public TCPServer(string addr, int p, ProcessServerFunction func)
            ipAddress = addr;
            port = p;
            processServerMessage = func;

            localIPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress);
            ipLocal = new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, port);
        public HandleClientRequest(TcpClient clientConnected, 
		                           ProcessServerFunction func)
            this._clientSocket = clientConnected;
            processServerMessage = func;
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to server to able to send message to server
        /// and create listener running in background for receiving messages.
        /// The protocol will define what type of network mode you want to use: TCP/HTTP/..
        /// Return true if connected or false if not
        /// </summary>
        public bool Connect(string myIP, 
		                    string gameServerIP, 
		                    int serverPort, 
		                    int listenerPort, 
		                    Protocol type, 
		                    ProcessServerFunction func)
            //TODO in case of active conection Connected == true:
            //should we release actual connection or return with error?

                //we are already connected, don't brake it
                return true;

            this.myIP = myIP;
            this.gameServerIP = gameServerIP;
            this.serverPort = serverPort;
            this.listenerPort = listenerPort;
            this.type = type;
            this.processServerMessage = func;

            switch (this.type)
                case Protocol.TCP:
                    Debug.Log("Starting TCP client connection");

                    if(tcpClient == null)
                        tcpClient = new TCPClient(this.gameServerIP, this.serverPort);


                    //create only once
                    if(tcpServer == null)
                        Debug.Log("Starting TCP server at "+this.myIP+":"+this.listenerPort);
                        tcpServer = new TCPServer(this.myIP, this.listenerPort, func);

                case Protocol.HTTP:
                    http = new HTTP("");

                // case Protocol.UDP:
                // 	break;

                    Debug.LogWarning("Not implemented yet!!");

            if (tcpClient != null)
                WebPlayerDebugManager.addOutput("Connected!", 4);

            return tcpClient != null;