public async Task <PollCreated> CreatePoll(PollCreate pollCreate) { //TODO Category Repository var generatedCode = await _codeService.GenerateCode(); int catId = 1; var poll = new PollEntity { Title = pollCreate.Title, Category = new CategoryEntity { Id = catId, Name = pollCreate.Category }, Code = generatedCode }; await _pollRepository.InsertPollAsync(poll); return(new PollCreated { Code = generatedCode.Code }); }
public PollEntity AddNewPollAndReturnPoll(PollModelView pollModelView, ApplicationUser applicationUser, ApplicationDbContext db) { var pollEntity = new PollEntity(pollModelView, applicationUser); db.Polls.Add(pollEntity); db.SaveChanges(); return(pollEntity); }
public Task InsertPollAsync(PollEntity poll) { poll.Id = _polls.Count; Task query = new Task(() => InsertPoll(poll)); query.Start(); return(query); }
private TeamRankingBE getEntity(PollEntity pe, bool chart) { return(pe == null ? null : new TeamRankingBE { Date = chart ? pe.chart_date :, Datestr = chart ? pe.chart_date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") :"MMMM dd, yyyy"), pollSource = pe.pollsource_id, Rank = pe.rank, Url = pe.url }); }
private PollEntity GetPollEntity(TeamRankingBE mclaPoll) { var pe = new PollEntity { date = mclaPoll.Date, pollsource_id = mclaPoll.pollSource, rank = mclaPoll.Rank, url = mclaPoll.Url }; return(pe); }
private bool IsPrivPollAuthorised(PollEntity poll) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poll.Password)) { var controller = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <PrivatePollController>(); controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(Request.RequestContext, this); return(controller.IsRequestAuthorised(poll)); } else { return(true); } }
//Create new session in datebase and return cookie public HttpCookie GetSessionCookie(ApplicationDbContext db, PollEntity poll) { var idSession = Guid.NewGuid(); db.SessionPrivatePoll.Add(new SessionUserPrivatePollEntity() { SessionID = idSession, DateTime = DateTime.Now, Poll = poll }); var cookie = new HttpCookie("privPoll"); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(sessionTimeoutMinute); cookie.Value = idSession.ToString(); db.SaveChanges(); return(cookie); }
private ActionResult GetPollAndReturnView(string nameOfView, int id) { PollEntity poll = db.Polls.Find(id); if (poll == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(404)); //check if the poll exists } if (!IsPrivPollAuthorised(poll)) { return(RedirectToAction("PrivatePollAuth", "PrivatePoll", new { id })); } poll.View++; db.SaveChanges(); return(View(nameOfView, poll)); }
public async Task StartAsync(UpdateMessage message) { var callbackQueryData = message.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(';'); var occasionId = callbackQueryData[1]; var occasion = _occasionRepository.FindById(occasionId); if (occasion == null) { return; } var activePolls = _pollRepository.Find(x => x.ChatId == occasion.ChatId && !x.IsClosed).ToList(); if (activePolls.Any()) { await _telegramClient.SendMessageAsync(new SendMessage { ChatId = occasion.ChatId, Text = Messages.ActivePollRunning }); return; } var sendPollMessage = TelegramMessageFactory.CreateSendPollMessage(occasion.ChatId, occasion.Name); var pollMessage = await _telegramClient.SendPollAsync(sendPollMessage); var entity = new PollEntity { PartitionKey = occasion.ChatId, RowKey = pollMessage.Poll.Id, Timestamp = _dateTimeService.TableEntityTimeStamp, ChatId = occasion.ChatId, OccasionId = occasionId, MessageId = pollMessage.MessageId.ToString(), IsClosed = false }; await _pollRepository.CreateAsync(entity); await _telegramClient.AnswerCallbackQuery(new AnswerCallbackQuery { CallBackQueryId = message.CallbackQuery.Id, Text = Messages.PollStarted }); }
private Poll MapPollEntity(PollEntity pollEntity) { var mappedPoll = new Poll() { Id = pollEntity.Id, Name = pollEntity.Name, PollEnd = pollEntity.PollEnd }; foreach (var pollOptionEntity in pollEntity.PollOptions) { mappedPoll.PollOptions.Add(new PollOption() { Id = pollOptionEntity.Id, Name = pollOptionEntity.Name, Votes = pollOptionEntity.Votes }); } return(mappedPoll); }
public bool IsRequestAuthorised(PollEntity poll) { var user = appUserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); if (user != null && poll.UserCreator.Id == user.Id) { return(true); //creator of poll always has access } var privatePollManager = new PrivatePollManager(); if (Request.Cookies["privPoll"] != null && privatePollManager.IsAuthorisedByCookie(Request.Cookies["privPoll"].Value, db)) { Request.Cookies["privPoll"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);//updating cookie return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private PollEntity MapPoll(Poll poll) { var mappedPollEntity = new PollEntity() { Id = poll.Id, Name = poll.Name, PollEnd = poll.PollEnd }; var pollOptionEntities = new List <PollOptionEntity>(); foreach (var pollOption in poll.PollOptions) { pollOptionEntities.Add(new PollOptionEntity() { Id = pollOption.Id, Name = pollOption.Name, Votes = pollOption.Votes }); } mappedPollEntity.PollOptions = pollOptionEntities; return(mappedPollEntity); }
private void InsertPoll(PollEntity poll) { _polls.Add(poll); }