public void PoodleDogBarkTest()
            IDog   dog  = new Poodle();
            String bark = dog.Bark();

            Assert.AreEqual("The Poodle says Yip Yip", bark);
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Temp t = new Temp();


            Animal d = new Dog();

            // Outputs 4

            //Outputs "Woof"

            Poodle fluffy = new Poodle();



            Book b;

            b.title = "Book Title";


        public void PoodleColorReturnsBlackTest()
            // Act
            Poodle poodle = new Poodle();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("black", poodle.Color);
        public void PoodleSpeakReturnsBarkTest()
            Poodle poodle = new Poodle();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("bark", poodle.Speak());
        public void PoodleEatsFreshTest()
            // Act
            IEatFresh poodle = new Poodle();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("I eat kibble and fresh meat", poodle.EatsFresh());
        public void PoodleISpeakAlotTest()
            // Act
            ISpeakAlot poodle = new Poodle();

            Assert.Equal("bark bark bark bark", poodle.SpeaksAlot());
    private void AddDog()
        HandleInput("Enter breed", out string breed);                                                       //låter användaren skriva in en input som går igenom "HandelInput"

        if (breed.ToLower() == "poodle" || breed.ToLower() == "labrador" || breed.ToLower() == "weinerdog") // om användaren skriver in någon av de 3 olika raserna så händer de under
            HandleInput("Enter name", out string name);
            HandleInput("Enter age", out int age);
            HandleInput("Enter length", out int length);
            HandleInput("Enter withers", out int withers);
            HandleInput("Enter weight", out int weight);
            HandleInput("Enter gender", out string gender);

            Dog dog = null;                                                   // nollställer dog

            if (breed.ToLower() == "poodle")                                  //om användaren skrev in pudel
                dog = new Poodle(name, age, length, withers, weight, gender); // då blir dog satt till Pudel och hela strängen

            if (breed.ToLower() == "labrador")  //om användaren skrev in labrador
                dog = new Labrador(name, age, length, withers, weight, gender);

            if (breed.ToLower() == "weinerdog") // om användaren skrev in weinerdog
                dog = new WeinerDog(name, age, length, withers, weight, gender);

            int count = 0;             // sätter variabeln count till 0
            foreach (Dog d in doglist) // för varje hund i listan...
                if (d.Compare(dog))    // jämför den med dog
                    count++;           // lägger på +1 på count
            if (count == 0)       // om count fortfarande är 0 , alltså att det inte fanns någon likadan hund så händer de under, alltså inom {}
                doglist.Add(dog); // lägger till hund
            else // om count inte är 0 så händer...
                Console.WriteLine("The dog you tried to add already exist");
        else // om man skrev något annat än de 3 raserna så...
            Console.WriteLine("Breed does not exist");
            return; // retunerar
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            Animal poodle = new Poodle();

            // PolyMorphism with Interfaces

            var transmissions = new List <ITransmission>();

            transmissions.Add(new Sedan());
            transmissions.Add(new Truck());

            foreach (var transmission in transmissions)
                var currentGear = transmission.ChangeGear(4);

                Console.WriteLine($"My Transmission is set to the {currentGear} gear.");
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Dog type depending on type selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">Dog to copy details from</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dog CreateTypeOfDogFromDogType()
            if ((DogType)animalTypeWithinSpecies == DogType.GoldenRetriever)
                GoldenRetriever goldenRetriever = new GoldenRetriever(animalName, animalAge, animalGender, mammalNumberOfTeeth, dogInformation.NumberOfLegs, dogInformation.TeilLength, dogInformation.FurType);

            else if ((DogType)animalTypeWithinSpecies == DogType.Poodle)
                Poodle poodle = new Poodle(animalName, animalAge, animalGender, mammalNumberOfTeeth, dogInformation.NumberOfLegs, dogInformation.TeilLength, dogInformation.IsCosy);

                Schaefer schaefer = new Schaefer(animalName, animalAge, animalGender, mammalNumberOfTeeth, dogInformation.NumberOfLegs, dogInformation.TeilLength, dogInformation.UseCases);

Beispiel #10
        public static DogBase GedDog(DogBreed dogBreed)
            DogBase dog = null;

            if (dogBreedDict.ContainsKey(dogBreed))
                dog = dogBreedDict.First(db => db.Key == dogBreed).Value;
                switch (dogBreed)
                case DogBreed.Dalmatian:
                    dog = new Dalmatian();

                case DogBreed.GoldenRetriever:
                    dog = new GoldenRetriever();

                case DogBreed.Labrador:
                    dog = new Labrador();

                case DogBreed.Pinscher:
                    dog = new Pinscher();

                case DogBreed.Poodle:
                    dog = new Poodle();

                Console.WriteLine($"{dogBreed} Created");

                dogBreedDict.Add(dogBreed, dog);

Beispiel #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var motors = new List <IMotor>();

            motors.Add(new Car());
            motors.Add(new LawnMower());

            foreach (var motor in motors)

            // back to oop for a second

            // Point Example
            var point = new Point();

            // using the DOT notation, this allows you to access public members outside of your object.
            // so in this case, we are saying point.x, this is like reaching into our point object, and,
            // accessing the X property.
            point.X = 2;
            point.Y = 5;


            // POLYMORPHSIM

            // Inheritance chain.. Dog <== Animal <== Object
            var dog = new Dog();

            // Inheritance chain.. Cat <== Animal <== Object
            var cat = new Cat();

            cat.Name = "Oreo";

            var poodle = new Poodle();

            poodle.Name = "Poods";

