public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonWorkIdentifier bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.PersonWorkIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonWorkIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.WorkExternalTypeIDIsNull) {
         bo.WorkExternalTypeIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.IdentifierIsNull) {
         bo.IdentifierErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.IdentifierIsNull)
         if (bo.Identifier.Length > 250)
              bo.IdentifierErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 250 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #2
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.ErrorLog bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.ExceptionIsNull) {
         bo.ExceptionErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.OccurredOnIsNull) {
         bo.OccurredOnErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.ProcessedIsNull) {
         bo.ProcessedErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.InternalUsernameIsNull)
         if (bo.InternalUsername.Length > 11)
              bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 11 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #3
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.RDF.Triple bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.SubjectIsNull) {
         bo.SubjectErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.PredicateIsNull) {
         bo.PredicateErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.ObjectIsNull) {
         bo.ObjectErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.TripleHashIsNull) {
         bo.TripleHashErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.WeightIsNull) {
         bo.WeightErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
Beispiel #4
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.RDF.Node bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.ValueHashIsNull) {
         bo.ValueHashErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.ValueIsNull) {
         bo.ValueErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.LanguageIsNull)
         if (bo.Language.Length > 255)
              bo.LanguageErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.DataTypeIsNull)
         if (bo.DataType.Length > 255)
              bo.DataTypeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.FieldLevelAuditTrail bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.RecordLevelAuditTrailIDIsNull) {
         bo.RecordLevelAuditTrailIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.MetaFieldIDIsNull) {
         bo.MetaFieldIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.ValueBeforeIsNull)
         if (bo.ValueBefore.Length > 50)
              bo.ValueBeforeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.ValueAfterIsNull)
         if (bo.ValueAfter.Length > 50)
              bo.ValueAfterErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #6
 public static void AddIdentifier(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonWork personWork, ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFWorkExternalType.REFWorkExternalTypes workExternalType, string identifier)
     ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonWorkIdentifier workIdentifier = new ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonWorkIdentifier().GetByPersonWorkIDAndWorkExternalTypeIDAndIdentifier(personWork.PersonWorkID, (int)workExternalType, identifier);
     workIdentifier.WorkExternalTypeID = (int)workExternalType;
     workIdentifier.Identifier = identifier;
Beispiel #7
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFDecision bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.DecisionDescriptionIsNull) {
         bo.DecisionDescriptionErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.DecisionDescriptionLongIsNull) {
         bo.DecisionDescriptionLongErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.DecisionDescriptionIsNull)
         if (bo.DecisionDescription.Length > 150)
              bo.DecisionDescriptionErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 150 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.DecisionDescriptionLongIsNull)
         if (bo.DecisionDescriptionLong.Length > 500)
              bo.DecisionDescriptionLongErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
        public List<ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonAffiliation> GetForORCIDUpdate(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.Person orcidPerson, long subject, int profileDataPersonID)
            List<ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonAffiliation> affiliations = GetAffiliations(profileDataPersonID);

            // Get the list of processed affiliations
            List<ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonAffiliation> processedAffiliations = GetSuccessfullyProcessedAffiliations(orcidPerson.PersonID);

