Beispiel #1
        static int ConsumeCpu(IEnumerable<string> args)
            int duration = 0;

            var options = new OptionSet()
                {"duration=", v => duration = Int32.Parse(v)},


            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var threads = new List<Thread>();
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var thread = new Thread(() =>
                    while (duration > stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)
                        var sieve = new PrimeSieve(500);
            foreach (var thread in threads) thread.Start();
            foreach (var thread in threads) thread.Join();

            return SUCCEEDED;
        private void PrimeFactors(int n)
            var maxBound = n / 3;
            var lastList = this.primeList.Length - 1;
            var start = this.tower[1] == 2 ? 1 : 0;
            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);

            for (var section = start; section < this.primeList.Length; section++)
                var primes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(this.tower[section] + 1, this.tower[section + 1]);

                foreach (var prime in primes)
                    this.primeList[section][this.listLength[section]++] = prime;
                    if (prime > maxBound) continue;

                    var np = n;
                        var k = lastList;
                        var q = np /= prime;

                        do if ((q & 1) == 1) //if q is odd
                                this.primeList[k][this.listLength[k]++] = prime;
                        while (((q >>= 1) > 0) && (prime <= this.bound[--k]));

                    } while (prime <= np);
        private int PrimeFactors(int n)
            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var primes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(3, n);

            int maxBound = n / 2, count = 0;

            foreach (var prime in primes)
                var m = prime > maxBound ? 1 : 0;

                if (prime <= maxBound)
                    var q = n;
                    while (q >= prime)
                        m += q /= prime;

                this.primeList[count] = prime;
                this.multiList[count++] = m;
            return count;
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);

            return this.RecFactorial(n);
        public static Xint Binomial(int n, int k)
            if (0 > k || k > n)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n",
                 "Binomial: 0 <= k and k <= n required, but n was "
                 + n + " and k was " + k);

            if (k > n / 2) { k = n - k; }

            int rootN = (int)System.Math.Floor(System.Math.Sqrt(n));
            Xint binom = Xint.One;

            var primeCollection = new PrimeSieve(n).GetPrimeCollection();

            foreach (int prime in primeCollection) // Equivalent to a nextPrime() function.
                if (prime > n - k)
                    binom *= prime;

                if (prime > n / 2)

                if (prime > rootN)
                    if (n % prime < k % prime)
                        binom *= prime;

                int exp = 0, r = 0, N = n, K = k;

                while (N > 0)
                    r = (N % prime) < (K % prime + r) ? 1 : 0;
                    exp += r;
                    N /= prime;
                    K /= prime;

                if (exp > 0)
                    binom *= Xint.Pow((Xint) prime, exp);
            return binom;
            static Options()
                DefaultInitialConcurrency = HardwareInfo.GetProcessorCountPo2Factor(16);
                var capacity = HardwareInfo.GetProcessorCountPo2Factor(128, 128);

                CapacityPrimeSieve = new PrimeSieve(capacity + 1024);
                while (!CapacityPrimeSieve.IsPrime(capacity))
                DefaultInitialCapacity = capacity;
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var pLen = (int)(2.0 * (XMath.FloorSqrt(n)
                     + (double)n / (XMath.Log2(n) - 1)));
            this.primeList = new int[pLen];

            var exp2 = n - XMath.BitCount(n);
            return this.RecFactorial(n) << exp2;
Beispiel #8
            static Options()
                var capacity = Math.Min(16_384, HardwareInfo.ProcessorCountPo2 * 128);

                CapacityPrimeSieve = new PrimeSieve(capacity + 1024);
                while (!CapacityPrimeSieve.IsPrime(capacity))
                DefaultInitialCapacity = capacity;
                // Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(ComputedRegistry)}.{nameof(Options)}.{nameof(DefaultInitialCapacity)} = {DefaultInitialCapacity}");
Beispiel #9
        public object Solve()
            var limit = 8389; // The greatest prime in the answer

            //var limit = 10.Power(4);
            _sieve = new PrimeSieve();

            var attempt = LookForSolution(limit, 1);

            return(attempt > 0
                ? attempt
                : LookForSolution(limit, 2));
Beispiel #10
        // TODO
        public object Solve()
            _sieve = new PrimeSieve(1000);
            long sum = 0;

            // Hmm.. All candidates are odd prime combinations whose product is less than 50 000 000.

