protected override void OnConfigure()

            var titleFontSize = 19;

            UINavigationBar.Appearance.TitleTextAttributes = new UIStringAttributes()
                ForegroundColor = TextColor.ToUIColor(),
                Font            = UIFont.FromName(this.FontNameDefault, titleFontSize),
            UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetBackgroundImage(new UIImage(), UIBarMetrics.Default);
            UINavigationBar.Appearance.ShadowImage = new UIImage();

            UIBarButtonItem.Appearance.SetTitleTextAttributes(new UITextAttributes()
                Font = UIFont.FromName(this.FontNameDefault, titleFontSize),
            }, UIControlState.Normal);


            UINavigationBar.Appearance.BarTintColor = PrimaryColor.ToUIColor();
            UINavigationBar.Appearance.TintColor    = TextColor.ToUIColor();

            UIProgressView.Appearance.ProgressTintColor = PrimaryColor.ToUIColor();

            //UITextField.Appearance.TintColor = AcentColor;

            UIButton.Appearance.TintColor = PrimaryColor.ToUIColor();

            UIButton.Appearance.SetTitleColor(PrimaryColor.ToUIColor(), UIControlState.Normal);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the color of the object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="primaryColor">Component which is to be changed</param>
 /// <param name="end">End value of the component</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Increase factor</param>
 /// <param name="repeat">Whether the color change has to be repeated</param>
 public void SetColorParams(PrimaryColor primaryColorToChange, float end, float offset, bool repeat)
     m_colorToChange = primaryColorToChange;
     m_maxValue = end;
     m_offset = offset;
     m_repeat = repeat;
        public static async Task InitialzeWithMaterialDesign(this IApp app,
                                                             BaseTheme baseTheme             = BaseTheme.Light,
                                                             PrimaryColor primary            = PrimaryColor.DeepPurple,
                                                             SecondaryColor secondary        = SecondaryColor.Lime,
                                                             ColorAdjustment?colorAdjustment = null)
            string colorAdjustString = "";

            if (colorAdjustment != null)
                colorAdjustString = "ColorAdjustment=\"{materialDesign:ColorAdjustment}\"";

            string applicationResourceXaml = $@"<ResourceDictionary 
        <materialDesign:BundledTheme BaseTheme=""{baseTheme}"" PrimaryColor=""{primary}"" SecondaryColor=""{secondary}"" {colorAdjustString}/>

        <ResourceDictionary Source = ""pack://application:,,,/MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf;component/Themes/MaterialDesignTheme.Defaults.xaml"" />

            await app.Initialize(applicationResourceXaml,
        public override IEnumerator ReceivePayload(VisualPayload payload)
            foreach (var entry in Scope.GetEntries(payload.Data))
                var textureSize = TextureSize.GetValue(entry);

                var newTexture = new Texture2D(textureSize, textureSize);

                var primaryColor = PrimaryColor.GetValue(entry);

                var newPixels = Enumerable.Repeat(primaryColor, textureSize * textureSize).ToArray();



                TextureTarget.SetValue(newTexture, entry);

            var iterator = Router.TransmitAll(payload);

            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                yield return(null);
Beispiel #5
        public static void InitializeTheme()
            var paletteHelper = new PaletteHelper();

            //Retrieve the app's existing theme.
            ITheme theme = paletteHelper.GetTheme();

            // Change theme.
            if (Settings.Instance.IsDarkTheme)

            // Change colors.
            PrimaryColor primary      = PrimaryColor.Blue;
            Color        primaryColor = SwatchHelper.Lookup[(MaterialDesignColor)primary];


            PrimaryColor secondary      = PrimaryColor.Blue;
            Color        secondaryColor = SwatchHelper.Lookup[(MaterialDesignColor)secondary];


