Beispiel #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override ProjectionAttributeStateSet AppendProjectionAttributeState(
            ProjectionContext projCtx,
            ProjectionAttributeStateSet projOutputSet,
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtx)
            // Create a new attribute context for the operation
            AttributeContextParameters attrCtxOpExcludeAttrsParam = new AttributeContextParameters
                under = attrCtx,
                type  = CdmAttributeContextType.OperationExcludeAttributes,
                Name  = $"operation/index{Index}/operationExcludeAttributes"
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtxOpExcludeAttrs = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(projCtx.ProjectionDirective.ResOpt, attrCtxOpExcludeAttrsParam);

            // Get the top-level attribute names of the attributes to exclude
            // We use the top-level names because the exclude list may contain a previous name our current resolved attributes had
            Dictionary <string, string> topLevelExcludeAttributeNames = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil.GetTopList(projCtx, this.ExcludeAttributes);

            // Initialize a projection attribute context tree builder with the created attribute context for the operation
            ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder attrCtxTreeBuilder = new ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder(attrCtxOpExcludeAttrs);

            // Iterate through all the projection attribute states generated from the source's resolved attributes
            // Each projection attribute state contains a resolved attribute that it is corresponding to
            foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in projCtx.CurrentAttributeStateSet.States)
                // Check if the current projection attribute state's resolved attribute is in the list of attributes to exclude
                // If this attribute is not in the exclude list, then we are including it in the output
                if (!topLevelExcludeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName))
                    // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                    // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                    attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(null, currentPAS, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute, CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeDefinition);

                    // Create a projection attribute state for the included attribute by creating a copy of the current state
                    // Copy() sets the current state as the previous state for the new one
                    // We only create projection attribute states for attributes that are not in the exclude list
                    ProjectionAttributeState newPAS = currentPAS.Copy();

                    // The current projection attribute state's resolved attribute is in the exclude list

                    // Get the attribute name the way it appears in the exclude list
                    string excludeAttributeName = null;
                    topLevelExcludeAttributeNames.TryGetValue(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName, out excludeAttributeName);

                    // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                    // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                    attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(excludeAttributeName, currentPAS, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute, CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeDefinition);

            // Create all the attribute contexts and construct the tree

        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override ProjectionAttributeStateSet AppendProjectionAttributeState(
            ProjectionContext projCtx,
            ProjectionAttributeStateSet projOutputSet,
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtx)
            // Create a new attribute context for the operation
            AttributeContextParameters attrCtxOpIncludeAttrsParam = new AttributeContextParameters
                under = attrCtx,
                type  = CdmAttributeContextType.OperationIncludeAttributes,
                Name  = $"operation/index{Index}/operationIncludeAttributes"
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtxOpIncludeAttrs = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(projCtx.ProjectionDirective.ResOpt, attrCtxOpIncludeAttrsParam);

            // Get the top-level attribute names for each of the included attributes
            // Since the include operation allows providing either current state resolved attribute names
            //   or the previous state resolved attribute names, we search for the name in the PAS tree
            //   and fetch the top level resolved attribute names.
            Dictionary <string, string> topLevelIncludeAttributeNames = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil.GetTopList(projCtx, this.IncludeAttributes);

            // Initialize a projection attribute context tree builder with the created attribute context for the operation
            ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder attrCtxTreeBuilder = new ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder(attrCtxOpIncludeAttrs);

            // Iterate through all the PAS in the PASSet generated from the projection source's resolved attributes
            foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in projCtx.CurrentAttributeStateSet.States)
                // Check if the current PAS's RA is in the list of attributes to include.
                if (topLevelIncludeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName))
                    // Get the attribute name the way it appears in the include list
                    string includeAttributeName = null;
                    topLevelIncludeAttributeNames.TryGetValue(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName, out includeAttributeName);

                    // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                    // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                    attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(includeAttributeName, currentPAS, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute, CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeDefinition);

                    // Create a projection attribute state for the included attribute by creating a copy of the current state
                    // Copy() sets the current state as the previous state for the new one
                    // We only create projection attribute states for attributes in the include list
                    ProjectionAttributeState newPAS = currentPAS.Copy();

                    // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                    // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                    attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(null, currentPAS, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute, CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeDefinition);

            // Create all the attribute contexts and construct the tree

Beispiel #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override ProjectionAttributeStateSet AppendProjectionAttributeState(
            ProjectionContext projCtx,
            ProjectionAttributeStateSet projOutputSet,
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtx)
            // Create a new attribute context for the operation
            AttributeContextParameters attrCtxOpCombineAttrsParam = new AttributeContextParameters
                under = attrCtx,
                type  = CdmAttributeContextType.OperationCombineAttributes,
                Name  = $"operation/index{Index}/operationCombineAttributes"
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtxOpCombineAttrs = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(projCtx.ProjectionDirective.ResOpt, attrCtxOpCombineAttrsParam);

