Beispiel #1
        public ProductResponseDto Get(ProductDto request)
            var response = Repository.ProductById(request.Id)

            return response;
Beispiel #2
 public static BusinessLayer.Product FromDto(ProductDto product)
     return new BusinessLayer.Product
                    Id = product.Id,
                    Name = product.Name,
                    Price = product.Price,
                    Category = product.IdCategory
        public void InsertNewProductAttributesBinding()
            using (var db = new Database(DbConnection))
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "New Product"};


                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, product.Id);
        public void InsertNewProduct()
            using (var db = new Database(DbConnection))
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "New Product"};

                db.Insert("Product", "Id", product);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, product.Id);
Beispiel #5
        public void InsertAndFetchNewId()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqliteConnectionFactory().Create())
                var insertProduct = new InsertProduct();
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "New Product"};

                product.Id = (int) dbConnection.Query<Int64>(insertProduct.Query(product)).Single();

                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, product.Id);
        public void DeleteProduct()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = SqliteConnectionFactory.Create())
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "New Product"};


                dbConnection.Delete<ProductDto>(dto => dto.Id == dbConnection.LastInsertId());

        public void Get_Calls_ProductById(ProductDto productDto)
            var mockRepo = new Mock<IRepository>();

            var sut = new ProductsService
                Repository = mockRepo.Object

            var response = sut.Get(productDto);

            mockRepo.Verify(a => a.ProductById(productDto.Id), Times.AtLeastOnce());
Beispiel #8
        public void SelectProductDtoById()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqliteConnectionFactory().Create())
                var product1 = new ProductDto {Name = "Product #1"};
                dbConnection.Execute(new InsertProduct().Query(product1));

                QueryObject byId = new SelectProduct().ById(1);
                ProductDto productDto = dbConnection.Query<ProductDto>(byId).SingleOrDefault();

                Assert.AreEqual(1, productDto.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual("Product #1", productDto.Name);
        public void InsertAndFetchNewId()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = SqliteConnectionFactory.Create())
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "New Product"};


                var result = dbConnection
                    .Select<ProductDto>(p => p.Name == product.Name)

                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, result.Id);
        public void UpdateProductByUpdateOnly()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = SqliteConnectionFactory.Create())
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "New Product"};


                product.Name = "Changed name";

                dbConnection.UpdateOnly(product, dto => new {dto.Name}, dto => dto.Id == 1);

                Assert.NotNull(dbConnection.Single<ProductDto>(dto => dto.Name == product.Name));
        public void UpdateProductName()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqliteConnectionFactory().Create())
                var insertProduct = new InsertProduct();
                var product = new ProductDto {Name = "Product Name"};
                product.Id = (int) dbConnection.Query<Int64>(insertProduct.Query(product)).Single();

                var updateProduct = new UpdateProduct();
                dbConnection.Execute(updateProduct.NameForAllProducts("new name"));

                var selectProduct = new SelectProduct();
                ProductDto result = dbConnection.Query<ProductDto>(selectProduct.ById(product.Id)).Single();

                StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("new name", result.Name);
        public void AddItem(ProductDto.ProductDto product, int quantity)
            CartLineDto line = lineCollection
                .Where(p => p.Product.ProductId == product.ProductId)

            if (line == null)
                lineCollection.Add(new CartLineDto
                    Product = product,
                    Quantity = quantity
                line.Quantity += quantity;
Beispiel #13
        public void ProductMapperMapsToExpectedProperties()
            // Arrange
            var mapper = new ProductMapper();
            var productDto = new ProductDto()
                ID = "sp-001",
                Price = 10m,
                ProductName = "Super Product"

            // Act
            Product product = mapper.Map(productDto);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(10m, product.BasePrice);
            Assert.AreEqual("sp-001", product.ID);
            Assert.AreEqual("Super Product", product.Name);
Beispiel #14
        public void SelectAllProductsDto()
            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqliteConnectionFactory().Create())
                var product1 = new ProductDto {Name = "Product #1"};
                dbConnection.Execute(new InsertProduct().Query(product1));

                var product2 = new ProductDto {Name = "Product #2"};
                dbConnection.Execute(new InsertProduct().Query(product2));

                var product3 = new ProductDto {Name = "Product #3"};
                dbConnection.Execute(new InsertProduct().Query(product3));

                QueryObject all = new SelectProduct().All();