            // Get the affiliations that have not been processed
            return (from p in affiliations where !processedAffiliations.Any(pa => pa.AffiliationTypeID == p.AffiliationTypeID && pa.ProfilesID == p.ProfilesID) select p).ToList();
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFPermission bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.PermissionScopeIsNull) {
         bo.PermissionScopeErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.PermissionDescriptionIsNull) {
         bo.PermissionDescriptionErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.PermissionScopeIsNull)
         if (bo.PermissionScope.Length > 100)
              bo.PermissionScopeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PermissionDescriptionIsNull)
         if (bo.PermissionDescription.Length > 500)
              bo.PermissionDescriptionErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.MethodAndRequestIsNull)
         if (bo.MethodAndRequest.Length > 100)
              bo.MethodAndRequestErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.SuccessMessageIsNull)
         if (bo.SuccessMessage.Length > 1000)
              bo.SuccessMessageErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.FailedMessageIsNull)
         if (bo.FailedMessage.Length > 1000)
              bo.FailedMessageErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.Profile.Data.OrganizationInstitution bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.InstitutionNameIsNull)
         if (bo.InstitutionName.Length > 500)
              bo.InstitutionNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.InstitutionAbbreviationIsNull)
         if (bo.InstitutionAbbreviation.Length > 50)
              bo.InstitutionAbbreviationErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
      /*           if (!bo.CityIsNull)
         if (bo.City.Length > 500)
              bo.CityErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.StateIsNull)
         if (bo.State.Length > 2)
              bo.StateErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 2 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.CountryIsNull)
         if (bo.Country.Length > 2)
              bo.CountryErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 2 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.RingGoldIDIsNull)
         if (bo.RingGoldID.Length > 100)
              bo.RingGoldIDErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.Profile.Data.OrganizationDepartment bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.DepartmentNameIsNull)
         if (bo.DepartmentName.Length > 500)
              bo.DepartmentNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.Profile.Data.PersonFacultyRank bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.FacultyRankIsNull)
         if (bo.FacultyRank.Length > 100)
              bo.FacultyRankErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #13
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonMessage bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.PersonIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.ErrorMessageIsNull)
         if (bo.ErrorMessage.Length > 1000)
              bo.ErrorMessageErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.HttpResponseCodeIsNull)
         if (bo.HttpResponseCode.Length > 50)
              bo.HttpResponseCodeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.RequestURLIsNull)
         if (bo.RequestURL.Length > 1000)
              bo.RequestURLErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.HeaderPostIsNull)
         if (bo.HeaderPost.Length > 1000)
              bo.HeaderPostErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.UserMessageIsNull)
         if (bo.UserMessage.Length > 2000)
              bo.UserMessageErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 2000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonOthername bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.PersonIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.OtherNameIsNull)
         if (bo.OtherName.Length > 500)
              bo.OtherNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonToken bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.PersonIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.PermissionIDIsNull) {
         bo.PermissionIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.AccessTokenIsNull) {
         bo.AccessTokenErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.TokenExpirationIsNull) {
         bo.TokenExpirationErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.AccessTokenIsNull)
         if (bo.AccessToken.Length > 50)
              bo.AccessTokenErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.RefreshTokenIsNull)
         if (bo.RefreshToken.Length > 50)
              bo.RefreshTokenErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.RecordLevelAuditTrail bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.MetaTableIDIsNull) {
         bo.MetaTableIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.RowIdentifierIsNull) {
         bo.RowIdentifierErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.RecordLevelAuditTypeIDIsNull) {
         bo.RecordLevelAuditTypeIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.CreatedDateIsNull) {
         bo.CreatedDateErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.CreatedByIsNull) {
         bo.CreatedByErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.CreatedByIsNull)
         if (bo.CreatedBy.Length > 10)
              bo.CreatedByErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 10 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORNG.AppRegistry bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.nodeidIsNull) {
         bo.nodeidErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.appIdIsNull) {
         bo.appIdErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.visibilityIsNull)
         if (bo.visibility.Length > 50)
              bo.visibilityErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.RDF.Security.Group bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.SecurityGroupIDIsNull) {
         bo.SecurityGroupIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.LabelIsNull) {
         bo.LabelErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.LabelIsNull)
         if (bo.Label.Length > 255)
              bo.LabelErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #19
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORNG.AppData bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.nodeIdIsNull) {
         bo.nodeIdErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.appIdIsNull) {
         bo.appIdErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.keynameIsNull) {
         bo.keynameErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.keynameIsNull)
         if (bo.keyname.Length > 255)
              bo.keynameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.valueIsNull)
         if (bo.value.Length > 4000)
              bo.valueErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.Profile.Import.FreetextKeywords bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.InternalUsernameIsNull) {
         bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.KeywordIsNull) {
         bo.KeywordErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.DisplaySecurityGroupIDIsNull) {
         bo.DisplaySecurityGroupIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.InternalUsernameIsNull)
         if (bo.InternalUsername.Length > 50)
              bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.KeywordIsNull)
         if (bo.Keyword.Length > 250)
              bo.KeywordErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 250 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #21
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.Profile.Data.Person bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.FirstNameIsNull)
         if (bo.FirstName.Length > 50)
              bo.FirstNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.LastNameIsNull)
         if (bo.LastName.Length > 50)
              bo.LastNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.MiddleNameIsNull)
         if (bo.MiddleName.Length > 50)
              bo.MiddleNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.DisplayNameIsNull)
         if (bo.DisplayName.Length > 255)
              bo.DisplayNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.SuffixIsNull)
         if (bo.Suffix.Length > 50)
              bo.SuffixErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.EmailAddrIsNull)
         if (bo.EmailAddr.Length > 255)
              bo.EmailAddrErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PhoneIsNull)
         if (bo.Phone.Length > 35)
              bo.PhoneErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 35 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.FaxIsNull)
         if (bo.Fax.Length > 25)
              bo.FaxErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 25 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.AddressLine1IsNull)
         if (bo.AddressLine1.Length > 255)
