Beispiel #1
        public void Compare_ReturnsNegative_IfSecondArguementIsSmaller()
            PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst comparer = new PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst();
            Price p1     = new Price(2);
            Price p2     = new Price(1);
            int   result = comparer.Compare(p1, p2);

            Assert.True(result < 0, "Result should be less than 0");
Beispiel #2
        public void Compare_ReturnsPositive_IfSecondArguementIs0()
            PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst comparer = new PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst();
            Price p1     = new Price(1);
            Price p2     = new Price(0);
            int   result = comparer.Compare(p1, p2);

            Assert.True(result > 0, "Result should be greater than 0");
Beispiel #3
        public void Compare_Returns0_IfBothArguementAre0()
            PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst comparer = new PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst();
            Price p1     = new Price(0);
            Price p2     = new Price(0);
            int   result = comparer.Compare(p1, p2);

            Assert.True(result == 0, "Result should be greater than 0");
Beispiel #4
        public void SortedDictionarySortsDescendingPriceLevel()
            PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst     comparer         = new PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst();
            SortedDictionary <Price, PriceLevel> sortedDictionary = new SortedDictionary <Price, PriceLevel>(comparer);
            Price      price1 = new Price(1);
            PriceLevel level1 = new PriceLevel(price1);

            sortedDictionary.Add(price1, level1);

            Price      price4 = new Price(4);
            PriceLevel level4 = new PriceLevel(price4);

            sortedDictionary.Add(price4, level4);

            Price      price3 = new Price(3);
            PriceLevel level3 = new PriceLevel(price3);

            sortedDictionary.Add(price3, level3);

            Price      price2 = new Price(2);
            PriceLevel level2 = new PriceLevel(price2);

            sortedDictionary.Add(price2, level2);

            Price      price0 = new Price(0);
            PriceLevel level0 = new PriceLevel(price0);

            sortedDictionary.Add(price0, level0);

            Price      price5 = new Price(5);
            PriceLevel level5 = new PriceLevel(price5);

            sortedDictionary.Add(price5, level5);

            List <PriceLevel> expectedPriceLevelSortOrder = new List <PriceLevel>()
                level0, level5, level4, level3, level2, level1

            AssertHelper.SequentiallyEqual(expectedPriceLevelSortOrder, sortedDictionary.Values.ToList());

            List <Price> expectedPriceSortOrder = new List <Price>()
                price0, price5, price4, price3, price2, price1

            AssertHelper.SequentiallyEqual(expectedPriceSortOrder, sortedDictionary.Keys.ToList());
 public PriceComparerBenchmark()
     _priceComparerDescending          = new PriceComparerDescending();
     _priceComparerDescendingZeroFirst = new PriceComparerDescendingZeroFirst();
     _priceComparerAscending           = new PriceComparerAscending();