            // Nope... just... totally wrong.
            //const int limit = 50000000;
            //var sqrt = limit.Sqrt().Ceiling().ToInt();

            //var primes = new PrimeSieve(limit).Primes.Skip(1).ToArray();

            //var couldHaveProperty = new bool[limit];

            //for (long index = 0; index < couldHaveProperty.Length; index++)
            //    couldHaveProperty[index] = index.IsOdd();

            //foreach (var prime in primes.TakeWhile(p => p < sqrt))
            //    var primeSquared = prime.Squared(); // Always odd
            //    for (var multiple = primeSquared; multiple < limit; multiple += primeSquared * 2)
            //    {
            //        couldHaveProperty[multiple] = false;
            //    }

            //for (long index = 1; index < couldHaveProperty.Length; index += 2)
            //    if (!couldHaveProperty[index]) continue;

            //    couldHaveProperty[index] = (index * 2 + 1).IsPrime();

            //var candidates = new List<long>();

            //for (var index = 1; index < couldHaveProperty.Length; index++)
            //    if (!couldHaveProperty[index]) continue;

            //    candidates.Add(index * 2);


            //return candidates.Where(HasProperty).Sum();
Beispiel #11
        public void Deciding()
            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(1000);


Beispiel #12
        public object Solve()
            // Easily done by hand, but generalized to be fast for numbers as large as 10^5
            // (Fun fact: The product at this magnitude is an insane 43452 digits)
            var number = 20;

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(number);

            BigInteger product = 1;

            foreach (var prime in sieve.GetPrimes())
                product *= GetLargestPowerOfPrime(prime, number);

        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20)

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var pLen = (int)(2.0 * (XMath.FloorSqrt(n)
                                    + (double)n / (XMath.Log2(n) - 1)));

            this.primeList = new int[pLen];

            var exp2 = n - XMath.BitCount(n);

            return(this.RecFactorial(n) << exp2);
Beispiel #14
        public object Solve()
            const int arbitraryLimit = 200000;
            var       sieve          = new PrimeSieve(arbitraryLimit);

            var numPrimeFactors = new int[arbitraryLimit];

            foreach (var prime in sieve.GetPrimes())
                for (var number = prime; number < arbitraryLimit; number += prime)

            return(FindTheSmallestOfFourConsecutive(arbitraryLimit, number => numPrimeFactors[number]));
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20)

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);

            var task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew <XInt>(() =>
                this.results2       = new IAsyncResult[XMath.FloorLog2(n)];
                this.swingDelegate2 = Swing2;
                this.taskCounter2   = 0;

                var N = n;

                // -- It is more efficient to add the big swings
                // -- first and the small ones later!
                while (N >= Smallswing)
                    this.results2[this.taskCounter2++] = this.swingDelegate2.BeginInvoke(sieve, N, null, null);
                    N >>= 1;

            this.results3       = new IAsyncResult[XMath.FloorLog2(n)];
            this.swingDelegate3 = Swing3;
            this.taskCounter3   = 0;

            var m = n;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big swings
            // -- first and the small ones later!
            while (m >= Smallswing)
                this.results3[this.taskCounter3++] = this.swingDelegate3.BeginInvoke(sieve, m, null, null);
                m >>= 1;

            var task3Result = this.RecFactorial3(n);

            return((task2.Result * task3Result) << (n - XMath.BitCount(n)));
        private static XInt Swing3(PrimeSieve sieve, int n)
            var primorial = Task.Factory.StartNew <XInt>(() =>
                var start = sieve.NextPrime(n / 2);
                start     = sieve.NextPrime(start);
                return(sieve.GetPrimorial(start, n, 2));

            var count      = 0;
            var rootN      = XMath.FloorSqrt(n);
            var startPrime = sieve.NextPrime(rootN);

