Beispiel #1
        // GET: /Profile/

        public ActionResult Timeline()
            ViewBag.currentUser = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            if (User.Identity.GetUserId() == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));

            var posts = db.Posts.ToList();

            List <Post> myPosts = new List <Post>();

            myPosts = posts.Where(t => t.UserId.Contains(User.Identity.GetUserId())).ToList();

            var postIdList = db.Likes.Select(d => d.PostId).Distinct().ToList();
            List <PostLikeComment> likeList = new List <PostLikeComment>();

            foreach (var VARIABLE in postIdList)
                //var user1 = db.Likes.Where(d => d.PostId == VARIABLE).Select new{(d => d.UserId).ToList();}
                var user = (from l in db.Likes
                            where l.PostId == VARIABLE
                            select new

                // Total Count
                int postIdCount      = user.Count;
                int countWithUser    = 0;
                int countWithoutUser = 0;

                foreach (var v in user)
                    bool find = v.UserId.Equals(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                    if (find)
                        countWithUser = 1;

                countWithoutUser = postIdCount - countWithUser;

                foreach (var v in user)
                    PostLikeComment aLike = new PostLikeComment();
                    aLike.PostId         = v.PostId;
                    aLike.TotalLikeCount = postIdCount;
                    aLike.LikeStatus     = countWithUser;
            //End of PostLikeComment

            List <PostLikeComment> PostWithLike = new List <PostLikeComment>();

            foreach (var item in myPosts)
                PostLikeComment aPostLikeComment = new PostLikeComment();

                aPostLikeComment.PostId   = item.PostId;
                aPostLikeComment.UserId   = item.UserId;
                aPostLikeComment.UserName = item.UserName;
                aPostLikeComment.TextPost = item.TextPost;
                aPostLikeComment.ImgPost  = item.ImgPost;
                aPostLikeComment.PostDate = item.PostDate;

                var aLikes = (from l in db.Likes
                              where l.PostId == item.PostId
                              select new

                foreach (var v in aLikes)
                    aPostLikeComment.TotalLikeCount = aLikes.Count;

                string user = User.Identity.GetUserId();

                var aLikess = (from l in db.Likes
                               where l.UserId == user && l.PostId == item.PostId
                               select new

                foreach (var v in aLikes)
                    aPostLikeComment.LikeStatus = aLikess.Count;


            string  userId       = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var     profilePhoto = db.ProfilePhotoes.Where(s => s.UserId.Contains(userId)).ToList();
            dynamic mymodel      = new ExpandoObject();

            mymodel.PostWithLike = PostWithLike.OrderByDescending(d => d.PostDate).Distinct();
            mymodel.profilePhoto = profilePhoto;

            //Load Post Comment
            var postIds = db.PostComments.Select(d => d.PostId).Distinct().ToList();

            var postIdCommentList = db.PostComments.ToList();

            List <ViewPostComment> CommentList = new List <ViewPostComment>();

            foreach (var VARIABLE in postIds)
                // Total Comment Count

                var comments = (from l in db.PostComments
                                where l.PostId == VARIABLE
                                select new

                // End of Loading

                ViewPostComment aComment = new ViewPostComment();

                // Passing Post Comments to View myModel in Profile Controller
                aComment.PostId = VARIABLE;
                List <ViewCommentwithUser> comment = new List <ViewCommentwithUser>();
                foreach (var v1 in comments)
                    var userName = (from u in db.Users
                                    where u.Id == v1.UserId
                                    select new { u.Name, u.Id }).ToList();

                    string userNames = "";
                    foreach (var v2 in userName)
                        userNames = v2.Name;

                    ViewCommentwithUser commentUser = new ViewCommentwithUser();
                    commentUser.UserName      = userNames;
                    commentUser.CommentatorId = v1.UserId;
                    commentUser.Comment       = v1.UserComment;

                aComment.Ucomment = comment;

            var coverPhoto = db.CoverPhotoes.Where(s => s.UserId.Contains(userId)).ToList();

            mymodel.PostWithComment = CommentList;
            mymodel.coverPhoto      = coverPhoto;

            ViewBag.coverPhoto   = coverPhoto;
            ViewBag.profilePhoto = profilePhoto;

            //Friend Request Count
            var friendIdList = new List <string>();
            var userIdss     = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var friendIdQrys = db.Friends.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIdss && d.Status == "Pending").Select(d => d.UserId);


            //Notification Count
            string userIdNot     = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var    notifications = db.ContentNotifications.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIdNot).ToList();

            ViewBag.NotificationCount = notifications.Count();

            var requestCount = friendIdList.Count();

            ViewBag.RequestCount = requestCount;

Beispiel #2
        // GET: /Post/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            Post    post    = db.Posts.Find(id);
            dynamic mymodel = new ExpandoObject();

            if (post == null)
                //Friend Request Count
                var friendIdList = new List <string>();
                var userIdss     = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var friendIdQrys = db.Friends.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIdss && d.Status == "Pending").Select(d => d.UserId);

                var requestCount = friendIdList.Count();
                ViewBag.RequestCount = requestCount;

                //Notification Count
                string userIdNot     = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var    notifications = db.ContentNotifications.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIdNot).ToList();
                ViewBag.NotificationCount = notifications.Count();

                ViewBag.Message = "This post is no longer available";


                var posts = db.Posts.ToList();