              bo.AddressLine1Errors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.AddressLine2IsNull)
         if (bo.AddressLine2.Length > 255)
              bo.AddressLine2Errors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.AddressLine3IsNull)
         if (bo.AddressLine3.Length > 255)
              bo.AddressLine3Errors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.AddressLine4IsNull)
         if (bo.AddressLine4.Length > 255)
              bo.AddressLine4Errors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.CityIsNull)
         if (bo.City.Length > 55)
              bo.CityErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 55 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.StateIsNull)
         if (bo.State.Length > 50)
              bo.StateErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.ZipIsNull)
         if (bo.Zip.Length > 50)
              bo.ZipErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.BuildingIsNull)
         if (bo.Building.Length > 255)
              bo.BuildingErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.RoomIsNull)
         if (bo.Room.Length > 255)
              bo.RoomErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.AddressStringIsNull)
         if (bo.AddressString.Length > 1000)
              bo.AddressStringErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.InternalUsernameIsNull)
         if (bo.InternalUsername.Length > 50)
              bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.Profile.Import.NIHAwards bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.Application_IdIsNull) {
         bo.Application_IdErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.InternalUsernameIsNull) {
         bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.ImportIDIsNull) {
         bo.ImportIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.InternalUsernameIsNull)
         if (bo.InternalUsername.Length > 50)
              bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.ActivityIsNull)
         if (bo.Activity.Length > 3)
              bo.ActivityErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 3 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Administering_ICIsNull)
         if (bo.Administering_IC.Length > 2)
              bo.Administering_ICErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 2 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.ARRAIsNull)
         if (bo.ARRA.Length > 1)
              bo.ARRAErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.FOA_NumberIsNull)
         if (bo.FOA_Number.Length > 17)
              bo.FOA_NumberErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 17 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Full_Project_Num_DCIsNull)
         if (bo.Full_Project_Num_DC.Length > 100)
              bo.Full_Project_Num_DCErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Funding_ICsIsNull)
         if (bo.Funding_ICs.Length > 300)
              bo.Funding_ICsErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 300 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.IC_NameIsNull)
         if (bo.IC_Name.Length > 255)
              bo.IC_NameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.NIH_Reporting_CategoriesIsNull)
         if (bo.NIH_Reporting_Categories.Length > 900)
              bo.NIH_Reporting_CategoriesErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 900 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_CityIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_City.Length > 255)
              bo.Org_CityErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_CountryIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_Country.Length > 50)
              bo.Org_CountryErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_DeptIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_Dept.Length > 255)
              bo.Org_DeptErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_DUNSIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_DUNS.Length > 255)
              bo.Org_DUNSErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_FIPSIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_FIPS.Length > 255)
              bo.Org_FIPSErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_StateIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_State.Length > 50)
              bo.Org_StateErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Org_ZipCodeIsNull)
         if (bo.Org_ZipCode.Length > 50)
              bo.Org_ZipCodeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.OrganizationIsNull)
         if (bo.Organization.Length > 255)
              bo.OrganizationErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PI_NamesIsNull)
         if (bo.PI_Names.Length > 500)
              bo.PI_NamesErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PI_PersonIdsIsNull)
         if (bo.PI_PersonIds.Length > 500)
              bo.PI_PersonIdsErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Project_NumIsNull)
         if (bo.Project_Num.Length > 30)
              bo.Project_NumErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 30 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Project_TermsIsNull)
         if (bo.Project_Terms.Length > 4000)
              bo.Project_TermsErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Project_TitleIsNull)
         if (bo.Project_Title.Length > 255)
              bo.Project_TitleErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.RelevanceIsNull)
         if (bo.Relevance.Length > 4000)
              bo.RelevanceErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Study_SectionIsNull)
         if (bo.Study_Section.Length > 4)
              bo.Study_SectionErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Study_Section_NameIsNull)
         if (bo.Study_Section_Name.Length > 255)
              bo.Study_Section_NameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.SuffixIsNull)
         if (bo.Suffix.Length > 6)
              bo.SuffixErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 6 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Major_Component_NameIsNull)
         if (bo.Major_Component_Name.Length > 255)
              bo.Major_Component_NameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Core_Project_NumIsNull)
         if (bo.Core_Project_Num.Length > 50)
              bo.Core_Project_NumErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.CFDA_CodeIsNull)
         if (bo.CFDA_Code.Length > 50)
              bo.CFDA_CodeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Ed_Inst_TypeIsNull)
         if (bo.Ed_Inst_Type.Length > 100)
              bo.Ed_Inst_TypeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.Program_Officer_NameIsNull)
         if (bo.Program_Officer_Name.Length > 255)
              bo.Program_Officer_NameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 255 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonAffiliation bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.ProfilesIDIsNull) {
         bo.ProfilesIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.AffiliationTypeIDIsNull) {
         bo.AffiliationTypeIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.PersonIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.DecisionIDIsNull) {
         bo.DecisionIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.OrganizationNameIsNull) {
         bo.OrganizationNameErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.DepartmentNameIsNull)
         if (bo.DepartmentName.Length > 4000)
              bo.DepartmentNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.RoleTitleIsNull)
         if (bo.RoleTitle.Length > 200)
              bo.RoleTitleErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 200 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.OrganizationNameIsNull)
         if (bo.OrganizationName.Length > 4000)
              bo.OrganizationNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.OrganizationCityIsNull)
         if (bo.OrganizationCity.Length > 4000)
              bo.OrganizationCityErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 4000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.OrganizationRegionIsNull)
         if (bo.OrganizationRegion.Length > 2)
              bo.OrganizationRegionErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 2 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.OrganizationCountryIsNull)
         if (bo.OrganizationCountry.Length > 2)
              bo.OrganizationCountryErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 2 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.DisambiguationIDIsNull)
         if (bo.DisambiguationID.Length > 500)
              bo.DisambiguationIDErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.DisambiguationSourceIsNull)
         if (bo.DisambiguationSource.Length > 500)
              bo.DisambiguationSourceErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #24
        public List<BO.ORCID.PersonWork> GetForORCIDUpdate(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.Person orcidPerson, long subject, string sessionID)
            const string WORK_TYPE = "journal-article";

