protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)

            if (context.Products.Count() == 0)
                Product p1 = new Product("prod1", 3.11);
                Product p2 = new Product("prod2", 23.52);
                Product p3 = new Product("prod3", 355.21);
                Product p4 = new Product("prod4", 37.45);
                Product p5 = new Product("prod5", 123.48);


                Invoice i1 = new Invoice("Invoice 1", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2));
                Invoice i2 = new Invoice("Invoice 2", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-50));
                Invoice i3 = new Invoice("Invoice 3", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10));

                ProductInvoice pi1 = new ProductInvoice(p1, i1, 4);
                ProductInvoice pi2 = new ProductInvoice(p2, i1, 8);
                ProductInvoice pi3 = new ProductInvoice(p3, i1, 16);
                ProductInvoice pi4 = new ProductInvoice(p4, i2, 456);
                ProductInvoice pi5 = new ProductInvoice(p2, i3, 2);
                ProductInvoice pi6 = new ProductInvoice(p3, i3, 1);
                ProductInvoice pi7 = new ProductInvoice(p4, i3, 18);

                context.ProductsInvoices.AddOrUpdate(new[] { pi1, pi2, pi3, pi4, pi5, pi6, pi7 });
        public async Task <ActionResult <ProductInvoiceViewModel> > PutProductInvoice(int id,
                                                                                      ProductInvoiceEditModel productInvoiceModel)
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (productInvoice == null)
                return(BadRequest($"No existe ninguna factura de productos con el código {id}."));

            _mapper.Map(productInvoiceModel, productInvoice);

                await _unitWork.SaveAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!ProductInvoiceExists(id))
                               $"Error de actialización. No existe ninguna factura de productos con el código {id}."));


            return(_mapper.Map <ProductInvoiceViewModel>(productInvoice));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int productID, int invoiceID, [Bind("ProductID,InvoiceID,Quantity")] ProductInvoice productInvoice)
            if (productID != productInvoice.ProductID || invoiceID != productInvoice.InvoiceID)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ProductInvoiceExists(productInvoice.ProductID))
            ViewData["InvoiceID"] = new SelectList(_context.Invoices, "InvoiceNumber", "InvoiceNumber", productInvoice.InvoiceID);
            ViewData["ProductID"] = new SelectList(_context.Products, "ProductID", "Name", productInvoice.ProductID);
Beispiel #4
        public async Task CheckProductQuantityAsync(ProductInvoice invoiceProduct, int productsCount)
            if (invoiceProduct.Product.Quantity >= invoiceProduct.Quantity)

            var errorMessage = string.Empty;

            if (invoiceProduct.Product.Quantity == 0)
                errorMessage = $"We are sorry. Product {invoiceProduct.Product.Title} ended and we removed it from your order!";
                if (productsCount > 1)
                    string.Concat(errorMessage, " If you still want to complete the payment, you can pay now.");

                await this.db.SaveChangesAsync();
                errorMessage            = $"Currently the available quantity of {invoiceProduct.Product.Title} is {invoiceProduct.Product.Quantity}! We updated the quantity with the maximal possible at this momment. If you still want to pay for the rest of your items you can do it now.";
                invoiceProduct.Quantity = invoiceProduct.Product.Quantity;
                await this.db.SaveChangesAsync();

            throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage);
        public async Task Search_Existing_ProductInvoice()
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(InvoiceState.Generated, productInvoice.State);
            Assert.AreEqual("12345678", productInvoice.ClientId);
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ActionResult <ProductInvoiceViewModel> > PayProductInvoice(int id,
                                                                                      [FromBody] PaymentModel paymentModel)
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (productInvoice is null)
                return(NotFound($"No existe ninguna factura de producto con el código {id}"));


            PaymentCreateRequest paymentCreateRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest
                Token             = paymentModel.Token,
                PaymentMethodId   = paymentModel.PaymentMethodId,
                TransactionAmount = productInvoice.Total,
                Description       = $"Pay for product invoice {id}",
                Installments      = 1,
                Payer             = new PaymentPayerRequest
                    FirstName = productInvoice.Client.FirstName,
                    LastName  = productInvoice.Client.LastName,
                    Email     = paymentModel.Email

