Beispiel #1
        private async Task Multiply()
            await MatureTadpolesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var request = new GetSingleRequest <PairSelection>(new Filter <PairSelection>(new[]
                new FilterTerm(nameof(PairSelection.Date), FilterOperators.Equal, _day)

            var getPairBasket = await _pairSelectionMine.SendAsync(new GetSingleBasket <PairSelection>(request))

            var pair = getPairBasket.AscentPayload;

            if (pair.IsValid)
                var mateBasket = new PostBasket <MatingEvent, string>(new MatingEvent(pair.Male, pair.Female, pair.Date));

                // this call returns a basket, but it's just the same basket that was passed in.  Since we already have a reference
                // to it we don't need to assign the result to a new variable
                await _matingEventMine.SendAsync(mateBasket).ConfigureAwait(false);

Beispiel #2
        public void Construct()
            var frog = new Frog {
                Name = "Fred", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Today
            var basket = new PostBasket <Frog, int>(frog);

            Assert.Equal(typeof(Frog), basket.DataType);
            Assert.Same(frog, basket.DescentPayload);
Beispiel #3
        private async Task MatureTadpolesAsync()
            var maturationBasket = new PostBasket <MaturationEvent, int>(new MaturationEvent(_day));
            await _maturationEventMine.SendAsync(maturationBasket).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var maturedCount = maturationBasket.AscentPayload;

            if (maturedCount > 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine($"[{_day:d}] {maturedCount} tadpoles have matured");
Beispiel #4
        public async Task Patch()
            var layer = new SalesforceLayer <MyContact>(_forceClient, new MyContactObjectDescriptor());

            var contact = new MyContact
                Forename   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Surname    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Street     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                City       = "Glasgow",
                Country    = "United Kingdom",
                PostalCode = "G12AB",
                CanEmail   = true

            var postBasket = new PostBasket <MyContact, string>(contact);
            await layer.AddResultAsync(postBasket, new Visit("Post", VisitDirections.Down)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var id = postBasket.AscentPayload;


            var patchRequest = new PatchRequest <string, MyContact>(
                new Delta <string, MyContact>(id, new Dictionary <string, object>
                { nameof(MyContact.Forename), "Jimmy" },
                { nameof(MyContact.Surname), "Riddle" }
            var patchBasket = new PatchBasket <string, MyContact, int>(patchRequest);
            await layer.AddResultAsync(patchBasket, new Visit("Patch", VisitDirections.Down)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(1, patchBasket.AscentPayload);

            var getBasket = new GetBasket <string, MyContact>(id);
            await layer.AddResultAsync(getBasket, new Visit("Get", VisitDirections.Down)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var readContact = getBasket.AscentPayload;

            Assert.Equal(id, readContact.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Jimmy", readContact.Forename);
            Assert.Equal("Riddle", readContact.Surname);
            Assert.Equal(contact.Street, readContact.Street);
            Assert.Equal(contact.City, readContact.City);
            Assert.Equal(contact.Country, readContact.Country);
            Assert.Equal(contact.PostalCode, readContact.PostalCode);
            Assert.Equal(contact.CanMailshot, readContact.CanMailshot);
            Assert.Equal(contact.CanEmail, readContact.CanEmail);
            Assert.Equal(contact.CanPhone, readContact.CanPhone);
        private void InsertFrogs(FrogLayer layer, int count)
            var tasks = new Task[count];

            for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                var frog = new Frog {
                    Id = i, Name = $"Frank{i}", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-i)
                var basket = new PostBasket <Frog, int>(frog);
                tasks[i - 1] = layer.AddResultAsync(basket, new Visit("something", VisitDirections.Down));

        public async Task Post()
            var mine   = new FrogMine("allowed");
            var basket = new PostBasket <Frog, int>(new Frog());
            await mine.SendAsync(basket);

            Assert.True(basket.AscentPayload > 0);

            mine   = new FrogMine("Post");
            basket = new PostBasket <Frog, int>(new Frog());
            await mine.SendAsync(basket);