            startPrime = sieve.NextPrime(startPrime);
            var aPrimes   = sieve.GetPrimeCollectionEveryOther(5, rootN);
            var bPrimes   = sieve.GetPrimeCollectionEveryOther(startPrime, n / 3);
            var primeList = new int[aPrimes.NumberOfPrimes + bPrimes.NumberOfPrimes];

            foreach (var prime in aPrimes)
                int q = n, p = 1;

                while ((q /= prime) > 0)
                    if ((q & 1) == 1)
                        p *= prime;

                if (p > 1)
                    primeList[count++] = p;

            foreach (var prime in bPrimes.Where(prime => ((n / prime) & 1) == 1))
                primeList[count++] = prime;

            var primeProduct = XMath.Product(primeList, 0, count);

            return(primeProduct * primorial.Result);
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            this.results = new IAsyncResult[XMath.FloorLog2(n)];
            this.swingDelegate = Swing; this.taskCounter = 0;
            var N = n;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big swings
            // -- first and the small ones later!
            while (N >= Smallswing)
                this.results[this.taskCounter++] = this.swingDelegate.BeginInvoke(sieve, N, null, null);
                N >>= 1;

            return this.RecFactorial(n) << (n - XMath.BitCount(n));
Beispiel #18
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20)

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var log2N = XMath.FloorLog2(n);
            var source = new int[log2N];
            int h = 0, shift = 0, length = 0;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big intervals
            // -- first and the small ones later! Is it?
            while (h != n)
                shift += h;
                h      = n >> log2N--;
                if (h > 2)
                    source[length++] = h;

            var results = new XInt[length];

            Parallel.For(0, length, currentIndex =>
                         results[currentIndex] = this.Swing(source[currentIndex])

            XInt p = XInt.One, r = XInt.One, rl = XInt.One;

            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var t = rl * results[i];
                p  = p * t;
                rl = r;
                r  = r * p;

            return(r << shift);
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);

            var task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew<XInt>(() =>
                this.results2 = new IAsyncResult[XMath.FloorLog2(n)];
                this.swingDelegate2 = Swing2;
                this.taskCounter2 = 0;

                var N = n;

                // -- It is more efficient to add the big swings
                // -- first and the small ones later!
                while (N >= Smallswing)
                    this.results2[this.taskCounter2++] = this.swingDelegate2.BeginInvoke(sieve, N, null, null);
                    N >>= 1;
                return this.RecFactorial2(n);

            this.results3 = new IAsyncResult[XMath.FloorLog2(n)];
            this.swingDelegate3 = Swing3;
            this.taskCounter3 = 0;

            var m = n;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big swings
            // -- first and the small ones later!
            while (m >= Smallswing)
                this.results3[this.taskCounter3++] = this.swingDelegate3.BeginInvoke(sieve, m, null, null);
                m >>= 1;

            var task3Result = this.RecFactorial3(n);

            return (task2.Result * task3Result) << (n - XMath.BitCount(n));
Beispiel #20
        public object Solve()
            var limit = 5 * 10.Power(7);

            var primeLimit = limit.Sqrt().Ceiling().ToLong();

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(primeLimit);

            var squareRootPrimes = sieve.GetPrimes().ToArray();
            var cubeRootPrimes   = squareRootPrimes.Where(p => p <= limit.NthRoot(3)).ToArray();
            var fourthRootPrimes = squareRootPrimes.Where(p => p <= limit.NthRoot(4)).ToArray();

            var numbers = new HashSet <long>();

            foreach (var p1 in squareRootPrimes)
                foreach (var p2 in cubeRootPrimes)
                    var partialSum = p1.Power(2) + p2.Power(3);

                    if (partialSum > limit)

                    foreach (var p3 in fourthRootPrimes)
                        var sum = partialSum + p3.Power(4);

                        if (sum < limit && !numbers.Contains(sum))

Beispiel #21
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20)

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var log2N = XMath.FloorLog2(n);

            SwingDelegate swingDelegate = this.Swing;
            var           results       = new IAsyncResult[log2N];

            int h = 0, shift = 0, taskCounter = 0;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big intervals
            // -- first and the small ones later!
            while (h != n)
                shift += h;
                h      = n >> log2N--;
                if (h > 2)
                    results[taskCounter++] = swingDelegate.BeginInvoke(h, null, null);