            Payment payment = await _paymentClient.CreateAsync(paymentCreateRequest);

            if (payment.Status == PaymentStatus.Rejected)
                return(BadRequest("El pago no pudo ser procesado."));

            productInvoice.PublishEvent(new PaidInvoice(productInvoice));
            productInvoice.State         = InvoiceState.Paid;
            productInvoice.PaymentDate   = DateTime.Now;
            productInvoice.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethod.CreditCard;


                await _unitWork.SaveAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!ProductInvoiceExists(id))
                               $"Error de actualizacón. No existe ninguna factura de producto con el código {id}."));


            return(_mapper.Map <ProductInvoiceViewModel>(productInvoice));
        public void PrintProductInvoice(ProductsModel products, List <ProductDetails> details)
            ProductInvoice pinvoice = new ProductInvoice();

            //foreach (DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter p2 in pinvoice.Parameters)
            //    p2.Visible = false;
            documentViewer1.DocumentSource = pinvoice;
        public async Task <ActionResult <ProductInvoiceViewModel> > PostProductInvoice(
            ProductInvoiceInputModel productInvoiceModel)
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = _mapper.Map <ProductInvoice>(productInvoiceModel);
            await _productInvoicesRepository.Insert(productInvoice);

            await _unitWork.SaveAsync();

            return(_mapper.Map <ProductInvoiceViewModel>(productInvoice));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, Invoice invoice)
            if (id != invoice.InvoiceNumber)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    if (!_context.Invoices.Any(i => i.InvoiceNumber == invoice.InvoiceNumber))
                        id = invoice.InvoiceNumber;
                        foreach (ProductInvoice productInvoice in invoice.SelectedProducts)
                            productInvoice.InvoiceID = invoice.InvoiceNumber;
                    var RemovedPositions = _context.ProductInvoice.Where(pi => pi.InvoiceID == id).ToList().Where(pi => !invoice.SelectedProducts.Any(sp => sp.InvoiceID == pi.InvoiceID && sp.ProductID == pi.ProductID));
                    foreach (ProductInvoice position in RemovedPositions)
                    foreach (ProductInvoice position in invoice.SelectedProducts)
                        ProductInvoice oldPosition = _context.ProductInvoice.Where(pi => pi.InvoiceID == position.InvoiceID && pi.ProductID == position.ProductID).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (oldPosition == null)
                        else if (oldPosition.Quantity != position.Quantity)
                            oldPosition.Quantity = position.Quantity;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!InvoiceExists(invoice.InvoiceNumber))
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <int> RemoveProductFromInvoiceAsync(ProductInvoice invoiceProduct)
            await this.db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var remainedProductsCount = this.db.ProductsInvoices
                                        .Where(pi => pi.InvoiceId == invoiceProduct.InvoiceId)

        public async Task <ActionResult <ProductInvoiceViewModel> > GetProductInvoice(int id)
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (productInvoice == null)
                return(NotFound($"No existe ninguna factura de productos con el código {id}."));

            return(_mapper.Map <ProductInvoiceViewModel>(productInvoice));
 public bool CreateInvoice(Invoice invoice, ProductInvoice productInvoice)
     if (invoice != null && productInvoice != null)
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ProductID,InvoiceID,Quantity")] ProductInvoice productInvoice)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewData["InvoiceID"] = new SelectList(_context.Invoices, "InvoiceNumber", "InvoiceNumber", productInvoice.InvoiceID);
            ViewData["ProductID"] = new SelectList(_context.Products, "ProductID", "Name", productInvoice.ProductID);
Beispiel #14
        protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)

            if (context.Invoices.Count() == 0)
                Product prod  = new Product("A", 3.45);
                Product prod1 = new Product("D", 6.44);
                Product prod2 = new Product("F", 7.45);
                Product prod3 = new Product("FF", 8.25);
                Product prod4 = new Product("B", 35.28);
                Product prod5 = new Product("X", 123.45);

                context.Products.AddOrUpdate(new[] { prod5 });

                Invoice inv  = new Invoice("INVOICE 1", DateTime.Now);
                Invoice inv1 = new Invoice("INVOICE 2", DateTime.Now);
                Invoice inv2 = new Invoice("INVOICE 3", DateTime.Now);

