Beispiel #1
        public CallResult AddProduct(string SPUName, string SPUDesc, List <string> SKUSpecs, List <string> SKUUnits, List <decimal> SKUDealerPrices, List <string> SKUImageUrles, List <decimal> SKUPvs)
            var productSPUId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productSKUs  = new List <ProductSKU>();

            for (int i = 0; i < SKUSpecs.Count; i++)
                var productSKU = new ProductSKU().CreateProductSKU(
            var productSPU = new ProductSPU().CreateProductSPU(productSPUId, SPUName, SPUDesc, productSKUs);

                using (baseRepository)
                return(new CallResult(200, "产品创建成功"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new CallResult(500, $"产品创建异常:{ex.Message}/r/n{ex.StackTrace}"));
Beispiel #2
 public OperationDetails UpdateCart(string userId, List <ProductDTO> products)
     foreach (var cartItem in products)
         if (cartItem.Quantity == 0)
             return(new OperationDetails(false, "لايمكن للكمية أن تكون معدومة", ""));
         ProductSKU sku = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == cartItem.SKUId).FirstOrDefault();
         if (sku == null)
             return(new OperationDetails(false, "حدث خطأ أثناء تعديل السلة", "skuId"));
         if (sku.Quentity < cartItem.Quantity)
             return(new OperationDetails(false, "الكميات المطلوبة غير متوفرة", ""));
         var realItem = unitOfWork.ShoppingCartRepository.Get(c => c.UserId == userId && c.SKUId == cartItem.SKUId && c.ProductId == cartItem.Id).FirstOrDefault();
         if (realItem == null)
             return(new OperationDetails(false, "حدث خطأ أثناء تعديل السلة", "skuId"));
         realItem.Quantity = cartItem.Quantity;
     return(new OperationDetails(true, "تم تعدل السلة بنجاح", ""));
Beispiel #3
        public OperationDetails AddToCart(long skuId, long productId, String userId, int quantity)
            ProductSKU sku = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == skuId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (sku == null)
                return(new OperationDetails(false, "المنتج غير موجود", "SkuId"));
            if (sku.Quentity < quantity || quantity == 0)
                return(new OperationDetails(false, "لايوجد هذه الكمية", "Qty"));
            // sku.Quentity -= quantity;
            ShoppingCart userCart =
                unitOfWork.ShoppingCartRepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == skuId && s.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (userCart == null)
                unitOfWork.ShoppingCartRepository.Insert(new ShoppingCart()
                    ProductId = productId, SKUId = skuId, UserId = userId, Quantity = quantity
                userCart.Quantity += quantity;
            return(new OperationDetails(true, "تم اضافة المنتج إلى السلة", ""));
Beispiel #4
        public string GetSKUList(string callType, string xmlMessage)
            string result = "";
            string logID  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                FileLogger.WriteLog(logID + "|Start:" + xmlMessage, 1, "", callType);

                if (Helper.CheckAuthCode(callType, xmlMessage))
                    ProductSKU sku = new ProductSKU();
                    result = sku.GetList(xmlMessage);
            catch (Exception err)
                result = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
                         "<" + callType + ">" +
                         "<Result>False</Result>" +
                         "<Description>" + err.Message + "</Description></" + callType + ">";
            FileLogger.WriteLog(logID + "|End:" + result, 1, "", callType);
        public ResultEntity <bool> AddProduct(AddProductSPUDTO addproductspudto)
            var productspuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productskus  = new List <ProductSKU>();

            for (int i = 0; i < addproductspudto.SKUSpecs.Count; i++)
                var productsku = new ProductSKU().CreateProductSKU(addproductspudto.SPUName,
                                                                   productspuid, addproductspudto.SKUImages[i], addproductspudto.SKUDealerPrices[i],
                                                                   addproductspudto.SKUPvs[i], addproductspudto.SKUUnits[i], addproductspudto.SKUSpecs[i]);
            var productspu = new ProductSPU().CreateProductSPU(productspuid, addproductspudto.SPUName,
                                                               addproductspudto.SPUDesc, productskus);

                using (irepositorycontext)
            catch (Exception error)
                throw error;
Beispiel #6
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            ProductSKU productSKU = db.ProductSKU.Find(id);

Beispiel #7
        public ResultEntity <bool> CreateOrder(dynamic orderdto)
            var    orderid     = Guid.NewGuid();
            Orders order       = new Orders();
            var    productskus = new List <ProductSKU>();

            for (int i = 0; i < orderdto.ProductSPUNames.Count; i++)
                var productsku = new ProductSKU();
                productsku.ProductSPUName = orderdto.ProductSPUNames[i];
                productsku.DealerPrice    = orderdto.ProductDealerPrices[i];
                productsku.PV             = orderdto.ProductPVS[i];
                productsku.Id             = orderdto.ProductSKUIds[i];
                productsku.Spec           = orderdto.ProductSepcs[i];
            var contact = new Contact();

            contact.ContactName = orderdto.ContactName;
            contact.ContactTel  = orderdto.ContactTel;
            contact.Province    = orderdto.Privence;
            contact.City        = orderdto.City;
            contact.Zero        = orderdto.Zero;
            contact.Street      = orderdto.Street;

            var orders = order.CreateOrders(orderid, orderdto.DealerId, productskus, orderdto.Counts,

                //using (var tansaction = new TransactionScope())
                using (irepositories[1])
                    idealerrepository.SubParentEleMoney(orderdto.DealerId, order.OrderTotalPrice.TotalPrice);
                    idealerrepository.AddDealerPV(orderdto.DealerId, order.OrderTotalPV.TotalPV);

                using (irepositories[0])
            catch (Exception error)
                throw error;
Beispiel #8
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,SKU,ProductID,StoreID")] ProductSKU productSKU)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(productSKU).State = EntityState.Modified;
     ViewBag.ProductID = new SelectList(db.Products, "ID", "Name", productSKU.ProductID);
     ViewBag.StoreID   = new SelectList(db.Stores, "ID", "Name", productSKU.StoreID);
        public void should_Success_Instantiate_ProductSKU()
            ProductSKU productSKU = new ProductSKU()
                Id   = 1,
                Code = "Code",
                Name = "Name"

            Assert.Equal(1, productSKU.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Code", productSKU.Code);
            Assert.Equal("Name", productSKU.Name);
Beispiel #10
        // GET: ProductSKU/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            ProductSKU productSKU = db.ProductSKU.Find(id);

            if (productSKU == null)
Beispiel #11
        public OperationDetails Remove(long skuId, long productId, string userId)
            ShoppingCart cart = unitOfWork.ShoppingCartRepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == skuId && s.ProductId == productId && s.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (cart == null)
                return(new OperationDetails(false, "حدث خطأ أثناء الحذف", ""));
            ProductSKU product = cart.ProductSKU;

            product.Quentity += (int)cart.Quantity;
            return(new OperationDetails(true, "تم الحذف بنجاح", ""));
Beispiel #12
        // GET: ProductSKU/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            ProductSKU productSKU = db.ProductSKU.Find(id);

            if (productSKU == null)
            ViewBag.ProductID = new SelectList(db.Products, "ID", "Name", productSKU.ProductID);
            ViewBag.StoreID   = new SelectList(db.Stores, "ID", "Name", productSKU.StoreID);
Beispiel #13
         * public int Insert(Product info, List<CharactorValue> colors, List<CharactorValue> sizes)
         * {
         *  try
         *  {
         *      string commandText = string.Format("insert into Product(name, comment, parent) values('{0}', '{1}', 19)", info.Name, info.Comment);
         *      DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *      int productID = DbHelperAccess.executeLastID("ID", "Product");
         *      foreach (CharactorValue color in colors)
         *      {
         *          commandText = string.Format("insert into ProductAttribute(productID, charactorID, charactorValueID) values({0},{1},{2})", productID, color.CharactorId, color.Id);
         *          DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *      }
         *      foreach (CharactorValue size in sizes)
         *      {
         *          commandText = string.Format("insert into ProductAttribute(productID, charactorID, charactorValueID) values({0},{1},{2})", productID, size.CharactorId, size.Id);
         *          DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *      }
         *      foreach (CharactorValue color in colors)
         *      {
         *          foreach (CharactorValue size in sizes)
         *          {
         *              string composeID = string.Format("{0}:{1};{2}:{3}", color.CharactorId, color.Id, size.CharactorId, size.Id);
         *              commandText = string.Format("insert into ProductSKU(productID, composeID, price) values({0},'{1}',{2})",
         *                  productID, composeID, info.Price);
         *              DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *          }
         *      }
         *      return productID;
         *  }
         *  catch (Exception ex)
         *  {
         *      throw ex;
         *  }
         * }
         * public void Update(Product info, List<int> elementIDs) {
         *  string commandText = string.Format("update Product set name='{0}', price='{1}', comment='{2}' where ID={3}",
         *      info.Name, info.Price, info.Comment, info.ID);
         *  DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *  commandText = string.Format("delete from ProductElement where productID={0}", info.ID);
         *  DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *  foreach (int elementID in elementIDs)
         *  {
         *      commandText = string.Format("insert into ProductElement(productID, elementID) values('{0}', '{1}')", info.ID, elementID);
         *      DbHelperAccess.executeNonQuery(commandText);
         *  }
         * }
         * public DataTable FindList(Category parent)
         * {
         *  string commandText = "select * from Product";
         *  if (parent != null)
         *      commandText = string.Format("select * from Product, ProductCategory where Product.parent=ProductCategory.ID and ProductCategory.lft>={0} and ProductCategory.rgt<={1}", parent.Left, parent.Right);
         *  return DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText);
         * }

        public ProductSKU FindByComposeID(int productID, int colorID, int sizeID)
            string     composeID   = string.Format("1:{0};2:{1}", colorID, sizeID);
            string     commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductSKU where productID={0} and composeID='{1}'", productID, composeID);
            DataRow    dr          = DbHelperAccess.executeQueryGetOneRow(commandText);
            ProductSKU product     = new ProductSKU();

            if (dr != null)
                product.ID    = (int)dr["ID"];
                product.Color = CharactorValueDao.getInstance().findById(colorID);// dr["name"] as string;
                product.Size  = CharactorValueDao.getInstance().findById(sizeID);
 protected void populateProducts(ProductInfo_V02 product,
                                 bool showAllInventory,
                                 Dictionary <string, SKU_V01> AllSKUS)
     if (product != null)
         ProductSKU.DataSource = from s in product.SKUs
                                 from a in AllSKUS.Keys
                                 s.SKU == a &&
                                 (showAllInventory ||
                                  (showAllInventory == false &&
                                   s.ProductAvailability != ProductAvailabilityType.Unavailable))
                                 select AllSKUS[a];
Beispiel #15
        public ProductSKU FindByID(int ID)
            string     commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductSKU where ID={0}", ID);
            DataRow    dr          = DbHelperAccess.executeQueryGetOneRow(commandText);
            ProductSKU product     = new ProductSKU();

            if (dr != null)
                product.ID = (int)dr["ID"];
                string    composeIDs    = dr["composeID"] as string;
                string [] composeIDstrs = composeIDs.Split(new char [] { ':', ';' });
                int       colorID       = int.Parse(composeIDstrs[1]);
                int       sizeID        = int.Parse(composeIDstrs[3]);
                product.Color = CharactorValueDao.getInstance().findById(colorID);// dr["name"] as string;
                product.Size  = CharactorValueDao.getInstance().findById(sizeID);
        private bool IsSKuInDiscount(long skuId)
            //bool result = false;
            ProductSKU sku = _uitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(c => c.SKUId == skuId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (sku.ProductSkuDiscounts != null && sku.ProductSkuDiscounts.Count > 0)
                List <ProductDiscount> discounts = sku.ProductSkuDiscounts.ToList();
                foreach (var discount in discounts)
                    if (discount.Discount.DateEnd > DateTime.Now)

        public Object PalletizeFulOrder(string trackingNumber, int palletId)
                Guid TrackingNumber;
                if (!Guid.TryParse(trackingNumber, out TrackingNumber))
                    return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["INVALID_TRACKINGFORMAT"] });
                /*get FulOrder information based on given tracking number and palletId*/
                Shipment shipmentObj = new Shipment();
                shipmentObj = (from s in context.Shipment
                               where s.TrackingNumber == TrackingNumber
                               select s).FirstOrDefault();
                if (shipmentObj == null)
                    return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["TRACKINGNO_NOTFOUND"] });

