private bool CheckOCRProcessSuccess(string ocr_parameters)
            // Fire up the process
            using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess("QiqqaOCR.exe", ocr_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal))
                Stopwatch clk      = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                long      duration = 0;

                using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))
                    // Wait a few minutes for the OCR process to exit
                    while (true)
                        duration = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                        if (!Utilities.Shutdownable.ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown && !StillRunning)
                        if (process.WaitForExit(1000))

                    // Check that we had a clean exit
                    if (!process.HasExited || 0 != process.ExitCode)
                        bool has_exited = process.HasExited;

                        if (!has_exited)

                                // wait for the completion signal; this also helps to collect all STDERR output of the application (even while it was KILLED)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem killing the OCR process after timeout ({0} ms)", duration);

                        Logging.Error("There was a problem while running OCR with parameters: {0}\n--- Exit Code: {1}\n--- {3}\n{2}", ocr_parameters, process.ExitCode, process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString(), (has_exited ? $"Exit code: {process.ExitCode}" : $"Timeout: {duration} ms"));

        internal static void Install(BundleLibraryManifest manifest, string library_bundle_filename)

            WebLibraryDetail web_library_detail = WebLibraryManager.Instance.GetLibrary(manifest.Id);

            if (null != web_library_detail)
                MessageBoxes.Info("You already have a version of this Bundle Library.  Please ensure you close all windows that use this library after the latest has been downloaded.");

            string library_directory = WebLibraryDetail.GetLibraryBasePathForId(manifest.Id);


            // Unzip the bundle
            string parameters = String.Format("-y x \"{0}\" -o\"{1}\"", library_bundle_filename, library_directory);

            using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ConfigurationManager.Instance.Program7ZIP, parameters))
                using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))

                    Logging.Info("7ZIP Log Bundle Install progress:\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings());

            // Reflect this new bundle
            WebLibraryDetail new_web_library_detail = WebLibraryManager.Instance.UpdateKnownWebLibraryFromBundleLibraryManifest(manifest, suppress_flush_to_disk: false);

            WPFDoEvents.InvokeInUIThread(() => {
Beispiel #3
        private static MemoryStream ReadEntireStandardOutput(string process_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass priority_class)
            Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess("pdfdraw.exe", process_parameters, priority_class);

            process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { };

            // Read image from stdout
            StreamReader sr         = process.StandardOutput;
            FileStream   fs         = (FileStream)sr.BaseStream;
            MemoryStream ms         = new MemoryStream(128 * 1024);
            int          total_size = StreamToFile.CopyStreamToStream(fs, ms);

            // Check that the process has exited properly
            if (!process.HasExited)
                Logging.Error("PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killing it");

                    Logging.Info("Killing PDFRenderer process");
                    Logging.Info("Killed PDFRenderer process");
                catch (Exception)
                    Logging.Error("These was an exception while trying to kill the PDFRenderer process");

Beispiel #4
        private static MemoryStream ReadEntireStandardOutput(string process_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass priority_class)
            Stopwatch clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // STDOUT/STDERR
            Logging.Debug("PDFDRAW :: ReadEntireStandardOutput command: pdfdraw.exe {0}", process_parameters);
            using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess("pdfdraw.exe", process_parameters, priority_class, stdout_is_binary: true))
                using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process, stdout_is_binary: true))
                    // Read image from stdout
                    using (StreamReader sr = process.StandardOutput)
                        using (FileStream fs = (FileStream)sr.BaseStream)
                            long elapsed = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            Logging.Debug("PDFDRAW :: ReadEntireStandardOutput setup time: {0} ms for parameters:\n    {1}", elapsed, process_parameters);

                            MemoryStream ms         = new MemoryStream(256 * 1024);
                            int          total_size = StreamToFile.CopyStreamToStream(fs, ms);
                            long         elapsed2   = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            Logging.Debug("PDFDRAW image output {0} bytes in {1} ms (output copy took {2} ms) for command:\n    pdfdraw.exe {3}", total_size, elapsed2, elapsed2 - elapsed, process_parameters);

                            // Check that the process has exited properly

                            if (!process.HasExited)
                                Logging.Debug("PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killing it.\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString());


                                    // wait for the completion signal; this also helps to collect all STDERR output of the application (even while it was KILLED)
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem killing the PDFRenderer process after timeout ({0} ms)", elapsed2 + 1000);

