private void racunanjeTacakaZaDijagramBrzinaPostojanost()
            double brzina           = 0;
            double pomak            = 0;
            double dubina           = 0;
            double postojanostAlata = 0;
            double korekcioniFaktor = 0;
            string oznakaSerije     = "";

            for (int listBrzineIndex = 0; listBrzineIndex < izracunatiRezimi.Brzine.Count; listBrzineIndex++)
                brzina = izracunatiRezimi.Brzine[listBrzineIndex];
                pomak  = izracunatiRezimi.Pomaci[listBrzineIndex];
                dubina = izracunatiRezimi.Dubine[listBrzineIndex];
                int numOfListElements = preporukeZaPostojanost.ListaPreporukaZaPostojanost.Count;
                for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < numOfListElements; listIndex++)
                    PointCoordinates point = new PointCoordinates();
                    postojanostAlata  = preporukeZaPostojanost.ListaPreporukaZaPostojanost[listIndex].PostojanostAlata;
                    korekcioniFaktor  = preporukeZaPostojanost.ListaPreporukaZaPostojanost[listIndex].KorekcioniFaktor;
                    point.XCoordinate = Math.Round(korekcioniFaktor * brzina, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    point.YCoordinate = postojanostAlata;
                oznakaSerije = plocica.OznakaPlocice + "\n" + "a = " + dubina + "   s = " + pomak;
                graphDrawBrzinaPostojanost.DrawGraph(listaTacaka, oznakaSerije, plocica.OznakaPlocice, 3);
Beispiel #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <double> listaHabanja      = new List <double>();
            List <double> listaDeltaVremena = new List <double>();
            double        a = (double)vrednostParametraNumericUpDown.Value;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow item in unosRezultataMerenjaDataGridView.Rows)
                if (item.Cells[0].Value != null && item.Cells[1].Value != null)
                    bool isDouble  = double.TryParse(item.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), out habanje);
                    bool isDouble2 = double.TryParse(item.Cells[1].Value.ToString(), out vreme);
                    if (isDouble && isDouble2)
            List <double> listaVremena     = sumiranjeListe(listaDeltaVremena);
            double        izaracunatoVreme = Interpolation.NevilleInterpolator(listaHabanja, listaVremena, a);
            double        brzinaVarirana   = (double)brzinaNumericUpDown.Value;

            ispitivanje.InputParameters(brzinaVarirana, izaracunatoVreme);
            List <PointCoordinates> listaTacakaZaGrafik = new List <PointCoordinates>();
            PointCoordinates        point = new PointCoordinates();

            point.YCoordinate = 0;
            point.XCoordinate = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < listaHabanja.Count; i++)
                point             = new PointCoordinates();
                point.YCoordinate = listaHabanja[i];
                point.XCoordinate = listaVremena[i];
            graphD.DrawGraph(listaTacakaZaGrafik, brzinaVarirana.ToString(), brzinaVarirana, 1);
Beispiel #3
 public Line(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY)
     this.pointCoordinates = new PointCoordinates(startX, startY, endX, endY);
        internal unsafe void Launch()
            Console.WriteLine("    Left click to add a point.");
            Console.WriteLine("    'c' to close the current polyline and start a new one.");
            Console.WriteLine("    's' stroke the polyline.");
            Console.WriteLine("    't' to tessellate the polygon.");
            Console.WriteLine("    'r' reset the polygon.");

            using var windowServer     = new WindowServer();
            using var renderingContext = new RenderingContext { Settings = new RenderingSettings { Samples = 8 } };

            using var window               = windowServer.CreateWindow(renderingContext);
            window.Title                   = "Tessellation";
            window.BorderStyle             = WindowBorderStyle.Sizable;
            window.Size                    = (800, 800);
            renderingContext.CurrentWindow = window;

            var viewportSize = window.ViewportSize;
            var windowSize   = window.Size;

            var backend = new DrawingBackend(new EntryPointLoader(renderingContext))
                PixelScaling = viewportSize.height / windowSize.height