                Pallet PalletObj = (from p in context.Pallet
                                    where p.PalletId == palletId
                                    select p).FirstOrDefault();
                if (PalletObj == null)
                    return new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["PALLETID_NOTFOUND"] }

                int?CarrierServiceTypeId = (from cs in context.CarrierService
                                            where cs.CarrierServiceId == shipmentObj.CarrierServiceId && cs.CarrierId == shipmentObj.CarrierId
                                            select cs.CarrierServiceTypeId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (PalletObj.CarrierId != shipmentObj.CarrierId || PalletObj.CarrierServiceTypeId != CarrierServiceTypeId)
                    return new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["PALLET_SHIPMENT_CARRIER_NOT_MATCH"] }

                if (shipmentObj.CarrierId == PalletObj.CarrierId && CarrierServiceTypeId != null && CarrierServiceTypeId == PalletObj.CarrierServiceTypeId)
                    FulOrder FulOrderObj = new FulOrder();

                    FulOrderObj = (from fo in context.FulOrder
                                   join fos in context.FulOrderStatus on fo.FulOrderStatusId equals fos.FulOrderStatusId
                                   where fo.FulOrderId == shipmentObj.FulOrderId && fos.Name == _iconfiguration["PACKAGED"]
                                   select fo).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (FulOrderObj == null)
                        return new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["FULORDER_NOT_IN_PACKAGE"] }

                    FulOrderStatus FulOrderStatusObj = (from fos in context.FulOrderStatus
                                                        where fos.Name.ToUpper() == _iconfiguration["PALLETIZED"]
                                                        select fos).FirstOrDefault();
                    FulOrderObj.FulOrderStatusId = FulOrderStatusObj.FulOrderStatusId;
                    FulOrderObj.PalletId         = palletId;

                    Product ProductObj = new Product();
                    ProductObj = (from fi in context.FulItem
                                  join p in context.Product on fi.ProductId equals p.ProductId
                                  select p).FirstOrDefault();
                    ProductSKU productSKUObj = (from ps in context.ProductSKU
                                                where ps.ProductId == ProductObj.ProductId
                                                select ps).FirstOrDefault();

                    UpdateTrackingDTO response = new UpdateTrackingDTO();
                    response.fulOrderId     = FulOrderObj.FulOrderId;
                    response.fulOrderStatus = FulOrderStatusObj.Name;
                    response.productName    = ProductObj.Name;
                    response.sku            = productSKUObj.SKU;
                    response.trackingNumber = shipmentObj.TrackingNumber.ToString();
                    return(new { status = true, data = response, message = string.Format(_iconfiguration["PALLETIZED_SUCCESS"], FulOrderObj.FulOrderId.ToString()) });
                return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["ERROR_NOFULORDERPACKAGEFOUND"] });
            catch (Exception Ex)
                MailServiceObj.SendMail(Ex.Message ?? "", (Ex.InnerException != null) ? Ex.InnerException.Message : "", Ex.StackTrace ?? "");
                    status = false,
                    message = _iconfiguration["ERROR_CREATEPALLET"]
        public object CreatePackage(int fulOrderId)
                UpdateTrackingDTO response    = new UpdateTrackingDTO();
                FulOrder          FulOrderObj = (from fo in context.FulOrder
                                                 join fos in context.FulOrderStatus on fo.FulOrderStatusId equals fos.FulOrderStatusId
                                                 where fo.FulOrderId == fulOrderId &&
                                                 fos.Name.ToUpper() == _iconfiguration["LABELCREATED"]
                                                 select fo).FirstOrDefault();
                if (FulOrderObj == null)
                    return new
                               status  = false,
                               message = _iconfiguration["FULORDER_NOT_LABELED"]
                FulOrderStatus FulOrderStatus = (from fos in context.FulOrderStatus
                                                 where fos.Name.ToUpper() == _iconfiguration["PACKAGED"]
                                                 select fos).FirstOrDefault();

                Product productObj = (from fi in context.FulItem
                                      join p in context.Product on fi.ProductId equals p.ProductId
                                      where fi.FulOrderId == fulOrderId
                                      select p).FirstOrDefault();
                ProductSKU productSKU = (from p in context.Product
                                         join ps in context.ProductSKU on p.ProductId equals ps.ProductId
                                         join pt in context.ProductSKUType on ps.SKUTypeId equals pt.ProductSKUTypeId
                                         where p.ProductId == productObj.ProductId && pt.Name.ToUpper() == _iconfiguration["SKU"]
                                         select ps).FirstOrDefault();
                Shipment shipmentObj = (from s in context.Shipment
                                        where s.FulOrderId == fulOrderId
                                        select s).FirstOrDefault();

                FulOrderObj.FulOrderStatusId = FulOrderStatus.FulOrderStatusId;

                if (productObj != null && productSKU != null && shipmentObj != null)
                    response.fulOrderId = fulOrderId;

                    response.fulOrderStatus = FulOrderStatus.Name;
                    response.productName    = productObj.Name;
                    response.sku            = productSKU.SKU;
                    response.trackingNumber = shipmentObj.TrackingNumber.ToString();
                else if (productObj == null)
                    return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["PRODUCTNOTFOUND"] });
                else if (productSKU == null)
                    return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["PRODUCTSKUNOTFOUND"] });
                else if (shipmentObj == null)
                    return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["SHIPMENTNOTFOUND"] });
                return(new { status = true, message = string.Format(_iconfiguration["PACKAGE_SUCCESS"], fulOrderId.ToString()), data = response });
            catch (Exception Ex)
                MailServiceObj.SendMail(Ex.Message ?? "", (Ex.InnerException != null) ? Ex.InnerException.Message : "", Ex.StackTrace ?? "");
                return(new { status = false, message = _iconfiguration["ERROR_PACKAGE"] });
        public ActionResult Detail(string id)
            long valueId;

            ProductInfo[]            array;
            int                      i;
            double                   num;
            string                   str = "";
            ProductDetailModelForWeb productDetailModelForWeb = new ProductDetailModelForWeb()
                HotAttentionProducts = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                HotSaleProducts      = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                Product      = new ProductInfo(),
                Shop         = new ShopInfoModel(),
                ShopCategory = new List <CategoryJsonModel>(),
                Color        = new CollectionSKU(),
                Size         = new CollectionSKU(),
                Version      = new CollectionSKU()
            ProductDetailModelForWeb maxSaleCount        = productDetailModelForWeb;
            LimitTimeMarketInfo      limitTimeMarketItem = null;
            ShopInfo shop      = null;
            long     productId = 0;
            long     num1      = 0;

            long.TryParse(id, out num1);
            if (num1 == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            limitTimeMarketItem = ServiceHelper.Create <ILimitTimeBuyService>().GetLimitTimeMarketItem(num1);
            if (limitTimeMarketItem == null || limitTimeMarketItem.AuditStatus != LimitTimeMarketInfo.LimitTimeMarketAuditStatus.Ongoing)
                limitTimeMarketItem = (limitTimeMarketItem == null ? ServiceHelper.Create <ILimitTimeBuyService>().GetLimitTimeMarketItemByProductId(num1) : limitTimeMarketItem);
                if (limitTimeMarketItem == null || limitTimeMarketItem.AuditStatus != LimitTimeMarketInfo.LimitTimeMarketAuditStatus.Ongoing)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            maxSaleCount.MaxSaleCount = limitTimeMarketItem.MaxSaleCount;
            maxSaleCount.Title        = limitTimeMarketItem.Title;
            shop = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>().GetShop(limitTimeMarketItem.ShopId, false);
            if (limitTimeMarketItem == null || limitTimeMarketItem.Id == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            ProductInfo product = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetProduct(limitTimeMarketItem.ProductId);

            productId                       = limitTimeMarketItem.ProductId;
            product.MarketPrice             = limitTimeMarketItem.Price;
            product.SaleCounts              = limitTimeMarketItem.SaleCount;
            maxSaleCount.Product            = product;
            maxSaleCount.ProductDescription = product.ProductDescriptionInfo.Description;
            if (product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptionPrefixId != 0)
                ProductDescriptionTemplateInfo template = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductDescriptionTemplateService>().GetTemplate(product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptionPrefixId, product.ShopId);
                maxSaleCount.DescriptionPrefix = (template == null ? "" : template.Content);
            if (product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptiondSuffixId != 0)
                ProductDescriptionTemplateInfo productDescriptionTemplateInfo = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductDescriptionTemplateService>().GetTemplate(product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptiondSuffixId, product.ShopId);
                maxSaleCount.DescriptiondSuffix = (productDescriptionTemplateInfo == null ? "" : productDescriptionTemplateInfo.Content);
            IQueryable <ShopCategoryInfo> shopCategory = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopCategoryService>().GetShopCategory(product.ShopId);
            List <ShopCategoryInfo>       list         = shopCategory.ToList();

            foreach (ShopCategoryInfo shopCategoryInfo in
                     from s in list
                     where s.ParentCategoryId == 0
                     select s)
                CategoryJsonModel categoryJsonModel = new CategoryJsonModel()
                    Name = shopCategoryInfo.Name
                valueId = shopCategoryInfo.Id;
                categoryJsonModel.Id          = valueId.ToString();
                categoryJsonModel.SubCategory = new List <SecondLevelCategory>();
                CategoryJsonModel categoryJsonModel1 = categoryJsonModel;
                foreach (ShopCategoryInfo shopCategoryInfo1 in
                         from s in list
                         where s.ParentCategoryId == shopCategoryInfo.Id
                         select s)
                    SecondLevelCategory secondLevelCategory = new SecondLevelCategory()
                        Name = shopCategoryInfo1.Name,
                        Id   = shopCategoryInfo1.Id.ToString()
            IQueryable <ProductInfo> hotSaleProduct = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetHotSaleProduct(shop.Id, 5);

            if (hotSaleProduct != null)
                array = hotSaleProduct.ToArray();
                for (i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    ProductInfo           productInfo     = array[i];
                    List <HotProductInfo> hotSaleProducts = maxSaleCount.HotSaleProducts;
                    HotProductInfo        hotProductInfo  = new HotProductInfo()
                        ImgPath   = productInfo.ImagePath,
                        Name      = productInfo.ProductName,
                        Price     = productInfo.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = productInfo.Id,
                        SaleCount = (int)productInfo.SaleCounts
            IQueryable <ProductInfo> hotConcernedProduct = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetHotConcernedProduct(shop.Id, 5);

