Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper to convert enum to a valid string sent/received in from the API
        /// <returns>String</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static String ProductShowToString(ProductShow value)
            switch (value)
            case ProductShow.All: return("All");

            case ProductShow.Uncategorized: return("Uncategorized");

            case ProductShow.Active: return("Active");
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RadButton btn = (RadButton)sender;
            ObservableCollection <string> items = icUniqueCode.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection <string>;


            ProductShow product = this.DataContext as ProductShow;

            product.Quantity -= 1;

            var grid = View.Extension.UIHelper.GetAncestor <RadGridView>(this);

            if (grid != null)
        public ActionResult Search(string inputsearch, string f5, string f6, string f3, string f10, string f15, string f16, string f17, string f18, double?lon1, double?lat1, double?lon2, double?lat2, int?pg)
            var _p = db.Products.Select(p => p);

            int pageSize = 25;

            if (pg == null)
                pg = 1;
            int pageNumber = (pg ?? 1);

   = pg;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputsearch))
                inputsearch = inputsearch.Trim();
                var aa = inputsearch.Split(' ');
                //sentences.Any(x => x.Split(new char[] { ' ' }).Contains(test));
                //_p = _p.Where(o => o.F2.Contains(inputsearch) ||
                //    o.F2.ToLower().Contains(inputsearch) ||
                //    o.F2.ToLower().Contains(inputsearch.ToLower()) ||
                //    o.F2.Contains(inputsearch.ToLower()) || aa.Any(w => o.F2.Contains(w)) );
                _p = _p.Where(o => aa.Any(w => o.F2.Contains(w)));

            if (f18 == null)
                f18 = "";
            if (f17 == null)
                f17 = "";
            if (f15 == null)
                f15 = "";
            if (f16 == null)
                f16 = "";
            if (f3 == null)
                f3 = "";
            if (f5 == null)
                f5 = "";
            if (f6 == null)
                f6 = "";
            if (f10 == null)
                f10 = "";
            if (f18 != null && f18 != "")
                int _id = Convert.ToInt32(f18);
                _p = _p.Where(o => o.F18 == _id);
                var _cat = db.Categories.Where(o => o.F1 == _id).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.f18n = _cat.F2;

            if (f17 != null && f17 != "")
                int _id = Convert.ToInt32(f17);
                _p = _p.Where(o => o.F17 == _id);
                var _cat = db.Categories.Where(o => o.F1 == _id).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.f17n = _cat.F2;

            if (f15 != null && f15 != "")
                int _id = Convert.ToInt32(f15);
                _p = _p.Where(o => o.F15 == _id);
                var _cat = db.Categories.Where(o => o.F1 == _id).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.f15n = _cat.F2;

            if (f16 != null && f16 != "")
                int _id = Convert.ToInt32(f16);
                _p = _p.Where(o => o.F16 == _id);
                var _local = db.Locals.Where(o => o.F1 == _id).FirstOrDefault();
                ViewBag.f16n = _local.F2;

            if (f5 != null && f5 != "")
                _p = _p.Where(o => o.F5 == f5);

            if (f6 != null && f6 != "")
                _p = _p.Where(o => o.F6 == f6);

            //_p = _p.Where((l => (Math.Acos(Math.Sin(Math.PI * lat1 / 180) * Math.Sin(Math.PI * lat1 / 180) + Math.Cos(Math.PI * lat1 / 180.0) * Math.Cos((double)(Math.PI * l.lat1 / 180)) * Math.Cos((double)(Math.PI * l.lon1 / 180 - Math.PI * lon1 / 180))) * 6371) < 100));// ( - * ( - + ((l.lng - point.lng) * (l.lng - point.lng))<100
            //_p = _p.Where((l => (Math.Acos(Math.Sin(Math.PI * lat2 / 180) * Math.Sin(Math.PI * lat2 / 180) + Math.Cos(Math.PI * lat2 / 180.0) * Math.Cos((double)(Math.PI * l.lat2 / 180)) * Math.Cos((double)(Math.PI * l.lon2 / 180 - Math.PI * lon2 / 180))) * 6371) < 100));

