/// <summary>
        /// The method implements a callback (it MUST be named "Call" and exhibit the method signature described)
        /// It will be driven by DLE and provide data that can be used to update a progress bar, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">The current page number. It is *always* 0-based. One *will* encounter a value of -1. That means "not applicable".</param>
        /// <param name="totalPages">The total number of pages printing. One *may* encounter a value of -1. That means "not applicable".</param>
        /// <param name="stagePercent">A percentage complete (of the stage). Values will always be in the range of 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%)</param>
        /// <param name="info">A string that will present optional information that may be written to user interface</param>
        /// <param name="stage">An enumeration that indicates the current printing stage</param>
        public override void Call(int page, int totalPages, float stagePercent, string info, PrintProgressStage stage)
            // Stage Information (info) is a *English language only* stage information string (e.g., font name)
            // suitable for use as (pre-localized) source material for a text label related to the current stage.
            // Most stages do not present any stage information (it's never null but *often* empty). For those
            // conditions one must create their own string value(s) to represent the stage name.
            // Stage (stage) is an enumeration of the stage (type). Switch on this value (always) to
            // vary the user presentation of any stage progress bar/info.

            ReportProgress(page + 1 /* 0 to 1-based */, totalPages, stagePercent, info, stage);
            //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Call (page/stage/stagePercent/info): {0} {1} {2} {3}", page + 1 /* 0 to 1-based */, stage, stagePercent, info));
        /// <summary>
        /// The method implements a callback (it MUST be named "Call" and exhibit the method signature described)
        /// It will be driven by DLE and provide data that can be used to update a progress bar, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">The current page number. It is *always* 0-based. One *will* encounter a value of -1. That means "not applicable".</param>
        /// <param name="totalPages">The total number of pages printing. One *may* encounter a value of -1. That means "not applicable".</param>
        /// <param name="stagePercent">A percentage complete (of the stage). Values will always be in the range of 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%)</param>
        /// <param name="info">A string that will present optional information that may be written to user interface</param>
        /// <param name="stage">An enumeration that indicates the current printing stage</param>
        public override void Call(int page, int totalPages, float stagePercent, string info, PrintProgressStage stage)
            mSomeBoolean = ((mSomeBoolean) ? false : true);
            Console.WriteLine("Print Progress Proc was called.");

            // Stage Information (info) is a *English language only* stage information string (e.g., font name)
            // suitable for use as (pre-localized) source material for a text label related to the current stage.
            // Most stages do not present any stage information (it's never null but *often* empty). For those
            // conditions one must create their own string value(s) to represent the stage name.
            // Stage (stage) is an enumeration of the stage (type). Switch on this value (always) to
            // vary the user presentation of any stage progress bar/info.
            // For more detail (and inspiration) consult the PrintPDFGUI sample. The SamplePrintProgressProc
            // class (there) has a much richer implementation.

            switch (stage)
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintPage:
                if (stagePercent < 1F)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Printing Page {0} of {1}", page + 1 /* 0 to 1-based */, totalPages));
        private void ReportProgress(int page, int totalPages, float stagePercent, string info, PrintProgressStage stage)
        {   // The primary progress update handler...
            switch (stage)
            // If all one wants is a simple, per page progress bar ALL THAT NEEDS BE DONE
            // is to switch on the PrintPage enumeration and present page count information.
            // When doing so, do not forget to change the page from 0-based to 1-based notation.
            // A value of -1 for either value means "not applicable". If one encounters -1,
            // simply ignore the update process for page/NumPages during that encounter.

            // APDFL cannot know how long things will take. So, any desire for an accurate
            // or trivial 0-100% progress bar is a bit of a misnomer. The closest one can
            // come to that sort of thing is to show page-level tracking (e.g., Page X of Y).
            // NONE of the percentage (or page progression) values can ever be equated
            // to any notion of time, remaining or otherwise.
            // Performing simple math like:
            // ((page / totalPages) * 100) * <median page time consumption thus far>
            // ...will NOT accurately predict remaining time.
            // Attempting to provide an estimate of time remaining (when printing or rendering)
            // a PDF is a futile process. Unlike network transmission times for a known quantity,
            // APDFL *cannot know* (and cannot be altered to know) how long the next page will
            // take to process.