                IEnumerable<ProductDto> productDtos = dbConnection.Query<ProductDto>(all);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, productDtos.Count());
Beispiel #15
        public ProductDto UpdateProduct(string eisSku, ProductDto model)
                var existingProduct = _context.products.Find(eisSku);
                if (existingProduct == null)

                // reflect the changes from model
                var oldUpcCode = existingProduct.UPC;
                Mapper.Map(model, existingProduct);

                // if this product is Shadow product, let's not update its UPC
                if (existingProduct.SkuType == SkuType.Shadow)
                    existingProduct.UPC = oldUpcCode;

                existingProduct.ModifiedBy = model.ModifiedBy;
                existingProduct.Modified   = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // save the changes first for the product

                if (existingProduct.SkuType == SkuType.Normal)
                    // let's check if the product has shadow products
                    var shadows = _context.shadows.Where(x => x.ParentSKU == model.EisSKU).ToList();

                    // update its shadow products' supplier price, seller price and the quantity as well
                    // and also update its UPC code
                    if (shadows.Any())
                        var parentSellerPrice = (decimal)model.SellerPrice;
                        var parentWeight      = Convert.ToInt32(model.AccurateWeight);

                        foreach (var shadow in shadows)
                            // get the shadow product details
                            var shadowProduct = _context.products.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EisSKU == shadow.ShadowSKU);
                            shadowProduct.UPC         = model.UPC;
                            shadowProduct.SellerPrice = parentSellerPrice * shadow.FactorQuantity;

                            var accurateWeight = parentWeight * shadow.FactorQuantity;
                            shadowProduct.AccurateWeight     = accurateWeight;
                            shadowProduct.AccurateWeightUnit = model.AccurateWeightUnit;
                            shadowProduct.GuessedWeight      = accurateWeight;
                            shadowProduct.GuessedWeightUnit  = model.GuessedWeightUnit;

                            var accurateRate = getShippingRate(accurateWeight);
                            shadowProduct.AccurateShipping = accurateRate.ToString();
                            shadowProduct.GuessedShipping  = accurateRate.ToString();
                            shadowProduct.ModifiedBy       = model.ModifiedBy;
                            shadowProduct.Modified         = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // let's save the changes
            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                var errorMsg = EisHelper.ParseDbEntityValidationException(ex);
                _logger.LogError(LogEntryType.ProductService, errorMsg, ex.StackTrace);
                throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(LogEntryType.ProductService, EisHelper.GetExceptionMessage(ex), ex.StackTrace);
                throw ex;

        public Product GetProductById(int id)
            ProductDto productDto = _productDao.GetProductById(id);

Beispiel #17
 public QueryObject Query(ProductDto product)
     return new QueryObject(@"insert into Product(Name) values (@Name);
                              SELECT last_insert_rowid();", new {product.Name});
        private async Task seedDatabaseForProduct(IProductRepository repository, IRepository <Category> categoryRepository, IRepository <Option> optionRepository)
            //Per fare presto (essendo un progettino di dimostrazione)
            //Popolo il database nel caos in cui non trovo nessun prodotto
            //Utilizzo direttamente ListAll per fare prima a scrivere il codice anche se sarà piu lento
            var products = await repository.ListAllAsync();

            var category = await categoryRepository.ListAllAsync();

            var option = await optionRepository.ListAllAsync();

            if (products.Count > 0 ||
                category.Count > 0 ||
                option.Count > 0)

