Beispiel #1
    private void GenerateLabelLayout(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
        const string  labelFormat = "<b><color=#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}FF>{3}</color></b>\n";
        StringBuilder builder     = new StringBuilder(labelFormat.Length * data.recorderData.Count);

        builder.AppendLine("\n"); // To make it match with column headers of the data
        if (labelIndents != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < data.recorderData.Count; i++)
                if (data.recorderData[i].layout.visible)
                    Color32 col = data.recorderData[i].layout.color;
                    builder.AppendFormat(labelFormat, col.r, col.g, col.b, '·' + new String(' ', labelIndents[i] * 3) + data.recorderData[i].label);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.recorderData.Count; i++)
                if (data.recorderData[i].layout.visible)
                    Color32 col = data.recorderData[i].layout.color;
                    builder.AppendFormat(labelFormat, col.r, col.g, col.b, data.recorderData[i].label);
        labelLayout.text = builder.ToString();
    void CreateBuffers(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
        previousPosition = new float[data.samplingSize];
        samplingSize     = data.samplingSize;
        colors           = new Color[data.recorderData.Count + 1];
        colors[data.recorderData.Count] =;  //Last color is used for the frametime lines
        shouldRender = new bool[data.recorderData.Count + 1];
        shouldRender[data.recorderData.Count] = true; //Always render the runtime labels
        vertices = new Vector3[2 * data.samplingSize + 2 * data.samplingSize * data.recorderData.Count + 2 * 3];
        mesh     = new Mesh();
        mesh.subMeshCount = data.recorderData.Count + 1; //+1 for runtime labels
        mesh.vertices     = vertices;
        int[] indices = new int[6 * data.samplingSize];

        for (int i = 1; i <= data.recorderData.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < data.samplingSize; j++)
                indices[0 + j * 6] = 0 + (i - 1) * (2 * data.samplingSize) + j * 2; //bottom left
                indices[1 + j * 6] = 0 + i * (2 * data.samplingSize) + j * 2;       //top left
                indices[2 + j * 6] = 1 + i * (2 * data.samplingSize) + j * 2;       //top right

                indices[3 + j * 6] = 0 + (i - 1) * (2 * data.samplingSize) + j * 2; //bottom left
                indices[4 + j * 6] = 1 + i * (2 * data.samplingSize) + j * 2;       //top right
                indices[5 + j * 6] = 1 + (i - 1) * (2 * data.samplingSize) + j * 2; //bottom right
            mesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, i - 1);

        int offset;
        int cacheSize = data.samplingSize;

        for (int j = 0; j < cacheSize; j++)
            offset = j * 2;
            //bottom left
            vertices[0 + offset].x = cacheSize - j - 1;
            vertices[0 + offset].y = 0;
            //bottom right
            vertices[1 + offset].x = cacheSize - j;
            vertices[1 + offset].y = 0;
Beispiel #3
    void ProfilerVisualizer.OnUpdate(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
        if (isDirty)
            isDirty = false;
        if ((passedTime + updateInterval < Time.realtimeSinceStartup))
            //Reset the builder, but keep the header format string
            dataBuilder.Length = header.Length;
            int lastFrameRendered = labelsRendered;
            labelsRendered = 0;
            const string dataFormat = "{0,6:F2}\t{1,4:F2}\t{2,6:F2}\n";
            for (int i = 0; i < data.recorderData.Count; i++)
                if (data.recorderData[i].layout.visible)
                    Profiler.RecorderData sample = data.recorderData[i];
                    dataBuilder.AppendFormat(dataFormat, sample.avgTime, sample.avgCount, sample.time);
            if (labelsRendered != lastFrameRendered) //We must redraw the "static" labels if one of them has been hidden since last frame
                isDirty = true;
            dataLayout.text = dataBuilder.ToString();
            fpsLayout.text  = String.Format("<b>{0:F2} FPS ({1:F2}ms)</b>", 1.0f / data.m_AvgDeltaTime, data.m_AvgDeltaTime * 1000.0f);
            passedTime      = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            long        monoTotal   = UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetMonoHeapSizeLong();
            long        monoUsed    = UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong();
            long        nativeTotal = UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemoryLong();
            long        nativeUsed  = UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong();
            const float toMB        = 1f / 1000000f;
            memoryLabel.text = "Memory(Mono): " + Math.Round(monoUsed * toMB) + "MB / " + Math.Round(monoTotal * toMB) + "MB\nMemory(Native): " + Math.Round(nativeUsed * toMB) + "MB / " + Math.Round(nativeTotal * toMB) + "MB";
Beispiel #4
 void ProfilerVisualizer.OnRecorderChanged(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
 void ProfilerVisualizer.OnRecorderChanged(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
     // We dont care about this event..
    void ProfilerVisualizer.OnUpdate(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
        if (isDirty)
            isDirty = false;

        if (maxFrameTime > 1000)
            maxFrameTime = 1000;

        Array.Clear(previousPosition, 0, previousPosition.Length); //Zero out

        int            offset;
        CircularBuffer buffer;
        int            cacheSize;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.recorderData.Count; ++i)
            colors[i] = data.recorderData[i].layout.color;
            buffer    = data.recorderData[i].buffer;
            cacheSize = buffer.size;
            if (!data.recorderData[i].layout.visible)
                shouldRender[i] = false;
                Array.Copy(vertices, (i - 1) * (2 * cacheSize) + 2 * cacheSize, vertices, i * (2 * cacheSize) + 2 * cacheSize, 2 * cacheSize); //We use the previous recorders height, which gives us a zero height
            shouldRender[i] = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < cacheSize; j++)
                float bufferValue = previousPosition[j] + buffer.get(j);
                offset = i * (2 * cacheSize) + j * 2 + 2 * cacheSize;
                //top left
                vertices[0 + offset].x = cacheSize - j - 1;
                vertices[0 + offset].y = bufferValue;

                //top right
                vertices[1 + offset].x = cacheSize - j;
                vertices[1 + offset].y = bufferValue;
                previousPosition[j]    = bufferValue;

        //Last max frame expired, recalculate it
        if (--maxFrameLifetime < 0)
            maxFrameTime = 0.0001f;
            for (int i = 0; i < previousPosition.Length; i++)
                if (previousPosition[i] > maxFrameTime)
                    maxFrameTime     = previousPosition[i];
                    maxFrameLifetime = previousPosition.Length - i;
        else if (previousPosition[0] > maxFrameTime)
            maxFrameTime     = previousPosition[0];
            maxFrameLifetime = previousPosition.Length;

        //Update vertices
        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        //Update mesh data
Beispiel #7
 void ProfilerVisualizer.OnUpdate(Profiler.ProfilerData data)
     currentFPS = 1.0f / data.m_AvgDeltaTime;
Beispiel #8
 void ProfilerVisualizer.OnRecorderChanged(Profiler.ProfilerData data)