                ProductInvoice prod_inv  = new ProductInvoice(prod, inv, 2);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv1 = new ProductInvoice(prod1, inv, 5);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv2 = new ProductInvoice(prod3, inv, 87);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv3 = new ProductInvoice(prod4, inv1, 28);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv4 = new ProductInvoice(prod, inv1, 82);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv5 = new ProductInvoice(prod2, inv2, 92);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv6 = new ProductInvoice(prod3, inv2, 452);
                ProductInvoice prod_inv7 = new ProductInvoice(prod4, inv2, 12);

                context.ProductsInvoices.AddOrUpdate(new[] { prod_inv, prod_inv1, prod_inv2, prod_inv3, prod_inv4, prod_inv5, prod_inv6, prod_inv7 });


                //CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetInvoiceGross
                //    @InvoiceID int
                //    select SUM(pri.Quantity * p.Price) as Invoice_gross
                //    from Invoices i
                //    join ProductInvoices pri
                //    on i.ID = pri.InvoiceID
                //    join Products p
                //    on pri.ProductID = p.ID
                //    where i.ID = @InvoiceID
                //    group By i.ID
                //--exec GetInvoiceGross @InvoiceID = 1
        public async Task Update_Existent_ProductInvoice()
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(1);


            productInvoice.State         = InvoiceState.Paid;
            productInvoice.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethod.Cash;

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(InvoiceState.Paid, productInvoice.State);
            Assert.AreEqual(PaymentMethod.Cash, productInvoice.PaymentMethod);
        public void ProductInvoiceTest()
            // Arrange
            string name    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            int    random  = new Random().Next(111);
            int    random2 = new Random().Next(111);
            // Act

            // Act
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = this.CreateProductInvoice();

            productInvoice.Id         = random;
            productInvoice.Product    = new Product();
            productInvoice.Product.Id = random;
            productInvoice.Qty        = random2;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(productInvoice.Id == random);
            Assert.IsTrue(productInvoice.Product.Id == random);
            Assert.IsTrue(productInvoice.Qty == random2);
        public async Task Save_Valid_ProductInvoice()
                ProductInvoice productInvoice = new ProductInvoice
                    State    = InvoiceState.Generated,
                    ClientId = "12345678",


                await _productInvoicesRepository.Insert(productInvoice);

                await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            catch (DbUpdateException e)
Beispiel #18
        public IActionResult CreateInvoice(InvoiceForCreate invoiceForCreate)
            Invoice invoice = new Invoice
                Code            = invoiceForCreate.Code,
                Date            = invoiceForCreate.Date,
                Net             = invoiceForCreate.Net,
                ProductInvoices = invoiceForCreate.ProductInvoices,
                Taxes           = invoiceForCreate.Taxes,
                Total           = invoiceForCreate.Total

            ProductInvoice productInvoice = new ProductInvoice
                ProductInvoiceId = invoiceForCreate.ProductInvoiceId,
                InvoiceId        = invoiceForCreate.InvoiceId,
                ProductId        = invoiceForCreate.ProductId,
                UnitId           = invoiceForCreate.UnitId,
                SotreId          = invoiceForCreate.SotreId,
                Code             = invoiceForCreate.Code,
                Invoice          = invoiceForCreate.Invoice,
                Discount         = invoiceForCreate.Discount,
                Net      = invoiceForCreate.Net,
                Price    = invoiceForCreate.Price,
                Product  = invoiceForCreate.Product,
                Quantity = invoiceForCreate.Quantity,
                Total    = invoiceForCreate.Total
            bool created = _invoiceRepository.CreateInvoice(invoice, productInvoice);

            if (created)
        public static void SyncCommissionStaff(ProductInvoice model, int?CurrentUserId)
                ProductInvoiceRepository         productInvoiceRepository         = new ProductInvoiceRepository(new ErpSaleDbContext());
                StaffsRepository                 staffRepository                  = new StaffsRepository(new ErpStaffDbContext());
                HistoryCommissionStaffRepository historyCommissionStaffRepository = new HistoryCommissionStaffRepository(new ErpStaffDbContext());
                //lấy danh sách nhà thuốc ra để bắt đầu đồng bộ dữ liệu
                var list_staff = staffRepository.GetvwAllStaffs().Where(x => (x.PositionCode == "ASM" || x.PositionCode == "TDV")).ToList();
                list_staff = list_staff.Where(x => ("," + x.DrugStore + ",").Contains("," + model.BranchId.ToString() + ",") == true).ToList();
                //lấy toàn bộ danh sách hóa đơn trong 1 tháng của tất cả nhà thuốc ra để xử lý 1 lần.
                var list_productInvoice = productInvoiceRepository.GetAllvwProductInvoice().Where(x => x.Month == model.CreatedDate.Value.Month && x.Year == model.CreatedDate.Value.Year && x.IsArchive == true).ToList();
                //lấy list đã insert nếu có
                var list_old = historyCommissionStaffRepository.GetAllHistoryCommissionStaffFull().Where(x => x.Month == model.CreatedDate.Value.Month && x.Year == model.CreatedDate.Value.Year).ToList();
                foreach (var item in list_staff)
                    //lấy danh sách đơn bán hàng của nhà thuốc trong tháng
                    var list_invoice_by_drugStore = list_productInvoice.Where(x => ("," + item.DrugStore + ",").Contains("," + x.BranchId.ToString() + ",") == true).ToList();

