Beispiel #1
        protected override int ExecuteCore(IRow row, int tableIndex)
            var feature = (IFeature)row;

            IGeometry shape = feature.Shape;

            var polygonArea = shape as IArea;

            if (polygonArea == null)

            var polygon = shape as IPolygon;

            if (polygon == null)
                return(ExecutePart(row, shape));

            PolygonPartType partType = _perPart
                                                           ? PolygonPartType.ExteriorRing | PolygonPartType.Ring
                                                           : PolygonPartType.Full;

            if (partType == PolygonPartType.Full || GeometryUtils.GetPartCount(polygon) == 1)
                if (_useField)
                    double?areaValue = GdbObjectUtils.ReadRowValue <double>(row, _areaFieldIndex);

                    if (areaValue != null)
                        return(CheckArea(Math.Abs(areaValue.Value), shape, row));

                return(CheckArea(Math.Abs(polygonArea.Area), shape, row));

            // need to check the individual rings

            int errorCount = 0;

            foreach (IGeometry part in TestUtils.GetParts(polygon, partType))
                errorCount += ExecutePart(row, part);

                if (part != polygon)
                    // the part is some sub-component of the polygon, either
                    // a ring or a connected-component polygon
                    // -> release it to avoid pushing the VM allocation up

Beispiel #2
        public static IEnumerable <IGeometry> GetParts([NotNull] IPolygon shape,
                                                       PolygonPartType perPart)
            if ((perPart & PolygonPartType.Full) == PolygonPartType.Full)
                yield return(shape);

            if ((perPart & PolygonPartType.ExteriorRing) == PolygonPartType.ExteriorRing)
                foreach (IPolygon extPoly in GeometryUtils.GetConnectedComponents(shape))
                    yield return(extPoly);

            if ((perPart & PolygonPartType.Ring) == PolygonPartType.Ring)
                foreach (IRing ring in GeometryUtils.GetRings(shape))
                    yield return(ring);