Beispiel #1
    void Update()
        // Calls a function to update the UI Text.

        // Calls a function to shoot the raycast.

        // Calls a function to manage the recipe book.

        // Checks if you press the interact key and that you are looking at an object.
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && collision != null)
            // Checks if you are holding an item and if you are drops it.
            if (holding)
                holding = !holding;
            // Checks if the object you are looking at is a PickUp and if it is picks it up.
            else if (collision.tag == "PickUp")
                pickUp  = collision;
                holding = !holding;
                collision.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity =;
            // Checks if the object you are looking at is a Crate and if it is takes an item from it.
            else if (collision.tag == "Crate")
                pickUp      = Instantiate(collision.GetComponent <CrateObject>().crateObject);
       ="(Clone)", "");
                holding     = !holding;
            // Checks if the object you are looking at is a Pot and if so takes the meal in its current state from it.
            else if (collision.tag == "Pot")
                PotController controller = collision.GetComponent <PotController>();

                int index = controller.currentRecipe.meal;
                int state = Mathf.FloorToInt(controller.GetCookingTime());

                mealPrefab = meals[index - recipeBook.foodCount];

                pickUp = Instantiate(mealPrefab);
                pickUp.GetComponent <MealBehaviour>().SetMealBehaviour(index, state);
                holding = !holding;

        // Checks if the current key down is Escape and if so returns to menu.
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        // Checks if you are holding and object and if so moves the object infront of the player.
        if (holding)
            pickUp.GetComponent <Transform>().position = transform.position + (transform.forward * 5);
        // Otherwise clears the pickUp variable.
            pickUp = null;