public void Launch(ProjectileAbility ability)
        RaycastHit hit;
        Vector3    targetRotation = transform.forward;

        if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hit, 100f))
            targetRotation = hit.point - projectileSpawnPoint.transform.position;

        GameObject cloneProjectile = Instantiate(ability.projectileToSpawn, projectileSpawnPoint.position + ability.launchOffSet, transform.rotation);

        Rigidbody cloneRB = cloneProjectile.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        cloneRB.AddForce(targetRotation * ability.projectileForce);

        Destroy(cloneProjectile, 5f);

        ProjectileAbilityStats pas = cloneProjectile.GetComponent <ProjectileAbilityStats>();

        pas.force           = ability.projectileForce;
        pas.damage          = ability.damage;
        cloneProjectile.tag = "ability";

        //Add ProjectileAbilityCollisionHandler to projectile?
        System.Action <Collision, GameObject, ProjectileAbilityStats> collisionHandlerFunction = OnCollide;
        var onCollisionScript = cloneProjectile.AddComponent <ProjectileAbilityCollisionHandler>();

        onCollisionScript.PrimeProjectile(collisionHandlerFunction, pas);
    //This is a bit of over-engineering but
    private void OnCollide(Collision other, GameObject hit, ProjectileAbilityStats stats)
        //Do each thing you need to do when this impacts something

        //Try to apply damage to thing if it has health
        //Deal OnHit damage
        // Todo: make sure the ability you make doesn't hit you as it leaves your space!
        var targetHealth = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Health>();

        if (targetHealth != null)

        //Generate Explosion?
        //Apply knockback in area?
        //what else?
Beispiel #3
 public void PrimeProjectile(System.Action <Collision, GameObject, ProjectileAbilityStats> onCollision, ProjectileAbilityStats stats)
     this.onCollisionFunction = (Collision other, GameObject ob) => {
         onCollision(other, ob, stats);