private IEnumerator createSecondaryStructure(MoleculeRenderSettings settings, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, SecondaryStructure secondaryStructure)
            for (int i = 0; i < primaryStructure.Chains().Count; i++)
                Chain chain = primaryStructure.Chains()[i];

                if (chain.ResidueType != StandardResidue.AminoAcid)
                    // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping secondary strucure. Non protein structures not currently supported.");

                if (chain.MainChainResidues.Count < 2)
                    // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping secondary strucure. Protein structure doesn't have enough residues for mesh.");

                Mesh structureMesh = BuildStructureMesh(settings, chain, frame, secondaryStructure);

                GameObject structure = (GameObject)Instantiate(SecondaryStructurePrefab);
                structure.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = structureMesh;

                structure.transform.SetParent(StructureParent.transform, false);

                yield return(null);
        private IEnumerator createMainChains(PrimaryStructureFrame frame)
            int   interpolation = 5;
            int   resolution    = 5; // should be in config
            float radius        = 0.015f;
            int   currentIndex  = 0;

            foreach (Chain chain in primaryStructure.Chains())
                if (chain.ResidueType != StandardResidue.AminoAcid)
                    // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping main chain build. Non protein main chain not currently supported.");

                List <Vector3> nodePositions = new List <Vector3>();

                foreach (Atom atom in chain.MainChainAtoms)
                    // if no frame number use the base structure coordinates.
                    Vector3 position;
                    if (frame == null)
                        if (atom == null)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Main chain atom is null");

                        position = new Vector3(atom.Position.x, atom.Position.y, atom.Position.z);
                        position = new Vector3(frame.Coords[atom.Index * 3], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 1], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 2]);

                    // flip coord system for Unity
                    position.z *= -1;


                List <DynamicMeshNode> nodes        = new List <DynamicMeshNode>();
                IEnumerable            splinePoints = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(nodePositions.ToArray(), interpolation, false);
                Color32 chainColour = ChainColors[currentIndex % ChainColors.Length];

                foreach (Vector3 position in splinePoints)
                    DynamicMeshNode node = new DynamicMeshNode();
                    node.Position    = position;
                    node.VertexColor = chainColour;

                DynamicMesh mesh      = new DynamicMesh(nodes, radius, resolution, interpolation + 1);
                Mesh        chainMesh = mesh.Build(Settings.DebugFlag);

                GameObject chainStructure = (GameObject)Instantiate(ChainPrefab);
                chainStructure.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = chainMesh;

                chainStructure.transform.SetParent(ChainParent.transform, false);

                yield return(null);