            var dataLock = new object();
            var vertices = new List <(double x, double y)>();
            List <List <(double x, double y)> >?polygon = new List <List <(double x, double y)> >();
            var contour = default(List <(double x, double y)>);
            var colors  = new RgbaColor[]
                new RgbaColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
                new RgbaColor(110, 100, 70, 200),
                new RgbaColor(130, 30, 50, 200),
                new RgbaColor(150, 90, 80, 200),
                new RgbaColor(170, 40, 40, 200),
                new RgbaColor(190, 80, 90, 200),
                new RgbaColor(210, 50, 30, 200),
                new RgbaColor(230, 70, 100, 200),

            var buffer            = new PointCoordinates[6];
            var vertexBuffer      = backend.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexType.PointCoordinates, 6);
            var colorBufferHandle = backend.CreateUniformBuffer(UniformType.RgbaColor, colors.Length);

            var transformBufferHandle = backend.CreateUniformBuffer(UniformType.AffineTransform, 1);

            var commandBufferInit = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddClearCommand(commandBufferInit, new RgbaColor(55, 55, 55, 255));
            backend.AddUseShaderCommand(commandBufferInit, ShaderKind.PlainColor);
            backend.AddBindUniformCommand(commandBufferInit, Uniform.Color, colorBufferHandle, 0);
            backend.AddBindUniformCommand(commandBufferInit, Uniform.Transform, transformBufferHandle, 0);
            backend.AddBindVertexBufferCommand(commandBufferInit, vertexBuffer);

            var bindColorCommandBuffers = new CommandBufferHandle[colors.Length];

            for (int i = 1; i < colors.Length; i++)
                bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1] = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();
                backend.BeginRecordCommands(bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1]);
                backend.AddBindUniformCommand(bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1], Uniform.Color, colorBufferHandle, i);
                backend.EndRecordCommands(bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1]);

            var commandBufferDrawTriangle = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddDrawCommand(commandBufferDrawTriangle, DrawingPrimitive.Triangles, 0, 3);

            var commandBufferDrawTriangles = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddDrawCommand(commandBufferDrawTriangles, DrawingPrimitive.Triangles, 0, 6);

            var drawLineStripArgsBufferHandle = backend.CreateVertexRangeBuffer(1);
            var drawLineStripCommandBuffer    = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddDrawIndirectCommand(drawLineStripCommandBuffer, DrawingPrimitive.LineStrip, drawLineStripArgsBufferHandle, 0);

            var vertexRanges         = new VertexRange[1];
            var commandBufferHandles = new CommandBufferHandle[2];
            var transforms           = new AffineTransform[1];

            transforms[0] = new AffineTransform(m11: 1, m22: 1);

            var drawLock           = new object();
            var interruptRendering = false;
            var requireRendering   = true;

            void draw()
                while (!interruptRendering)
                    if (requireRendering)
                        requireRendering = false;
                        renderingContext.CurrentWindow = window;
                        backend.PixelScaling           = viewportSize.height / windowSize.height;
                        backend.WindowSize             = windowSize;
                        backend.UpdateUniformBuffer(colorBufferHandle, colors, 0, colors.Length);

                        backend.UpdateUniformBuffer(transformBufferHandle, transforms, 0, 1);
                        commandBufferHandles[0] = commandBufferInit;
                        backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);

                        lock (dataLock)
                            if (polygon != null)
                                for (int j = 0; j < polygon.Count; j++)
                                    var c = polygon[j];
                                    if (c.Count == 1)
                                        commandBufferHandles[0] = commandBufferDrawTriangles;

                                        var(x, y) = c[0];
                                        var x0 = x - 2;
                                        var y0 = y - 2;
                                        var x1 = x + 2;
                                        var y1 = y - 2;
                                        var x2 = x + 2;
                                        var y2 = y + 2;
                                        var x3 = x - 2;
                                        var y3 = y + 2;

                                        buffer[0] = new PointCoordinates(x0, y0);
                                        buffer[1] = new PointCoordinates(x1, y1);
                                        buffer[2] = new PointCoordinates(x2, y2);
                                        buffer[3] = new PointCoordinates(x2, y2);
                                        buffer[4] = new PointCoordinates(x3, y3);
                                        buffer[5] = new PointCoordinates(x0, y0);

