFFFFFF
                //    break;
            if (typ == "bool")
                PropEntry = new PropertyEntry.Boolean
                    Name         = name,
                    UniqueID     = UID,
                    Description  = lstHelp,
                    DefaultValue = def.ToLower().Contains("y") ? true : false
                //      break;
            List <PropertyGroup> lstPrGr = new List <PropertyGroup>();
            PropertyGroup        PrGr    = new PropertyGroup();

            PrGr.Properties = ListProperties;

            PropertyList ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList
                PropertyGroups = lstPrGr

Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                throw new Exception("Usage: nrf5x.exe <Nordic SW package directory>");
            bool usingIoTSDK = false;

            if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(args[0], @"components\iot\ble_6lowpan")))
                usingIoTSDK = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Detected IoT SDK");

            NordicBSPBuilder bspBuilder;

            if (usingIoTSDK)
                bspBuilder = new NordicBSPBuilder(new BSPDirectories(args[0], @"..\..\Output", @"..\..\rules_iot"));
                bspBuilder.SoftDevices.Add(new NordicBSPBuilder.SoftDevice("s1xx_iot", 0x1f000, 0x2800, "nrf52", "IoT"));
                bspBuilder = new NordicBSPBuilder(new BSPDirectories(args[0], @"..\..\Output", @"..\..\rules"));
                bspBuilder.SoftDevices.Add(new NordicBSPBuilder.SoftDevice("S130", 0x1b000, 0x13c8, "nrf51", "Bluetooth LE Universal"));
                bspBuilder.SoftDevices.Add(new NordicBSPBuilder.SoftDevice("S132", 0x20000, 0x2168, "nrf52832", "Bluetooth LE"));
                bspBuilder.SoftDevices.Add(new NordicBSPBuilder.SoftDevice("S140", 0x21000, 0x2780, "nrf52840", "Bluetooth LE"));
            List <MCUBuilder> devices = new List <MCUBuilder>();

            if (!usingIoTSDK)
                foreach (string part in new string[] { "nRF51822", "nRF51422" })
                    devices.Add(new MCUBuilder {
                        Name = part + "_XXAA", FlashSize = 256 * 1024, RAMSize = 16 * 1024, Core = CortexCore.M0
                    devices.Add(new MCUBuilder {
                        Name = part + "_XXAB", FlashSize = 128 * 1024, RAMSize = 16 * 1024, Core = CortexCore.M0
                    devices.Add(new MCUBuilder {
                        Name = part + "_XXAC", FlashSize = 256 * 1024, RAMSize = 32 * 1024, Core = CortexCore.M0

            devices.Add(new MCUBuilder {
                Name = "nRF52832_XXAA", FlashSize = 512 * 1024, RAMSize = 64 * 1024, Core = CortexCore.M4
            devices.Add(new MCUBuilder {
                Name = "nRF52840_XXAA", FlashSize = 1024 * 1024, RAMSize = 256 * 1024, Core = CortexCore.M4

            List <MCUFamilyBuilder> allFamilies = new List <MCUFamilyBuilder>();

            foreach (var fn in Directory.GetFiles(bspBuilder.Directories.RulesDir + @"\Families", "*.xml"))
                allFamilies.Add(new MCUFamilyBuilder(bspBuilder, XmlTools.LoadObject <FamilyDefinition>(fn)));

            var rejects = BSPGeneratorTools.AssignMCUsToFamilies(devices, allFamilies);

            List <EmbeddedFramework>             frameworks  = new List <EmbeddedFramework>();
            List <MCUFamilyBuilder.CopiedSample> exampleDirs = new List <MCUFamilyBuilder.CopiedSample>();

            bool noPeripheralRegisters = true;

            List <MCUFamily> familyDefinitions = new List <MCUFamily>();
            List <MCU>       mcuDefinitions    = new List <MCU>();

            var           commonPseudofamily = new MCUFamilyBuilder(bspBuilder, XmlTools.LoadObject <FamilyDefinition>(bspBuilder.Directories.RulesDir + @"\CommonFiles.xml"));
            var           flags        = new ToolFlags();
            List <string> projectFiles = new List <string>();

            commonPseudofamily.CopyFamilyFiles(ref flags, projectFiles);
            flags = flags.Merge(commonPseudofamily.Definition.CompilationFlags);

