public override void Process(PoolEntry <object[]> row) { if (InvokeBeforeTargetAdapterProcessRowEvent(row) == BeforeProcessRowResult.Abort) { return; } byte[] bytes; int bytesWritten; try { bytes = RowToBytes(row.Value, out bytesWritten); } catch (Exception e) { if (AbortOnProcessException ?? false) { throw; } InvokeProcessErrorEvent(row, e); return; } Target.Write(bytes, 0, bytesWritten); InvokeAfterTargetAdapterProcessRowEvent(row); }
private void ShowEntries(PoolObject targetObj) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int i = 0; i < targetObj.poolItems.Length; i++) { GUILayout.Label(""); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); PoolEntry entry; if (targetObj.poolItems[i] == null) { entry = new PoolEntry(); } else { entry = targetObj.poolItems[i]; } Debug.Log("entry.prefab" + entry.prefab); GUILayout.Label("Prefab Type " + i + " (" + (entry.prefab == null?"Empty" + ")"); entry.prefab = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Prefab", entry.prefab, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject; entry.objectsInPool = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Count", entry.objectsInPool); entry.instantiateIfEmpty = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Instantiate if Null", entry.instantiateIfEmpty); // GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public void Insert(object[] obj, PoolEntry <object[]> .PoolEntryDelegate onReleaseOne) { WaitPrepared(); var entry = AcquireEntry(); entry.Value = obj; Insert(entry, onReleaseOne); }
private PoolEntry CreateNewEntry() { var gameObject = Object.Instantiate(original, root); var entry = new PoolEntry(gameObject, this); entries.Add(gameObject, entry); return(entry); }
public PoolEntry <T> AddEmptyItem(int lockCount = 0) { var arr = new T[SizePerArray]; var entry = new PoolEntry <T>(arr, lockCount); Resources.Add(entry); return(entry); }
private void SetState(TPooledItem item, bool isActive) { for (int i = 0; i < _pool.Count; i++) { PoolEntry current = _pool[i]; if (current.Item == item) { current.IsActive = isActive; } } }
private PoolEntry TakeEntry() { if (takeEntryCalls++ >= callsToClearUnloadedEntries) { RemoveUnloadedEntries(); } PoolEntry result = FindReleasedEntry() ?? CreateNewEntry(); result.transform.parent = root; return(result); }
public static void Free(T[] array) { PoolEntry entry; if (!_unused.TryGetValue(array.Length, out entry)) { entry = new PoolEntry(); _unused.Add(array.Length, entry); } entry.Add(array); }
uint Add(XmbFileBuilder builder, PoolEntry e) { uint size = e.CalculateSize(); uint offset = mPoolSize += size; // In case the entry needs to be aligned mPoolSize += e.CalculatePadding(offset); mEntries.Add(offset, e); return(offset); }
private PoolEntry GrowPool() { PoolEntry entry = new PoolEntry(); GameObject o = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject; =; o.transform.SetParent(parent.transform); o.SetActive(false); entry.gameObject = o; entry.behavior = o.GetComponent(component.GetType()); objects.Add(entry); return(entry); }
public ObjectPool(int maxObjects, CreateObjectDelegate creator, AllocObjectDelegate allocator, DisposeObjectDelegate disposer) { if (creator == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("CreateObjectDelegate creator"); } _creator = creator; _allocator = allocator; _disposer = disposer; _pool = new PoolEntry[maxObjects]; }
public uint Add(XmbFileBuilder builder, int v) { foreach (var kv in mEntries) { if (kv.Value.Equals(v)) { return(kv.Key); } } var entry = PoolEntry.New(v); return(Add(builder, entry)); }
PoolEntry DeBuffer(XmbVariantType type, uint offset, byte flags = 0) { if (!ValidOffset(offset)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", string.Format("{0} > {1}", offset.ToString("X8"), mPoolSize.ToString("X6"))); } PoolEntry e; if (!mEntries.TryGetValue(offset, out e)) { if (mBufferedDataRemaining == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No data left in buffer"); } else if (mBuffer == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No underlying buffer"); } // Create our new entry, setting any additional properties e = PoolEntry.New(type); if (type == XmbVariantType.String) { e.IsUnicode = flags != 0; } else if (type == XmbVariantType.Vector) { e.VectorLength = flags; } // Great, now read the entry's value data mBuffer.Seek32(offset); e.Read(mBuffer); // Update how much data is still remaining uint bytes_read = (uint)(mBuffer.BaseStream.Position - offset); mBufferedDataRemaining -= bytes_read; if (mBufferedDataRemaining == 0) { DisposeBuffer(); } mEntries.Add(offset, e); } return(e); }
