public static void Simple_Priority_Queue()
            var pq = new PrioritySet <string, int>();

            pq.Enqueue("John", 1940);
            pq.Enqueue("Paul", 1942);
            pq.Enqueue("George", 1943);
            pq.Enqueue("Ringo", 1941);

            Assert.Equal("John", pq.Dequeue());
            Assert.Equal("Ringo", pq.Dequeue());
            Assert.Equal("Paul", pq.Dequeue());
            Assert.Equal("George", pq.Dequeue());
Beispiel #2
    private static int Solve(int bossHp, int bossDamage, bool hasExtraDamage)
        const int startingMana = 500;
        const int startingHp   = 50;

        var pq = new PrioritySet <GameState, int>();

        var firstState = new GameState(startingMana, startingHp, bossHp, 0, 0, 0);

        pq.Enqueue(firstState, 0);

        while (pq.TryDequeue(out GameState state, out int usedMana))
            // check if boss is dead
            if (state.BossHP == 0)

            // If it is part 2, apply damage to the player
            if (hasExtraDamage)
                int newHp = state.PlayerHP - 1;
                if (newHp == 0)

                state = state with {
                    PlayerHP = newHp

            // Apply all active effects
            if (state.Shield > 0)
                state = state with {
                    Shield = state.Shield - 1

            if (state.Poison > 0)
                state = state with {
                    BossHP = Math.Max(0, state.BossHP - 3), Poison = state.Poison - 1
                if (state.BossHP == 0)

            if (state.Recharge > 0)
                state = state with {
                    Mana = state.Mana + 101, Recharge = state.Recharge - 1

            // Try use magic missile
            if (state.Mana >= 53)
                GameState stateAfterPlayerTurn = state with {
                    BossHP = Math.Max(state.BossHP - 4, 0), Mana = state.Mana - 53
                if (SimulateBossTurn(stateAfterPlayerTurn, bossDamage, out GameState stateAfterBossTurn))
                    pq.EnqueueOrUpdate(stateAfterBossTurn, usedMana + 53);

            // Try use drain
            if (state.Mana >= 73)
                GameState stateAfterPlayerTurn = state with
                    BossHP   = Math.Max(state.BossHP - 2, 0),
                    PlayerHP = state.PlayerHP + 2,
                    Mana     = state.Mana - 73

                if (SimulateBossTurn(stateAfterPlayerTurn, bossDamage, out GameState stateAfterBossTurn))
                    pq.EnqueueOrUpdate(stateAfterBossTurn, usedMana + 73);

            // Try use shield
            if (state.Mana >= 113 & state.Shield == 0)
                GameState stateAfterPlayerTurn = state with {
                    Shield = 6, Mana = state.Mana - 113
                if (SimulateBossTurn(stateAfterPlayerTurn, bossDamage, out GameState stateAfterBossTurn))
                    pq.EnqueueOrUpdate(stateAfterBossTurn, usedMana + 113);

            // Try use poison
            if (state.Mana >= 173 & state.Poison == 0)
                GameState stateAfterPlayerTurn = state with {
                    Poison = 6, Mana = state.Mana - 173
                if (SimulateBossTurn(stateAfterPlayerTurn, bossDamage, out GameState stateAfterBossTurn))
                    pq.EnqueueOrUpdate(stateAfterBossTurn, usedMana + 173);

            // Try use recharge
            if (state.Mana >= 229 & state.Recharge == 0)
                GameState stateAfterPlayerTurn = state with {
                    Recharge = 5, Mana = state.Mana - 229
                if (SimulateBossTurn(stateAfterPlayerTurn, bossDamage, out GameState stateAfterBossTurn))
                    pq.EnqueueOrUpdate(stateAfterBossTurn, usedMana + 229);

        ThrowHelper.ThrowException("Unable to beat the boss");