            List <ConditionalToolFlags> condFlags = new List <ConditionalToolFlags>();

            foreach (var fam in allFamilies)
                Console.WriteLine("Processing " + fam.Definition.Name + " family...");
                string famBase = fam.Definition.Name.Substring(0, 5).ToLower();

                var rejectedMCUs = fam.RemoveUnsupportedMCUs(true);
                if (rejectedMCUs.Length != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unsupported {0} MCUs:", fam.Definition.Name);
                    foreach (var mcu in rejectedMCUs)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", mcu.Name);

                List <Framework> bleFrameworks = new List <Framework>();
                foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(bspBuilder.Directories.RulesDir + @"\BLEFrameworks.txt"))
                    int    idx  = line.IndexOf('|');
                    string dir  = line.Substring(0, idx);
                    string desc = line.Substring(idx + 1);

                    string id = Path.GetFileName(dir);
                    if (!id.StartsWith("ble_"))
                        id = "ble_" + id;

                    if (dir.StartsWith("services\\", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        id = "ble_svc_" + id.Substring(4);

                    bleFrameworks.Add(new Framework
                        Name              = string.Format("Bluetooth LE - {0} ({1})", desc, Path.GetFileName(dir)),
                        ID                = "com.sysprogs.arm.nordic." + famBase + "." + id,
                        ClassID           = "com.sysprogs.arm.nordic.nrfx." + id,
                        ProjectFolderName = "BLE " + desc,
                        DefaultEnabled    = false,
                        CopyJobs          = new CopyJob[]
                            new CopyJob
                                SourceFolder = allFamilies[0].Definition.PrimaryHeaderDir + @"\..\components\ble\" + dir,
                                TargetFolder = dir,
                                FilesToCopy  = "*.c;*.h",

                fam.Definition.AdditionalFrameworks = fam.Definition.AdditionalFrameworks.Concat(bleFrameworks).ToArray();
                // Startup Files
                StartupFileGenerator.InterruptVectorTable[] aStartupVectors;
                if (usingIoTSDK)
                    aStartupVectors = new StartupFileGenerator.InterruptVectorTable[] {
                        GenerateStartupFile(fam.Definition.StartupFileDir, "nRF52")
                    aStartupVectors = new StartupFileGenerator.InterruptVectorTable[] {
                        GenerateStartupFile(fam.Definition.StartupFileDir, "nRF51"),
                        GenerateStartupFile(fam.Definition.StartupFileDir, "nRF52")

                //  SVD Files
                var aMcuDef1 = (new MCUDefinitionWithPredicate[] { SVDParser.ParseSVDFile(Path.Combine(fam.Definition.PrimaryHeaderDir, "nRF51.svd"), "nRF51") });
                aMcuDef1[0].MatchPredicate = m => m.Name.StartsWith("nRF51");

                var aMcuDef2 = (new MCUDefinitionWithPredicate[] { SVDParser.ParseSVDFile(Path.Combine(fam.Definition.PrimaryHeaderDir, "nRF52.svd"), "nRF52") });
                aMcuDef2[0].MatchPredicate = m => m.Name.StartsWith("nRF52");


                var famObj = fam.GenerateFamilyObject(true);

                famObj.AdditionalSourceFiles = LoadedBSP.Combine(famObj.AdditionalSourceFiles, projectFiles.Where(f => !MCUFamilyBuilder.IsHeaderFile(f)).ToArray());
                famObj.AdditionalHeaderFiles = LoadedBSP.Combine(famObj.AdditionalHeaderFiles, projectFiles.Where(f => MCUFamilyBuilder.IsHeaderFile(f)).ToArray());

                famObj.AdditionalSystemVars = LoadedBSP.Combine(famObj.AdditionalSystemVars, commonPseudofamily.Definition.AdditionalSystemVars);
                famObj.CompilationFlags     = famObj.CompilationFlags.Merge(flags);