            var categoryDto = new CategoryDto
                Name        = "Abiti Estivi",
                Description = "Ogni tipo di abito per l'estate",
                CategoryId  = 1
            var catOne = (await Category.CreateCategoryAsync(categoryDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await categoryRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            categoryDto = new CategoryDto
                Name        = "Abiti Invernali",
                Description = "Ogni tipo di abito invernale",
                CategoryId  = 2
            var catTwo = (await Category.CreateCategoryAsync(categoryDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await categoryRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            categoryDto = new CategoryDto
                Name        = "Scarpe",
                Description = "Tutte le scarpe",
                CategoryId  = 3
            var catThree = (await Category.CreateCategoryAsync(categoryDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await categoryRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            var dto = new ProductDto
                Name        = "Pantanoni Lana",
                Description = "Pantaloni di lana economici",
                CategoryId  = 2
            var productOne = (await Product.CreateProductAsync(dto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await repository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            dto = new ProductDto
                Name        = "Maglione Lana",
                Description = "Maglione di lana economici",
                CategoryId  = 2
            var productTwo = (await Product.CreateProductAsync(dto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await repository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            dto = new ProductDto
                Name        = "Camicia estiva",
                Description = "Camicia leggera",
                CategoryId  = 1
            var productThree = (await Product.CreateProductAsync(dto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await repository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            dto = new ProductDto
                Name        = "Pantaloncini",
                Description = "Pantaloncini ottimi",
                CategoryId  = 1
            var productFour = (await Product.CreateProductAsync(dto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await repository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            dto = new ProductDto
                Name        = "Scarpa",
                Description = "Scarpa per ogni stagione",
                CategoryId  = 3
            var productFive = (await Product.CreateProductAsync(dto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await repository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            dto = new ProductDto
                Name        = "ScarpaSenzaOptioni",
                Description = "Scarpa usata senza optioni",
                CategoryId  = 3
            var productSix = (await Product.CreateProductAsync(dto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await repository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            var optionDto = new OptionDto
                Name        = "Colore",
                Description = "Colore associato"
            var option1 = (await Option.CreateOptionAsync(optionDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await optionRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            optionDto = new OptionDto
                Name        = "Taglia",
                Description = "Taglia associata"
            var option2 = (await Option.CreateOptionAsync(optionDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await optionRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            optionDto = new OptionDto
                Name        = "Ricamo",
                Description = "Tipologia di ricamo"
            var option3 = (await Option.CreateOptionAsync(optionDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await optionRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            optionDto = new OptionDto
                Name        = "Misura",
                Description = "Misara in cm"
            var option4 = (await Option.CreateOptionAsync(optionDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await optionRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            optionDto = new OptionDto
                Name        = "OptioneMaiUsata",
                Description = "DescOption5"
            var option5 = (await Option.CreateOptionAsync(optionDto, null)).ValidatedObject;

            await optionRepository.SaveChangeAsync(); //Fatto ogni volta per garantirmi l'id crescente

            //repository.LinkCategory(productOne, catOne);
            //repository.LinkCategory(productFour, catOne);
            //repository.LinkCategory(productTwo, catTwo);
            //repository.LinkCategory(productFive, catTwo);
            //repository.LinkCategory(productThree, catThree);

            repository.LinkOption(productOne, option1);
            repository.LinkOption(productTwo, option1);
            repository.LinkOption(productThree, option1);
            repository.LinkOption(productFour, option1);
            repository.LinkOption(productFive, option1);

            repository.LinkOption(productOne, option2);
            repository.LinkOption(productTwo, option2);
            repository.LinkOption(productThree, option2);
            repository.LinkOption(productFour, option2);

            repository.LinkOption(productOne, option3);
            repository.LinkOption(productTwo, option3);
            repository.LinkOption(productThree, option3);
            repository.LinkOption(productFour, option3);

            repository.LinkOption(productFive, option4);

            await optionRepository.SaveChangeAsync();
Beispiel #19
 private object findRowWithProduct(ProductDto product)
     foreach (DataGridViewRow row in zamowienieDataGridView.Rows)
         if (row.Tag == product)
             return row;
     return null;
Beispiel #20
        public ActionResult SaveProduct(ProductDto product)
            var success = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(product.GenericName);
            var message = String.Empty;
            product.DisplayName = "dopamine Dynatra infusievloeistof 5 mL ampul";

            return this.Direct(new { success, data = product, message });
        public void SetUp()
            _fixture = new Fixture();

            _product = _fixture.Create <ProductDto>();
Beispiel #22
        public static ProductDto GetParacetamolDto()
            var subst = new ProductSubstanceDto
                                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                Name = "paracetamol",
                                Quantity = 500,
                                SortOrder = 1,
                                Substance = "paracetamol",
                                UnitAbbreviation = "mg",
                                UnitDivisor = 1000,
                                UnitGroupAllowConversion = true,
                                UnitGroupName = "massa",
                                UnitIsReference = false,
                                UnitMultiplier = 1/1000,
                                UnitName = "milligram"

            var route = new RouteDto
                                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                Name = "oraal",
                                Abbreviation = "or"