            if (hotConcernedProduct != null)
                array = hotConcernedProduct.ToArray();
                for (i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    ProductInfo           productInfo1         = array[i];
                    List <HotProductInfo> hotAttentionProducts = maxSaleCount.HotAttentionProducts;
                    HotProductInfo        hotProductInfo1      = new HotProductInfo()
                        ImgPath   = productInfo1.ImagePath,
                        Name      = productInfo1.ProductName,
                        Price     = productInfo1.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = productInfo1.Id,
                        SaleCount = productInfo1.ConcernedCount
            if (product.SKUInfo != null && product.SKUInfo.Count() > 0)
                long num2 = 0;
                long num3 = 0;
                long num4 = 0;
                foreach (SKUInfo sKUInfo in product.SKUInfo)
                    string[] strArrays = sKUInfo.Id.Split(new char[] { '\u005F' });
                    if (strArrays.Count() > 0)
                        long.TryParse(strArrays[1], out num2);
                        if (num2 != 0)
                            if (!maxSaleCount.Color.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Color)))
                                long num5 = (
                                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                                    where s.Color.Equals(sKUInfo.Color)
                                    select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.Stock);
                                CollectionSKU color      = maxSaleCount.Color;
                                ProductSKU    productSKU = new ProductSKU()
                                    Name          = "选择颜色",
                                    EnabledClass  = (num5 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                                    SelectedClass = "",
                                    SKUId         = num2,
                                    Value         = sKUInfo.Color
                    if (strArrays.Count() > 1)
                        long.TryParse(strArrays[2], out num3);
                        if (num3 != 0)
                            if (!maxSaleCount.Size.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Size)))
                                long num6 = (
                                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                                    where s.Size.Equals(sKUInfo.Size)
                                    select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s1) => s1.Stock);
                                CollectionSKU size        = maxSaleCount.Size;
                                ProductSKU    productSKU1 = new ProductSKU()
                                    Name          = "选择尺码",
                                    EnabledClass  = (num6 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                                    SelectedClass = "",
                                    SKUId         = num3,
                                    Value         = sKUInfo.Size
                    if (strArrays.Count() <= 2)
                    long.TryParse(strArrays[3], out num4);
                    if (num4 == 0)
                    if (maxSaleCount.Version.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Version)))
                    long num7 = (
                        from s in product.SKUInfo
                        where s.Version.Equals(sKUInfo.Version)
                        select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.Stock);
                    CollectionSKU version     = maxSaleCount.Version;
                    ProductSKU    productSKU2 = new ProductSKU()
                        Name          = "选择版本",
                        EnabledClass  = (num7 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                        SelectedClass = "",
                        SKUId         = num4,
                        Value         = sKUInfo.Version
                decimal num8 = new decimal(0);
                decimal num9 = new decimal(0);
                num8 = (
                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                    where s.Stock >= 0
                    select s).Min <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.SalePrice);
                num9 = (
                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                    where s.Stock >= 0
                    select s).Max <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.SalePrice);
                if (!(num8 == new decimal(0)) || !(num9 == new decimal(0)))
                    str = (num9 <= num8 ? string.Format("{0}", num8.ToString("f2")) : string.Format("{0}-{1}", num8.ToString("f2"), num9.ToString("f2")));
                    str = product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2");
            base.ViewBag.Price = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) ? product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2") : str);
            List <TypeAttributesModel>  typeAttributesModels  = new List <TypeAttributesModel>();
            List <ProductAttributeInfo> productAttributeInfos = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetProductAttribute(product.Id).ToList();

            foreach (ProductAttributeInfo productAttributeInfo in productAttributeInfos)
                if (typeAttributesModels.Any((TypeAttributesModel p) => p.AttrId == productAttributeInfo.AttributeId))
                    TypeAttributesModel typeAttributesModel = typeAttributesModels.FirstOrDefault((TypeAttributesModel p) => p.AttrId == productAttributeInfo.AttributeId);
                    if (typeAttributesModel.AttrValues.Any((TypeAttrValue p) => p.Id == productAttributeInfo.ValueId.ToString()))
                    List <TypeAttrValue> attrValues    = typeAttributesModel.AttrValues;
                    TypeAttrValue        typeAttrValue = new TypeAttrValue();
                    valueId            = productAttributeInfo.ValueId;
                    typeAttrValue.Id   = valueId.ToString();
                    typeAttrValue.Name = productAttributeInfo.AttributesInfo.AttributeValueInfo.FirstOrDefault((AttributeValueInfo a) => a.Id == productAttributeInfo.ValueId).Value;
                    TypeAttributesModel typeAttributesModel1 = new TypeAttributesModel()
                        AttrId     = productAttributeInfo.AttributeId,
                        AttrValues = new List <TypeAttrValue>(),
                        Name       = productAttributeInfo.AttributesInfo.Name
                    TypeAttributesModel typeAttributesModel2 = typeAttributesModel1;
                    foreach (AttributeValueInfo attributeValueInfo in productAttributeInfo.AttributesInfo.AttributeValueInfo)
                        if (!productAttributeInfos.Any((ProductAttributeInfo p) => p.ValueId == attributeValueInfo.Id))
                        List <TypeAttrValue> typeAttrValues = typeAttributesModel2.AttrValues;
                        TypeAttrValue        value          = new TypeAttrValue();
                        valueId    = attributeValueInfo.Id;
                        value.Id   = valueId.ToString();
                        value.Name = attributeValueInfo.Value;
            ViewBag.ProductAttrs = typeAttributesModels;
            ICommentService commentService = ServiceHelper.Create <ICommentService>();
            CommentQuery    commentQuery   = new CommentQuery()
                ProductID = product.Id,
                PageNo    = 1,
                PageSize  = 10000
            PageModel <ProductCommentInfo> comments = commentService.GetComments(commentQuery);

            ViewBag.CommentCount = comments.Total;
            IQueryable <ProductConsultationInfo> consultations = ServiceHelper.Create <IConsultationService>().GetConsultations(productId);

            ViewBag.Consultations = consultations.Count();
            if (base.CurrentUser == null)
                BrowseHistrory.AddBrowsingProduct(product.Id, 0);
                BrowseHistrory.AddBrowsingProduct(product.Id, base.CurrentUser.Id);
            ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().LogProductVisti(productId);
            base.ViewBag.Logined    = (base.CurrentUser != null ? 1 : 0);
            base.ViewBag.EnabledBuy = (product.AuditStatus != ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited || !(limitTimeMarketItem.StartTime <= DateTime.Now) || !(limitTimeMarketItem.EndTime > DateTime.Now) ? false : product.SaleStatus == ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale);
            DateTime endTime  = limitTimeMarketItem.EndTime;
            TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(endTime.Ticks);

            endTime = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan timeSpan1 = timeSpan.Subtract(new TimeSpan(endTime.Ticks));
            dynamic  viewBag   = base.ViewBag;

            num            = (timeSpan1.TotalSeconds < 0 ? 0 : timeSpan1.TotalSeconds);
            viewBag.Second = num;
 // creation of the produt  && edit the produt
 public Object AddEditProduct(ProductDetailsDTO product)
         bool   isSuccess;
         string result = string.Empty;
         int?   productId;
         bool   isNew      = product.ProductId != 0 ? false : true;
         var    addProduct = isNew ? new Product {
         } : context.Product.Find(product.ProductId);
         addProduct.Name            = product.Name == null ? null : product.Name;
         addProduct.Description     = product.Description == null ? null : product.Description;
         addProduct.UPC             = product.UPC == null ? null : product.UPC;
         addProduct.BoxId           = product.BoxId == null ? null : product.BoxId;
         addProduct.StatusId        = product.StatusId;
         addProduct.Length          = product.Length;
         addProduct.Width           = product.Width;
         addProduct.Height          = product.Height;
         addProduct.Weight          = product.Weight;
         addProduct.DimensionUnitId = product.DimensionUnitId;
         addProduct.WeightUnitId    = product.WeightUnitId;
         addProduct.ShipsAlone_FLG  = product.ShipsAlone_FLG;
         addProduct.ManufacturerId  = product.ManufacturerId;
         addProduct.ConditionId     = product.ConditionId;
         addProduct.CategoryId      = product.CategoryId;
         addProduct.ColorId         = product.ColorId;
         addProduct.Ref1            = product.Ref1;
         addProduct.Ref2            = product.Ref2;
         if (isNew)
             var addProductSku = new List <ProductSKU>();
             foreach (var item in product.ProductSku)
                 ProductSKU addsku = new ProductSKU();
                 addsku.ProductId   = item.ProductId;
                 addsku.SKU         = item.SKU == null ? null : item.SKU;
                 addsku.StatusId    = item.StatusId;
                 addsku.Description = item.Description == null ? null : item.Description;
                 addsku.SKUTypeId   = item.SKUTypeId;
             addProduct.ProductSKUs = addProductSku;
             var addProductInven = new List <ProductInventory>();
             foreach (var item in product.ProductInventory)
                 ProductInventory addInventory = new ProductInventory();
                 addInventory.ProductVersionId = item.ProductVersionId;
                 addInventory.WarehouseId      = item.WarehouseId;
                 addInventory.Quantity         = item.Quantity;
                 addInventory.StatusId         = item.StatusId;
             var addProductVersion = new List <ProductVersion>();
             foreach (var item in product.ProductVersion)
                 ProductVersion addversion       = new ProductVersion();
                 var            matchedInventory = new List <ProductInventory>();
                 matchedInventory = addProductInven.FindAll(x => x.ProductVersionId == item.ProductVersionId);
                 addversion.ProductInventories = matchedInventory;
                 addversion.ProductId          = item.ProductId;
                 addversion.Description        = item.Description;
                 addversion.StatusId           = item.StatusId;
             addProduct.ProductVersions = addProductVersion;
             var addProductTag = new List <ProductTag>();
             if (product.ProductTag != null)
                 foreach (var item in product.ProductTag)
                     ProductTag addTag = new ProductTag();
                     addTag.ProductId = item.ProductId;
                     addTag.TagId     = item.TagId;
                 addProduct.ProductTags = addProductTag;
             result    = _iconfiguration["PRODUCT_ADDED_SUCCESSFUL"];
             productId = addProduct.ProductId;
             isSuccess = true;
             List <ProductSKU>     existingProductSku     = context.ProductSKU.Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductId).ToList();
             List <ProductVersion> existingProductVersion = context.ProductVersion.Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductId).ToList();
             List <ProductTag>     existingProductTag     = context.ProductTag.Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductId).ToList();
             var existingInventory = new List <ProductInventory>();
             foreach (var item in existingProductVersion)
                 var existingmatchedInventory = new List <ProductInventory>();
                 existingmatchedInventory = context.ProductInventory.Where(x => x.ProductVersionId == item.ProductVersionId).ToList();
                 if (existingmatchedInventory.Count > 0)
             var newProductSku = new List <ProductSKU>();
             foreach (var item in product.ProductSku)
                 ProductSKU addsku = new ProductSKU();
                 addsku.ProductId   = item.ProductId;
                 addsku.SKU         = item.SKU == null ? null : item.SKU;
                 addsku.StatusId    = item.StatusId;
                 addsku.Description = item.Description == null ? null : item.Description;
                 addsku.SKUTypeId   = item.SKUTypeId;
             var newProductInven = new List <ProductInventory>();
             foreach (var item in product.ProductInventory)
                 ProductInventory addInventory = new ProductInventory();
                 addInventory.ProductVersionId = item.ProductVersionId;
                 addInventory.WarehouseId      = item.WarehouseId;
                 addInventory.Quantity         = item.Quantity;
                 addInventory.StatusId         = item.StatusId;
             var newProductVersion = new List <ProductVersion>();
             foreach (var item in product.ProductVersion)
                 ProductVersion addversion       = new ProductVersion();
                 var            matchedInventory = new List <ProductInventory>();
                 matchedInventory = newProductInven.FindAll(x => x.ProductVersionId == item.ProductVersionId);
                 addversion.ProductInventories = matchedInventory;
                 addversion.ProductId          = item.ProductId;
                 addversion.Description        = item.Description;
                 addversion.StatusId           = item.StatusId;
             var newProductTag = new List <ProductTag>();
             if (product.ProductTag != null)
                 foreach (var item in product.ProductTag)
                     ProductTag addTag = new ProductTag();
                     addTag.ProductId = item.ProductId;
                     addTag.TagId     = item.TagId;
             addProduct.ProductSKUs     = new List <ProductSKU>();
             addProduct.ProductVersions = new List <ProductVersion>();
             addProduct.ProductTags     = new List <ProductTag>();
             if (existingProductSku.Count > 0)
             if (existingInventory.Count > 0)
             if (existingProductVersion.Count > 0)
             if (existingProductTag.Count > 0)
             if (newProductTag.Count > 0)
             result    = _iconfiguration["PRODUCT_EDITED_SUCCESSFUL"];
             productId = addProduct.ProductId;
             isSuccess = true;
         return(new { status = isSuccess, productID = productId, message = result });
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (ex.InnerException != null)
             return(new { status = false, productID = product.ProductId, message = ex.InnerException.Message });
             return(new { status = false, productID = product.ProductId, message = ex.Message });
         throw ex;
Beispiel #21
 public void Productsku(string id)
     Console.WriteLine("Product sku Entered");
        public ActionResult Detail(string id)
            long valueId;