                List <Post> myPosts = new List <Post>();
                myPosts = posts.Where(t => t.UserId.Contains(User.Identity.GetUserId())).ToList();

                var friendIdLst = new List <string>();
                var userIds     = User.Identity.GetUserId();//my id
                var friendIdQry = db.Friends.Where(d => d.UserId == userIds && d.Status == "True").Select(d => d.FriendId);

                var friendPosts = new List <Post>();

                foreach (string fi in friendIdLst)
                    List <Post> fPosts = posts.Where(t => t.UserId.Contains(fi)).OrderBy(d => d.PostDate).ToList();
                    foreach (var VARIABLE in fPosts)

                foreach (var VARIABLE in friendPosts)

                var friendIdLst2 = new List <string>();

                var userIds2     = User.Identity.GetUserId();//my id
                var friendIdQry2 = db.Friends.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIds2 && d.Status == "True").Select(d => d.UserId);

                var friendPosts2 = new List <Post>();

                foreach (string fi in friendIdLst2)
                    List <Post> fPosts2 = posts.Where(t => t.UserId.Contains(fi)).OrderBy(d => d.PostDate).ToList();
                    foreach (var VARIABLE in fPosts2)

                foreach (var VARIABLE in friendPosts2)

                var allPost = myPosts.OrderByDescending(d => d.PostDate).Distinct();

                var postIdList = db.Likes.Select(d => d.PostId).Distinct().ToList();
                List <PostLikeComment> likeList = new List <PostLikeComment>();

                foreach (var VARIABLE in postIdList)
                    //var user1 = db.Likes.Where(d => d.PostId == VARIABLE).Select new{(d => d.UserId).ToList();}
                    var user = (from l in db.Likes
                                where l.PostId == VARIABLE
                                select new

                    // Total Count
                    int postIdCount      = user.Count;
                    int countWithUser    = 0;
                    int countWithoutUser = 0;

                    foreach (var v in user)
                        bool find = v.UserId.Equals(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                        if (find)
                            countWithUser = 1;

                    countWithoutUser = postIdCount - countWithUser;

                    foreach (var v in user)
                        PostLikeComment aLike = new PostLikeComment();
                        aLike.PostId         = v.PostId;
                        aLike.TotalLikeCount = postIdCount;
                        aLike.LikeStatus     = countWithUser;
                //End of PostLikeComment

                List <PostLikeComment> PostWithLike = new List <PostLikeComment>();

                foreach (var item in allPost)
                    PostLikeComment aPostLikeComment = new PostLikeComment();

                    aPostLikeComment.PostId   = item.PostId;
                    aPostLikeComment.UserId   = item.UserId;
                    aPostLikeComment.UserName = item.UserName;
                    aPostLikeComment.TextPost = item.TextPost;
                    aPostLikeComment.ImgPost  = item.ImgPost;
                    aPostLikeComment.PostDate = item.PostDate;

                    var aLikes = (from l in db.Likes
                                  where l.PostId == item.PostId
                                  select new

                    foreach (var v in aLikes)
                        aPostLikeComment.TotalLikeCount = aLikes.Count;

                    string user = User.Identity.GetUserId();

                    var aLikess = (from l in db.Likes
                                   where l.UserId == user && l.PostId == item.PostId
                                   select new

                    foreach (var v in aLikes)
                        aPostLikeComment.LikeStatus = aLikess.Count;


                string userId       = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var    profilePhoto = db.ProfilePhotoes.Where(s => s.UserId.Contains(userId)).ToList();

                mymodel.PostWithLike = PostWithLike;
                mymodel.profilePhoto = profilePhoto;

                //Load Post Comment
                var postIds = db.PostComments.Select(d => d.PostId).Distinct().ToList();

                var postIdCommentList = db.PostComments.ToList();

                List <ViewPostComment> CommentList = new List <ViewPostComment>();

                foreach (var VARIABLE in postIds)
                    // Total Comment Count

                    var comments = (from l in db.PostComments
                                    where l.PostId == VARIABLE
                                    select new

                    // End of Loading

                    ViewPostComment aComment = new ViewPostComment();

                    // Passing Post Comments to View myModel in Profile Controller
                    aComment.PostId = VARIABLE;
                    List <ViewCommentwithUser> comment = new List <ViewCommentwithUser>();
                    foreach (var v1 in comments)
                        var userName = (from u in db.Users
                                        where u.Id == v1.UserId
                                        select new { u.Name, u.Id }).ToList();

                        string userNames = "";
                        foreach (var v2 in userName)
                            userNames = v2.Name;

                        ViewCommentwithUser commentUser = new ViewCommentwithUser();
                        commentUser.UserName      = userNames;
                        commentUser.CommentatorId = v1.UserId;
                        commentUser.Comment       = v1.UserComment;

                    aComment.Ucomment = comment;

                List <Post> postList = new List <Post>();
                mymodel.Post            = postList;
                mymodel.PostWithComment = CommentList;

                //Friend Request Count
                var friendIdLists = new List <string>();
                var userIdsss     = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var friendIdQryss = db.Friends.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIdsss && d.Status == "Pending").Select(d => d.UserId);

                var requestCounts = friendIdLists.Count();
                ViewBag.RequestCount = requestCounts;

                //Notification Count
                string userIdNots     = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var    notificationss = db.ContentNotifications.Where(d => d.FriendId == userIdNots).ToList();
                ViewBag.NotificationCount = notificationss.Count();