            var dto = new ProductDto
                              BrandName = "",
                              GenericName = "paracetamol",
                              DisplayName = "paracetamol 500 mg tablet",
                              Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                              Name = DisplayName,
                              PackageAbbreviation = "tabl",
                              PackageName = "tablet",
                              ProductCode = "2",
                              Quantity = 1M,
                              Routes = new List<RouteDto> { route },
                              ShapeName = "tablet",
                              Substances = new List<ProductSubstanceDto> {subst},
                              UnitAbbreviation = "stuk",
                              UnitDivisor = 1,
                              UnitGroupAllowConversion = false,
                              UnitGroupName = "verpakking",
                              UnitIsReference = false,
                              UnitMultiplier = 1,
                              UnitName = "stuk"
            return dto;
        private async Task <ProductDto> GetAllGategoriesAsync(ProductDto product)
            product.Categories = await _productAppService.GetAllCategories();

 public static void VerifyImageUnchanged(this ProductDto dto, ProductDto originalDto)
     Assert.That(dto.ImageLocation, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.ImageLocation));
     Assert.That(dto.PrimaryImage, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.PrimaryImage));
Beispiel #25
        public void ConfirmOrderAsync_MultipleConcurrentReservations_ExecutesCorrectly()
            var       productId            = Guid.NewGuid();
            var       customerId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            const int storedAmount         = 100;
            const int reservedAmount       = 1;
            const int numberOfReservations = 10;
            var       returnedProduct      = new Song {
                Id = productId, StoredUnits = storedAmount
            var returnedProductDto = new ProductDto {
                Id = productId, StoredUnits = storedAmount
            var OrderCreateDto = new OrderCreateDto
                RatingDto = new RatingDto {
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(), CustomerId = customerId, Issued = DateTime.Now, TotalPrice = 8000
                RateSongs = new List <RateSongDto>
                    new RateSongDto {
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Product = returnedProductDto, Value = reservedAmount

            var mockManager            = new FacadeMockManager();
            var productRepositoryMock  = mockManager.ConfigureGetAndUpdateRepositoryMock(returnedProduct, nameof(Song.StoredUnits));
            var customerRepositoryMock = mockManager.ConfigureGetRepositoryMock(new Artist {
                Id = customerId
            var OrderRepositoryMock    = mockManager.ConfigureCreateRepositoryMock <Rating>(nameof(Rating.CustomerId));
            var RateSongRepositoryMock = mockManager.ConfigureRepositoryMock <RateSong>();
            var OrderQueryMock         = mockManager.ConfigureQueryObjectMock <RatingDto, Rating, RatingFilterDto>(null);
            var RateSongQueryMock      = mockManager.ConfigureQueryObjectMock <RateSongDto, RateSong, RateSongFilterDto>(null);
            var reservationService     = new ReservationService(FacadeMockManager.ConfigureRealMapper(), productRepositoryMock.Object);

            async Task ReservationAction(Guid cId, int reservedUnits) => await reservationService.ReserveProduct(new ProductReservationDto
                CustomerId     = cId,
                ProductId      = productId,
                ReservedAmount = reservedUnits,
                Expiration     = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0))

            var tasks = new Task[10];

            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfReservations - 1; i++)
                var amount = i;
                tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => ReservationAction(Guid.NewGuid(), amount));
            tasks[numberOfReservations - 1] = Task.Run(() => ReservationAction(customerId, reservedAmount));

            var OrderFacade = CreateOrderFacade(productRepositoryMock, RateSongQueryMock, OrderQueryMock, OrderRepositoryMock, RateSongRepositoryMock, customerRepositoryMock, reservationService);

            OrderFacade.ConfirmOrderAsync(OrderCreateDto, () => Debug.WriteLine("Order confirmed.")).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(storedAmount - reservedAmount, mockManager.CapturedUpdatedStoredUnits);
            Assert.AreEqual(customerId, mockManager.CapturedCreatedId);
        private void PrepareProductAttributes(IEnumerable <ProductAttributeMapping> productAttributeMappings, ProductDto productDto)
            if (productDto.ProductAttributeMappings == null)
                productDto.ProductAttributeMappings = new List <ProductAttributeMappingDto>();

            foreach (var productAttributeMapping in productAttributeMappings)
                ProductAttributeMappingDto productAttributeMappingDto = PrepareProductAttributeMappingDto(productAttributeMapping);

                if (productAttributeMappingDto != null)
        private void PrepareProductImages(IEnumerable <ProductPicture> productPictures, ProductDto productDto)
            if (productDto.Images == null)
                productDto.Images = new List <ImageMappingDto>();

