private void btPredict_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] lines = tbExportedSpectrum.Lines;
            // define the pattern for matching m/z lines;
            string     mzLinePattern = @"\d+.\d+\t[ ]+\d+.\d+";
            string     valuePattern  = @"\d+.\d+";
            List <Ion> peakList      = new List <Ion>();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < lines.Length; idx++)
                MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(lines[idx], mzLinePattern);
                if (matches.Count > 0)
                    matches = Regex.Matches(matches[0].Groups[0].Value, valuePattern);
                    double mz = double.Parse(matches[0].Groups[0].Value);
                    double h  = double.Parse(matches[1].Groups[0].Value);
                    peakList.Add(new Ion(mz, h));

            // get the instrument designated precursor m/z and charge state;
            double precMz = double.Parse(lines[lines.Length - 2].Trim());
            int    precZ  = int.Parse(lines[lines.Length - 1].Trim());

            // predict the precursors;
            PrecursorCorrector pc      = new PrecursorCorrector();
            List <Envelope>    envList = pc.FindEnvelopes(peakList, precMz, precZ);
            int counter = 0;

            foreach (Envelope env in envList)
                lbOutput.Items.Add("Envelope " + (++counter) + ":");
                lbOutput.Items.Add("\tm/z = " + env.MonoisotPeak.MZ + ", z = " + env.Charge);
                lbOutput.Items.Add("\tscore = " + env.Score);