            List<BO.ORCID.PersonWork> pubs = new List<BO.ORCID.PersonWork>();

            ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFDecision visibilityForPublications = GetPublicationVisibility(subject);

            foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in base.GetPublications(subject, sessionID).Table.Rows)

                BO.ORCID.PersonWork pub = new BO.ORCID.PersonWork();
                if (!dr.IsNull("prns_informationResourceReference"))
                    pub.WorkCitation = dr["prns_informationResourceReference"].ToString();
                if (!dr.IsNull("prns_publicationDate"))
                    pub.PubDate = DateTime.Parse(dr["prns_publicationDate"].ToString());
                if (!dr.IsNull("EntityID"))
                    pub.PubID = dr["EntityID"].ToString();
                if (!dr.IsNull("bibo_pmid") && !dr["bibo_pmid"].ToString().Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
                    pub.PMID = int.Parse(dr["bibo_pmid"].ToString());
                    pub.DOI = ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.DOI.Get(pub.PMID.ToString());
                    AddIdentifier(pub, ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFWorkExternalType.REFWorkExternalTypes.pmid, pub.PMID.ToString());
                    pub.DOI = GetDOI(pub, "");
                if (pub.DOI != ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.DOI.DOI_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE)
                    AddIdentifier(pub, ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFWorkExternalType.REFWorkExternalTypes.doi, pub.DOI);

                if (!dr.IsNull("URL"))
                    pub.URL = dr["URL"].ToString();
                if (!dr.IsNull("rdfs_label"))
                    pub.WorkTitle = dr["rdfs_label"].ToString();
                if (visibilityForPublications.Exists)
                    pub.DecisionID = visibilityForPublications.DecisionID;
                pub.WorkType = WORK_TYPE;

            // Get the list of processed pubs
            List<ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonWork> processedWorks = GetSuccessfullyProcessedWorks(orcidPerson.PersonID);

            // Get the pubmed pubs that haven't been processed.
            return (from p in pubs where !processedWorks.Any(pa => pa.PubID == p.PubID) select p).ToList();
Beispiel #25
 private string GetDOI(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonWork pub, string partialUrl)
     if (pub.URL != null && pub.URL.Contains(partialUrl))
         string[] urlSplit = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pub.URL, partialUrl);
         if (urlSplit.Count() > 1)
             return urlSplit[1];
         //return pub.URL.Substring(pub.URL.IndexOf(partialUrl), pub.URL.Length - pub.URL.IndexOf(partialUrl));
        public bool CreateNewORCID(BO.ORCID.Person person, string loggedInInternalUsername, ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFPersonStatusType.REFPersonStatusTypes failedStatus)
            // Make sure an institution email has been provided.
            // Ensure that the new ORCID information can be saved in the database as it doesn't violate any business rules, e.g. missing internal username.
            if (!BizRulesForCreation(person))
                    person.HasError = false;
                    person.PersonStatusTypeID = (int)failedStatus;
                    Edit(person, false);