            // Initialize a projection attribute context tree builder with the created attribute context for the operation
            ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder attrCtxTreeBuilder = new ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder(attrCtxOpCombineAttrs);

            // Get all the leaf level PAS nodes from the tree for each selected attribute and cache to a dictionary
            Dictionary <string, List <ProjectionAttributeState> > leafLevelCombineAttributeNames = new Dictionary <string, List <ProjectionAttributeState> >();
            // Also, create a single list of leaf level PAS
            List <ProjectionAttributeState> leafLevelMergePASList = new List <ProjectionAttributeState>();

            foreach (string select in this.Select)
                List <ProjectionAttributeState> leafLevelListForCurrentSelect = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil.GetLeafList(projCtx, select);
                if (leafLevelListForCurrentSelect != null &&
                    leafLevelListForCurrentSelect.Count > 0 &&
                    leafLevelCombineAttributeNames.Add(select, leafLevelListForCurrentSelect);


            // Create a List of top-level PAS objects that will be get merged based on the selected attributes
            List <ProjectionAttributeState> pasMergeList = new List <ProjectionAttributeState>();

            // Run through the top-level PAS objects
            foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in projCtx.CurrentAttributeStateSet.States)
                if (leafLevelCombineAttributeNames.ContainsKey(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName))
                    // Attribute to Merge

                    if (!pasMergeList.Contains(currentPAS))
                    // Attribute to Pass Through

                    // Create a projection attribute state for the non-selected / pass-through attribute by creating a copy of the current state
                    // Copy() sets the current state as the previous state for the new one
                    ProjectionAttributeState newPAS = currentPAS.Copy();


            if (pasMergeList.Count > 0)
                CdmTypeAttributeDefinition mergeIntoAttribute = this.MergeInto as CdmTypeAttributeDefinition;

                // the merged attribute needs one new place to live, so here it is
                AttributeContextParameters mergedAttrCtxParam = new AttributeContextParameters
                    under = attrCtxOpCombineAttrs,
                    type  = CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeDefinition,
                    Name  = mergeIntoAttribute.GetName()
                CdmAttributeContext mergedAttrCtx = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(projCtx.ProjectionDirective.ResOpt, mergedAttrCtxParam);

                // Create new resolved attribute, set the new attribute as target
                ResolvedAttribute raNewMergeInto = CreateNewResolvedAttribute(projCtx, mergedAttrCtx, mergeIntoAttribute, null);

                // Create new output projection attribute state set
                ProjectionAttributeState newMergeIntoPAS = new ProjectionAttributeState(projOutputSet.Ctx)
                    CurrentResolvedAttribute = raNewMergeInto,
                    PreviousStateList        = pasMergeList

                // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                foreach (string select in leafLevelCombineAttributeNames.Keys)
                    if (leafLevelCombineAttributeNames.ContainsKey(select) &&
                        leafLevelCombineAttributeNames[select] != null &&
                        leafLevelCombineAttributeNames[select].Count > 0)
                        foreach (ProjectionAttributeState leafLevelForSelect in leafLevelCombineAttributeNames[select])
                            attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(select, leafLevelForSelect, newMergeIntoPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute,
                                                                                        leafLevelForSelect.CurrentResolvedAttribute.AttCtx, // lineage is the source att
                                                                                        newMergeIntoPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.AttCtx);   // merge into points back here


            // Create all the attribute contexts and construct the tree

Beispiel #4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override ProjectionAttributeStateSet AppendProjectionAttributeState(
            ProjectionContext projCtx,
            ProjectionAttributeStateSet projOutputSet,
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtx)
            // Create a new attribute context for the operation
            AttributeContextParameters attrCtxOpRenameAttrsParam = new AttributeContextParameters
                under = attrCtx,
                type  = CdmAttributeContextType.OperationRenameAttributes,
                Name  = $"operation/index{Index}/operationRenameAttributes"
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtxOpRenameAttrs = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(projCtx.ProjectionDirective.ResOpt, attrCtxOpRenameAttrsParam);

            // Get the list of attributes that will be renamed
            List <string> renameAttributes;

            if (this.ApplyTo != null)
                renameAttributes = this.ApplyTo;
                renameAttributes = new List <string>();
                foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in projCtx.CurrentAttributeStateSet.States)

            // Get the top-level attribute names of the attributes to rename
            // We use the top-level names because the rename list may contain a previous name our current resolved attributes had
            Dictionary <string, string> topLevelRenameAttributeNames = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil.GetTopList(projCtx, renameAttributes);

            string sourceAttributeName = projCtx.ProjectionDirective.OriginalSourceEntityAttributeName;

            // Initialize a projection attribute context tree builder with the created attribute context for the operation
            ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder attrCtxTreeBuilder = new ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder(attrCtxOpRenameAttrs);