            // Change the app's current theme.
Beispiel #6
 public void MergeFrom(ClientRecipe other)
     if (other == null)
     if (other.Id.Length != 0)
         Id = other.Id;
     if (other.Name.Length != 0)
         Name = other.Name;
     if (other.Description.Length != 0)
         Description = other.Description;
     if (other.Icon.Length != 0)
         Icon = other.Icon;
     if (other.Model.Length != 0)
         Model = other.Model;
     if (other.CollectFx.Length != 0)
         CollectFx = other.CollectFx;
     if (other.CraftingFx.Length != 0)
         CraftingFx = other.CraftingFx;
     if (other.RevealFx.Length != 0)
         RevealFx = other.RevealFx;
     if (other.primaryColor_ != null)
         if (primaryColor_ == null)
             PrimaryColor = new global::WUProtos.Data.Color();
     if (other.secondaryColor_ != null)
         if (secondaryColor_ == null)
             SecondaryColor = new global::WUProtos.Data.Color();
     if (other.Index != 0)
         Index = other.Index;
     _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the MDIX primary accent color
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">One of the 18 color values</param>
        internal static void SetPrimaryColor(AccentColor color)
            PaletteHelper paletteHelper = new();
            ITheme        theme         = paletteHelper.GetTheme();
            PrimaryColor  primary       = color switch
                AccentColor.Red => PrimaryColor.Red,
                AccentColor.Pink => PrimaryColor.Pink,
                AccentColor.Purple => PrimaryColor.Purple,
                AccentColor.DeepPurple => PrimaryColor.DeepPurple,
                AccentColor.Indigo => PrimaryColor.Indigo,
                AccentColor.Blue => PrimaryColor.Blue,
                AccentColor.LightBlue => PrimaryColor.LightBlue,
                AccentColor.Cyan => PrimaryColor.Cyan,
                AccentColor.Teal => PrimaryColor.Teal,
                AccentColor.Green => PrimaryColor.Green,
                AccentColor.LightGreen => PrimaryColor.LightGreen,
                AccentColor.Lime => PrimaryColor.Lime,
                AccentColor.Yellow => PrimaryColor.Yellow,
                AccentColor.Amber => PrimaryColor.Amber,
                AccentColor.Orange => PrimaryColor.Orange,
                AccentColor.DeepOrange => PrimaryColor.DeepOrange,
                AccentColor.Brown => PrimaryColor.Brown,
                AccentColor.Grey => PrimaryColor.Grey,
                AccentColor.BlueGray => PrimaryColor.BlueGrey,
                _ => PrimaryColor.Blue,
            Color primaryColor = SwatchHelper.Lookup[(MaterialDesignColor)primary];

Beispiel #8
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = PrimaryColor.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SecondaryColor.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ StandbyColor.GetHashCode();
Beispiel #9
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (Name.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Name.GetHashCode();
            if (Description.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Description.GetHashCode();
            if (Icon.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Icon.GetHashCode();
            if (Model.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Model.GetHashCode();
            if (CollectFx.Length != 0)
                hash ^= CollectFx.GetHashCode();
            if (CraftingFx.Length != 0)
                hash ^= CraftingFx.GetHashCode();
            if (RevealFx.Length != 0)
                hash ^= RevealFx.GetHashCode();
            if (primaryColor_ != null)
                hash ^= PrimaryColor.GetHashCode();
            if (secondaryColor_ != null)
                hash ^= SecondaryColor.GetHashCode();
            if (Index != 0)
                hash ^= Index.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
Beispiel #10
 public Brush CreateBrush(bool swapColors)
     if (!swapColors)
         return(BrushInfo.CreateBrush(PrimaryColor.ToColor(), SecondaryColor.ToColor()));
         return(BrushInfo.CreateBrush(SecondaryColor.ToColor(), PrimaryColor.ToColor()));
Beispiel #11
 public Pen CreatePen(bool swapColors)
     if (!swapColors)
         return(PenInfo.CreatePen(BrushInfo, PrimaryColor.ToColor(), SecondaryColor.ToColor()));
         return(PenInfo.CreatePen(BrushInfo, SecondaryColor.ToColor(), PrimaryColor.ToColor()));
Beispiel #12
        public MainWindow()

            overtoggle.IsChecked = Properties.Settings.Default.overing;
            theme.IsChecked      = Properties.Settings.Default.theme;
            toggle.IsChecked     = Properties.Settings.Default.txtdel;

