public void UpdatePositionInData(Point mousePos, Vector screenDistance, CoordinateTransform transform)
            Point mousePosInData = mousePos.ScreenToData(transform);

            _lastMousePosInData = mousePosInData;
            PositionAndCheckDistance pcd = new PositionAndCheckDistance(mousePos, screenDistance, transform);

        private void CheckPosAgainstData(PositionAndCheckDistance currentPos)
            IEnumerable <(Point start, Point end, string label)> lines      = null;
            IEnumerable <(Point start, Point end, string label)> rectangles = null;

            Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                lines      = NearestVisualSources.OfType <NearestLineSource>().Select(nsl => nsl.ItemsSource).Where(items => items != null).SelectMany(x => x).ToList();
                rectangles = NearestVisualSources.OfType <NearestRectangleSource>().Select(nsl => nsl.ItemsSource).Where(items => items != null).SelectMany(x => x).ToList();

            Point  dataPosition       = currentPos.DataPosition;
            Point  screenPosition     = currentPos.ScreenPosition;
            Point  dataBottomLeft     = currentPos.DataBottomLeft;
            Point  dataTopRight       = currentPos.DataTopRight;
            double?minDistance        = currentPos.ScreenDistance.X;
            string closestLine        = null;
            Point? closestScreenPoint = null;

            // First see if mouse is inside one of the rectangles
            foreach (var rectangle in rectangles)
                DataRect dataRect = new DataRect(rectangle.start, rectangle.end);
                if (dataRect.Contains(dataPosition))
                    minDistance        = 0;
                    closestScreenPoint = screenPosition;
                    closestLine        = rectangle.label;

            if (!closestScreenPoint.HasValue)
                // Get the rectangle sides
                var rectangleLines = rectangles.Select(rect =>
                        (rect.start, new Point(rect.start.X, rect.end.Y), rect.label),
                        (new Point(rect.start.X, rect.end.Y), rect.end, rect.label),
                        (rect.end, new Point(rect.end.X, rect.start.Y), rect.label),
                        (new Point(rect.end.X, rect.start.Y), rect.start, rect.label)