            Assert.True(basket.AscentPayload > 0);

            mine   = new FrogMine("not-allowed");
            basket = new PostBasket <Frog, int>(new Frog());
            await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <ShaftException>(() => mine.SendAsync(basket));
Beispiel #7
        public async Task Delete()
            var layer = new SalesforceLayer <MyContact>(_forceClient, new MyContactObjectDescriptor());

            var contact = new MyContact
                Forename   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Surname    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Street     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                City       = "Glasgow",
                Country    = "United Kingdom",
                PostalCode = "G12AB",
                CanEmail   = true

            var postBasket = new PostBasket <MyContact, string>(contact);
            await layer.AddResultAsync(postBasket, new Visit("Post", VisitDirections.Down)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var id = postBasket.AscentPayload;


            var deleteBasket = new DeleteBasket <string, MyContact, int>(id);
            await layer.AddResultAsync(deleteBasket, new Visit("Delete", VisitDirections.Down)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(1, deleteBasket.AscentPayload);

            Exception exception = null;

                var getBasket = new GetBasket <string, MyContact>(id);
                await layer.AddResultAsync(getBasket, new Visit("Get", VisitDirections.Down)).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                exception = ex;

            Assert.Contains("Done: True, Count: 0", exception.Message);
        public async Task AddResultAsync(IPostBasket <Types.MaturationEvent, int> basket, IVisit visit)
            var date   = basket.DescentPayload.Date;
            var filter = new Filter <Types.Tadpole>(new[]
                new FilterTerm(nameof(Types.Tadpole.DateOfBirth), FilterOperators.LessThanOrEqual, date.AddMonths(-2))

            // get all tadpoles who are of a certain age - see filter above
            var getTadpolesBasket =
                new GetCollectionBasket <Types.Tadpole>(new GetCollectionRequest <Types.Tadpole>(filter));

            await _tadpoleMine.SendAsync(getTadpolesBasket).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var tadpoles = getTadpolesBasket.AscentPayload;

            if (tadpoles.Length > 0)
                // covert the retrieved tadpoles into frogs...
                foreach (var tadpole in tadpoles)
                    var frog = tadpole.ToFrog();
                    using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
                        // ... create frog
                        var postFrogBasket = new PostBasket <Types.Frog, int>(frog);
                        var postFrogTask   = _frogMine.SendAsync(postFrogBasket);

                        // ...and get rid of the tapole which has now become a frog
                        var deleteTadpoleBasket = new DeleteBasket <int, Types.Tadpole, int>(tadpole.Id);
                        var deleteTadpoleTask   = _tadpoleMine.SendAsync(deleteTadpoleBasket);

                        Task.WaitAll(postFrogTask, deleteTadpoleTask);


            basket.AscentPayload = tadpoles.Length;
        private IPostBasket <Types.Tadpole, int>[] GenerateTadpoles(IBasket parent,
                                                                    Types.Frog mother, Types.Frog father, DateTime date)
            var tadpoleCount = 10;
            var tasks        = new Task[tadpoleCount];
            var baskets      = new IPostBasket <Types.Tadpole, int> [tadpoleCount];

            // generate 10 tadpoles for the mother and father
            var surname = $"{father.Id}-{mother.Id}";
            var eventNo = 1;

            // this is just something to ensure the child has a unique name - it's not important to understand
            if (FamilyEventsEvents.ContainsKey(surname))
                eventNo = FamilyEventsEvents[surname] + 1;

            for (var i = 0; i < tadpoleCount; i++)
                var tadpole = new Types.Tadpole
                    DateOfBirth   = date.AddDays(i),
                    MotherId      = mother.Id,
                    FatherId      = father.Id,
                    LivesInPondId = mother.LivesInPondId,
                    IsMale        = i % 2 == 0,
                    Name          = (i % 2 == 0 ? "M" : "F") + $"{i}:{eventNo}:{surname}"

                var postBasket = new PostBasket <Types.Tadpole, int>(tadpole, parent);

                tasks[i]   = _tadpoleMine.SendAsync(postBasket);
                baskets[i] = postBasket;

            FamilyEventsEvents[surname] = eventNo;