            PrimaryColor   primary        = PrimaryColor.DeepPurple;
            Color          primaryColor   = SwatchHelper.Lookup[(MaterialDesignColor)primary];
            SecondaryColor secondary      = SecondaryColor.Teal;
            Color          secondaryColor = SwatchHelper.Lookup[(MaterialDesignColor)secondary];
            IBaseTheme     baseTheme      = Theme.Light;
            ITheme         themee         = Theme.Create(baseTheme, primaryColor, secondaryColor);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task PrimaryColor_AdjustToTheme(PrimaryColor primary)
            await using var recorder = new TestRecorder(App);

            await App.InitialzeWithMaterialDesign(BaseTheme.Light, primary, colorAdjustment : new ColorAdjustment());

            IWindow window = await App.CreateWindow <ColorAdjustWindow>();

            await recorder.SaveScreenshot();

            Color windowBackground = await window.GetBackgroundColor();

            IVisualElement themeToggle = await window.GetElement("/ToggleButton");

            IVisualElement largeText = await window.GetElement("/TextBlock[0]");

            IVisualElement smallText = await window.GetElement("/TextBlock[1]");

            await AssertContrastRatio();

            await themeToggle.Click();

            await Wait.For(async() => await window.GetBackgroundColor() != windowBackground);

            await AssertContrastRatio();


            async Task AssertContrastRatio()
                Color largeTextForeground = await largeText.GetForegroundColor();

                Color largeTextBackground = await largeText.GetEffectiveBackground();

                Color smallTextForeground = await smallText.GetForegroundColor();

                Color smallTextBackground = await smallText.GetEffectiveBackground();

                var largeContrastRatio = ColorAssist.ContrastRatio(largeTextForeground, largeTextBackground);

                Assert.True(largeContrastRatio >= MaterialDesignSpec.MinimumContrastLargeText, $"Large font contrast ratio '{largeContrastRatio}' does not meet material design spec {MaterialDesignSpec.MinimumContrastLargeText}");
                var smallContrastRatio = ColorAssist.ContrastRatio(smallTextForeground, smallTextBackground);

                Assert.True(smallContrastRatio >= MaterialDesignSpec.MinimumContrastSmallText, $"Small font contrast ratio '{smallContrastRatio}' does not meet material design spec {MaterialDesignSpec.MinimumContrastSmallText}");
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (PrimaryColor.Length != 0)
                hash ^= PrimaryColor.GetHashCode();
            if (SecondaryColor.Length != 0)
                hash ^= SecondaryColor.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
        public override IEnumerator ReceivePayload(VisualPayload payload)
            foreach (var entry in Scope.GetEntries(payload.Data))
                var generatedGradient = OpcodeToTextureBanding.GenerateTextureBanding(

                BandingTarget.SetValue(generatedGradient, entry);

            var iterator = Router.TransmitAll(payload);

            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                yield return(null);
        protected override MutableObject Mutate(MutableObject mutable)
            var frequencies = ByteHistogram.GetFirstValue(mutable);

            var saturation = Saturation.GetFirstValue(mutable);
            var value      = Value.GetFirstValue(mutable);

            var frequencyBands = new List <FrequencyBand>();

            var totalSize = (float)frequencies.Sum(f => f);

            var currentPosition = 0f;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var frequency in frequencies)
                frequencyBands.Add(new FrequencyBand
                    Byte      = i++,
                    Color     = ColorUtility.HsvtoRgb(currentPosition / totalSize, saturation, value),
                    Start     = currentPosition / totalSize,
                    End       = (currentPosition + frequency) / totalSize,
                    Frequency = frequency
                currentPosition = currentPosition + frequency;

            frequencyBands.Sort((a, b) => 0 - a.Frequency.CompareTo(b.Frequency));

            var smoothGradient       = SmoothGradient.GetFirstValue(mutable);
            var numberOfPoints       = Keypoints.GetFirstValue(mutable);
            var edgeWidth            = EdgeWidth.GetFirstValue(mutable);
            var primaryColor         = PrimaryColor.GetFirstValue(mutable);
            var primaryImpactOnBands = PrimaryImpactOnBands.GetFirstValue(mutable);