                    decimal RevenueDS         = list_invoice_by_drugStore.Sum(x => x.TotalAmount);
                    decimal CommissionPercent = item.CommissionPercent == null ? 0 : item.CommissionPercent.Value;
                    decimal MinimumRevenue    = item.MinimumRevenue == null ? 0 : item.MinimumRevenue.Value;
                    decimal AmountCommission  = (CommissionPercent * RevenueDS) / 100;
                    if (list_old.Where(x => x.StaffId == item.Id).Count() > 0)
                        var update = list_old.Where(x => x.StaffId == item.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        update.IsDeleted         = MinimumRevenue > RevenueDS ? true : false;
                        update.ModifiedUserId    = CurrentUserId;
                        update.ModifiedDate      = DateTime.Now;
                        update.StaffId           = item.Id;
                        update.PositionName      = item.PositionName;
                        update.Month             = model.CreatedDate.Value.Month;
                        update.Year              = model.CreatedDate.Value.Year;
                        update.CommissionPercent = CommissionPercent;
                        update.MinimumRevenue    = MinimumRevenue;
                        update.RevenueDS         = RevenueDS;
                        update.AmountCommission  = AmountCommission;
                        update.StaffName         = item.Name;
                        update.StaffParentId     = item.StaffParentId;
                        //thêm mới vào data.
                        var add = new HistoryCommissionStaff();
                        add.IsDeleted         = MinimumRevenue > RevenueDS ? true : false;
                        add.CreatedUserId     = CurrentUserId;
                        add.ModifiedUserId    = CurrentUserId;
                        add.AssignedUserId    = CurrentUserId;
                        add.CreatedDate       = DateTime.Now;
                        add.ModifiedDate      = DateTime.Now;
                        add.StaffId           = item.Id;
                        add.PositionName      = item.PositionName;
                        add.Month             = model.CreatedDate.Value.Month;
                        add.Year              = model.CreatedDate.Value.Year;
                        add.CommissionPercent = item.CommissionPercent;
                        add.MinimumRevenue    = item.MinimumRevenue;
                        add.RevenueDS         = RevenueDS;
                        add.AmountCommission  = AmountCommission;
                        add.StaffName         = item.Name;
                        add.StaffParentId     = item.StaffParentId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public async Task Search_Non_Existent_ProductInvoice()
            ProductInvoice productInvoice = await _productInvoicesRepository.FindByIdAsync(2);

Beispiel #21
        public static void SyncTotalDisCountMoneyNT(ProductInvoice model, int?CreatedUserId)
                ProductInvoiceRepository       productInvoiceRepository       = new ProductInvoiceRepository(new ErpSaleDbContext());
                BranchRepository               branchRepository               = new BranchRepository(new ErpStaffDbContext());
                TotalDiscountMoneyNTRepository totalDiscountMoneyNTRepository = new TotalDiscountMoneyNTRepository(new ErpSaleDbContext());
                //tìm ngày đầu tháng
                DateTime aDateTime = new DateTime(model.CreatedDate.Value.Year, model.CreatedDate.Value.Month, 1);
                //tìm ngày cuối tháng
                DateTime retDateTime = aDateTime.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
                //tìm số ngày của 1 tháng
                var count_day_of_month = retDateTime.Day;
                //lấy toàn bộ danh sách hóa đơn trong 1 tháng của tất cả nhà thuốc ra để xử lý 1 lần.
                var list_invoice_by_drugStore = productInvoiceRepository.GetAllvwProductInvoice().Where(x => x.BranchId == model.BranchId && x.Month == model.CreatedDate.Value.Month && x.Year == model.CreatedDate.Value.Year && x.IsArchive == true).ToList();
                //lấy list đã insert nếu có
                var list_old = totalDiscountMoneyNTRepository.GetAllTotalDiscountMoneyNT().Where(x => x.Month == model.CreatedDate.Value.Month && x.Year == model.CreatedDate.Value.Year).ToList();

                var date_percent     = Helpers.Common.GetSetting("date_percent_decrease_NT");
                var percent_decrease = Helpers.Common.GetSetting("percent_decrease_NT");

