public void CreateDepartmentTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO access = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            Project       temp   = new Project();

            temp.Name      = "XXXX";
            temp.ProjectId = 50;
            temp.StartDate = new DateTime(2030, 02, 01);
            temp.EndDate   = new DateTime(2030, 3, 1);

            int result = access.CreateProject(temp);

            Assert.AreEqual(50, result);

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                string sql_select = "SELECT * FROM project WHERE name = 'XXXX';";

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql_select, conn);

                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                int count = 0;

                while (reader.Read())

                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);
        public void RemoveEmployeeFromProjectTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO projectSqlDAO = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            bool          result        = projectSqlDAO.RemoveEmployeeFromProject(1, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
        public void TestAssignEmployeeToProject()
            ProjectSqlDAO project = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            //Project deathStarProject = new Project("DeathStarQualityControl", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);
            //bool result = project.AssignEmployeeToProject(8, 14);
            bool result2 = project.AssignEmployeeToProject(newProjectId, 4);

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                string sql_select = "SELECT * FROM project_employee WHERE employee_id = 4 AND project_id = @newProjectId;";

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql_select, conn);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@newProjectId", newProjectId);

                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                int count = 0;

                while (reader.Read())

                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);
        public void GetAllProjects_Should_Return_The_Correct_Count()
            ProjectSqlDAO   dao      = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            IList <Project> projects = dao.GetAllProjects();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, projects.Count);
        public void AssignEmployeeToProjectTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO access = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
//Do we need to add a project and an employee for this, or is this ok?
            bool result = access.AssignEmployeeToProject(6, 1);


            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                string sql_select = "SELECT * FROM project_employee WHERE project_id = 6 AND employee_id = 1;";

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql_select, conn);

                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                int count = 0;

                while (reader.Read())

                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);
        public void AssignEmployeeToProjectTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO projectSqlDAO = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            bool          result        = projectSqlDAO.AssignEmployeeToProject(2, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
        public void GetAllProjectsTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO  projectSqlDAO = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            List <Project> projectsTest  = (List <Project>)projectSqlDAO.GetAllProjects();

            Assert.AreEqual(7, projectsTest.Count);
Beispiel #8
        public void Remove_employee_from_project_Test()
            ProjectSqlDAO removeEm = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            bool result = removeEm.RemoveEmployeeFromProject(project_id, employee_id);

Beispiel #9
        public void RemoveEmployeeFromProjectTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            bool result = dao.RemoveEmployeeFromProject(testProjectId, testEmpId2);

Beispiel #10
        public void AssignEmployeeToExistingProject()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            bool result = dao.AssignEmployeeToProject(testProjectId, testEmpId2);

Beispiel #11
 public void Arrange()
     //Establish the "known state" of the database
     //Create and instance of CountrySqlDAO
     this.dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
        public void RemoveEmployeeFromProject_Should_Remove_Row()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao             = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            int           initialRowCount = GetRowCount("project_employee");

            bool removed = dao.RemoveEmployeeFromProject(ProjectId, AssignedEmployeeId);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialRowCount - 1, GetRowCount("project_employee"));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IProjectDAO    projectDAO    = new ProjectSqlDAO(@"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = EmployeeDB; Integrated Security = True");
            IEmployeeDAO   employeeDAO   = new EmployeeSqlDAO(@"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = EmployeeDB; Integrated Security = True");
            IDepartmentDAO departmentDAO = new DepartmentSqlDAO(@"Data Source =.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = EmployeeDB; Integrated Security = True");

            ProjectCLI projectCLI = new ProjectCLI(employeeDAO, projectDAO, departmentDAO);

        public void AssignEmployeeToProject_Should_Add_Row()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao             = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            int           initialRowCount = GetRowCount("project_employee");

            bool added = dao.AssignEmployeeToProject(ProjectId, UnassignedEmployeeId);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialRowCount + 1, GetRowCount("project_employee"));
Beispiel #15
        public void Assigned_employee_to_project_by_id_Test()
            int           project_ids  = 1;
            int           employee_ids = 1;
            ProjectSqlDAO assignEm     = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            bool result = assignEm.AssignEmployeeToProject(project_ids, employee_ids);

        public void TestRemoveEmployeeFromProject()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            int           startingRowCount = GetRowCount("project_employee");

            dao.RemoveEmployeeFromProject(NewProjectId, NewEmployeeId);

            int endingRowCount = GetRowCount("project_employee");