                                Logging.Error("PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killed it. Commandline:\n    {0}\n{1}", process_parameters, process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString());

                                throw new ApplicationException($"PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killed it.\n    Commandline: pdfdraw.exe {process_parameters}");
                            else if (process.ExitCode != 0)
                                Logging.Error("PDFDRAW did fail with exit code {0} for commandline:\n    {1}\n{2}", process.ExitCode, process_parameters, process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString());

                                throw new ApplicationException($"PDFRenderer::PDFDRAW did fail with exit code {process.ExitCode}.\n    Commandline: pdfdraw.exe {process_parameters}");

        bool CheckOCRProcessSuccess(string ocr_parameters, int SECONDS_TO_WAIT)
            // Fire up the process
            using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess("QiqqaOCR.exe", ocr_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal))
                DateTime process_start_time = DateTime.UtcNow;

                using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))
                    // Wait a few minutes for the OCR process to exit
                    while (true)
                        if (!still_running)
                        if (process.WaitForExit(500))
                        if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(process_start_time).TotalSeconds >= SECONDS_TO_WAIT)

                    // Check that we had a clean exit
                    if (!process.HasExited || 0 != process.ExitCode)
                        Logging.Error("There was a problem while running OCR with parameters: {0}", ocr_parameters);
                        Logging.Info("Parameters: {0}", ocr_parameters);

                        if (!process.HasExited)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem killing the OCR process");

Beispiel #6
        internal static void CheckForInstall()
            bool should_install = false;

            if (!Directory.Exists(InstallationDirectory))
                Logging.Info("XULRunner directory {0} does not exist, so installing it.", InstallationDirectory);
                should_install = true;
                IEnumerable <string> directory_contents = Directory.EnumerateFiles(InstallationDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                int directory_contents_count            = directory_contents.Count();
                if (46 != directory_contents_count)
                    string directory_contents_string = StringTools.ConcatenateStrings(directory_contents, "\n\t");
                    Logging.Warn("XULRunner directory {0} does not contain all necessary files (only {2} files), so reinstalling it.  The contents were:\n\t{1}", InstallationDirectory, directory_contents_string, directory_contents_count);
                    should_install = true;

            if (should_install)
                Logging.Info("Installing XULRunner into {0}.", InstallationDirectory);

                // STDOUT/STDERR
                string process_parameters = String.Format("x -y \"{0}\" -o\"{1}\"", XULPackageFilename.Value, UnpackDirectoryDirectory.Value);
                using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ConfigurationManager.Instance.Program7ZIP, process_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.Normal))
                    using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))

                        Logging.Info("XULRunner installer:\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString());

                Logging.Info("XULRunner installed.");
Beispiel #7
        internal static void DoBundle()
                // Try get this info for us which could be useful...
                // If things are really broken, it may fail, that's ok.
                string environment_details_filename = null;
                    string environmentDetails = "Generated at:" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss") + Environment.NewLine;
                    environmentDetails          += ComputerStatistics.GetCommonStatistics();
                    environment_details_filename = TempFile.GenerateTempFilename("txt");
                    File.WriteAllText(environment_details_filename, environmentDetails);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Warn(ex, "Could not get environment details");

                // Get the destination location
                SaveFileDialog save_file_dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                save_file_dialog.AddExtension     = true;
                save_file_dialog.CheckPathExists  = true;
                save_file_dialog.DereferenceLinks = true;
                save_file_dialog.OverwritePrompt  = true;
                save_file_dialog.ValidateNames    = true;
                save_file_dialog.DefaultExt       = "7z";
                save_file_dialog.Filter           = "7Z files (*.7z)|*.7z|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                save_file_dialog.FileName         = "QiqqaLogs.7z";

                // Generate and save
                if (true == save_file_dialog.ShowDialog())
                    string target_filename = save_file_dialog.FileName;

                    string file_list = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, Environment.SpecialFolderOption.Create), @"Quantisle/Qiqqa/Logs", @"Qiqqa*.log*"));
                    if (environment_details_filename != null)
                        file_list += " \"" + environment_details_filename + "\"";

                    // Delete the target filename if it exists...

