Beispiel #1
        public override void Initialize()
            var res = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);

            if (VOL_PROTECT)
                AddEquity("VIXM", Resolution.Hour);
            foreach (var s in symbols)
                AddEquity(s, Resolution.Minute).SetLeverage(2);

                pfe[s] = new PolarisedFractalEfficiency();
                Algo.RegisterIndicator(s, pfe[s], res);

                ppfe[s] = 0;

                eit[s] = new EhlerInstantaneousTrend();
                Algo.RegisterIndicator(s, eit[s], res);

                pvalue[s]   = 0;
                activate[s] = false;

                // if (riskProtectSymbols.Contains(s))
                // {
                //  prevPerf[s] = 1;
                //  reference[s] = 1;
                //  _pfeReference[s] = new PolarisedFractalEfficiency();
                // }
Beispiel #2
        public static bool Activate(string strategy, PolarisedFractalEfficiency indicator)
            var day = indicator.Current.EndTime.Day;

            if (_pday != day)
                _pday = day;
                if (!_values.ContainsKey(strategy))
                    _values[strategy] = indicator.Current.Value;
                    //_previousValues[strategy] = indicator;
                    if (indicator > 0)

                    var pv = _values[strategy];
                    var cv = indicator.Current.Value;
                    if (cv > pv && cv > -50)
                    else if (pv > 75 && cv < 75 || cv < -50)
                    _values[strategy] = cv;
Beispiel #3
        public override void Initialize()
            /*SetStartDate(2020, 1, 1);
             * if (LATEST_DEPLOY) SetStartDate(2021, 2, 6);
            //SetStartDate(2016, 1, 1);
            //SetEndDate(2021, 3, 15);  //Set Start Date

            //         SetStartDate(2011, 2, 1);
            // SetEndDate(2020, 1, 15);

            POS_COUNT  = symbols.Count();
            POS_COUNT -= (symbols.Contains("VXX")) ? 1: 0;
            POS_COUNT -= (symbols.Contains("VXX.1")) ? 1: 0;

            //CASH = Math.Max(10000*POS_COUNT, 20000);//Max for when testing VXX only
            //CASH = 145886;
            if (LATEST_DEPLOY)
                CASH = 179860;
            //SetCash(CASH);             //Set Strategy Cash
            //SetStartDate(2018, 3, 1);  //Set Start Date

            // if (symbols.Count() > 5)
            // {
            // //symbols.UnionWith(Universes.SP500);
            // symbols.UnionWith(Universes.NDX);
            // symbols.UnionWith(Universes.NDX99);
            // }


            var res = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);

            if (VOL_PROTECT)
                AddEquity("VIXM", Resolution.Hour);
            foreach (var s in symbols)
                AddEquity(s, Resolution.Minute).SetLeverage(2);

                pfe[s] = new PolarisedFractalEfficiency();
                Algo.RegisterIndicator(s, pfe[s], res);

                ppfe[s] = 0;

                eit[s] = new EhlerInstantaneousTrend();
                Algo.RegisterIndicator(s, eit[s], res);

                pvalue[s]   = 0;
                activate[s] = false;

                // if (riskProtectSymbols.Contains(s))
                // {
                //  prevPerf[s] = 1;
                //  reference[s] = 1;
                //  _pfeReference[s] = new PolarisedFractalEfficiency();
                // }
Beispiel #4
        public void Update(QCAlgorithm algo)
            if (algo.Time.Day == _previousDay)

            foreach (var a in _algos)
                var perf = a.Algo.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / _previousPnl[a.Algo.Name];
                _previousPnl[a.Algo.Name] = a.Algo.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;

            _previousDay = algo.Time.Day;

            //then we compute new weights valid for the period/day
            //we compute relative weights 2 by 2 and then take the average

            var pfeScores = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();

            var processed = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var a1 in _algos)
                var name1 = a1.Algo.Name;
                pfeScores[name1] = 0;
                foreach (var a2 in _algos)
                    var name2 = a2.Algo.Name;
                    if (name1 == name2 || processed.Contains(name2))

                    //computes pfe for a1/a2

                    //sanity check
                    var ret1 = _dailyReturns[name1];
                    var ret2 = _dailyReturns[name2];
                    if (ret2 != null && ret1 != null && (!ret1.IsReady || !ret2.IsReady || ret1.Count != ret2.Count))
                        throw new Exception("why are we here?");
                    var      pfe = new PolarisedFractalEfficiency();
                    DateTime dt  = DateTime.Now;
                    var      p1  = 1m;
                    var      p2  = 1m;
                    pfe.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(dt, p1 / p2));
                    for (int i = 0; i < ret1.Count; i++)
                        p1 *= ret1.ElementAt(0);
                        p2 *= ret2.ElementAt(0);
                        pfe.Update(new IndicatorDataPoint(dt.AddDays(i + 1), p1 / p2));

                    pfeScores[name1] += pfe + 100;
                    pfeScores[name2] += -pfe + 100;
                _weights[name1] = Math.Max(pfeScores[name1], 0);

            //now rescale the weights

            // note than when there is a subset if there are ties, they will all be included
            // but scaled properly in the weights so we should not trigger leverage breach from here
            var scalingFactor = (_subset == 0) ? _weights.Values.Sum()
                    : _weights.Values.GroupBy(x => x)
                                .OrderByDescending(x => x)
                                .SelectMany(x => x)
            var threshold = -100m;

            if (_subset != 0) // then we set the threshold to be @ the subset level
                threshold = _weights.Values.GroupBy(x => x)
                            .OrderByDescending(x => x)
                            .SelectMany(x => x).Average();
            foreach (var key in _weights.Keys.ToList())
                var w = _weights[key];
                if (w > threshold)
                    _weights[key] = w / scalingFactor;
                    _weights[key] = 0;