                //đếm số ngày tạo đơn thuốc trong 1 tháng
                var count_day = list_invoice_by_drugStore.GroupBy(z => z.Day).Count();

                //nếu số ngày đăng nhập lớn hơn cài đặt thì lấy tổng ngày đăng nhập theo cài đặt
                var count_day_setting = count_day > Convert.ToInt32(date_percent) ? Convert.ToInt32(date_percent) : count_day;
                //tính số ngày không tạo đơn hàng trong tháng theo cài đặt
                decimal count_day_off = Convert.ToInt32(date_percent) - count_day_setting;
                //tinh % trừ chiết khấu
                decimal percent        = 0;
                decimal DiscountAmount = list_invoice_by_drugStore.Sum(x => (x.FixedDiscount + x.IrregularDiscount));

                if (count_day_off > 0)
                    decimal  pe_countday         = count_day_setting / 5;
                    var      p_last              = pe_countday / Convert.ToInt32(percent_decrease);
                    string[] arrVal_percent_last = p_last.ToString().IndexOf(".") > 0 ? p_last.ToString().Split('.') : p_last.ToString().Split(',');

                    var vl = int.Parse(arrVal_percent_last[0], CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);
                    if (vl == 0)
                        vl = 1;
                    decimal  p_dayoff = count_day_off / 5;
                    string[] arrVal   = p_dayoff.ToString().IndexOf(".") > 0 ? p_dayoff.ToString().Split('.') : p_dayoff.ToString().Split(',');
                    var      value    = int.Parse(arrVal[0], CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);
                    if (arrVal.Count() >= 2)
                        var aa = int.Parse(arrVal[1], CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture);
                        if (aa > 0)
                            value = value + 1;

                    var percent_off = value * Convert.ToInt32(percent_decrease) / vl;

                    percent = percent_off;

                var     ds_             = list_invoice_by_drugStore.Sum(x => x.TotalAmount);
                var     ds_tru          = ds_ * percent / 100;
                decimal RemainingAmount = DiscountAmount - ds_tru;

                var branch_parent = branchRepository.GetBranchById(model.BranchId);
                if (list_old.Where(x => x.DrugStoreId == model.BranchId).Count() > 0)
                    var add = list_old.Where(x => x.DrugStoreId == model.BranchId).FirstOrDefault();
                    add.ModifiedUserId  = CreatedUserId;
                    add.ModifiedDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    add.DrugStoreId     = model.BranchId;
                    add.BranchId        = branch_parent.ParentId;
                    add.UserManagerId   = CreatedUserId;
                    add.Month           = model.CreatedDate.Value.Month;
                    add.Year            = model.CreatedDate.Value.Year;
                    add.QuantityDay     = count_day;
                    add.PercentDecrease = Math.Round(percent, 2);
                    add.DiscountAmount  = DiscountAmount;
                    add.DecreaseAmount  = ds_tru;
                    add.RemainingAmount = RemainingAmount;
                    add.Status          = App_GlobalResources.Wording.New;
                    //thêm mới vào data.
                    var add = new TotalDiscountMoneyNT();
                    add.IsDeleted       = false;
                    add.CreatedUserId   = CreatedUserId;
                    add.ModifiedUserId  = CreatedUserId;
                    add.AssignedUserId  = CreatedUserId;
                    add.CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now;
                    add.ModifiedDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    add.DrugStoreId     = model.BranchId;
                    add.BranchId        = branch_parent.ParentId;
                    add.UserManagerId   = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
                    add.Month           = model.CreatedDate.Value.Month;
                    add.Year            = model.CreatedDate.Value.Year;
                    add.QuantityDay     = count_day;
                    add.PercentDecrease = Math.Round(percent, 2);
                    add.DiscountAmount  = DiscountAmount;
                    add.DecreaseAmount  = ds_tru;
                    add.RemainingAmount = RemainingAmount;
                    add.Status          = App_GlobalResources.Wording.New;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;