                    // STDOUT/STDERR
                    string process_parameters = String.Format("a -t7z -mmt=on -mx9 -ssw \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", target_filename, file_list);
                    using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ConfigurationManager.Instance.Program7ZIP, process_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.Normal))
                        using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))

                            Logging.Info("7ZIP Log Bundling progress:\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString());

                        MessageBoxes.Info("The Qiqqa logs with some diagnostic info have been zipped to the location you specified. Please upload it as issue attachment in your issue filed at https://github.com/jimmejardine/qiqqa-open-source/issues if the support team has requested it. Many thanks!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Warn(ex, "Problem zipping logs");
                MessageBoxes.Error("Unfortunately there was a problem creating the log bundle. Please zip them manually, they are found at C:\\Temp\\Qiqqa.log*. There may be more than one. Thanks!");
Beispiel #8
 public static Process StartGhostscriptProcess(string ghostscript_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass priority_class)
     return(ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ExecutablePath, ghostscript_parameters, priority_class, stdout_is_binary: true));
Beispiel #9
        // STDOUT/STDERR
        private bool CheckOCRProcessSuccess(string ocr_parameters, out OCRExecReport report)
            // Fire up the process
            using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess("QiqqaOCR.exe", ocr_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal))
                Stopwatch clk      = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                long      duration = 0;

                using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))
                    // Wait a few minutes for the OCR process to exit
                    while (true)
                        duration = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                        if (!ShutdownableManager.Instance.IsShuttingDown && !StillRunning)
                        if (process.WaitForExit(1000))

                    bool has_exited = process.HasExited;

                    if (!has_exited)

                            // wait for the completion signal; this also helps to collect all STDERR output of the application (even while it was KILLED)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem killing the OCR process after timeout ({0} ms)", duration);

                    while (!process.HasExited)

                    // Give it some extra settling time to let all the IO events fire:

                    report = new OCRExecReport
                        OCRParameters = ocr_parameters,
                        exitCode      = process.ExitCode,
                        OCRStdioOut   = process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings(),
                        hasExited     = has_exited,
                        durationMS    = duration

                // Check that we had a clean exit
                if (!report.hasExited || 0 != report.exitCode)
                    Logging.Error("There was a problem while running OCR with parameters: {0}\n--- Exit Code: {1}\n--- {3}\n{2}", report.OCRParameters, report.exitCode, report.OCRStdioOut, (report.hasExited ? $"Exit code: {report.exitCode}" : $"Timeout: {report.durationMS} ms"));

                    if (report.OCRStdioOut.stderr.Contains("ERROR"))
                        Logging.Error("Succeeded running OCR with parameters: {0}\n--- Exit Code: {1}\n--- {3}\n{2}", report.OCRParameters, report.exitCode, report.OCRStdioOut, (report.hasExited ? $"Exit code: {report.exitCode}" : $"Timeout: {report.durationMS} ms"));
                        Logging.Info("Succeeded running OCR with parameters: {0}\n--- Exit Code: {1}\n--- {3}\n{2}", report.OCRParameters, report.exitCode, report.OCRStdioOut, (report.hasExited ? $"Exit code: {report.exitCode}" : $"Timeout: {report.durationMS} ms"));
 public static Process StartGhostscriptProcess(string ghostscript_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass priority_class)
     return(ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ExecutablePath, ghostscript_parameters, priority_class));
        internal static void GrabWebPage_REMOTE(string title, string url, bool may_try_again_on_exception)
            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("HTMLToPDF", "Converting HTML to PDF");

            // Strip off the trailing # cos Web2PDF hates is
            if (url.Contains('#'))
                string old_url = url;
                url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf('#'));
                Logging.Info("Stripping the # off the original, from '{0}' to '{1}'", old_url, url);

            string filename = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".pdf";

                // Spawn the conversion process
                    string user_override_global = "";
                    string user_override_page   = "";

                    string process_parameters = String.Format(
                        "{0} {1} --footer-right \"Page [page] of [topage]\" {2} --footer-left \"{3}\" --header-left \"{4}\" --header-right \"Created using www.qiqqa.com\" \"{5}\""
                        , user_override_global
                        , url
                        , user_override_page
                        , url.Replace('"', '\'')
                        , title.Replace('"', '\'')
                        , filename

                    // STDOUT/STDERR
                    using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ConfigurationManager.Instance.ProgramHTMLToPDF, process_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.Normal))
                        using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))

                            Logging.Info("HTMLToPDF:\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpString());

                StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("HTMLToPDF", "Converting HTML to PDF: adding to library");
                PDFDocument pdf_document = Library.GuestInstance.AddNewDocumentToLibrary_SYNCHRONOUS(filename, url, url, null, null, null, true, true);
                pdf_document.Title            = title;
                pdf_document.Year             = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
                pdf_document.DownloadLocation = url;