            XInt p = XInt.One, r = XInt.One, rl = XInt.One;

            for (var i = 0; i < taskCounter; i++)
                var t = rl * swingDelegate.EndInvoke(results[i]);
                p  = p * t;
                rl = r;
                r  = r * p;

            return(r << shift);
Beispiel #22
        private static void Main()
            var primeList = PrimeSieve.PrimesList(30);

            foreach (var prime in primeList)
                Console.Write(prime + " ");

            var sieveOfEratosthenes = PrimeSieve.SieveOfEratosthenes(30);
            var primes = sieveOfEratosthenes
                         .Select((x, y) => new
                Index   = y,
                IsPrime = x
                         .Where(x => x.IsPrime && x.Index >= 1)
                         .Select(x => x.Index)

        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20)

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);

            this.results       = new IAsyncResult[XMath.FloorLog2(n)];
            this.swingDelegate = Swing; this.taskCounter = 0;
            var N = n;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big swings
            // -- first and the small ones later!
            while (N >= Smallswing)
                this.results[this.taskCounter++] = this.swingDelegate.BeginInvoke(sieve, N, null, null);
                N >>= 1;

            return(this.RecFactorial(n) << (n - XMath.BitCount(n)));
        private static XInt Swing(PrimeSieve sieve, int n)
            var primorial = Task.Factory.StartNew<XInt>(() => sieve.GetPrimorial(n / 2 + 1, n));
            var count = 0;
            var rootN = XMath.FloorSqrt(n);
            var aPrimes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(3, rootN);
            var bPrimes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(rootN + 1, n / 3);

            var primeList = new int[aPrimes.NumberOfPrimes + bPrimes.NumberOfPrimes];

            foreach (var prime in aPrimes)
                int q = n, p = 1;

                while ((q /= prime) > 0)
                    if ((q & 1) == 1)
                        p *= prime;

                if (p > 1)
                    primeList[count++] = p;

            foreach (var prime in bPrimes.Where(prime => ((n / prime) & 1) == 1))
                primeList[count++] = prime;

            var primeProduct = XMath.Product(primeList, 0, count);
            return primeProduct * primorial.Result;
Beispiel #25
        public static List<int> GetPrimesUpToN(int n)
            var output = new List<int>();
            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            for (int index = 2; index <= n; index++)
                //If not already identified as a non-prime
                if (!sieve.IsComposite(index))
                    //Add every multiple of index up to n
                    for (int multiple = 2; multiple * index <= n; multiple++)
                        sieve.SetComposite(multiple * index);

            for (int index = 2; index <= n; index++)
                if (!sieve.IsComposite(index))
            return output;
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var log2N = XMath.FloorLog2(n);

            SwingDelegate swingDelegate = this.Swing;
            var results = new IAsyncResult[log2N];

            int h = 0, shift = 0, taskCounter = 0;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big intervals
            // -- first and the small ones later!
            while (h != n)
                shift += h;
                h = n >> log2N--;
                if (h > 2)
                    results[taskCounter++] = swingDelegate.BeginInvoke(h, null, null);

            XInt p = XInt.One, r = XInt.One, rl = XInt.One;

            for (var i = 0; i < taskCounter; i++)
                var t = rl * swingDelegate.EndInvoke(results[i]);
                p = p * t;
                rl = r;
                r = r * p;

            return r << shift;
Beispiel #27
        private void PrimeFactors(int n)
            var maxBound = n / 3;
            var lastList = this.primeList.Length - 1;
            var start    = this.tower[1] == 2 ? 1 : 0;
            var sieve    = new PrimeSieve(n);

            for (var section = start; section < this.primeList.Length; section++)
                var primes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(this.tower[section] + 1, this.tower[section + 1]);

                foreach (var prime in primes)
                    this.primeList[section][this.listLength[section]++] = prime;
                    if (prime > maxBound)

                    var np = n;
                        var k = lastList;
                        var q = np /= prime;