            // We are able to add a our dog, cat, and poodle into this list of Animals because of PolyMorphism.
            // PolyMorphism meaning many shapes, allows us to LOOK at our classes as a DIFFERENT CLASS within
            // it's INHERITENCE chain.  ie. because a Dog INHERITS from ANIMAL, we can look at a DOG as an ANIMAL.
            // because POODLE Inherits from DOG, and DOG INHERITS from ANIMAL, POODLE  is part of the SAME INHERTENCE
            // chain as ANIMAL, and therefore, we can look at a POODLE as an ANIMAL.
            var vetAnimals = new List <Animal>();


            foreach (var animal in vetAnimals)

                // This is Polymorphism Validation. we are asking "is our animal a dog?"
                // and IF IT IS, we then store our animal variable into a dogAnimal variable.
                // then in our if statement, we can then access dog propertys.  this is a
                // safe way to CAST DOWN into your type.
                if (animal is Dog dogAnimal)



            // Inheritance chain.. Dog <== Animal <== Object
            var dogOne = new Dog();

            // Inheritance chain.. Dog <== Animal <== Object
            var dogTwo = new Dog();

            // Inheritance chain.. Dog <== Animal <== Object
            var dogThree = new Dog();

            var animalsTwo = new List <Animal>();


            foreach (Animal animal in animalsTwo)
                // Because our compile can see that Dog Inherits from Animal, we can
                // explicitly CAST our Animal into a Dog.
                // WARNING!!! AVOID DOING THIS IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE!!!
                Dog actuallyADog = (Dog)animal;

            // PolyMorphism Logging example
            var loggers = new List <LoggerBase>();

            loggers.Add(new EmailLogger());
            loggers.Add(new ConsoleLogger());
            loggers.Add(new TextMessageLogger());
            loggers.Add(new DatabaseLogger());

            foreach (var logger in loggers)
                logger.Log("logging my message");
    private void Running()
        bool run = true;

        while (run == true)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to my dog registry, type !Help to get the commands so you can start your journey");

            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (input == "!Help")
                Console.WriteLine("\n List of commands:\n !Help\n !Add dog\n !Remove dog\n !Print\n !Search\n !Exit\n");

            if (input.ToLower() == "!add dog")
            if (input.ToLower() == "!print")
            if (input.ToLower() == "!exit")
            if (input.ToLower() == "!search")
                Dog dog = Search();
                if (dog != null)
                    bool running = true;
                    while (running == true)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n You can now choose if you want to !Edit or !Remove the dog from the registry");
                        input = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (input.ToLower() == "!edit")
                            int index = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                                if (list[i] == dog)
                                    index = i;
                            Console.WriteLine("What do you want to edit about the dog?");

                            string choice = Console.ReadLine();

                            switch (choice.ToLower())
                            case "exit":
                                running = false;

                            case "name":
                                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out string name);
                                list[index].name = name;

                            case "age":
                                int age = HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?");
                                list[index].age = age;

                            case "withers":
                                int withers = HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?");
                                list[index].withers = withers;

                            case "length":
                                int length = HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?");
                                list[index].length = length;

                            case "gender":
                                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out string gender);
                                list[index].gender = gender;

                            case "weight":
                                int weight = HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?");
                                list[index].weight = weight;

                            case "breed":
                                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out string breed);
                                if (breed.ToLower() == "labrador")
                                    list[index] = new Labrador(, dog.age, dog.withers, dog.length, dog.gender, dog.weight, breed);

                                if (breed.ToLower() == "weiner_dog")
                                    list[index] = new Weiner_Dog(, dog.age, dog.withers, dog.length, dog.gender, dog.weight, breed);

                                if (breed.ToLower() == "poodle")
                                    list[index] = new Poodle(, dog.age, dog.withers, dog.length, dog.gender, dog.weight, breed);
                        else if (input.ToLower() == "!exit")
                            running = false;
                        else if (input.ToLower() == "!remove")
                            int index = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                                if (list[i] == dog)
                                    index = i;
            else if (input == " ")
                Console.WriteLine("You have entered a invalid command");
    void Edit(Dog dog) // redigera hunden som har blivit sökt på, körs när användaren matat in kommandot edit efter att ha gått in i sök
        bool running = true;

        while (running == true)
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < doglist.Count; i++)
                if (doglist[i] == dog)
                    index = i;
            Console.WriteLine("What do you want to edit about the dog? (exit to stop edit");

            string choice = Console.ReadLine();

            switch (choice.ToLower()) // switch sats som låter en välja vad man ska redigera och sätter alla bokstäver till gemener.
            case "exit":
                running = false;

            case "name":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out string name);
                doglist[index].Name = name;                                 //ändrar bara namnet i strängen

            case "age":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out int age);
                doglist[index].Age = age;

            case "withers":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out int withers);
                doglist[index].Withers = withers;

            case "length":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out int length);
                doglist[index].Length = length;

            case "gender":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out string gender);
                doglist[index].Gender = gender;

            case "weight":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out int weight);
                doglist[index].Weight = weight;

            case "breed":
                HandleInput("What do you want to change it to?", out string breed);
                if (breed.ToLower() == "labrador")     //om rasen (i gemener) är labrador så läggs den ändringen till
                    doglist[index] = new Labrador(dog.Name, dog.Age, dog.Length, dog.Withers, dog.Weight, dog.Gender);

                if (breed.ToLower() == "weinerdog")
                    doglist[index] = new WeinerDog(dog.Name, dog.Age, dog.Length, dog.Withers, dog.Weight, dog.Gender);

                if (breed.ToLower() == "poodle")
                    doglist[index] = new Poodle(dog.Name, dog.Age, dog.Length, dog.Withers, dog.Weight, dog.Gender);
        public void PoodleDogCreateTest()
            IDog dog = new Poodle();

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(dog, typeof(Poodle));