                WPFDoEvents.InvokeInUIThread(() =>
                    PDFReadingControl pdf_reading_control = MainWindowServiceDispatcher.Instance.OpenDocument(pdf_document);
                                             priority: DispatcherPriority.Background
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Give it a 2nd try...
                if (may_try_again_on_exception)
                    GrabWebPage_REMOTE(title, url, false);
                    throw new UsefulTextException("Problem converting HTML page to PDF.  Please try again later.", String.Format("There has been a problem converting this web page '{0}' with title '{1}' to a PDF.", url, title), ex);

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("HTMLToPDF", "Converting HTML to PDF: done");
        internal static void DoBundle()
            string target_filename = null;

                // Get the destination location
                SaveFileDialog save_file_dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                save_file_dialog.AddExtension     = true;
                save_file_dialog.CheckPathExists  = true;
                save_file_dialog.DereferenceLinks = true;
                save_file_dialog.OverwritePrompt  = true;
                save_file_dialog.ValidateNames    = true;
                save_file_dialog.DefaultExt       = "7z";
                save_file_dialog.Filter           = "7Z files (*.7z)|*.7z|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                save_file_dialog.FileName         = "QiqqaLogs.7z";

                // Generate and save
                if (true == save_file_dialog.ShowDialog())
                    target_filename = save_file_dialog.FileName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Warn(ex, "Problem zipping logs");
                MessageBoxes.Error("Unfortunately there was a problem creating the log bundle. Please zip them manually, they are found at C:\\Temp\\Qiqqa.log*. There may be more than one. Thanks!");
                target_filename = null;

            if (target_filename != null)
                int       progress     = 1;
                int       wait_period  = 300;
                const int MAX_PROGRESS = 100;
                StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("LogBundler", "Bundling the logfile. Please wait...", progress, MAX_PROGRESS);

                SafeThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o =>
                    string environment_details_filename = null;

                        // Delete the target filename if it exists...

                        // Note: Path.GetFullPath() throws an exception when you feed it wildcards, e.g. '*'
                        // hence we construct the search path in two steps:
                        const string MAGIC_FILENAME = @"QQQ";
                        string file_list            = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, Environment.SpecialFolderOption.Create), @"Quantisle/Qiqqa/Logs", MAGIC_FILENAME));
                        // and then we replace the 'magic file name' with the real thing:
                        file_list = $"\"{Path.GetSuffixedDirectoryName(file_list)}Qiqqa*.log*\"";

                        // Try get this info for us which could be useful...
                        // If things are really broken, it may fail, that's ok.
                            string environmentDetails = "Generated at:" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss") + Environment.NewLine;
                            environmentDetails       += ComputerStatistics.GetCommonStatistics(ConfigurationManager.GetCurrentConfigInfos());
                            environmentDetails       += "\r\nConfiguration Bits:\r\n";
                            environmentDetails       += $"Background Tasks:      {(ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.DisableAllBackgroundTasks ? "Disabled ALL" : "Normal (Enabled)")}\r\n";
                            environmentDetails       += $"Library OCR Task:      {(ConfigurationManager.Instance.ConfigurationRecord.Library_OCRDisabled ? "Disabled" : "Normal (Enabled)")}\r\n";

                            environment_details_filename = TempFile.GenerateTempFilename("txt");
                            File.WriteAllText(environment_details_filename, environmentDetails);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logging.Warn(ex, "Could not get environment details");

                        if (environment_details_filename != null)
                            file_list += " \"" + environment_details_filename + "\"";

                        // STDOUT/STDERR
                        string process_parameters = String.Format("a -t7z -mmt=on -mx9 -ssw \"{0}\" {1}", target_filename, file_list);
                        Logging.Info($"Bundling the logfiles via command:\n    {ConfigurationManager.Instance.Program7ZIP}  {process_parameters}");
                        using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(ConfigurationManager.Instance.Program7ZIP, process_parameters, ProcessPriorityClass.Normal))
                            using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process))
                                while (!process.WaitForExit(wait_period))
                                    progress = Math.Min(MAX_PROGRESS - 5, progress + 1);
                                    if (progress >= 25)
                                        wait_period = 1000;

                                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("LogBundler", "Bundling the logfile. Please wait...", progress, MAX_PROGRESS);