            // Iterate through all the projection attribute states generated from the source's resolved attributes
            // Each projection attribute state contains a resolved attribute that it is corresponding to
            foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in projCtx.CurrentAttributeStateSet.States)
                // Check if the current projection attribute state's resolved attribute is in the list of attributes to rename
                // If this attribute is not in the rename list, then we are including it in the output without changes
                if (topLevelRenameAttributeNames.ContainsKey(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName))
                    if (currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.Target is CdmAttribute)
                        // The current attribute should be renamed

                        string newAttributeName = GetNewAttributeName(currentPAS, sourceAttributeName);

                        // Create new resolved attribute with the new name, set the new attribute as target
                        ResolvedAttribute resAttrNew = CreateNewResolvedAttribute(projCtx, null, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.Target, newAttributeName);

                        // Get the attribute name the way it appears in the applyTo list
                        string applyToName = topLevelRenameAttributeNames[currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName];

                        // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                        // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                        attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(applyToName, currentPAS, resAttrNew,
                                                                                    currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.AttCtx, // lineage is the original attribute
                                                                                    null);                                      // don't know who will point here yet

                        // Create a projection attribute state for the renamed attribute by creating a copy of the current state
                        // Copy() sets the current state as the previous state for the new one
                        // We only create projection attribute states for attributes that are in the rename list
                        ProjectionAttributeState newPAS = currentPAS.Copy();

                        // Update the resolved attribute to be the new renamed attribute we created
                        newPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute = resAttrNew;

                        Logger.Warning(this.Ctx, Tag, nameof(AppendProjectionAttributeState), this.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.WarnProjRenameAttrNotSupported);
                        // Add the attribute without changes
                    // Pass through

            // Create all the attribute contexts and construct the tree

Beispiel #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override ProjectionAttributeStateSet AppendProjectionAttributeState(
            ProjectionContext projCtx,
            ProjectionAttributeStateSet projOutputSet,
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtx)
            // Create a new attribute context for the operation
            AttributeContextParameters attrCtxOpIncludeAttrsParam = new AttributeContextParameters
                under = attrCtx,
                type  = CdmAttributeContextType.OperationIncludeAttributes,
                Name  = $"operation/index{Index}/operationIncludeAttributes"
            CdmAttributeContext attrCtxOpIncludeAttrs = CdmAttributeContext.CreateChildUnder(projCtx.ProjectionDirective.ResOpt, attrCtxOpIncludeAttrsParam);

            // Get the top-level attribute names for each of the included attributes
            // Since the include operation allows providing either current state resolved attribute names
            //   or the previous state resolved attribute names, we search for the name in the PAS tree
            //   and fetch the top level resolved attribute names.
            Dictionary <string, string> topLevelIncludeAttributeNames = ProjectionResolutionCommonUtil.GetTopList(projCtx, this.IncludeAttributes);

            // Initialize a projection attribute context tree builder with the created attribute context for the operation
            ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder attrCtxTreeBuilder = new ProjectionAttributeContextTreeBuilder(attrCtxOpIncludeAttrs);

            // Index that holds the current attribute name as the key and the attribute as value
            Dictionary <string, ProjectionAttributeState> topLevelIncludeAttribute = new Dictionary <string, ProjectionAttributeState>();

            // List of attributes that were not included on the final attribute list
            List <ProjectionAttributeState> removedAttributes = new List <ProjectionAttributeState>();

            // Iterate through all the PAS in the PASSet generated from the projection source's resolved attributes
            foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in projCtx.CurrentAttributeStateSet.States)
                // Check if the current PAS's RA is in the list of attributes to include.
                if (topLevelIncludeAttributeNames.ContainsKey(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName))
                    topLevelIncludeAttribute.Add(currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.ResolvedName, currentPAS);

            // Loop through the list of attributes in the same order that was specified by the user
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in topLevelIncludeAttributeNames)
                // Get the attribute state
                ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS = topLevelIncludeAttribute[entry.Key];

                // Get the attribute name the way it appears in the include list
                string includeAttributeName = entry.Value;

                // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(includeAttributeName, currentPAS, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute,
                                                                            currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.AttCtx, // lineage is the included attribute
                                                                            null);                                      // don't know who will point here yet

                // Create a projection attribute state for the included attribute by creating a copy of the current state
                // Copy() sets the current state as the previous state for the new one
                // We only create projection attribute states for attributes in the include list
                ProjectionAttributeState newPAS = currentPAS.Copy();


            // Generate attribute context nodes for the attributes that were not included
            foreach (ProjectionAttributeState currentPAS in removedAttributes)
                // Create the attribute context parameters and just store it in the builder for now
                // We will create the attribute contexts at the end
                attrCtxTreeBuilder.CreateAndStoreAttributeContextParameters(null, currentPAS, currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute,
                                                                            currentPAS.CurrentResolvedAttribute.AttCtx, // lineage is the included attribute
                                                                            null);                                      // don't know who will point here yet

            // Create all the attribute contexts and construct the tree