            ProductInfo[]            array;
            int                      i;
            double                   num;
            decimal                  num1;
            decimal                  num2;
            string                   str = "";
            ProductDetailModelForWeb productDetailModelForWeb = new ProductDetailModelForWeb()
                HotAttentionProducts = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                HotSaleProducts      = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                Product      = new ProductInfo(),
                Shop         = new ShopInfoModel(),
                ShopCategory = new List <CategoryJsonModel>(),
                Color        = new CollectionSKU(),
                Size         = new CollectionSKU(),
                Version      = new CollectionSKU()
            ProductDetailModelForWeb maxSaleCount        = productDetailModelForWeb;
            LimitTimeMarketInfo      limitTimeMarketItem = null;
            ShopInfo shop      = null;
            long     productId = 0;
            long     num3      = 0;

            long.TryParse(id, out num3);
            if (num3 == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Mobile" }));
            limitTimeMarketItem = ServiceHelper.Create <ILimitTimeBuyService>().GetLimitTimeMarketItem(num3);
            if (limitTimeMarketItem == null || limitTimeMarketItem.AuditStatus != LimitTimeMarketInfo.LimitTimeMarketAuditStatus.Ongoing)
                limitTimeMarketItem = (limitTimeMarketItem == null ? ServiceHelper.Create <ILimitTimeBuyService>().GetLimitTimeMarketItemByProductId(num3) : limitTimeMarketItem);
                if (limitTimeMarketItem == null || limitTimeMarketItem.AuditStatus != LimitTimeMarketInfo.LimitTimeMarketAuditStatus.Ongoing)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Mobile" }));
            if (limitTimeMarketItem != null && (limitTimeMarketItem.AuditStatus != LimitTimeMarketInfo.LimitTimeMarketAuditStatus.Ongoing || limitTimeMarketItem.EndTime < DateTime.Now))
                return(RedirectToAction("Detail", "Product", new { id = limitTimeMarketItem.ProductId }));
            maxSaleCount.MaxSaleCount = limitTimeMarketItem.MaxSaleCount;
            maxSaleCount.Title        = limitTimeMarketItem.Title;
            shop = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>().GetShop(limitTimeMarketItem.ShopId, false);
            if (limitTimeMarketItem == null || limitTimeMarketItem.Id == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            ProductInfo product = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetProduct(limitTimeMarketItem.ProductId);

            productId                       = limitTimeMarketItem.ProductId;
            product.MarketPrice             = limitTimeMarketItem.Price;
            product.SaleCounts              = limitTimeMarketItem.SaleCount;
            maxSaleCount.Product            = product;
            maxSaleCount.ProductDescription = product.ProductDescriptionInfo.Description;
            if (product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptionPrefixId != 0)
                ProductDescriptionTemplateInfo template = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductDescriptionTemplateService>().GetTemplate(product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptionPrefixId, product.ShopId);
                maxSaleCount.DescriptionPrefix = (template == null ? "" : template.Content);
            if (product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptiondSuffixId != 0)
                ProductDescriptionTemplateInfo productDescriptionTemplateInfo = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductDescriptionTemplateService>().GetTemplate(product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptiondSuffixId, product.ShopId);
                maxSaleCount.DescriptiondSuffix = (productDescriptionTemplateInfo == null ? "" : productDescriptionTemplateInfo.Content);
            ShopServiceMarkModel shopComprehensiveMark = ShopServiceMark.GetShopComprehensiveMark(shop.Id);

            maxSaleCount.Shop.PackMark          = shopComprehensiveMark.PackMark;
            maxSaleCount.Shop.ServiceMark       = shopComprehensiveMark.ServiceMark;
            maxSaleCount.Shop.ComprehensiveMark = shopComprehensiveMark.ComprehensiveMark;
            IQueryable <ProductCommentInfo> commentsByProductId = ServiceHelper.Create <ICommentService>().GetCommentsByProductId(productId);

            maxSaleCount.Shop.Name        = shop.ShopName;
            maxSaleCount.Shop.ProductMark = (commentsByProductId == null || commentsByProductId.Count() == 0 ? new decimal(0) : commentsByProductId.Average <ProductCommentInfo>((ProductCommentInfo p) => (decimal)p.ReviewMark));
            maxSaleCount.Shop.Id          = product.ShopId;
            maxSaleCount.Shop.FreeFreight = shop.FreeFreight;
            ViewBag.ProductNum            = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetShopOnsaleProducts(product.ShopId);
            if (base.CurrentUser != null)
                ViewBag.IsFavorite = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().IsFavorite(product.Id, base.CurrentUser.Id);
                ViewBag.IsFavorite = false;
            IQueryable <ShopCategoryInfo> shopCategory = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopCategoryService>().GetShopCategory(product.ShopId);
            List <ShopCategoryInfo>       list         = shopCategory.ToList();

            foreach (ShopCategoryInfo shopCategoryInfo in
                     from s in list
                     where s.ParentCategoryId == 0
                     select s)
                CategoryJsonModel categoryJsonModel = new CategoryJsonModel()
                    Name = shopCategoryInfo.Name
                valueId = shopCategoryInfo.Id;
                categoryJsonModel.Id          = valueId.ToString();
                categoryJsonModel.SubCategory = new List <SecondLevelCategory>();
                CategoryJsonModel categoryJsonModel1 = categoryJsonModel;
                foreach (ShopCategoryInfo shopCategoryInfo1 in
                         from s in list
                         where s.ParentCategoryId == shopCategoryInfo.Id
                         select s)
                    SecondLevelCategory secondLevelCategory = new SecondLevelCategory()
                        Name = shopCategoryInfo1.Name,
                        Id   = shopCategoryInfo1.Id.ToString()
            IQueryable <ProductInfo> hotSaleProduct = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetHotSaleProduct(shop.Id, 5);

            if (hotSaleProduct != null)
                array = hotSaleProduct.ToArray();
                for (i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    ProductInfo           productInfo     = array[i];
                    List <HotProductInfo> hotSaleProducts = maxSaleCount.HotSaleProducts;
                    HotProductInfo        hotProductInfo  = new HotProductInfo()
                        ImgPath   = productInfo.ImagePath,
                        Name      = productInfo.ProductName,
                        Price     = productInfo.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = productInfo.Id,
                        SaleCount = (int)productInfo.SaleCounts
            IQueryable <ProductInfo> hotConcernedProduct = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetHotConcernedProduct(shop.Id, 5);

            if (hotConcernedProduct != null)
                array = hotConcernedProduct.ToArray();
                for (i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    ProductInfo           productInfo1         = array[i];
                    List <HotProductInfo> hotAttentionProducts = maxSaleCount.HotAttentionProducts;
                    HotProductInfo        hotProductInfo1      = new HotProductInfo()
                        ImgPath   = productInfo1.ImagePath,
                        Name      = productInfo1.ProductName,
                        Price     = productInfo1.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = productInfo1.Id,
                        SaleCount = productInfo1.ConcernedCount
            if (product.SKUInfo != null && product.SKUInfo.Count() > 0)
                long num4 = 0;
                long num5 = 0;
                long num6 = 0;
                foreach (SKUInfo sKUInfo in product.SKUInfo)
                    string[] strArrays = sKUInfo.Id.Split(new char[] { '\u005F' });
                    if (strArrays.Count() > 0)
                        long.TryParse(strArrays[1], out num4);
                        if (num4 != 0)
                            if (!maxSaleCount.Color.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Color)))
                                long num7 = (
                                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                                    where s.Color.Equals(sKUInfo.Color)
                                    select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.Stock);
                                CollectionSKU color      = maxSaleCount.Color;
                                ProductSKU    productSKU = new ProductSKU()
                                    Name          = "选择颜色",
                                    EnabledClass  = (num7 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                                    SelectedClass = "",
                                    SKUId         = num4,
                                    Value         = sKUInfo.Color
                    if (strArrays.Count() > 1)
                        long.TryParse(strArrays[2], out num5);
                        if (num5 != 0)
                            if (!maxSaleCount.Size.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Size)))
                                long num8 = (
                                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                                    where s.Size.Equals(sKUInfo.Size)
                                    select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s1) => s1.Stock);
                                CollectionSKU size        = maxSaleCount.Size;
                                ProductSKU    productSKU1 = new ProductSKU()
                                    Name          = "选择尺码",
                                    EnabledClass  = (num8 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                                    SelectedClass = "",
                                    SKUId         = num5,
                                    Value         = sKUInfo.Size
                    if (strArrays.Count() <= 2)
                    long.TryParse(strArrays[3], out num6);
                    if (num6 == 0)
                    if (maxSaleCount.Version.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Version)))
                    long num9 = (
                        from s in product.SKUInfo
                        where s.Version.Equals(sKUInfo.Version)
                        select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.Stock);
                    CollectionSKU version     = maxSaleCount.Version;
                    ProductSKU    productSKU2 = new ProductSKU()
                        Name          = "选择版本",
                        EnabledClass  = (num9 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                        SelectedClass = "",
                        SKUId         = num6,
                        Value         = sKUInfo.Version
                decimal num10 = new decimal(0);
                decimal num11 = new decimal(0);
                num10 = (
                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                    where s.Stock >= 0
                    select s).Min <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.SalePrice);
                num11 = (
                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                    where s.Stock >= 0
                    select s).Max <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.SalePrice);
                if (!(num10 == new decimal(0)) || !(num11 == new decimal(0)))
                    str = (num11 <= num10 ? string.Format("{0}", num10.ToString("f2")) : string.Format("{0}-{1}", num10.ToString("f2"), num11.ToString("f2")));
                    str = product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2");
            base.ViewBag.Price = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) ? product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2") : str);
            List <TypeAttributesModel>  typeAttributesModels  = new List <TypeAttributesModel>();
            List <ProductAttributeInfo> productAttributeInfos = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetProductAttribute(product.Id).ToList();