                                Logging.Info("7ZIP Log Bundling progress:\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings());

                            MessageBoxes.Info($"The Qiqqa logs with some diagnostic info have been zipped to the location you specified:\n{target_filename}\n\nPlease upload it as issue attachment in your issue filed at https://github.com/jimmejardine/qiqqa-open-source/issues if the support team has requested it. Many thanks!");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logging.Warn(ex, "Problem zipping logs");
                        MessageBoxes.Error("Unfortunately there was a problem creating the log bundle. Please zip them manually, they are found at C:\\Temp\\Qiqqa.log*. There may be more than one. Thanks!");
                        target_filename = null;

                    if (environment_details_filename != null)
Beispiel #13
        private static ExecResultAggregate ReadEntireStandardOutput(string pdfDrawExe, string process_parameters, bool binary_output, ProcessPriorityClass priority_class)

            ExecResultAggregate rv = new ExecResultAggregate
                executable         = pdfDrawExe,
                process_parameters = process_parameters,
                stdoutIsBinary     = binary_output

            Stopwatch clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // STDOUT/STDERR
            Logging.Debug("PDFDRAW :: ReadEntireStandardOutput command: pdfdraw.exe {0}", process_parameters);
            using (Process process = ProcessSpawning.SpawnChildProcess(pdfDrawExe, process_parameters, priority_class, stdout_is_binary: true))
                using (ProcessOutputReader process_output_reader = new ProcessOutputReader(process, stdout_is_binary: true))
                    // Read image from stdout
                    using (StreamReader sr = process.StandardOutput)
                        using (FileStream fs = (FileStream)sr.BaseStream)
                            long elapsed = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            Logging.Debug("PDFDRAW :: ReadEntireStandardOutput setup time: {0} ms for parameters:\n    {1}", elapsed, process_parameters);

                            rv.stdoutStream = new MemoryStream(1024 * 1024);
                            int total_size = StreamToFile.CopyStreamToStream(fs, rv.stdoutStream);

                            long elapsed2 = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            Logging.Debug("PDFDRAW image output {0} bytes in {1} ms (output copy took {2} ms) for command:\n    {4} {3}", total_size, elapsed2, elapsed2 - elapsed, process_parameters, pdfDrawExe);

                            // Check that the process has exited properly

                            if (!process.HasExited)
                                Logging.Debug("PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killing it.\n{0}", process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings().stderr);


                                    // wait for the completion signal; this also helps to collect all STDERR output of the application (even while it was KILLED)
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem killing the PDFRenderer process after timeout ({0} ms)", elapsed2 + 1000);

                                // grab stderr output for successful runs and log it anyway: MuPDF diagnostics, etc. come this way:
                                var outs = process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings();
                                rv.errOutputDump = outs;

                                Logging.Error($"PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killed it. Commandline:\n    {pdfDrawExe} {process_parameters}\n{outs.stderr}");

                                rv.error    = new ApplicationException($"PDFRenderer process did not terminate, so killed it.\n    Commandline: {pdfDrawExe} {process_parameters}");
                                rv.exitCode = 0;
                                if (process.HasExited)
                                    rv.exitCode = process.ExitCode;
                                if (rv.exitCode == 0)
                                    rv.exitCode = -666;  // timeout
                            else if (process.ExitCode != 0)
                                // grab stderr output for successful runs and log it anyway: MuPDF diagnostics, etc. come this way:
                                var outs = process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings();
                                rv.errOutputDump = outs;

                                Logging.Error("PDFDRAW did fail with exit code {0} for commandline:\n    {3} {1}\n{2}", process.ExitCode, process_parameters, outs.stderr, pdfDrawExe);

                                rv.error    = new ApplicationException($"PDFRenderer::PDFDRAW did fail with exit code {process.ExitCode}.\n    Commandline: {pdfDrawExe} {process_parameters}");
                                rv.exitCode = process.ExitCode;
                                // grab stderr output for successful runs and log it anyway: MuPDF diagnostics, etc. come this way:
                                var outs = process_output_reader.GetOutputsDumpStrings();
                                rv.errOutputDump = outs;

                                Logging.Error("PDFDRAW did SUCCEED with exit code {0} for commandline:\n    {3} {1}\n{2}", process.ExitCode, process_parameters, outs.stderr, pdfDrawExe);

                                rv.error    = null;
                                rv.exitCode = process.ExitCode;