public uint Add(XmbFileBuilder builder, string v, bool isUnicode = false) { foreach (var kv in mEntries) { if (kv.Value.Equals(v)) { return(kv.Key); } } var entry = PoolEntry.New(v); entry.IsUnicode = isUnicode; return(Add(builder, entry)); }
public void TestBlockingQueueSourceAdapterCreateWithArraysOfPoolEntryArray() { var data = new object[100]; for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = new PoolEntry <object[]>(new [] { (object)i }); } var adapter = new BlockingQueueSourceAdapter(data); var itemNo = 0; foreach (var item in adapter.RowsEnumerable) { Assert.AreEqual(itemNo++, item.Value[0]); } }
PoolEntry DeBuffer(BinaryDataTreeVariantTypeDesc desc, uint offset, bool sizeIsIndirect = false) { if (!ValidOffset(offset)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset", string.Format("{0} > {1}", offset.ToString("X8"), mPoolSize.ToString("X6"))); } PoolEntry e; if (!mEntries.TryGetValue(offset, out e)) { if (mBufferedDataRemaining == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No data left in buffer"); } else if (mBuffer == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No underlying buffer"); } // Create our new entry, setting any additional properties e = PoolEntry.New(desc); if (sizeIsIndirect) { uint size = GetSizeValue(offset); e.ArrayLength = (int)(size >> desc.SizeBit); } // Great, now read the entry's value data mBuffer.Seek32(offset); e.Read(mBuffer); // Update how much data is still remaining uint bytes_read = (uint)(mBuffer.BaseStream.Position - offset); mBufferedDataRemaining -= bytes_read; if (mBufferedDataRemaining == 0) { DisposeBuffer(); } mEntries.Add(offset, e); } return(e); }
public TPooledItem GetPooledItem() { TPooledItem result = null; for (int i = 0; i < _pool.Count; i++) { PoolEntry current = _pool[i]; if (!current.IsActive) { result = current.Item; Activate(result); break; } } return(result); }
private void InsertGeneric <T>(T obj, PoolEntry <object[]> .PoolEntryDelegate onReleaseOne, Serializer <T> serializer) { switch (obj) { case object[] objArray: InsertArray(objArray, onReleaseOne); return; default: WaitForPumpStartAndSourceAdapterPrepared(); var entry = _blockingQueueSourceAdapter.AcquireEntry(); entry.Value = serializer?.ToValues(obj, entry.Value) ?? (typeof(T) == typeof(object) ? Serializer <object> .ToValues(obj, entry.Value) : Serializer <T> .ToValues(obj, entry.Value)); _blockingQueueSourceAdapter.Insert(entry, onReleaseOne); return; } }
public void AddFrame(byte[] colorData, ushort[] depthData, byte[] indexData) { var colorCount = Convert.ToInt32(SaveColor) + Convert.ToInt32(SaveTracked); var depthCount = Convert.ToInt32(SaveDepth) + Convert.ToInt32(SaveTracked); PoolEntry <byte> _color = null; PoolEntry <ushort> _depth = null; if (SaveColor || SaveTracked) { _color = colorPool.RequestResource(colorCount); colorData.CopyTo(_color.Resource, 0); if (SaveColor) { color.Frames.Enqueue(_color); } } if (SaveDepth || SaveTracked) { _depth = depthPool.RequestResource(depthCount); depthData.CopyTo(_depth.Resource, 0); if (SaveDepth) { depth.Frames.Enqueue(_depth); } } if (SaveTracked) { tracked.AddFrame(_depth, _color); } if (SaveIndex) { var _index = indexPool.RequestResource(1); indexData.CopyTo(_index.Resource, 0); index.Frames.Enqueue(_index); } }
// Query the big pool to get the entry which contain the requested prefab // If such entry not existed, create it, and put into the big pool. public static GameObject GetFreeObject(GameObject prefab) { PoolEntry result = null; foreach (PoolEntry entry in entries) { if (entry.prefab == prefab) { result = entry; break; } } if (result == null) { result = new PoolEntry(prefab); entries.Add(result); } return(GetFreeObjectFromEntry(result, prefab)); }