            foreach (ProductAttributeInfo productAttributeInfo in productAttributeInfos)
                if (typeAttributesModels.Any((TypeAttributesModel p) => p.AttrId == productAttributeInfo.AttributeId))
                    TypeAttributesModel typeAttributesModel = typeAttributesModels.FirstOrDefault((TypeAttributesModel p) => p.AttrId == productAttributeInfo.AttributeId);
                    if (typeAttributesModel.AttrValues.Any((TypeAttrValue p) => p.Id == productAttributeInfo.ValueId.ToString()))
                    List <TypeAttrValue> attrValues    = typeAttributesModel.AttrValues;
                    TypeAttrValue        typeAttrValue = new TypeAttrValue();
                    valueId            = productAttributeInfo.ValueId;
                    typeAttrValue.Id   = valueId.ToString();
                    typeAttrValue.Name = productAttributeInfo.AttributesInfo.AttributeValueInfo.FirstOrDefault((AttributeValueInfo a) => a.Id == productAttributeInfo.ValueId).Value;
                    TypeAttributesModel typeAttributesModel1 = new TypeAttributesModel()
                        AttrId     = productAttributeInfo.AttributeId,
                        AttrValues = new List <TypeAttrValue>(),
                        Name       = productAttributeInfo.AttributesInfo.Name
                    TypeAttributesModel typeAttributesModel2 = typeAttributesModel1;
                    foreach (AttributeValueInfo attributeValueInfo in productAttributeInfo.AttributesInfo.AttributeValueInfo)
                        if (!productAttributeInfos.Any((ProductAttributeInfo p) => p.ValueId == attributeValueInfo.Id))
                        List <TypeAttrValue> typeAttrValues = typeAttributesModel2.AttrValues;
                        TypeAttrValue        value          = new TypeAttrValue();
                        valueId    = attributeValueInfo.Id;
                        value.Id   = valueId.ToString();
                        value.Name = attributeValueInfo.Value;
            ViewBag.ProductAttrs = typeAttributesModels;
            ICommentService commentService = ServiceHelper.Create <ICommentService>();
            CommentQuery    commentQuery   = new CommentQuery()
                ProductID = product.Id,
                PageNo    = 1,
                PageSize  = 10000
            PageModel <ProductCommentInfo> comments = commentService.GetComments(commentQuery);

            ViewBag.CommentCount = comments.Total;
            IQueryable <ProductConsultationInfo> consultations = ServiceHelper.Create <IConsultationService>().GetConsultations(productId);

            ViewBag.Consultations = consultations.Count();
            double num12 = product.Himall_ProductComments.Count();
            double num13 = product.Himall_ProductComments.Count((ProductCommentInfo item) => item.ReviewMark >= 4);

            ViewBag.NicePercent   = num13 / num12 * 100;
            ViewBag.Consultations = consultations.Count();
            if (ServiceHelper.Create <IVShopService>().GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id) != null)
                ViewBag.VShopId = ServiceHelper.Create <IVShopService>().GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id).Id;
                ViewBag.VShopId = -1;
            IQueryable <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo> shopStatisticOrderComments = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>().GetShopStatisticOrderComments(product.ShopId);
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 1
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo1 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 9
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo2 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 5
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo3 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 2
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo4 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 10
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo5 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 6
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo6 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 3
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo7 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 4
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo8 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 11
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo9 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 12
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo10 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 7
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo11 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 8
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            int num14 = 5;

            if (statisticOrderCommentsInfo == null || statisticOrderCommentsInfo3 == null)
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescription     = num14;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = num14;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = num14;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = num14;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescription     = statisticOrderCommentsInfo.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = statisticOrderCommentsInfo3.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo7.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo6.CommentValue;
            if (statisticOrderCommentsInfo1 == null || statisticOrderCommentsInfo4 == null)
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitude     = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitude     = statisticOrderCommentsInfo1.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = statisticOrderCommentsInfo4.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo8.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo9.CommentValue;
            if (statisticOrderCommentsInfo5 == null || statisticOrderCommentsInfo2 == null)
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeed     = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedMax  = num14;
                ViewBag.sellerDeliverySpeedMin  = num14;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeed     = statisticOrderCommentsInfo2.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = statisticOrderCommentsInfo5.CommentValue;
                dynamic viewBag = base.ViewBag;
                num1 = (statisticOrderCommentsInfo10 != null ? statisticOrderCommentsInfo10.CommentValue : new decimal(0));
                viewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedMax = num1;
                dynamic obj = base.ViewBag;
                num2 = (statisticOrderCommentsInfo11 != null ? statisticOrderCommentsInfo11.CommentValue : new decimal(0));
                obj.sellerDeliverySpeedMin = num2;
            base.ViewBag.Logined    = (base.CurrentUser != null ? 1 : 0);
            base.ViewBag.EnabledBuy = (product.AuditStatus != ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited || !(limitTimeMarketItem.StartTime <= DateTime.Now) || !(limitTimeMarketItem.EndTime > DateTime.Now) ? false : product.SaleStatus == ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale);
            DateTime endTime  = limitTimeMarketItem.EndTime;
            TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(endTime.Ticks);

            endTime = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan timeSpan1 = timeSpan.Subtract(new TimeSpan(endTime.Ticks));
            dynamic  viewBag1  = base.ViewBag;

            num             = (timeSpan1.TotalSeconds < 0 ? 0 : timeSpan1.TotalSeconds);
            viewBag1.Second = num;
Beispiel #23
        public ActionResult ShowSkuInfo(FightGroupActiveModel data)
            if (data == null)
                throw new HimallException("错误的活动信息");
            ProductShowSkuInfoModel model = new ProductShowSkuInfoModel
                MinSalePrice     = data.MiniGroupPrice,
                ProductImagePath = data.ProductImgPath
            ProductTypeInfo typeByProductId = this._iTypeService.GetTypeByProductId(data.ProductId.Value);
            string          str             = ((typeByProductId == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeByProductId.ColorAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Color.ToDescription() : typeByProductId.ColorAlias;
            string          str2            = ((typeByProductId == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeByProductId.SizeAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Size.ToDescription() : typeByProductId.SizeAlias;
            string          str3            = ((typeByProductId == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeByProductId.VersionAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Version.ToDescription() : typeByProductId.VersionAlias;

            model.ColorAlias   = str;
            model.SizeAlias    = str2;
            model.VersionAlias = str3;
            if ((data.ActiveItems != null) && (data.ActiveItems.Count <FightGroupActiveItemModel>() > 0))
                long result = 0L;
                long num2   = 0L;
                long num3   = 0L;
                using (List <FightGroupActiveItemModel> .Enumerator enumerator = data.ActiveItems.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Func <ProductSKU, bool> predicate            = null;
                        Func <FightGroupActiveItemModel, bool> func2 = null;
                        Func <ProductSKU, bool> func3 = null;
                        Func <FightGroupActiveItemModel, bool> func4 = null;
                        Func <ProductSKU, bool> func5 = null;
                        Func <FightGroupActiveItemModel, bool> func6 = null;
                        FightGroupActiveItemModel sku = enumerator.Current;
                        string[] source = sku.SkuId.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                        if (source.Count <string>() > 0)
                            if (long.TryParse(source[1], out result))
                            if (result != 0L)
                                if (predicate == null)
                                    predicate = v => v.Value.Equals(sku.Color);
                                if (!model.Color.Any <ProductSKU>(predicate))
                                    if (func2 == null)
                                        func2 = s => s.Color.Equals(sku.Color);
                                    long?      nullable = data.ActiveItems.Where <FightGroupActiveItemModel>(func2).Sum <FightGroupActiveItemModel>((Func <FightGroupActiveItemModel, long?>)(s => s.ActiveStock));
                                    ProductSKU item     = new ProductSKU
                                        Name          = "选择" + str,
                                        EnabledClass  = (nullable != 0L) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                        SelectedClass = "",
                                        SkuId         = result,
                                        Value         = sku.Color,
                                        Img           = sku.ShowPic
                        if (source.Count <string>() > 1)
                            if (long.TryParse(source[2], out num2))
                            if (num2 != 0L)
                                if (func3 == null)
                                    func3 = v => v.Value.Equals(sku.Size);
                                if (!model.Size.Any <ProductSKU>(func3))
                                    if (func4 == null)
                                        func4 = s => s.Size.Equals(sku.Size);
                                    long?      nullable2 = data.ActiveItems.Where <FightGroupActiveItemModel>(func4).Sum <FightGroupActiveItemModel>((Func <FightGroupActiveItemModel, long?>)(s1 => s1.ActiveStock));
                                    ProductSKU tsku2     = new ProductSKU
                                        Name          = "选择" + str2,
                                        EnabledClass  = (nullable2 != 0L) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                        SelectedClass = "",
                                        SkuId         = num2,
                                        Value         = sku.Size
                        if (source.Count <string>() > 2)
                            if (long.TryParse(source[3], out num3))
                            if (num3 != 0L)
                                if (func5 == null)
                                    func5 = v => v.Value.Equals(sku.Version);
                                if (!model.Version.Any <ProductSKU>(func5))
                                    if (func6 == null)
                                        func6 = s => s.Version.Equals(sku.Version);
                                    long?      nullable3 = data.ActiveItems.Where <FightGroupActiveItemModel>(func6).Sum <FightGroupActiveItemModel>((Func <FightGroupActiveItemModel, long?>)(s => s.ActiveStock));
                                    ProductSKU tsku3     = new ProductSKU
                                        Name          = "选择" + str3,
                                        EnabledClass  = (nullable3 != 0L) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                        SelectedClass = "",
                                        SkuId         = num3,
                                        Value         = sku.Version
        public ProductDTO GetProductSKU(long skuId, Langs l, Currency c)
            ProductDTO productDTO = GetSKUInformation(skuId, l, c);

            productDTO.SizeAttributes = new List <SizeAttributeViewDTO>();

            productDTO.Sizes = GetProductSizes(productDTO.Id, l);
            if (productDTO.Sizes.Count == 0)
                productDTO.SelectedSize = -1;
                productDTO.Sizes        = null;
                var sizeOption = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == skuId).FirstOrDefault().
                                 ProductSKUOptionValues.Select(op => op.OptionValue).
                                 Where(op => op.Option.IsColor == false).FirstOrDefault();
                if (sizeOption != null)
                    long sizeId = sizeOption.ValueId;
                    for (int i = 0; i < productDTO.Sizes.Count; i++)
                        if (productDTO.Sizes[i].ValueId == sizeId)
                            productDTO.SelectedSize = i;
                    long sizeId = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == skuId).FirstOrDefault().ProductSKUOptionValues.FirstOrDefault().ValueId;
                    for (int i = 0; i < productDTO.Sizes.Count; i++)
                        if (productDTO.Sizes[i].ValueId == sizeId)
                            productDTO.SelectedSize = i;

            productDTO.Colors = GetProductColors(productDTO.Id, l);
            if (productDTO.Colors.Count == 0)
                productDTO.SelectedColor = -1;
                productDTO.Colors        = null;
                long colorId = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(op => op.SKUId == skuId).FirstOrDefault().
                               ProductSKUOptionValues.Select(op => op.OptionValue).
                               Where(op => op.Option.IsColor == true).FirstOrDefault().ValueId;

                for (int i = 0; i < productDTO.Colors.Count; i++)
                    if (productDTO.Colors[i].ValueId == colorId)
                        productDTO.SelectedColor = i;
                var colorOptionId = productDTO.Colors[productDTO.SelectedColor].OptionId;
                var colorImages   = unitOfWork.OptionValueRepository.Get(op => op.ProductId == productDTO.Id &&
                                                                         op.OptionId == colorOptionId &&
                                                                         op.ValueId == colorId)
                if (colorImages.Count > 0)
                    productDTO.Images = colorImages.Select(img => img.ImageUrl).ToList();

                if (productDTO.SelectedSize >= 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < productDTO.Sizes.Count; i++)
                        long curSize = productDTO.Sizes[i].ValueId, curColor = productDTO.Colors[productDTO.SelectedColor].ValueId,
                             curProduct = productDTO.Id, curColorOption, curSizeOption;
                        ProductSKU psku = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == productDTO.SKUId).FirstOrDefault();

