private int DoTurn(Pokémon actor, Pokémon enemy, IPokéAgent ai)
            //Perform the turn according to the given AI
            int damageDone = actor.Use(ai.ChooseMove(this), enemy);

            //Print out remaining HP of enemy
            Console.WriteLine("\t" + enemy.Species.Name + " has " + enemy.RemainingHealth + " health remaining.");

Beispiel #2
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            /**Region for setting up SARSA function (and possibly parameters)**/

            #region SARSA Setup

            //Set up SARSA object
            var explorationPolicy = new EpsilonGreedyExploration(ExplorationRate);
            var numberOfStates    = 15 * 15 * 15 * 15;
            var numberOfActions   = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Type)).Length;
            var sarsa             = new SARSA(numberOfStates, numberOfActions, explorationPolicy);

            //Prepare the state mapping
            Func <Pokémon, Pokémon, long> getState = (pokémon1, pokémon2) =>
                var moveTypes = pokémon1.Moves.Select(t => t.AttackType).Distinct().ToList();

                    (15 * 15 * 15 * (long)pokémon1.Types[0] +
                     15 * 15 * (long)(pokémon1.Types.Count > 1 ? pokémon1.Types[1] : pokémon1.Types[0]) +
                     15 * (long)pokémon2.Types[0] +
                     1 * (long)(pokémon2.Types.Count > 1 ? pokémon2.Types[1] : pokémon2.Types[0]));

            #endregion SARSA Setup

            using (var sw = new StreamWriter("PineappleExpress.txt"))

            /**Region for setting up the battle itself**/

            #region Battle Execution

            //For the specified number of battles, perform battles and update the policy
            for (var battleNumber = 0; battleNumber < NumberOfBattles; battleNumber++)
                // set exploration rate for this iteration
                explorationPolicy.ExplorationRate =
                    ExplorationRate - (double)battleNumber / NumberOfBattles * ExplorationRate;

                // set learning rate for this iteration
                sarsa.LearningRate = LearningRate - (double)battleNumber / NumberOfBattles * LearningRate;

                //Prepare the Pokémon
                Pokémon pokemon1 = RentalPokémon.RentalPorygon;  //A pre-made Porygon
                Pokémon pokemon2 = RentalPokémon.RentalVenusaur; //A pre-made opponent

                long previousState  = -1;
                var  previousAction = -1;
                long currentState   = -1;
                var  nextAction     = -1;

                var reward    = 0.0;
                var firstTurn = true;

                double percentFinished = 0;

                //Battle loop
                while (!(pokemon1.IsFainted || pokemon2.IsFainted))
                    //Shift states
                    currentState = getState(pokemon1, pokemon2);
                    var validTypes = pokemon1.Moves.Select(m => (int)m.AttackType).Distinct().ToList();
                    nextAction = sarsa.GetAction(currentState, validTypes);

                    //update SARSA
                    if (!firstTurn)
                        sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, currentState, nextAction);
                        firstTurn = false;

                    //Determine who moves first
                    var firstMover = pokemon1.Stats[Stat.Speed] > pokemon2.Stats[Stat.Speed] ? pokemon1 : pokemon2;

                    //Perform actions
                    if (pokemon1 == firstMover)
                        reward = pokemon1.UseMoveOfType((Type)nextAction, pokemon2);
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 1) used a move of type {1}", pokemon1.Species.Name,
                                          Enum.GetName(typeof(Type), (Type)nextAction));
                        Console.WriteLine("Did {0} damage. {1} (Pokémon 2) now has {2} health remaining)",
                                          reward, pokemon2.Species.Name, pokemon2.RemainingHealth);
                        if (!pokemon2.IsFainted)
                            pokemon2.Use(new Random().Next(4), pokemon1);
                            reward += 20;
                        pokemon2.Use(new Random().Next(4), pokemon1);

                        //Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 2) used {1}", pokemon2.Species.Name, pokemon2.Moves[0].Name);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Did {0} damage. {1} (Pokémon 1) now has {2} health remaining)",
                        //    reward, pokemon1.Species.Name, pokemon1.RemainingHealth);

                        if (!pokemon1.IsFainted)
                            reward = pokemon1.UseMoveOfType((Type)nextAction, pokemon2);
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 1) used a move of type {1}", pokemon1.Species.Name,
                                              Enum.GetName(typeof(Type), (Type)nextAction));
                            Console.WriteLine("Did {0} damage. {1} (Pokémon 2) now has {2} health remaining)",
                                              reward, pokemon2.Species.Name, pokemon2.RemainingHealth);

                    previousState   = currentState;
                    previousAction  = nextAction;
                    percentFinished = ((double)pokemon2.Stats[Stat.HP] - pokemon2.RemainingHealth) /

                sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, currentState, nextAction);

                if (pokemon1.IsFainted)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 1) Fainted", pokemon1.Species.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 2) Fainted", pokemon2.Species.Name);

                //Print score for graphing
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter($"PineappleExpress({ExplorationRate}_{LearningRate}).txt", true))
                    sw.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", battleNumber, percentFinished);

            #endregion Battle Execution