            // TIP: When working on a solution that drives commercial digital print devices or
            // a similar high throughput 24/7/365 "keep the planes in the air, not on the ground"
            // environment...
            // Flattening transparent artwork within the (greater) context of printing can be
            // a bad idea.
            // One should investigate structuring the solution so that artwork to be printed
            // is pre-flattened (see FlattenPDF sample) and saved to a completely non-transparent
            // PDF *first* (separately). Then, simply print the pre-flattened (temp) file for
            // best performance. Separating these activities can greatly improve overall solution
            // performance and (printing) predictability.

            case PrintProgressStage.PrintPage:
            {       // Happens twice...
                    // Once just before a page begins. Then again, just after the page ends.
                    // This is the case where one should update Page progress...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                if (state.stagePercent < 1.0)
                {       // Start page...
                    state.what        = ProgressUpdateState.Page;
                    state.pageCurrent = ((page > 1) ? page : 1);
                    state.pageSum     = ((NumPages > 1) ? NumPages : 1);
                    state.pageInfo    = String.Format("Page {0} of {1}", state.pageCurrent, state.pageSum);

                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Printing {0}.", state.pageInfo));
                {       // End page...
                        // Reset the stage info at page end
                    state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                    state.stageInfo    = @"";
                    state.stagePercent = 0;

            // ALL of the remaining enumeration values are optional.
            // If not interested is presenting stage information to a human,
            // the remaining case block(s) can be omitted entirely.

            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingDocumentResource:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingDocumentProcset:
            {       // Downloading a (document level) PostScript dictionary (%%BeginProlog)...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = "Preparing Document";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingDocumentFont:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageFont:
            {       // Downloading a font (info will contain the font name)...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                if (info.Length > 0)
                    state.stageInfo = String.Format("Downloading Font: {0}", info);
                    state.stageInfo = @"Downloading Font";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageContent:
            {       // Sending miscellaneous, page content...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Streaming Page Content";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageResource:
            {       // Downloading a (page level) PostScript dictionary...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Streaming Page Resource";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageGradient:
            {       // Downloading a gradient...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Streaming Page Gradient";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageImage:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageImageProgressPercent:
            {       // Downloading raster image data...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Streaming Page Image";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageImageOPI:
            {       // Replacing an OPI proxy (only occurs when client provides additional OPI replacement callbacks)...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Replacing Open Prepress Interface (OPI) Proxy Image";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageSeparation:
            {       // Sending a color separation (plate)...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Streaming Page Separation";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageCSA:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageCRD:
            {       // (Converting a ICC profile to and) Downloading (PostScript) ColorSpace Array or Color Rendering Dictionary...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = @"Streaming Page Content (CSA/CRD)";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_EnterInFlattener:     // Start of flattener (0%)
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_IdentifyingComplexityRegion:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_ComputingComplexityRegionClippath:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_EnterInPlanarMap:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_FlattenAtomicRegions:
            {       // Flattener preparation activities...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = "Flattening...";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_FindObjectsInvolvedInTransparency:
            {       // (Flattener) Searching for Transparency...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = "Searching for Transparent Art...";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_TextHeuristics:
            {       // (Flattener) Calculating Text Interactions...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = "Searching for Transparent Text...";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintFlat_RasterizingComplexityRegion:
            {       // (Flattener) Rasterizing...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = "Rasterizing Transparent Art...";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_OnHostTrapBeginPage:
            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_BeginStreamingTraps:
            {       // On-Host (not in-RIP) trapping activities...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what         = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo    = "On-Host Trapping";
                state.stagePercent = stagePercent;

                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingPageEpilogue:
            {       // End of page activities (i.e., %%PageTrailer)...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what      = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.stageInfo = "Finalizing Page";
                for (float i = 0.0F; i <= 1.0F; i += 0.25F)
                {       // Emulate stage progression (when we only get a single call)
                    state.stagePercent = i;

                    // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                    // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


            case PrintProgressStage.PrintProg_StreamingDocumentEpilogue:
            {       // End of file activities (i.e., %%Trailer)...
                ProgressUpdateStateBlock state = new ProgressUpdateStateBlock();
                state.what     = ProgressUpdateState.Stage;
                state.pageInfo = "Finalizing Document";
                for (float i = 0.0F; i <= 1.0F; i += 0.25F)
                {       // Eemulate stage progression (when we only get a single call)
                    state.stagePercent = i;

                    // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                    // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


                // Sleeping here helps with human comprehension
                // of UI updates but slows printing throughput.


                // Conclude the progress UI...
                state.what        = ProgressUpdateState.Page;
                state.stageInfo   = "Printing Complete";
                state.pageCurrent = 0;
                state.pageSum     = 0;