            Assert.AreEqual(startingRowCount - 1, endingRowCount);
        public void GetProjectsShouldReturnRightNumberofProjects()
            // Arrange
            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            IList <Project> project = dao.GetAllProjects();

            Assert.AreEqual(GetRowCount("project"), project.Count);
Beispiel #18
        public void GetAllProjectsTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            IList <Project> iprojects = dao.GetAllProjects();
            List <Project>  projects  = iprojects.ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(projects.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsNotNull(projects.Find(p => p.ProjectId == testProjectId));
Beispiel #19
        public void AssignEmployeeToAProjectTest()
            // Arrange
            ProjectSqlDAO project = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            // Act
            bool isAdded = project.AssignEmployeeToProject(NewProjId, NewEmployeeId);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(true, isAdded);
Beispiel #20
        public void RemoveEmployeeFromAProjectTest()
            // Arrange
            ProjectSqlDAO project = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            // Act
            bool isRemoved = project.RemoveEmployeeFromProject(NewProjId, NewEmployeeId2);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(true, isRemoved);
Beispiel #21
        public void Get_all_projects_Test()

            ProjectSqlDAO allProjects = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            List <Project> projectList = (List <Project>)allProjects.GetAllProjects();

            Assert.AreEqual(project_id + 1, projectList.Count);
        public void AssignEmployeeToProjectShouldAssignEmployeeToProject()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            int           startingRowCount = GetRowCount("project_employee");

            dao.AssignEmployeeToProject(NewProjectId, NewEmployeeId2);

            int endingRowCount = GetRowCount("project_employee");

            Assert.AreEqual(startingRowCount + 1, endingRowCount);
        public void CreateProjectTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO projectSqlDAO = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);

            Project project = new Project();

            project.Name      = "test";
            project.StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-03-19");
            project.EndDate   = DateTime.Parse("2011-03-19");
            Assert.AreEqual("test", project.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2010-03-19"), project.StartDate);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2011-03-19"), project.EndDate);
        public void CreateProject_Should_Add_Row()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao             = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            int           initialRowCount = GetRowCount("project");

            int newId = dao.CreateProject(new Project()
                Name = "TEST PROJECT 2", StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)

            Assert.AreEqual(ProjectId + 1, newId);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialRowCount + 1, GetRowCount("project"));
Beispiel #25
        public void GetAllProjectsTest()
            // Arrange

            ProjectSqlDAO project = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            // Act

            IList <Project> projects = project.GetAllProjects();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, projects.Count);
Beispiel #26
        public void GetAllProjects_ShouldReturnRightNumberOfProjects()
            const int numberOfProjectsAddedForTests = 1;//set in sql test setup file

            ProjectSqlDAO dao = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);

            IList <Project> projects = dao.GetAllProjects();

            Assert.AreEqual(numberOfProjectsAddedForTests, projects.Count, "GetAllProjects doesn't return correct number for one project");
        public void TestCreateProject()
            ProjectSqlDAO dao  = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            Project       SM64 = new Project();

            SM64.Name      = "Super Mario";
            SM64.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
            SM64.EndDate   = DateTime.Now;

            int result = dao.CreateProject(SM64);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result);
        public void TestCreateProject()
            ProjectSqlDAO project    = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            Project       newProject = new Project("DeathStarQualityControl", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);
            int           result     = project.CreateProject(newProject);

            bool success = false;

            if (result > 0)
                success = true;

Beispiel #29
        public void CreateProjectTest()
            int           originalCount = GetNumberOfProjects();
            ProjectSqlDAO dao           = new ProjectSqlDAO(ConnectionString);
            Project       newProj       = new Project
                Name      = "New Project 2",
                StartDate = DateTime.Now,
                EndDate   = DateTime.Now

            int result = dao.CreateProject(newProj);

            Assert.AreEqual(testProjectId + 1, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(originalCount + 1, GetNumberOfProjects());
        public void GetAllProjectsTest()
            ProjectSqlDAO   access = new ProjectSqlDAO(connectionString);
            IList <Project> items  = access.GetAllProjects();

            bool found = false;

            foreach (Project item in items)
                if (item.Name == "ZZZZZ")
                    found = true;