                        //                ProductSKUOptionValues.Select(op => op.OptionValue).
                        //                Where(op=>op.ValueId==curColor).FirstOrDefault().Option.OptionId;
                        curColorOption = productDTO.Colors[productDTO.SelectedColor].OptionId;
                        //curSizeOption = psku.
                        //                ProductSKUOptionValues.Select(op => op.OptionValue).
                        //                Where(op => op.ValueId == curSize).FirstOrDefault().Option.OptionId;
                        curSizeOption = productDTO.Sizes[i].OptionId;
                        var v1 = unitOfWork.ProductSKUOptionValueRepository.Get(op =>
                                                                                op.ProductId == curProduct &&
                                                                                op.ValueId == curColor &&
                                                                                op.OptionId == curColorOption).Select(op => op.SKUId);
                        var v2 = unitOfWork.ProductSKUOptionValueRepository.Get(op =>
                                                                                op.ProductId == curProduct &&
                                                                                op.ValueId == curSize &&
                                                                                op.OptionId == curSizeOption).Select(op => op.SKUId);
                        var v = v1.Intersect(v2);

                        if (v != null && v.ToList().Count > 0)
                            productDTO.Sizes[i].Available = true;
                            productDTO.Sizes[i].Available = false;

                if (productDTO.SelectedSize >= 0)
                    var sizeDto       = productDTO.Sizes[productDTO.SelectedSize];
                    var sizAttributes = unitOfWork.ProductSizeAttributeRepository.Get(ps => ps.ValueId == sizeDto.ValueId && ps.ProductId == productDTO.Id).ToList();

                    foreach (var productSizeAttribute in sizAttributes)
                        SizeAttributeViewDTO dto = new SizeAttributeViewDTO();
                        var sizeAttribute        =
                        var option =
                            unitOfWork.SizeHelperRepository.Get(d => d.Id == sizeAttribute.Id).FirstOrDefault().OptionId;
                        dto.SizeAttributeName =
                            sizeAttribute.SizeAttributeDescriptions.Where(d => d.LanguageId == (long)l)
                        dto.SizeAttributeValueCm   = productSizeAttribute.Value;
                        dto.SizeAttributeValueInch = productSizeAttribute.Value * 2.5;

        private ProductDTO GetSKUInformation(long skuId, Langs l, Currency c)
            long       languageId = Utils.getLanguage(l);
            ProductDTO productDTO = new ProductDTO();

            productDTO.SKUId = skuId;
            ProductSKU SKU = unitOfWork.ProductSKURepository.Get(s => s.SKUId == skuId).FirstOrDefault();

            productDTO.Id = SKU.ProductId;
            Product product = unitOfWork.ProductRepository.GetByID(productDTO.Id);

            productDTO.Designer              = new DesignerDTO();
            productDTO.Designer.DesignerId   = product.DesignerId;
            productDTO.Designer.DesignerName =
                product.Designer.Descriptions.FirstOrDefault(cc => cc.LanguageId == (long)l).Text;

            productDTO.Name  = product.ProductDescriptions.Where(cc => cc.LanguageId == (long)l).FirstOrDefault().Name;
            productDTO.IsNew = (DateTime.Now.Year * 365 + DateTime.Now.Month * 30 + DateTime.Now.Day
                                - product.DateAdded.Value.Year * 365 - product.DateAdded.Value.Month * 30 - product.DateAdded.Value.Day)
                               <= 7;
            productDTO.Quantity    = SKU.Quentity;
            productDTO.IsAvailable = (SKU.Quentity != 0);
            productDTO.CategoryId  = product.CategoryId;

            productDTO.Price = Utils.getCurrency(c, l, product.Price).Item1;
            Tuple <double, String> tuple = Utils.getCurrency(c, l, SKU.Price);
            double SKUPrice = tuple.Item1;

            productDTO.CurrencyName = tuple.Item2;

            productDTO.rates = GetProductRates(productDTO.Id);
            if (productDTO.rates.Count != 0)
                productDTO.TotalRate = (int)Math.Ceiling(productDTO.rates.Sum(cc => cc.Rate) / productDTO.rates.Count + 0.0);
                productDTO.TotalRate = 0;

            productDTO.DateAdded    = product.DateAdded.Value;
            productDTO.OrginalPrice = (productDTO.Price + SKUPrice);
            productDTO.TotalPrice   = productDTO.OrginalPrice;
            //if (SKU.Discounts.Count > 0)
            //    if (SKU.Discounts.FirstOrDefault().IsPercentage)
            //        productDTO.TotalPrice = productDTO.OrginalPrice * (100 - SKU.Discounts.FirstOrDefault().Value) / 100;
            //    else
            //        productDTO.TotalPrice = productDTO.OrginalPrice - SKU.Discounts.FirstOrDefault().Value;
            //    productDTO.IsDiscounted = (SKU.Discounts.FirstOrDefault().Value != 0);


            ProductDescription productDescription = product.ProductDescriptions.FirstOrDefault(op => op.LanguageId == languageId);

            productDTO.MetaDescriptions = productDescription.MetaDescriptions;
            productDTO.Text             = productDescription.Text;
            var images = unitOfWork.ImageRepository.Get(img => img.ProductId == productDTO.Id)
                         .Select(img => img.ImageUrl)

            if (images.Count > 0)
                productDTO.Images = images;
                productDTO.Images = new List <string>();

            productDTO.Tags = GetProductTagsBySkuId(productDTO.SKUId, l);
Beispiel #26
        public ActionResult Detail(string id = "")
            decimal num;
            decimal num1;
            string  str = "";
            ProductDetailModelForWeb productDetailModelForWeb = new ProductDetailModelForWeb()
                Product = new ProductInfo(),
                Shop    = new ShopInfoModel(),
                Color   = new CollectionSKU(),
                Size    = new CollectionSKU(),
                Version = new CollectionSKU()
            ProductDetailModelForWeb showMobileDescription = productDetailModelForWeb;
            ProductInfo product = null;
            ShopInfo    shop    = null;
            long        num2    = 0;

            long.TryParse(id, out num2);
            if (num2 == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            product = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetProduct(num2);
            showMobileDescription.ProductDescription = product.ProductDescriptionInfo.ShowMobileDescription;
            if (product == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            LimitTimeMarketInfo limitTimeMarketItemByProductId = ServiceHelper.Create <ILimitTimeBuyService>().GetLimitTimeMarketItemByProductId(product.Id);

            if (limitTimeMarketItemByProductId != null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Detail", "LimitTimeBuy", new { id = limitTimeMarketItemByProductId.Id }));
            shop = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>().GetShop(product.ShopId, false);
            ShopServiceMarkModel shopComprehensiveMark = ShopServiceMark.GetShopComprehensiveMark(shop.Id);

            showMobileDescription.Shop.PackMark          = shopComprehensiveMark.PackMark;
            showMobileDescription.Shop.ServiceMark       = shopComprehensiveMark.ServiceMark;
            showMobileDescription.Shop.ComprehensiveMark = shopComprehensiveMark.ComprehensiveMark;
            IQueryable <ProductCommentInfo> commentsByProductId = ServiceHelper.Create <ICommentService>().GetCommentsByProductId(num2);

            showMobileDescription.Shop.Name        = shop.ShopName;
            showMobileDescription.Shop.ProductMark = (commentsByProductId == null || commentsByProductId.Count() == 0 ? new decimal(0) : commentsByProductId.Average <ProductCommentInfo>((ProductCommentInfo p) => (decimal)p.ReviewMark));
            showMobileDescription.Shop.Id          = product.ShopId;
            showMobileDescription.Shop.FreeFreight = shop.FreeFreight;
            ViewBag.ProductNum = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetShopOnsaleProducts(product.ShopId);
            if (base.CurrentUser != null)
                ViewBag.IsFavorite = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().IsFavorite(product.Id, base.CurrentUser.Id);
                ViewBag.IsFavorite = false;
            if (product.SKUInfo != null && product.SKUInfo.Count() > 0)
                long num3 = 0;
                long num4 = 0;
                long num5 = 0;
                foreach (SKUInfo sKUInfo in product.SKUInfo)
                    string[] strArrays = sKUInfo.Id.Split(new char[] { '\u005F' });
                    if (strArrays.Count() > 0)
                        long.TryParse(strArrays[1], out num3);
                        if (num3 != 0)
                            if (!showMobileDescription.Color.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Color)))
                                long num6 = (
                                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                                    where s.Color.Equals(sKUInfo.Color)
                                    select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.Stock);
                                CollectionSKU color      = showMobileDescription.Color;
                                ProductSKU    productSKU = new ProductSKU()
                                    Name          = "选择颜色",
                                    EnabledClass  = (num6 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                                    SelectedClass = "",
                                    SKUId         = num3,
                                    Value         = sKUInfo.Color
                    if (strArrays.Count() > 1)
                        long.TryParse(strArrays[2], out num4);
                        if (num4 != 0)
                            if (!showMobileDescription.Size.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Size)))
                                long num7 = (
                                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                                    where s.Size.Equals(sKUInfo.Size)
                                    select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s1) => s1.Stock);
                                CollectionSKU size        = showMobileDescription.Size;
                                ProductSKU    productSKU1 = new ProductSKU()
                                    Name          = "选择尺码",
                                    EnabledClass  = (num7 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                                    SelectedClass = "",
                                    SKUId         = num4,
                                    Value         = sKUInfo.Size
                    if (strArrays.Count() <= 2)
                    long.TryParse(strArrays[3], out num5);
                    if (num5 == 0)
                    if (showMobileDescription.Version.Any((ProductSKU v) => v.Value.Equals(sKUInfo.Version)))
                    long num8 = (
                        from s in product.SKUInfo
                        where s.Version.Equals(sKUInfo.Version)
                        select s).Sum <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.Stock);
                    CollectionSKU version     = showMobileDescription.Version;
                    ProductSKU    productSKU2 = new ProductSKU()
                        Name          = "选择版本",
                        EnabledClass  = (num8 != 0 ? "enabled" : "disabled"),
                        SelectedClass = "",
                        SKUId         = num5,
                        Value         = sKUInfo.Version
                decimal num9  = new decimal(0);
                decimal num10 = new decimal(0);
                num9 = (
                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                    where s.Stock >= 0
                    select s).Min <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.SalePrice);
                num10 = (
                    from s in product.SKUInfo
                    where s.Stock >= 0
                    select s).Max <SKUInfo>((SKUInfo s) => s.SalePrice);
                if (!(num9 == new decimal(0)) || !(num10 == new decimal(0)))
                    str = (num10 <= num9 ? string.Format("{0}", num9.ToString("f2")) : string.Format("{0}-{1}", num9.ToString("f2"), num10.ToString("f2")));
                    str = product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2");
            base.ViewBag.Price = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) ? product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2") : str);
            IQueryable <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo> shopStatisticOrderComments = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>().GetShopStatisticOrderComments(product.ShopId);
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 1
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo1 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 9
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo2 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 5
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo3 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 2
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo4 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 10
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo5 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 6
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo6 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 3
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo7 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 4
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo8 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 11
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo9 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 12
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo10 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 7
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo statisticOrderCommentsInfo11 = (
                from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                where (int)c.CommentKey == 8
                select c).FirstOrDefault();
            int num11 = 5;