            // Here we prepare the resulted dto image.
            foreach (var productPicture in productPictures)
                ImageDto imageDto = PrepareImageDto(productPicture.Picture);

                if (imageDto != null)
                    ImageMappingDto productImageDto = new ImageMappingDto();
                    productImageDto.Id         = productPicture.Id;
                    productImageDto.Position   = productPicture.DisplayOrder;
                    productImageDto.Src        = imageDto.Src;
                    productImageDto.Attachment = imageDto.Attachment;

        public async Task <IActionResult> Put([FromBody] ProductDto productDto)
            await _unitOfWork.UpdateAsync(productDto);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] ProductDto newProduct)
            var isAdded = await _unitOfWork.AddAsync(newProduct);

Beispiel #30
 public IHttpActionResult UpdateProduct(ProductDto dto) => Ok();
Beispiel #31
 public void CreateProduct(ProductDto productDto)
Beispiel #32
        public static ProductDto GetDopamineDto()
            var subst = new ProductSubstanceDto
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = "dopamine",
                Quantity = 200,
                SortOrder = 1,
                Substance = "dopamine",
                UnitAbbreviation = "mg",
                UnitDivisor = 1000,
                UnitGroupAllowConversion = true,
                UnitGroupName = "massa",
                UnitIsReference = false,
                UnitMultiplier = 1 / 1000,
                UnitName = "milligram"

            var dto = new ProductDto
                BrandName = "Dynatra",
                GenericName = "dopamine",
                DisplayName = "dopamine 200 mg (Dynatra) 5 mL infusievloeistof per ampul",
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = DisplayName,
                PackageAbbreviation = "amp",
                PackageName = "ampul",
                ProductCode = "1",
                Quantity = 5M,
                Routes = new List<RouteDto> { RouteTestFixtures.GetRouteIvDto() },
                ShapeName = "infusievloeistof",
                Substances = new List<ProductSubstanceDto> { subst },
                UnitAbbreviation = "mL",
                UnitDivisor = 1000,
                UnitGroupAllowConversion = true,
                UnitGroupName = "volume",
                UnitIsReference = false,
                UnitMultiplier = 1 / 1000,
                UnitName = "milliliter"
            return dto;
Beispiel #33
 public void DeleteProduct(ProductDto productDto)
Beispiel #34
        private int checkStringIsValidQuantity(string quantityString, ProductDto product)
            var quantity = int.Parse(quantityString);
            if (quantity <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Liczba nie może być <= 0!");
            if (quantity > product.OnStock)
                throw new ArgumentException("W magazynie nie ma wystarczającej liczby sztuk produktu");

            return quantity;
Beispiel #35
 public void UpdateProduct(ProductDto productDto)
        private void PrepareProductAttributeCombinations(ICollection <ProductAttributeCombination> productAttributeCombinations, ProductDto productDto)
            if (productDto.ProductAttributeCombinations == null)
                productDto.ProductAttributeCombinations = new List <ProductAttributeCombinationDto>();

            foreach (var combination in productAttributeCombinations)
                productDto.ProductAttributeCombinations.Add(new ProductAttributeCombinationDto()
                    Records                     = _genericAttributeService.GetAttribute <List <int> >(combination, "nop.product.attribute.combination.records"),
                    Id                          = combination.Id,
                    StockQuantity               = combination.StockQuantity,
                    Gtin                        = combination.Gtin,
                    Sku                         = combination.Sku,
                    AllowOutOfStockOrders       = combination.AllowOutOfStockOrders,
                    ManufacturerPartNumber      = combination.ManufacturerPartNumber,
                    NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow = combination.NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow,
                    OverriddenPrice             = combination.OverriddenPrice
 public void AddProduct(ProductDto productdto)
     product = productdto;
        private static void AssertCreateFails(decimal quantity, Substance subst, Unit substUnit, Route route, int order,
            Shape shape, ProductDto dto, Package package, decimal prodQuantity, Unit unit)
                    .Quantity(unit, prodQuantity)
                    .Substance(order, subst, quantity, substUnit)

            catch (System.Exception e)
                Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(e, typeof (AssertFailedException));
Beispiel #39
        public FileStreamResult ViewImage(ProductDto value)
            string id = value.PictureId;