                return false;
                ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonMessage personMessageBLL = new PersonMessage();
                ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonOthername personOthernameBLL = new PersonOthername();
                ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonAlternateEmail personAlternateEmailBLL = new PersonAlternateEmail();
                ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonURL personURLBLL = new PersonURL();
                ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonWork personWorkBLL = new PersonWork();
                ProfilesRNSDLL.BLL.ORCID.PersonAffiliation personAffiliationBLL = new PersonAffiliation();

                if (PostNewORCIDRequestToORCIDAPI(person, loggedInInternalUsername))
                    // Save the person record (includes the narrative, aka biography, if one was provided).
                    person.PersonStatusTypeID = (int)ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.REFPersonStatusType.REFPersonStatusTypes.ORCID_Created;
                    person.ORCIDRecorded = DateTime.Now;
                    if (!Save(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (person save failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    // Create a message to save what was sent to ORCID.
                    // Also mark the person with the person message ID
                    if (!personMessageBLL.CreatePersonMessage(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (person message save failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    // Save the other names
                    if (!personOthernameBLL.AddIfAny(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (saving of other names failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    // Save the alternate email addresses
                    if (!personAlternateEmailBLL.AddIfAny(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (saving of alternate emails failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    // Save the urls
                    if (!personURLBLL.AddIfAny(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (saving of urls failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    // Save the works
                    if (!personWorkBLL.AddIfAny(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (saving of works failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    // Save the works
                    if (!personAffiliationBLL.AddIfAny(person))
                        person.Error += "The ORCID was created but a problem (saving of affiliations failed) occurred while saving the data in the BU database. ";
                        return false;
                    return true;
                    person.HasError = false;
                    person.PersonStatusTypeID = (int)failedStatus;
                        Save(person, false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw BLL.ORCID.ErrorLog.LogError(ex, loggedInInternalUsername, "An error occurred while saving the fact that the batch push failed.");
                    return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ErrorLog.LogError(ex, loggedInInternalUsername, "An error occurred while generating the messages to send to ORCID.");
Beispiel #27
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.PersonWork bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.PersonIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.DecisionIDIsNull) {
         bo.DecisionIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.WorkTitleIsNull) {
         bo.WorkTitleErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.PubIDIsNull) {
         bo.PubIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.WorkTypeIsNull)
         if (bo.WorkType.Length > 500)
              bo.WorkTypeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.URLIsNull)
         if (bo.URL.Length > 1000)
              bo.URLErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 1000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.WorkCitationTypeIsNull)
         if (bo.WorkCitationType.Length > 500)
              bo.WorkCitationTypeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PublicationMediaTypeIsNull)
         if (bo.PublicationMediaType.Length > 500)
              bo.PublicationMediaTypeErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PubIDIsNull)
         if (bo.PubID.Length > 50)
              bo.PubIDErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
Beispiel #28
 public override void DBRulesCG(ProfilesRNSDLL.BO.ORCID.Person bo)
     /*! Check for missing values */
     if (bo.InternalUsernameIsNull) {
         bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.PersonStatusTypeIDIsNull) {
         bo.PersonStatusTypeIDErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     if (bo.CreateUnlessOptOutIsNull) {
         bo.CreateUnlessOptOutErrors += "Required." + Environment.NewLine;
         bo.HasError = true;
     } else {
     /*! Check for out of Range values */
     if (!bo.InternalUsernameIsNull)
         if (bo.InternalUsername.Length > 100)
              bo.InternalUsernameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 100 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.ORCIDIsNull)
         if (bo.ORCID.Length > 50)
              bo.ORCIDErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 50 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.FirstNameIsNull)
         if (bo.FirstName.Length > 150)
              bo.FirstNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 150 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.LastNameIsNull)
         if (bo.LastName.Length > 150)
              bo.LastNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 150 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.PublishedNameIsNull)
         if (bo.PublishedName.Length > 500)
              bo.PublishedNameErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 500 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.EmailAddressIsNull)
         if (bo.EmailAddress.Length > 300)
              bo.EmailAddressErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 300 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;
     if (!bo.BiographyIsNull)
         if (bo.Biography.Length > 5000)
              bo.BiographyErrors += "This field has more characters than the maximum that can be stored, i.e. 5000 characters." + Environment.NewLine;
              bo.HasError = true;