            if (statisticOrderCommentsInfo == null || statisticOrderCommentsInfo3 == null)
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescription     = num11;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = num11;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = num11;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = num11;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescription     = statisticOrderCommentsInfo.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = statisticOrderCommentsInfo3.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo7.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo6.CommentValue;
            if (statisticOrderCommentsInfo1 == null || statisticOrderCommentsInfo4 == null)
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitude     = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitude     = statisticOrderCommentsInfo1.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = statisticOrderCommentsInfo4.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo8.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = statisticOrderCommentsInfo9.CommentValue;
            if (statisticOrderCommentsInfo5 == null || statisticOrderCommentsInfo2 == null)
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeed     = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedMax  = num11;
                ViewBag.sellerDeliverySpeedMin  = num11;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeed     = statisticOrderCommentsInfo2.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = statisticOrderCommentsInfo5.CommentValue;
                dynamic viewBag = base.ViewBag;
                num = (statisticOrderCommentsInfo10 != null ? statisticOrderCommentsInfo10.CommentValue : new decimal(0));
                viewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedMax = num;
                dynamic obj = base.ViewBag;
                num1 = (statisticOrderCommentsInfo11 != null ? statisticOrderCommentsInfo11.CommentValue : new decimal(0));
                obj.sellerDeliverySpeedMin = num1;
            showMobileDescription.Product = product;
            ICommentService commentService = ServiceHelper.Create <ICommentService>();
            CommentQuery    commentQuery   = new CommentQuery()
                ProductID = product.Id,
                PageNo    = 1,
                PageSize  = 10000
            PageModel <ProductCommentInfo> comments = commentService.GetComments(commentQuery);

            ViewBag.CommentCount = comments.Total;
            IQueryable <ProductConsultationInfo> consultations = ServiceHelper.Create <IConsultationService>().GetConsultations(num2);
            double num12 = product.ChemCloud_ProductComments.Count();
            double num13 = product.ChemCloud_ProductComments.Count((ProductCommentInfo item) => item.ReviewMark >= 4);

            ViewBag.NicePercent   = num13 / num12 * 100;
            ViewBag.Consultations = consultations.Count();
            if (ServiceHelper.Create <IVShopService>().GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id) != null)
                ViewBag.VShopId = ServiceHelper.Create <IVShopService>().GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id).Id;
                ViewBag.VShopId = -1;
            IEnumerable <CouponInfo> couponList = GetCouponList(shop.Id);

            if (couponList != null)
                int num14 = couponList.Count();
                ViewBag.CouponCount = num14;
            ShopBonusInfo byShopId = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopBonusService>().GetByShopId(shop.Id);

            if (byShopId != null)
                ViewBag.BonusCount             = byShopId.Count;
                ViewBag.BonusGrantPrice        = byShopId.GrantPrice;
                ViewBag.BonusRandomAmountStart = byShopId.RandomAmountStart;
                ViewBag.BonusRandomAmountEnd   = byShopId.RandomAmountEnd;
            ViewBag.CashDepositsObligation = Instance <ICashDepositsService> .Create.GetCashDepositsObligation(product.Id);

            showMobileDescription.CashDepositsServer = Instance <ICashDepositsService> .Create.GetCashDepositsObligation(product.Id);

Beispiel #27
        public ActionResult Detail(string id)
            ProductDescriptionTemplateInfo template;
            long                        num15;
            TimeSpan                    span;
            TimeSpan                    span2;
            TimeSpan                    span3;
            ParameterExpression         expression;
            LimitTimeBuyDetailModel     model  = new LimitTimeBuyDetailModel();
            string                      str    = "";
            LimitTimeProductDetailModel model2 = new LimitTimeProductDetailModel
                MainId = long.Parse(id),
                HotAttentionProducts = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                HotSaleProducts      = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                Product      = new ProductInfo(),
                Shop         = new ShopInfoModel(),
                ShopCategory = new List <CategoryJsonModel>(),
                Color        = new CollectionSKU(),
                Size         = new CollectionSKU(),
                Version      = new CollectionSKU()
            FlashSaleModel model3    = null;
            ShopInfo       shop      = null;
            long           productId = 0L;
            long           result    = 0L;

            if (long.TryParse(id, out result))
            if (result == 0L)
                return(base.RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Mobile" }));
            model3 = this._iLimitTimeBuyService.Get(result);
            switch (model3.Status)
            case FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Ended:
                return(base.RedirectToAction("Detail", "Product", new { id = model3.ProductId }));

            case FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Cancelled:
                return(base.RedirectToAction("Detail", "Product", new { id = model3.ProductId }));
            model2.FlashSale = model3;
            if ((model3 == null) || (model3.Status != FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Ongoing))
                model3 = (model3 == null) ? this._iLimitTimeBuyService.GetFlaseSaleByProductId(result) : model3;
                if (model3 == null)
                    return(base.RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Mobile" }));
                if (model3.Status != FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Ongoing)
                    return(base.RedirectToAction("Detail", "Product", new { id = model3.ProductId }));
            if ((model3 != null) && ((model3.Status != FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Ongoing) || (DateTime.Parse(model3.EndDate) < DateTime.Now)))
                return(base.RedirectToAction("Detail", "Product", new { id = model3.ProductId }));
            model2.MaxSaleCount = model3.LimitCountOfThePeople;
            model2.Title        = model3.Title;
            shop = this._iShopService.GetShop(model3.ShopId, false);
            if ((model3 == null) || (model3.Id == 0L))
                return(base.RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
            ProductInfo product = this._iProductService.GetProduct(model3.ProductId);

            productId                 = model3.ProductId;
            model2.Product            = product;
            model2.ProductDescription = product.ProductDescriptionInfo.ShowMobileDescription;
            if (product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptionPrefixId != 0L)
                template = this._iProductDescriptionTemplateService.GetTemplate(product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptionPrefixId, product.ShopId);
                model2.DescriptionPrefix = (template == null) ? "" : template.Content;
            if (product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptiondSuffixId != 0L)
                template = this._iProductDescriptionTemplateService.GetTemplate(product.ProductDescriptionInfo.DescriptiondSuffixId, product.ShopId);
                model2.DescriptiondSuffix = (template == null) ? "" : template.Content;
            ShopServiceMarkModel shopComprehensiveMark = ShopServiceMark.GetShopComprehensiveMark(shop.Id);

            model2.Shop.PackMark          = shopComprehensiveMark.PackMark;
            model2.Shop.ServiceMark       = shopComprehensiveMark.ServiceMark;
            model2.Shop.ComprehensiveMark = shopComprehensiveMark.ComprehensiveMark;
            IQueryable <ProductCommentInfo> commentsByProductId = this._iCommentService.GetCommentsByProductId(productId);

            model2.Shop.Name = shop.ShopName;
            Decimal num1;

            if (commentsByProductId != null && Queryable.Count <ProductCommentInfo>(commentsByProductId) != 0)
                num1 = Queryable.Average <ProductCommentInfo>(commentsByProductId, (Expression <Func <ProductCommentInfo, Decimal> >)(p => (Decimal)p.ReviewMark));
                num1 = new Decimal(0);
            model2.Shop.ProductMark = num1;
            model2.Shop.Id          = product.ShopId;
            model2.Shop.FreeFreight = shop.FreeFreight;
            model.ProductNum        = this._iProductService.GetShopOnsaleProducts(product.ShopId);
            model.FavoriteShopCount = this._iShopService.GetShopFavoritesCount(product.ShopId);
            if (base.CurrentUser == null)
                model.IsFavorite     = false;
                model.IsFavoriteShop = false;
                model.IsFavorite     = this._iProductService.IsFavorite(product.Id, base.CurrentUser.Id);
                model.IsFavoriteShop = (from item in this._iShopService.GetFavoriteShopInfos(base.CurrentUser.Id) select item.ShopId).ToArray <long>().Contains <long>(product.ShopId);
            List <ShopCategoryInfo> source = this._iShopCategoryService.GetShopCategory(product.ShopId).ToList <ShopCategoryInfo>();

            using (IEnumerator <ShopCategoryInfo> enumerator = (from s in source
                                                                where s.ParentCategoryId == 0L
                                                                select s).GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Func <ShopCategoryInfo, bool> predicate = null;
                    ShopCategoryInfo  main   = enumerator.Current;
                    CategoryJsonModel model5 = new CategoryJsonModel
                        Name        = main.Name,
                        Id          = main.Id.ToString(),
                        SubCategory = new List <SecondLevelCategory>()
                    if (predicate == null)
                        predicate = s => s.ParentCategoryId == main.Id;
                    foreach (ShopCategoryInfo info4 in source.Where <ShopCategoryInfo>(predicate))
                        SecondLevelCategory category = new SecondLevelCategory
                            Name = info4.Name,
                            Id   = info4.Id.ToString()
            IQueryable <ProductInfo> hotSaleProduct = this._iProductService.GetHotSaleProduct(shop.Id, 5);

            if (hotSaleProduct != null)
                foreach (ProductInfo info5 in hotSaleProduct.ToArray <ProductInfo>())
                    HotProductInfo info6 = new HotProductInfo
                        ImgPath   = info5.ImagePath,
                        Name      = info5.ProductName,
                        Price     = info5.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = info5.Id,
                        SaleCount = (int)info5.SaleCounts
            IQueryable <ProductInfo> hotConcernedProduct = this._iProductService.GetHotConcernedProduct(shop.Id, 5);

            if (hotConcernedProduct != null)
                foreach (ProductInfo info5 in hotConcernedProduct.ToArray <ProductInfo>())
                    HotProductInfo info7 = new HotProductInfo
                        ImgPath   = info5.ImagePath,
                        Name      = info5.ProductName,
                        Price     = info5.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = info5.Id,
                        SaleCount = info5.ConcernedCount
            ProductTypeInfo type = this._iTypeService.GetType(product.TypeId);
            string          str2 = ((type == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.ColorAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Color.ToDescription() : type.ColorAlias;
            string          str3 = ((type == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.SizeAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Size.ToDescription() : type.SizeAlias;
            string          str4 = ((type == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.VersionAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Version.ToDescription() : type.VersionAlias;