        public void PrepareProductSpecificationAttributes(IEnumerable <ProductSpecificationAttribute> productSpecificationAttributes, ProductDto productDto)
            if (productDto.ProductSpecificationAttributes == null)
                productDto.ProductSpecificationAttributes = new List <ProductSpecificationAttributeDto>();

            foreach (var productSpecificationAttribute in productSpecificationAttributes)
                ProductSpecificationAttributeDto productSpecificationAttributeDto = PrepareProductSpecificationAttributeDto(productSpecificationAttribute);

                if (productSpecificationAttributeDto != null)
 public static void VerifyTaxUnchanged(this ProductDto dto, ProductDto originalDto)
     Assert.That(dto.TaxCodeId, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.TaxCodeId));
     Assert.That(dto.IsTaxable, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.IsTaxable));
Beispiel #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Show particular order's details : Customer Name (first name and Last name), Ordered Date and a table to show the items ordered with its price.
        /// In the table , it include list of product(item) name, unit price, quantity and total price of per item. At the end of the table include a Total of Subtotal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Orderid">OrderID</param>
        /// <returns>A simiilar to invoice form, customer information and table showed items in the order.</returns>
        //GET: Order/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            ///Send orderResponse to find that order data;
            ShowOrder           ViewModel     = new ShowOrder();
            string              orderUrl      = "orderdata/findorder/" + id;
            HttpResponseMessage orderResponse = client.GetAsync(orderUrl).Result;

            if (orderResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                //Step 1: find Order information
                //if requested is OK, place the selected orderid's data into OrderDto
                OrderDto SelectedOrder = orderResponse.Content.ReadAsAsync <OrderDto>().Result;

                //Step 2: find the customer information for that makes the order
                ////if requested is OK, place the selected matched customerid's data into CustomerDto
                string customerUrl = "CustomerData/FindCustomer/" + SelectedOrder.CustomerID;
                HttpResponseMessage customerResponse = client.GetAsync(customerUrl).Result;

                if (customerResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    CustomerDto customer = customerResponse.Content.ReadAsAsync <CustomerDto>().Result;
                    SelectedOrder.Customer = customer;

                ViewModel.Order = SelectedOrder;

                //Step 3: find the product information that is listed in this order thru the briding table "OrderItems"
                ////if requested is OK, add the list of items according to the order, contains details cusch as product name, amount, and price into OrderItemsDto
                string orderItemsUrl = "OrderItemsData/FindItemsOfOrder/" + id;
                HttpResponseMessage orderItemsResponse = client.GetAsync(orderItemsUrl).Result;

                if (orderItemsResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    List <OrderItemDto>      orderItemDtos = new List <OrderItemDto>();
                    IEnumerable <OrderItems> orderItems    = orderItemsResponse.Content.ReadAsAsync <IEnumerable <OrderItems> >().Result;
                    foreach (OrderItems item in orderItems)
                        string productUrl = "ProductData/FindProduct/" + item.ProductID;
                        HttpResponseMessage productResponse = client.GetAsync(productUrl).Result;
                        if (productResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            ProductDto   product      = productResponse.Content.ReadAsAsync <ProductDto>().Result;
                            OrderItemDto orderItemDto = new OrderItemDto
                                Product      = product,
                                ProductPrice = (double)item.ProductPrice,
                                Amount       = (decimal)item.Amount

                    ViewModel.OrderItems = orderItemDtos;
                //In the ViewModel, it should now contains all three entity information and ready to be call out to display to customer.
        public IProductList FindByCategory(IUser currentUser, IProductListInputModel query)
            // Find the list of products
            string url = "ProductService.svc/rest/ListProducts2?";

            url += addUserUrlDetails(currentUser);

            url += "&statusSeed=" + _configuration["Storm:StatusSeed"];

            if (query.CategoryIds != null)
                url += "&categorySeed=" + string.Join(",", query.CategoryIds);

            if (query.FlagIds != null)
                url += "&flagSeed=" + string.Join(",", query.FlagIds);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Query))
                url += "&searchString=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(query.Query);

            url += "&pageNo=" + (query.PageNumber > 0 ? query.PageNumber : 1);
            url += "&pageSize=" + (query.PageSize > 0?query.PageSize:PageSize);
            url += "&asVariants=1";

            var productList = _connectionManager.GetResult <StormProductList>(url);