            if (f10 != null && f10 == "")
                _p = _p.OrderByDescending(o => o.F10);
            else if (f10 != null && f10 == "desc")
                _p = _p.OrderByDescending(o => o.F10);
            else if (f10 != null && f10 == "asc")
                _p = _p.OrderBy(o => o.F10);
            if (lon1 != null)
                var startPoint = new { Latitude = lat1, Longitude = lon1 };
                _p = _p.OrderBy(x => 12742 * SqlFunctions.Asin(SqlFunctions.SquareRoot(SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lat1 - startPoint.Latitude)) / 2) * SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lat1 - startPoint.Latitude)) / 2) +
                                                                                       SqlFunctions.Cos((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * startPoint.Latitude) * SqlFunctions.Cos((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lat1)) *
                                                                                       SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lon1 - startPoint.Longitude)) / 2) * SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lon1 - startPoint.Longitude)) / 2))));
            if (lon2 != null)
                var startPoint2 = new { Latitude = lat2, Longitude = lon2 };
                _p = _p.OrderBy(x => 12742 * SqlFunctions.Asin(SqlFunctions.SquareRoot(SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lat2 - startPoint2.Latitude)) / 2) * SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lat2 - startPoint2.Latitude)) / 2) +
                                                                                       SqlFunctions.Cos((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * startPoint2.Latitude) * SqlFunctions.Cos((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lat2)) *
                                                                                       SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lon2 - startPoint2.Longitude)) / 2) * SqlFunctions.Sin(((SqlFunctions.Pi() / 180) * (x.lon2 - startPoint2.Longitude)) / 2))));
            if (f3 != null && f3 != "")
                Configs.TwoNumber _x;
                switch (f3)
                case "desc":
                    _p = _p.OrderByDescending(x => x.F3);

                case "asc":
                    _p = _p.OrderBy(x => x.F3);

                    _x = Configs.GetNumber(f3);
                    _p = _p.Where(x => x.F3 <= _x.Number2 && x.F3 >= _x.Number1);

            var Cat = db.Categories.ToList();

            ViewBag.Category = Cat;
            var LocalData = db.Locals.ToList();

            ViewBag.LocalData        = LocalData;
            ViewBag.ProductTheLoai   = Configs.CreateListProductType();
            ViewBag.ProductTrangThai = Configs.CreateListProductStatus();

            ViewBag.ProductNgayDang = new List <sortOrder>()
                new sortOrder()
                    TypeSort = "desc", NameSort = "Giảm dần"
                new sortOrder()
                    TypeSort = "asc", NameSort = "Tăng dần"
            List <sortOrder> ListGiaBan = new List <sortOrder>()
                new sortOrder()
                    TypeSort = "desc", NameSort = "Giảm dần"
                new sortOrder()
                    TypeSort = "asc", NameSort = "Tăng dần"
                new sortOrder()
                    TypeSort = "0-1", NameSort = "Giá dưới 1 triệu"
            List <sortOrder> myList = Configs.KhoangGia();
            var _ConcatListGiaBan   = ListGiaBan.Concat(myList).AsEnumerable();

            ViewBag.ProductGiaBan = _ConcatListGiaBan;

            ViewBag.inputsearch = inputsearch;
            ViewBag.f18         = f18;
            ViewBag.f17         = f17;
            ViewBag.f15         = f15;
            ViewBag.f16         = f16;
            ViewBag.f3          = f3;
            ViewBag.f10         = f10;
            ViewBag.f5          = f5;
            ViewBag.f6          = f6;

            List <ProductShow> _lstProducts = new List <ProductShow>();

            foreach (var p in _p)
                var item = new ProductShow()
                    SanPhamId    = p.F1,
                    TenSp        = p.F2,
                    TinhTrangSp  = p.F5,
                    TheLoai      = p.F6,
                    GiaBan       = p.F3,
                    NgayDang     = p.F10,
                    TenNguoiBan  = p.AspNetUser.TenNguoiBan,
                    SDTNguoiBan  = p.AspNetUser.PhoneNumber,
                    AnhSanPham   = p.F11 ?? "/Content/Images/no-image-available.png",
                    LocalId      = p.F16,
                    SlugCat      = Configs.unicodeToNoMark(p.F22),
                    SlugSubCat   = Configs.unicodeToNoMark(p.F20),
                    slugTenSp    = Configs.unicodeToNoMark(p.F2 != null ? p.F2 : "no-title"),
                    GianHang     = p.AspNetUser.UserName,
                    SlugGianHang = Configs.unicodeToNoMark(p.AspNetUser.TenNguoiBan != null ? p.AspNetUser.TenNguoiBan : "no-title"),
                    SubCatId     = p.F15,
                    CatId        = p.F17,
                    ParentId     = p.F18,
                    DiaDiem      = p.F19 + p.F20,
                    DiemDi       = p.F19,
                    DiemDen      = p.F20

            return(View(_lstProducts.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));