                SysVarEntry defaultConfigFolder51 = new SysVarEntry {
                    Key = "com.sysprogs.nordic.default_config_suffix", Value = "pca10040/s132"
                };                                                                                                                                 // s132_pca10036" };
                SysVarEntry defaultConfigFolder52 = new SysVarEntry {
                    Key = "com.sysprogs.nordic.default_config_suffix", Value = "pca10028/s130"
                };                                                                                                                                 // s130_pca10028" };

                foreach (var mcu in fam.MCUs)
                    var mcuDef = mcu.GenerateDefinition(fam, bspBuilder, !noPeripheralRegisters);
                    var compatibleSoftdevs = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[] { new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                                             InternalValue = "nosoftdev", UserFriendlyName = "None"
                                                                                         } }.Concat(bspBuilder.SoftDevices.Where(sd => sd.IsCompatible(mcu.Name)).Select(s => new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                        InternalValue = s.Name, UserFriendlyName = s.UserFriendlyName

                    if (mcuDef.ConfigurableProperties == null)
                        mcuDef.ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList {
                            PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup>()
                    mcuDef.ConfigurableProperties.PropertyGroups.Add(new PropertyGroup
                        Properties = new List <PropertyEntry>
                            new PropertyEntry.Enumerated
                                UniqueID          = NordicBSPBuilder.SoftdevicePropertyID,
                                Name              = "Softdevice",
                                DefaultEntryIndex = 1,
                                SuggestionList    = compatibleSoftdevs,

                    if (mcu.Name.StartsWith("nRF52"))
                        var prop = mcuDef.ConfigurableProperties.PropertyGroups[0].Properties.Find(p => p.UniqueID == "com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.floatmode") as PropertyEntry.Enumerated;
                        var idx  = Array.FindIndex(prop.SuggestionList, p => p.UserFriendlyName == "Hardware");
                        prop.DefaultEntryIndex = idx;
                        prop.SuggestionList[idx].UserFriendlyName = "Hardware (required when using a softdevice)";   //Otherwise the system_nrf52.c file won't initialize the FPU and the internal initialization of the softdevice will later fail.

                        mcuDef.AdditionalSystemVars = LoadedBSP.Combine(mcuDef.AdditionalSystemVars, new SysVarEntry[] { defaultConfigFolder51 });
                        mcuDef.AdditionalSystemVars = LoadedBSP.Combine(mcuDef.AdditionalSystemVars, new SysVarEntry[] { defaultConfigFolder52 });


                if (fam.Definition.ConditionalFlags != null)

                foreach (var fw in fam.GenerateFrameworkDefinitions())

                foreach (var sample in fam.CopySamples(null, new SysVarEntry[] { defaultConfigFolder51 }))
                //                var prioritizer = new SamplePrioritizer(Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.RulesDir, "SamplePriorities.txt"));
                //                exampleDirs.Sort((a, b) => prioritizer.Prioritize(a.RelativePath, b.RelativePath));

            Console.WriteLine("Building BSP archive...");
            string strPackageID, strPackageDesc, strPAckVersion;

            if (usingIoTSDK)
                strPackageID   = "com.sysprogs.arm.nordic.nrf5x-iot";
                strPackageDesc = "Nordic NRF52 IoT";
                strPAckVersion = "0.9";

                foreach (var mcu in mcuDefinitions)
                    mcu.UserFriendlyName = mcu.ID + " (IoT)";
                strPackageID   = "com.sysprogs.arm.nordic.nrf5x";
                strPackageDesc = "Nordic NRF5x Devices";
                strPAckVersion = "13.0-alpha";

            BoardSupportPackage bsp = new BoardSupportPackage
                PackageID            = strPackageID,
                PackageDescription   = strPackageDesc,
                GNUTargetID          = "arm-eabi",
                GeneratedMakFileName = "nrf5x.mak",
                MCUFamilies          = familyDefinitions.ToArray(),
                SupportedMCUs        = mcuDefinitions.ToArray(),
                Frameworks           = frameworks.ToArray(),
                Examples             = exampleDirs.Where(s => !s.IsTestProjectSample).Select(s => s.RelativePath).ToArray(),
                TestExamples         = exampleDirs.Where(s => s.IsTestProjectSample).Select(s => s.RelativePath).ToArray(),
                PackageVersion       = strPAckVersion,
                FileConditions       = bspBuilder.MatchedFileConditions.ToArray(),
                MinimumEngineVersion = "5.0",
                ConditionalFlags     = condFlags.ToArray(),

            bspBuilder.Save(bsp, true);
        public static void SetComboBoxValue(ComboBox comboBox, string val)
            for (int i = 0; i < comboBox.Items.Count; i++)
                if (comboBox.Items[i] is PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion && (comboBox.Items[i] as PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion).InternalValue == val)
                    comboBox.SelectedIndex = i;

            var item = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = val };
            comboBox.SelectedItem = item;