                            if ((q & 1) == 1) //if q is odd
                                this.primeList[k][this.listLength[k]++] = prime;
                        }while (((q >>= 1) > 0) && (prime <= this.bound[--k]));
                    } while (prime <= np);
        private int PrimeFactors(int n)
            var sieve           = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var primeCollection = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(3, n);

            int maxBound = n / 2, count = 0;

            foreach (var prime in primeCollection)
                var m = prime > maxBound ? 1 : 0;

                if (prime <= maxBound)
                    var q = n;
                    while (q >= prime)
                        m += q /= prime;
                this.primeList[count]   = prime;
                this.multiList[count++] = m;
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            this.sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var log2N = XMath.FloorLog2(n);
            var source = new int[log2N];
            int h = 0, shift = 0, length = 0;

            // -- It is more efficient to add the big intervals
            // -- first and the small ones later! Is it?
            while (h != n)
                shift += h;
                h = n >> log2N--;
                if (h > 2) { source[length++] = h; }

            var results = new XInt[length];

            Parallel.For(0, length, currentIndex =>
                results[currentIndex] = this.Swing(source[currentIndex])

            XInt p = XInt.One, r = XInt.One, rl = XInt.One;

            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var t = rl * results[i];
                p = p * t;
                rl = r;
                r = r * p;

            return r << shift;
Beispiel #30
        public object Solve()
            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(Limit);

        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20) { return XMath.Factorial(n); }

            var rootN = XMath.FloorSqrt(n);
            var log2N = XMath.FloorLog2(n);
            var section = new XInt[log2N + 1];

            for (var i = 0; i < section.Length; i++)
                section[i] = XInt.One;

            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var primes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(3, rootN);

            foreach (var prime in primes)
                int k = 0, m = 0, q = n;

                    m += q /= prime;

                } while (q >= 1);

                while (m > 0)
                    if ((m & 1) == 1)
                        section[k] *= prime;
                    m = m / 2;

            var j = 2;
            var low = n;

            while (low != rootN)
                var high = low;
                low = n / j++;

                if (low < rootN) { low = rootN; }

                var primorial = sieve.GetPrimorial(low + 1, high);

                if (primorial != XInt.One)
                    int k = 0, m = j - 2;

                    while (m > 0)
                        if ((m & 1) == 1)
                            section[k] *= primorial;
                        m = m / 2;

            var factorial = section[log2N];
            for (var i = log2N - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                factorial = XInt.Pow(factorial,2) * section[i];

            var exp2N = n - XMath.BitCount(n);
            return factorial << exp2N;
Beispiel #32
        public object Solve()
            var sieve = new PrimeSieve(LargeNumber.Sqrt().Ceiling().ToLong());

Beispiel #33
 public PrimeExtensionTests()
     _sieve = new PrimeSieve();
        public XInt Factorial(int n)
            if (n < 20)

            var rootN   = XMath.FloorSqrt(n);
            var log2N   = XMath.FloorLog2(n);
            var section = new XInt[log2N + 1];

            for (var i = 0; i < section.Length; i++)
                section[i] = XInt.One;

            var sieve  = new PrimeSieve(n);
            var primes = sieve.GetPrimeCollection(3, rootN);

            foreach (var prime in primes)
                int k = 0, m = 0, q = n;

                    m += q /= prime;
                } while (q >= 1);

                while (m > 0)
                    if ((m & 1) == 1)
                        section[k] *= prime;
                    m = m / 2;

            var j   = 2;
            var low = n;

            while (low != rootN)
                var high = low;
                low = n / j++;

                if (low < rootN)
                    low = rootN;

                var primorial = sieve.GetPrimorial(low + 1, high);

                if (primorial != XInt.One)
                    int k = 0, m = j - 2;

                    while (m > 0)
                        if ((m & 1) == 1)
                            section[k] *= primorial;
                        m = m / 2;

            var factorial = section[log2N];

            for (var i = log2N - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                factorial = XInt.Pow(factorial, 2) * section[i];

            var exp2N = n - XMath.BitCount(n);

            return(factorial << exp2N);
 public void TestFindLargestPrimeFactorOf11()
     long testNumber = 11;
     long result     = PrimeSieve.findLargestPrimeFactor(testNumber);