// Get the list object from the pool for a certain prefab public static List <GameObject> GetObjectList(GameObject prefab) { PoolEntry result = null; foreach (PoolEntry entry in entries) { if (entry.prefab == prefab) { result = entry; break; } } if (result == null) { result = new PoolEntry(prefab); entries.Add(result); } return(result.list); }
private static void TestBag() { ConcurrentList <PoolEntry> connectionList = new ConcurrentList <PoolEntry>(); int num = 100; Task[] tasks = new Task[num]; Task[] read = new Task[num]; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //写入 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { var r = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) { PoolEntry poolEntry = new PoolEntry(null, null); connectionList.Push(poolEntry); } }); tasks[i] = r; } //读取 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { var r = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { PoolEntry poolEntry = null; while (!connectionList.IsEmpty) { connectionList.TryPop(out poolEntry); } }); read[i] = r; } Task.WaitAll(read); Task.WaitAll(tasks); Console.WriteLine("时间:" + (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds); }
private GameObject CreateObject(PoolEntry poolEntry) { if (poolEntry.PrefabObject == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("'{0}' has not been associated with a prefab.", poolEntry.ObjectName); return(null); } var instantinatedObject = poolEntry.ParentObject != null?Instantiate(poolEntry.PrefabObject, poolEntry.ParentObject.transform) : Instantiate(poolEntry.PrefabObject); instantinatedObject.SetActive(false); poolEntry.PooledObjects.Add(instantinatedObject); if (!_isCoroutineActive && poolEntry.PooledObjects.Count > poolEntry.PoolAmount) { StartCoroutine(ClearExcess()); _isCoroutineActive = true; } return(instantinatedObject); }
public override void Process(PoolEntry <object[]> row) { if (OverflowStringFieldWidthBehaviors != null) { for (var i = 0; i < row.Value.Length; i++) { if (!(row.Value[i] is string) || ((string)row.Value[i]).Length <= Math.Abs(FieldSizes[i])) { continue; } var strValue = (string)row.Value[i]; if (OverflowStringFieldWidthBehaviors[i] == OverflowStringFieldWidthBehavior.Error) { throw new DataPipelineException( $"Field {Source.ColumnMetadatas[i].ColumnName} size overflow streaming using fixed length streamer"); } row.Value[i] = strValue.Remove(FieldSizes[i], strValue.Length - FieldSizes[i]); } } base.Process(row); }
public GameObject this[string name] { get { PoolEntry poolEntry = poolEntries.First(pooledObject => pooledObject.objectName == name); if (poolEntry == null) { return(null); } foreach (GameObject pooledObject in poolEntry.pooledObjects) { if (!pooledObject.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { return(pooledObject.gameObject); } } return(!poolEntry.automaticGrowth ? null : CreateObject(poolEntry)); } }
public void Add(PoolItem item) { PoolEntry entry; // Using autoKey and does not yet exist as an item... if (item.useAutoKey && !m_items.Any(x => Equals(x.key, item.key))) { entry = new PoolEntry(item.key, item.maxCount); m_items.Add(entry); } // Otherwise, find appropriate entry else { entry = m_items.FirstOrDefault(x => Equals(x.key, item.key)); } if (entry == null) { return; } entry.Add(item); }
// Get the actual object from the small pool in the entry. // If not existed, create the object and put into the small pool private static GameObject GetFreeObjectFromEntry(PoolEntry entry, GameObject prefab) { GameObject result = null; foreach (GameObject gameObject in entry.list) { if (gameObject != null && !gameObject.activeSelf) { result = gameObject; break; } } if (result == null) { result = Instantiate(prefab); entry.list.Add(result); } result.SetActive(true); return(result); }
public override void ReleaseRow(PoolEntry <object[]> row) { _rowsPool.Release(row); }
private void InsertArray(object[] obj, PoolEntry <object[]> .PoolEntryDelegate onReleaseOne) { WaitForPumpStartAndSourceAdapterPrepared(); _blockingQueueSourceAdapter.Insert(obj, onReleaseOne); }
public void AddFrame(PoolEntry <ushort> depth, PoolEntry <byte> color) { Frames.Enqueue(depth); ColorFrames.Enqueue(color); }