            var newGradient = new ColorGradient(numberOfPoints * (smoothGradient?1:2));

            frequencyBands = frequencyBands.Take(numberOfPoints).OrderBy(f => f.Start).ToList();

            if (smoothGradient)
                for (var k = 0; k < Mathf.Min(numberOfPoints, frequencyBands.Count); k++)
                        newGradient.AddColorKey(new GradientColorKey(
                                                    (frequencyBands[k].Start + frequencyBands[k].End) / 2f));
                for (var k = 1; k < Mathf.Min(numberOfPoints, frequencyBands.Count); k++)
                    var k1 = frequencyBands[k - 1].Color;
                    newGradient.AddColorKey(new GradientColorKey(
                                                Color.Lerp(frequencyBands[k - 1].Color,
                                                           primaryColor, primaryImpactOnBands),
                                                frequencyBands[k - 1].Start + edgeWidth / 2f));

                    var k2 = frequencyBands[k - 1].Color;
                    newGradient.AddColorKey(new GradientColorKey(
                                                Color.Lerp(frequencyBands[k - 1].Color,
                                                           primaryColor, primaryImpactOnBands),
                                                frequencyBands[k].Start - edgeWidth / 2f));

                    if (k1 != k2)
                        throw new Exception("What?  How are these colors not matched?");

            HistogramGradient.SetValue(newGradient, mutable);

Beispiel #17
 protected bool Equals(ColorSettings other)
     return(PrimaryColor.Equals(other.PrimaryColor) && SecondaryColor.Equals(other.SecondaryColor) && StandbyColor.Equals(other.StandbyColor));
Beispiel #18
        private void load(THSharpSkinElement textures)
            Health = MaxHealth;

            Anchor = Anchor.TopLeft;
            Origin = Anchor.Centre;

            //TODO: Temp?
            Size = new Vector2(64);

            AddRange(new Drawable[]
                Seal          = new Seal(this),
                SoulContainer = new Container
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                    Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                    Colour           = PrimaryColor,
                    Alpha            = 1,
                    Children         = new Drawable[]
                        StillSprite = new Sprite
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Alpha            = 1,
                        RightSprite = new Sprite
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Alpha            = 0,
                        LeftSprite = new Sprite
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Alpha            = 0,
                KiaiContainer = new Container
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                    Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                    Alpha            = 0,
                    Children         = new Drawable[]
                        KiaiStillSprite = new Sprite
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Alpha            = 1,
                        KiaiRightSprite = new Sprite
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Alpha            = 0,
                        KiaiLeftSprite = new Sprite
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Anchor           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Origin           = Anchor.Centre,
                            Alpha            = 0,
                VisibleHitbox = new CircularContainer
                    Anchor          = Anchor.Centre,
                    Origin          = Anchor.Centre,
                    Alpha           = 0,
                    Size            = new Vector2(HitboxWidth + HitboxWidth / 4),
                    BorderColour    = PrimaryColor,
                    BorderThickness = HitboxWidth / 4,
                    Masking         = true,

                    Child = new Box
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both
                    EdgeEffect = new EdgeEffectParameters
                        Radius = HitboxWidth / 2,
                        Type   = EdgeEffectType.Shadow,
                        Colour = PrimaryColor.Opacity(0.5f)

            Add(Hitbox = new SymcolHitbox(new Vector2(HitboxWidth))
                Team = Team

            if (CharacterName == "player" || CharacterName == "enemy")
                KiaiContainer.Colour = PrimaryColor;

Beispiel #19
 public static Color ConvertPrimaryColor(PrimaryColor primaryColor)
Beispiel #20
        public UIBlackStyle()
            base.Init(UIColor.Blue, UIStyle.Black, Color.White, UIFontColor.Primary);

            PrimaryColor = Color.FromArgb(24, 24, 24);
            RectColor    = Color.FromArgb(18, 58, 92);
            PlainColor   = Color.FromArgb(24, 24, 24);
            Color ForeColor = Color.White;

