public ProjectController(APIContext context)
            objProject = new ProjectDataAccessLayer(context);

            if (context.Project.Count() == 0)
                context.Project.Add(new Project {
                    Nom = "Item1"
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadDocument(int DocumentID, IFormFile DocFileName)
            string strFileDestinationPath;
            string strNewFilename;

            int intDocumentID = 137;

            // To Do:
            // Someone pressed the upload button and there are no files selected.
            // What if someone already has the document open - i.e they've gone on the file server and are editing it outside of the application.

            ProjectDataAccessLayer _pdal = new ProjectDataAccessLayer();

            Document FileDoc = new Document();

            FileDoc = objDocument.GetDocumentData(intDocumentID);

            // TO DO - Add validation and checking at a later date - Gavin 12-Jan-2018
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                strFileDestinationPath = _pdal.GetFileLocation(FileDoc.ProjectID);
                // Get the filename - entered by the user

                string ext = Path.GetExtension(DocFileName.FileName.ToString());

                // Get the filename - as expected by the database
                strNewFilename = strFileDestinationPath + "\\" + FileDoc.DocumentNo + ".R" + FileDoc.CurrentRev + ext;

                // Get the destination file path.
                using (var stream = new FileStream(strNewFilename, FileMode.Create))
                    // Note that any matching documents in the directory will be overwritten automatically - Gav 30-Jan-2018
                    await DocFileName.CopyToAsync(stream);


                // Grab the filename and update the document record with it.
                objDocument.FileUpload(DocumentID, FileDoc.DocumentNo + ".R" + FileDoc.CurrentRev + ext);

            //To Do Needs a bit of work - should open the edit page and fill out the fields - all it does at the moment is open the form without making any changes.
            Document EditDocData = new Document();

            EditDocData = objDocument.GetDocumentData(DocumentID);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadAttachment(int DocumentID, IFormFile AttachmentFileName)
            string strFileDestinationPath;
            string strNewFilename;

            ProjectDataAccessLayer _pdal = new ProjectDataAccessLayer();

            Document FileDoc = new Document();

            FileDoc = objDocument.GetDocumentData(DocumentID);

            // TO DO - Add validation and checking at a later date - Gavin 12-Jan-2018
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                strFileDestinationPath = _pdal.GetFileLocation(FileDoc.ProjectID);
                // Get the filename - entered by the user

                string ext = Path.GetExtension(AttachmentFileName.FileName.ToString());

                // Get the filename - as expected by the database
                strNewFilename = strFileDestinationPath + "\\" + FileDoc.DocumentNo + ".R" + FileDoc.CurrentRev + "-attachment" + ext;
                // Get the destination file path.

                using (var stream = new FileStream(strNewFilename, FileMode.Create))
                    await AttachmentFileName.CopyToAsync(stream);

                // Grab the Attachmentname and update the document record with it.
                objDocument.AttachmentUpload(DocumentID, FileDoc.DocumentNo + ".R" + FileDoc.CurrentRev + "-attachment" + ext);

            //To Do Needs a bit of work - should open the edit page and fill out the fields - all it does at the moment is open the form without making any changes.
            Document EditDocData = new Document();

            EditDocData = objDocument.GetDocumentData(DocumentID);
Beispiel #4
        // Download file should take the source path and filename from the
        public async Task <IActionResult> DownloadDocument(int DocumentID)
            Document FileDoc = new Document();

            FileDoc = objDocument.GetDocumentData(DocumentID);

            ProjectDataAccessLayer _pdal = new ProjectDataAccessLayer();
            string strSourcePath         = _pdal.GetFileLocation(FileDoc.ProjectID);

            string strFileDestinationPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

            string strFileSourceName = strSourcePath + "\\" + FileDoc.DocFileName;

            var memory = new MemoryStream();

            using (var stream = new FileStream(strFileSourceName, FileMode.Open))
                await stream.CopyToAsync(memory);
            memory.Position = 0;

            //return File(memory, FileDoc.GetContentType(strFileSourceName), strFileDestinationPath + "\\" + FileDoc.DocFileName);
            return(File(memory, FileDoc.GetContentType(strFileSourceName), FileDoc.DocFileName));