            model2.ColorAlias   = str2;
            model2.SizeAlias    = str3;
            model2.VersionAlias = str4;
            if ((product.SKUInfo != null) && (product.SKUInfo.Count <SKUInfo>() > 0))
                long num3 = 0L;
                long num4 = 0L;
                long num5 = 0L;
                using (IEnumerator <SKUInfo> enumerator3 = product.SKUInfo.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator3.MoveNext())
                        Func <ProductSKU, bool> func2 = null;
                        Func <SKUInfo, bool>    func3 = null;
                        Func <ProductSKU, bool> func4 = null;
                        Func <SKUInfo, bool>    func5 = null;
                        Func <ProductSKU, bool> func6 = null;
                        Func <SKUInfo, bool>    func7 = null;
                        SKUInfo  sku      = enumerator3.Current;
                        string[] strArray = sku.Id.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                        if (strArray.Count <string>() > 0)
                            if (long.TryParse(strArray[1], out num3))
                            if (num3 != 0L)
                                if (func2 == null)
                                    func2 = v => v.Value.Equals(sku.Color);
                                if (!model2.Color.Any <ProductSKU>(func2))
                                    if (func3 == null)
                                        func3 = s => s.Color.Equals(sku.Color);
                                    long       num6 = product.SKUInfo.Where <SKUInfo>(func3).Sum <SKUInfo>((Func <SKUInfo, long>)(s => s.Stock));
                                    ProductSKU tsku = new ProductSKU
                                        Name          = "选择" + str2,
                                        EnabledClass  = (num6 != 0L) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                        SelectedClass = "",
                                        SkuId         = num3,
                                        Value         = sku.Color,
                                        Img           = sku.ShowPic
                        if (strArray.Count <string>() > 1)
                            if (long.TryParse(strArray[2], out num4))
                            if (num4 != 0L)
                                if (func4 == null)
                                    func4 = v => v.Value.Equals(sku.Size);
                                if (!model2.Size.Any <ProductSKU>(func4))
                                    if (func5 == null)
                                        func5 = s => s.Size.Equals(sku.Size);
                                    long       num7  = product.SKUInfo.Where <SKUInfo>(func5).Sum <SKUInfo>((Func <SKUInfo, long>)(s1 => s1.Stock));
                                    ProductSKU tsku2 = new ProductSKU
                                        Name          = "选择" + str3,
                                        EnabledClass  = (num7 != 0L) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                        SelectedClass = "",
                                        SkuId         = num4,
                                        Value         = sku.Size
                        if (strArray.Count <string>() > 2)
                            if (long.TryParse(strArray[3], out num5))
                            if (num5 != 0L)
                                if (func6 == null)
                                    func6 = v => v.Value.Equals(sku.Version);
                                if (!model2.Version.Any <ProductSKU>(func6))
                                    if (func7 == null)
                                        func7 = s => s.Version.Equals(sku.Version);
                                    long       num8  = product.SKUInfo.Where <SKUInfo>(func7).Sum <SKUInfo>((Func <SKUInfo, long>)(s => s.Stock));
                                    ProductSKU tsku3 = new ProductSKU
                                        Name          = "选择" + str4,
                                        EnabledClass  = (num8 != 0L) ? "enabled" : "disabled",
                                        SelectedClass = "",
                                        SkuId         = num5,
                                        Value         = sku.Version
                decimal num9  = 0M;
                decimal num10 = 0M;
                num9 = (from s in product.SKUInfo
                        where s.Stock >= 0L
                        select s).Min <SKUInfo>((Func <SKUInfo, decimal>)(s => s.SalePrice));
                num10 = (from s in product.SKUInfo
                         where s.Stock >= 0L
                         select s).Max <SKUInfo>((Func <SKUInfo, decimal>)(s => s.SalePrice));
                if ((num9 == 0M) && (num10 == 0M))
                    str = product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2");
                else if (num10 > num9)
                    str = string.Format("{0}-{1}", num9.ToString("f2"), num10.ToString("f2"));
                    str = string.Format("{0}", num9.ToString("f2"));
            model.Price = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) ? product.MinSalePrice.ToString("f2") : str;
            List <TypeAttributesModel>  list2 = new List <TypeAttributesModel>();
            List <ProductAttributeInfo> list3 = this._iProductService.GetProductAttribute(product.Id).ToList <ProductAttributeInfo>();

            using (List <ProductAttributeInfo> .Enumerator enumerator4 = list3.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator4.MoveNext())
                    Func <TypeAttributesModel, bool> func9  = null;
                    Func <TypeAttributesModel, bool> func10 = null;
                    Func <TypeAttrValue, bool>       func11 = null;
                    Func <AttributeValueInfo, bool>  func12 = null;
                    ProductAttributeInfo             attr   = enumerator4.Current;
                    if (func9 == null)
                        func9 = p => p.AttrId == attr.AttributeId;
                    if (!list2.Any <TypeAttributesModel>(func9))
                        TypeAttributesModel model7 = new TypeAttributesModel
                            AttrId     = attr.AttributeId,
                            AttrValues = new List <TypeAttrValue>(),
                            Name       = attr.AttributesInfo.Name
                        using (IEnumerator <AttributeValueInfo> enumerator5 = attr.AttributesInfo.AttributeValueInfo.GetEnumerator())
                            while (enumerator5.MoveNext())
                                Func <ProductAttributeInfo, bool> func8 = null;
                                AttributeValueInfo attrV = enumerator5.Current;
                                if (func8 == null)
                                    func8 = p => p.ValueId == attrV.Id;
                                if (list3.Any <ProductAttributeInfo>(func8))
                                    TypeAttrValue value2 = new TypeAttrValue
                                        Id   = attrV.Id.ToString(),
                                        Name = attrV.Value
                        if (func10 == null)
                            func10 = p => p.AttrId == attr.AttributeId;
                        TypeAttributesModel model9 = list2.FirstOrDefault <TypeAttributesModel>(func10);
                        if (func11 == null)
                            func11 = p => p.Id == attr.ValueId.ToString();
                        if (!model9.AttrValues.Any <TypeAttrValue>(func11))
                            TypeAttrValue value3 = new TypeAttrValue
                                Id = attr.ValueId.ToString()
                            if (func12 == null)
                                func12 = a => a.Id == attr.ValueId;
                            value3.Name = attr.AttributesInfo.AttributeValueInfo.FirstOrDefault <AttributeValueInfo>(func12).Value;
            model.ProductAttrs = list2;
            IEnumerable <ProductCommentInfo> enumerable = Enumerable.Where <ProductCommentInfo>((IEnumerable <ProductCommentInfo>)product.Himall_ProductComments, (Func <ProductCommentInfo, bool>)(item => !item.IsHidden.HasValue || !item.IsHidden.Value));
            int num11 = enumerable.Count <ProductCommentInfo>();

            model.CommentCount = num11;
            IQueryable <ProductConsultationInfo> consultations = this._iConsultationService.GetConsultations(productId);

            model.Consultations = consultations.Count <ProductConsultationInfo>();
            double num12 = num11;
            double num13 = enumerable.Count <ProductCommentInfo>(item => item.ReviewMark >= 4);

            model.NicePercent   = (int)((num13 / num12) * 100.0);
            model.Consultations = consultations.Count <ProductConsultationInfo>();
            if (this._iVShopService.GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id) == null)
                model.VShopId = -1L;
                model.VShopId = this._iVShopService.GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id).Id;
            IQueryable <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo> shopStatisticOrderComments = this._iShopService.GetShopStatisticOrderComments(product.ShopId);
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info9 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 1
                                                select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info10 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 9
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info11 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 5
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info12 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 2
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info13 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 10
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info14 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 6
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info15 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 3
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info16 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 4
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info17 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 11
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info18 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 12
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info19 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 7
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            StatisticOrderCommentsInfo info20 = (from c in shopStatisticOrderComments
                                                 where ((int)c.CommentKey) == 8
                                                 select c).FirstOrDefault <StatisticOrderCommentsInfo>();
            decimal num14 = 5M;

            if (!(((info9 == null) || (info12 == null)) || shop.IsSelf))
                model.ProductAndDescription     = info9.CommentValue;
                model.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = info12.CommentValue;
                model.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = info16.CommentValue;
                model.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = info15.CommentValue;
                model.ProductAndDescription     = num14;
                model.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = num14;
                model.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = num14;
                model.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = num14;
            if (!(((info10 == null) || (info13 == null)) || shop.IsSelf))
                model.SellerServiceAttitude     = info10.CommentValue;
                model.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = info13.CommentValue;
                model.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = info17.CommentValue;
                model.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = info18.CommentValue;
                model.SellerServiceAttitude     = num14;
                model.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = num14;
                model.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = num14;
                model.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = num14;
            if (!(((info14 == null) || (info11 == null)) || shop.IsSelf))
                model.SellerDeliverySpeed     = info11.CommentValue;
                model.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = info14.CommentValue;
                model.SellerDeliverySpeedMax  = (info19 != null) ? info19.CommentValue : 0M;
                model.sellerDeliverySpeedMin  = (info20 != null) ? info20.CommentValue : 0M;
                model.SellerDeliverySpeed     = num14;
                model.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = num14;
                model.SellerDeliverySpeedMax  = num14;
                model.sellerDeliverySpeedMin  = num14;
            if ((base.CurrentUser != null) && (base.CurrentUser.Id > 0L))
                model2.IsFavorite = this._iProductService.IsFavorite(product.Id, base.CurrentUser.Id);
                model2.IsFavorite = false;
            VShopInfo vShopByShopId = this._iVShopService.GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id);

            if (vShopByShopId == null)
                num15 = -1L;
                num15 = vShopByShopId.Id;
            model.VShopId       = num15;
            model2.Shop.VShopId = num15;
            model2.VShopLog     = this._iVShopService.GetVShopLog(model2.Shop.VShopId);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model2.VShopLog))
                model2.VShopLog = base.CurrentSiteSetting.WXLogo;
            model.Logined     = (base.CurrentUser != null) ? 1 : 0;
            model2.EnabledBuy = (((product.AuditStatus == ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited) && (DateTime.Parse(model3.BeginDate) <= DateTime.Now)) && (DateTime.Parse(model3.EndDate) > DateTime.Now)) && (product.SaleStatus == ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale);
            if (((model3.Status == FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Ongoing) && (DateTime.Parse(model3.BeginDate) < DateTime.Now)) && (DateTime.Parse(model3.EndDate) > DateTime.Now))
                span         = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Parse(model3.EndDate).Ticks);
                span2        = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                span3        = span.Subtract(span2);
                model.Second = (span3.TotalSeconds < 0.0) ? 0.0 : span3.TotalSeconds;
            else if ((model3.Status == FlashSaleInfo.FlashSaleStatus.Ongoing) && (DateTime.Parse(model3.BeginDate) > DateTime.Now))
                span         = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Parse(model3.BeginDate).Ticks);
                span2        = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                span3        = span.Subtract(span2);
                model.Second = (span3.TotalSeconds < 0.0) ? 0.0 : span3.TotalSeconds;
            ((dynamic)base.ViewBag).DetailModel = model;
            List <Himall.DTO.CustomerService> mobileCustomerService = CustomerServiceApplication.GetMobileCustomerService(model3.ShopId);

            Himall.DTO.CustomerService service = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <Himall.DTO.CustomerService>((IEnumerable <Himall.DTO.CustomerService>)CustomerServiceApplication.GetPreSaleByShopId(model3.ShopId), (Func <Himall.DTO.CustomerService, bool>)(p => p.Tool == CustomerServiceInfo.ServiceTool.MeiQia));
            if (service != null)
                mobileCustomerService.Insert(0, service);
            ((dynamic)base.ViewBag).CustomerServices = mobileCustomerService;
            StatisticApplication.StatisticVisitCount(product.Id, product.ShopId);