            Color[] colors  = Color.White.GradientColors(PrimaryColor, 16);
            Color[] colors1 = PrimaryColor.GradientColors(Color.Black, 16);

            FormTitleColor                    = colors1[2];
            FormTitleForeColor                = ForeColor;
            FormForeColor                     = ForeColor;
            FormRectColor                     = RectColor;
            FormControlBoxFillHoverColor      = colors[12];
            FormControlBoxCloseFillHoverColor = UIColor.Red;
            FormBackColor                     = PrimaryColor;
            FormControlBoxForeColor           = ForeColor;

            ButtonFillLightColor = UIStyles.Blue.PlainColor;
            ButtonForeLightColor = UIStyles.Blue.PrimaryColor;

            PageBackColor      = PlainColor;
            PageRectColor      = PrimaryColor;
            PageForeColor      = ForeColor;
            PageTitleFillColor = Color.FromArgb(76, 76, 76);
            PageTitleForeColor = ForeColor;

            AvatarFillColor = Color.Silver;
            AvatarForeColor = PrimaryColor;

            LabelForeColor = ForeColor;

            LineForeColor = ForeColor;
            LineFillColor = PlainColor;
            LineRectColor = ForeColor;

            CheckBoxForeColor = ForeColor;

            ContextMenuColor         = Color.FromArgb(18, 58, 92);
            ContextMenuSelectedColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 160, 255);
            ContextMenuForeColor     = ForeColor;

            PanelForeColor      = ForeColor;
            PanelRectColor      = RectColor;
            PanelFillColor      = PlainColor;
            PanelFillColor2     = PlainColor;
            PanelTitleColor     = FormTitleColor;
            PanelTitleForeColor = ForeColor;

            TrackBarFillColor = PlainColor;
            TrackBarForeColor = UIColor.Blue;
            TrackBarRectColor = UIColor.Blue;
            TrackDisableColor = Color.Silver;

            BreadcrumbUnSelectedColor = Color.Silver;

            ImageButtonForeColor = ForeColor;

            BatteryFillColor = PrimaryColor;

            DataGridViewFooterForeColor = ForeColor;

            GridSelectedColor     = colors[13];
            GridSelectedForeColor = ForeColor;
            GridStripeEvenColor   = PlainColor;
            GridStripeOddColor    = PlainColor;
            GridLineColor         = RectColor;
            GridTitleColor        = Color.FromArgb(16, 45, 92);
            GridTitleForeColor    = ForeColor;
            GridForeColor         = ForeColor;
            GridBarFillColor      = PlainColor;
            GridBarForeColor      = ForeColor;

            TreeViewSelectedColor = PrimaryColor;
            TreeViewHoverColor    = colors[13];
            TreeViewBarFillColor  = PlainColor;
            TreeViewBarForeColor  = ForeColor;
            TreeViewForeColor     = ForeColor;
            TreeViewBackColor     = PlainColor;
            TreeViewLineColor     = ForeColor;

            PaginationForeColor = ForeColor;

            FlowLayoutPanelBarFillColor = PlainColor;
            FlowLayoutPanelBarForeColor = ForeColor;

            ListItemSelectBackColor = UIColor.Blue;
            ListItemSelectForeColor = ForeColor;
            ListItemHoverColor      = colors[13];
            ListBarFillColor        = PlainColor;
            ListBarForeColor        = ForeColor;
            ListBackColor           = PlainColor;
            ListForeColor           = ForeColor;

            ScrollBarFillColor = PlainColor;
            ScrollBarForeColor = ForeColor;

            ScrollingTextFillColor = PlainColor;
            ScrollingTextForeColor = ForeColor;

            LogoForeColor = UIFontColor.Primary;

            DropDownControlColor   = ForeColor;
            DropDownPanelFillColor = UIColor.LightBlue;
            DropDownPanelForeColor = UIFontColor.Primary;

            DropDownStyle = UIStyles.Blue;

            SplitContainerArrowColor = UIColor.Blue;