public async Task Counter_metrics_are_exposed_correctly_when_requested_without_timestamp()
            var metrics = new PrometheusMetrics();

            var counter = metrics.Counter()
                          .Help("This is the help")


            var memstream = new MemoryStream();
            await metrics.Expose(memstream, ExposeOptions.NoTimestamp);

            var lines = UTF8.GetString(memstream.ToArray()).Split('\n');

            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# HELP test_counter_total This is the help"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# TYPE test_counter_total counter"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "test_counter_total 1")));
        public async Task Counter_metrics_are_exposed_correctly_in_cultures_with_non_point_decimal_separator()
            var metrics = new PrometheusMetrics();

            var counter = metrics.Counter()
                          .Help("Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur")


            var memstream = new MemoryStream();
            await metrics.Expose(memstream);

            var lines = UTF8.GetString(memstream.ToArray()).Split('\n');

            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# HELP test_counter_total Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# TYPE test_counter_total counter"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "test_counter_total 3.14159 [0-9]+")));
        public async Task Exposing_a_metric_includes_custom_metrics_without_timestamp()
            var mh = new FakeMessageHandler();

            using (var pgw = new PushGateway(new HttpClient(mh)
                BaseAddress = new Uri("")
                var m = new PrometheusMetrics();
                var c = m.Counter().Name("test_counter").Help("This is the help text").Register();


                await pgw.PushAsync(m, "exampleapp");

                mh.Content.Should().Contain("# HELP test_counter This is the help text\n");
                mh.Content.Should().Contain("test_counter 1\n");
        public async Task LabelledCounter_metrics_are_exposed_correctly_in_cultures_with_non_point_decimal_separator()
            var metrics = new PrometheusMetrics();

            var counter = metrics.Counter()
                          .Help("Öt szép szűzlány őrült írót nyúz, avagy kínaiul: 五美麗的處女瘋狂作家去皮")


            var memstream = new MemoryStream();
            await metrics.Expose(memstream);

            var lines = UTF8.GetString(memstream.ToArray()).Split('\n');

            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# HELP test_labelled_counter_total Öt szép szűzlány őrült írót nyúz, avagy kínaiul: 五美麗的處女瘋狂作家去皮"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# TYPE test_labelled_counter_total counter"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "test_labelled_counter_total{consectetur=\"adipiscing\"} 2.71828 [0-9]+")));
        public async Task LabelledCounter_metrics_are_exposed_correctly()
            var metrics = new PrometheusMetrics();

            var counter = metrics.Counter()
                          .Help("This is the help")


            var memstream = new MemoryStream();
            await metrics.Expose(memstream);

            var lines = UTF8.GetString(memstream.ToArray()).Split('\n');

            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# HELP test_counter_total This is the help"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => s == "# TYPE test_counter_total counter"));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "test_counter_total{method=\"GET\"} 1 [0-9]+")));
            Assert.Equal(1, lines.Count(s => Regex.IsMatch(s, "test_counter_total{method=\"POST\"} 2 [0-9]+")));
Beispiel #6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            IMetrics metrics = new PrometheusMetrics();

            var planningTime = metrics.Gauge()
                               .Name("planning_time").Help("The processing time in seconds").LabelNames("solver").Register();

            var planningCount = metrics.Counter()
                                .Name("planning_count").Help("The count of planning").LabelNames("solver").Register();

            var totalPlanningCount = metrics.Counter()
                                     .Name("plannning_count_total").Help("Total count of plannings").Register();

            var totalRunning = metrics.Gauge()
                               .Name("plannning_running_total").Help("Currently running plannings").Register();

            var planningStartTime = metrics.Gauge()
                                    .Name("planning_start_time").Help("Start time of last planning").Register();

            var planningTimeHistogram = metrics.Histogram()
                                        .LinearBuckets(0, 300, 10)
                                        .Help("Duration of plannings in ms")

            var planningTimeHistogramForSolver = metrics.Histogram()
                                                 .LinearBuckets(0, 300, 10)
                                                 .Help("Duration of plannings in ms for different solvers")

            var pgw = new PushGateway(
                new Uri(""),
                new List <Tuple <string, string> > {
                Tuple.Create("environment", "test")

            Task.Run(async() =>
                var pm     = metrics as PrometheusMetrics;
                var output = Console.OpenStandardOutput();

                for (;;)
                    Console.WriteLine("# Waiting");
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                    Console.WriteLine("# Exposing");
                    await pm.Expose(output);
                    Console.WriteLine("# Done");

                        await pgw.PushAsync(pm, "example_app:9000");
                    catch (Exception ex)

            foreach (var solver in new[] { "Static", "Dynamic" })
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var rnd = new Random(solver.GetHashCode());

                    for (;;)
                        using (planningTime.Labels(solver).Timer())


                            totalRunning.TrackInProgress(() =>
                                var planningSleep = rnd.Next(5000);