            ProductListDto result = new ProductListDto();

            result.ProductCount = productList.ItemCount;
            result.PageSize     = PageSize;
            result.PageNumber   = (query.PageNumber > 0 ? query.PageNumber : 1);
            result.Products     = new List <IProduct>();

            Dictionary <string, ProductDto> variants = new Dictionary <string, ProductDto>();

            foreach (var item in productList.Items)
                ProductDto p = (ProductDto)_productBuilder.BuildFromItem(item);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.GroupByKey))
                    if (variants.ContainsKey(p.GroupByKey))
                        variants[p.GroupByKey] = p;

        public ActionResult SaveProduct(ProductDto product)
            var success = true;
            var message = String.Empty;

            catch (Exception e)
                success = false;
                message = e.ToString();
            return this.Direct(new { success, data = product, message });
 public void RemoveLine(ProductDto.ProductDto product)
     lineCollection.RemoveAll(l => l.Product.ProductId == product.ProductId);
 public static void VerifyStockCountUnchanged(this ProductDto dto, ProductDto originalDto)
     Assert.That(dto.StockCount, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.StockCount));
 private void IsolateController()
     _dto = Isolate.Fake.Instance<ProductDto>();
     _controller = new ProductController();
Beispiel #48
 public IActionResult OnPutProduct(ProductDto productDto) => UpsertProduct(productDto);
 public void Execute(ProductDto request)
        private void PrepareProductImages(IEnumerable <ProductPicture> productPictures, ProductDto productDto)
            if (productDto.Images == null)
                productDto.Images = new List <ImageMappingDto>();

            // Here we prepare the resulted dto image.
            foreach (var productPicture in productPictures)
                var imageDto = PrepareImageDto(productPicture.Picture);

                if (imageDto != null)
                    var productImageDto = new ImageMappingDto
                        Id         = productPicture.Id,
                        Position   = productPicture.DisplayOrder,
                        Src        = imageDto.Src,
                        Attachment = imageDto.Attachment,
                        Alt        = productPicture.Picture.AltAttribute,
                        Title      = productPicture.Picture.TitleAttribute,
                        PictureId  = productPicture.PictureId

Beispiel #51
 private static void AddOneRoute(ProductDto dto)
     dto.Routes = new List<RouteDto>
                          new RouteDto {Abbreviation = "iv", Name = "intraveneus"}
Beispiel #52
 public Task InsertAsync(string id, ProductDto product)
Beispiel #53
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateProduct([ModelBinder(typeof(JsonModelBinder <ProductDto>))] Delta <ProductDto> productDelta)
            // Here we display the errors if the validation has failed at some point.
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // We do not need to validate the product id, because this will happen in the model binder using the dto validator.
            int productId = int.Parse(productDelta.Dto.Id);

            Product product = _productApiService.GetProductById(productId);

            if (product == null)
                return(Error(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "product", "not found"));


            product.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            UpdateProductPictures(product, productDelta.Dto.Images);

            UpdateProductTags(product, productDelta.Dto.Tags);

            UpdateProductManufacturers(product, productDelta.Dto.ManufacturerIds);

            UpdateAssociatedProducts(product, productDelta.Dto.AssociatedProductIds);

            // Update the SeName if specified
            if (productDelta.Dto.SeName != null)
                var seName = product.ValidateSeName(productDelta.Dto.SeName, product.Name, true);
                _urlRecordService.SaveSlug(product, seName, 0);

            UpdateDiscountMappings(product, productDelta.Dto.DiscountIds);

            UpdateStoreMappings(product, productDelta.Dto.StoreIds);

            UpdateAclRoles(product, productDelta.Dto.RoleIds);


                                                    _localizationService.GetResource("ActivityLog.UpdateProduct"), product.Name);

            // Preparing the result dto of the new product
            ProductDto productDto = product.ToDto();

            MapAdditionalPropertiesToDTO(product, productDto);

            var productsRootObject = new ProductsRootObjectDto();


            var json = _jsonFieldsSerializer.Serialize(productsRootObject, string.Empty);

            return(new RawJsonActionResult(json));
 public void Delete(ProductDto input)
 public static void VerifyPriceUnchanged(this ProductDto dto, ProductDto originalDto)
     Assert.That(dto.CostPrice, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.CostPrice));
     Assert.That(dto.Price, Is.EqualTo(originalDto.Price));