private static void OnMessageReceived(IMessage message)
                OpenRailBytesMessage oMessage = null;
                IBytesMessage        msgBytes = message as IBytesMessage;
                if (msgBytes != null)
                    oMessage = new OpenRailBytesMessage(message.NMSTimestamp, msgBytes.Content);

                if (oMessage != null)
                    if ((miMessageCount % 25) == 0)
                        Pport  oPPort       = DarwinMessageHelper.GetMessageAsObjects(oMessage.Bytes);
                        string sMessageType = DarwinMessageHelper.GetMessageDescription(oPPort);
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + ": Total Messages Received = " + miMessageCount.ToString() + ": Last Message = " + sMessageType);
            catch (Exception oException)
                Console.WriteLine("MESSAGE ERROR:  " + oException.GetType().FullName);
        public static string GetMessageDescription(Pport oPPort)
            var sName = oPPort.ItemElementName.ToString();

            if (oPPort.Item is PportUR uR)
                sName = GetUrContentTypes(uR);
        public static string GetMessageDescription(Pport oPPort)
            string  sName = oPPort.ItemElementName.ToString();
            PportUR uR    = oPPort.Item as PportUR;

            if (uR != null)
                sName = GetURContentTypes(uR);
        static void _nmsConnection_FeedDataRecieved(object sender, Pport e)
            switch (e.ItemElementName)
            case ItemChoiceType1.uR:
                var ur = (DataResponse)e.Item;
                if (ur.alarm != null && ur.alarm.Any())
                if (ur.association != null && ur.association.Any())
                if (ur.deactivated != null && ur.deactivated.Any())
                    foreach (var ts in ur.deactivated)
                if (ur.OW != null && ur.OW.Any())
                if (ur.schedule != null && ur.schedule.Any())
                if (ur.trackingID != null && ur.trackingID.Any())
                if (ur.trainAlert != null && ur.trainAlert.Any())
                if (ur.trainOrder != null && ur.trainOrder.Any())
                if (ur.TS != null && ur.TS.Any())
                    foreach (var ts in ur.TS)


            case ItemChoiceType1.sR:

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // CONNECTION SETTINGS:  In your code, move these into some form of configuration file / table
            // *** change the lines below to match your personal details *** 
            string sConnectUrl = "activemq:tcp://InsertYourHostHere:61616?connection.watchTopicAdvisories=false";
            string sUser = "******";
            string sPassword = "******";
            string sTopic = "darwin.pushport-v16";

            if ((sUser == "InsertYourUserNameHere") || (sPassword == "InsertYourPasswordHere") || (sConnectUrl.Contains("InsertYourHostHere")))
                Console.WriteLine("DARWIN PUSH PORT RECEIVER SAMPLE: ");
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR:  Please update the source code (in the Program.cs file) to use your user name and password!");

            // create the shared queues (into which the receiver will enqueue messages/errors)
            ConcurrentQueue<OpenRailMessage> oMessageQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<OpenRailMessage>();
            ConcurrentQueue<OpenRailException> oErrorQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<OpenRailException>();

            // create the receiver
            OpenRailDarwinPushPortReceiver oDarwinReceiver = new OpenRailDarwinPushPortReceiver(
                sConnectUrl, sUser, sPassword, sTopic, oMessageQueue, oErrorQueue, 100);

            // Start the receiver

            // Running: process the output from the receiver (in the queues) and display progress
            DateTime dtRunUntilUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(120);
            DateTime dtNextUiUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int iTextMessageCount = 0;
            int iBytesMessageCount = 0;
            int iUnsupportedMessageCount = 0;
            string msLastBytesMessageContent = null;
            int iErrorCount = 0;
            string msLastErrorInfo = null;
            while (DateTime.UtcNow < dtRunUntilUtc)
                // attempt to dequeue and process any errors that occurred in the receiver
                while ((oErrorQueue.Count > 0) && (DateTime.UtcNow < dtNextUiUpdateTime))
                    OpenRailException oOpenRailException = null;
                    if (oErrorQueue.TryDequeue(out oOpenRailException))
                        // the code here simply counts the errors, and captures the details of the last 
                        // error - your code may log details of errors to a database or log file
                        msLastErrorInfo = OpenRailException.GetShortErrorInfo(oOpenRailException);

                // attempt to dequeue and process some messages
                while ((oMessageQueue.Count > 0) && (DateTime.UtcNow < dtNextUiUpdateTime))
                    OpenRailMessage oMessage = null;
                    if (oMessageQueue.TryDequeue(out oMessage))
                        // Darwin should not be sending text messages (code is here just in case)
                        OpenRailTextMessage oTextMessage = oMessage as OpenRailTextMessage;
                        if (oTextMessage != null) iTextMessageCount++;

                        // All Darwin push port messages should be byte messages
                        OpenRailBytesMessage oBytesMessage = oMessage as OpenRailBytesMessage;
                        if (oBytesMessage != null)

                            // the processing here simply deserializes the message to objects
                            // and gets a description of each object.  Your code here
                            // could write to a database, files, etc.
                            Pport oPPort = DarwinMessageHelper.GetMessageAsObjects(oBytesMessage.Bytes);
                            msLastBytesMessageContent = DarwinMessageHelper.GetMessageDescription(oPPort);

                        // Darwin should not be sending any other message types (code is here just in case)
                        OpenRailUnsupportedMessage oUnsupportedMessage = oMessage as OpenRailUnsupportedMessage;
                        if (oUnsupportedMessage != null) iUnsupportedMessageCount++;

                if (dtNextUiUpdateTime < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    Console.WriteLine("DARWIN PUSH PORT RECEIVER SAMPLE: ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Remaining Run Time = " + dtRunUntilUtc.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds.ToString("###0.0") + " seconds");
                    Console.WriteLine("Receiver Status:");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Message Receiver Running = " + oDarwinReceiver.IsRunning.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("  Message Receiver Connected To Data Feed = " + oDarwinReceiver.IsConnected.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("  Size of local In-Memory Queue = " + oMessageQueue.Count.ToString()); // i.e. messages received from the feed but not yet processed locally
                    Console.WriteLine("  Last Message Received At = " + oDarwinReceiver.LastMessageReceivedAtUtc.ToLocalTime().ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff ddd dd MMM yyyy"));
                    Console.WriteLine("  Total Messages Received = " + oDarwinReceiver.MessageCount.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Processing Status:");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Text Message Count = " + iTextMessageCount.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("  Bytes Message Count = " + iBytesMessageCount.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("  Unsupported Message Count = " + iUnsupportedMessageCount.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("  Last Bytes Message Parsed = " + (msLastBytesMessageContent == null ? "" : msLastBytesMessageContent));
                    Console.WriteLine("  Total Errors = " + iErrorCount.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("  Last Error = " + (msLastErrorInfo == null ? "" : msLastErrorInfo));
                    dtNextUiUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(500);

                if (oMessageQueue.Count < 10) Thread.Sleep(50);

            Console.WriteLine("Stopping Receiver...");


            while (oDarwinReceiver.IsRunning)

            Console.WriteLine("Receiver stopped.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");