                                        backend.UpdateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, buffer, 0, 6);
                                        backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);
                                        commandBufferHandles[0] = drawLineStripCommandBuffer;
                                        vertexRanges[0]         = new VertexRange(0, 6);
                                        backend.UpdateVertexRangeBuffer(drawLineStripArgsBufferHandle, vertexRanges, 0, 1);
                                        var n = 0;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++)
                                            var(x, y) = c[i];
                                            buffer[n] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);

                                            if (++n == 6)
                                                backend.UpdateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, buffer, 0, 6);
                                                backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);
                                                buffer[0] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);
                                                n         = 1;
                                        if (j < polygon.Count - 1 || contour == null)
                                            var(x, y) = c[0];
                                            buffer[n] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);
                                        if (n > 1)
                                            backend.UpdateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, buffer, 0, n);
                                            vertexRanges[0] = new VertexRange(0, n);
                                            backend.UpdateVertexRangeBuffer(drawLineStripArgsBufferHandle, vertexRanges, 0, 1);
                                            backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);
                                commandBufferHandles[1] = commandBufferDrawTriangle;
                                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count - 2; i += 3)
                                    commandBufferHandles[0] = bindColorCommandBuffers[((i / 3) % (colors.Length - 1))];
                                    var(x, y) = vertices[i];
                                    buffer[0] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);
                                    (x, y)    = vertices[i + 1];
                                    buffer[1] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);
                                    (x, y)    = vertices[i + 2];
                                    buffer[2] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);

                                    backend.UpdateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, buffer, 0, 3);
                                    backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 2);

                        renderingContext.CurrentWindow = null;

                    lock (drawLock)
                        Monitor.Wait(drawLock, 50);

            window.TextInput += (sender, e) =>
                switch (e.CodePoint)
                case 'c':
                    lock (dataLock)
                        if (contour != null && contour.Count > 2)
                        contour = null;
                    requireRendering = true;

                case 'r':
                    lock (dataLock)
                        polygon = new List <List <(double x, double y)> >();
                        contour = null;
                    requireRendering = true;

                case 's':
                    var p = new List <List <(double x, double y)> >();
                    var polylineStroker = new PolylineStroker(new StrokeHandler(p))
                        StrokeWidth    = 20,
                        StrokeLinecap  = StrokeLinecap.Round,
                        StrokeLineJoin = StrokeLineJoin.Round
                    foreach (var c in polygon)
                    contour = null;
                    polygon = p;
                    requireRendering = true;

                case 't':
                    if (vertices.Count == 0)
                        lock (dataLock)
                            var tessellator = new Tessellator2D <int, int>(new TessellateHandler(vertices))
                                OutputKind  = OutputKind.TrianglesOnly,
                                WindingRule = WindingRule.NonZero

                            foreach (var c in polygon)
                                foreach (var(x, y) in c)
                                    tessellator.AddVertex(x, y, 0);

                            tessellator.OutputKind = OutputKind.TriangleEnumerator;

                            foreach (var c in polygon)
                                foreach (var(x, y) in c)
                                    tessellator.AddVertex(x, y, 0);
                            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                            var f  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency;

                            while (tessellator.Move())
                                var(x, y, _) = tessellator.Vertex;
                                vertices.Add((x, y));

                            Console.WriteLine("Tessellated " + (vertices.Count / 3) + " triangles in " +
                                              (sw.ElapsedTicks * 1e3 / f).ToString("0.000") + "ms");
                            polygon = null;
                    requireRendering = true;

            window.MouseDown += (sender, e) =>
                lock (dataLock)
                    if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left && polygon != null)
                        if (contour == null)
                            contour = new List <(double x, double y)>();
                        else if (window.CursorPosition.x == contour[contour.Count - 1].x &&
                                 window.CursorPosition.y == contour[contour.Count - 1].y)
                        requireRendering = true;

            void resize()
                viewportSize     = window.ViewportSize;
                windowSize       = window.Size;
                requireRendering = true;
                lock (drawLock)

            var runLoop = MainRunLoop.Create(windowServer);

            var drawThread = new Thread(draw);

            window.Closed += (sender, e) =>
                interruptRendering = true;
            window.Resize            += (sender, e) => resize();
            window.FramebufferResize += (sender, e) => resize();

            renderingContext.CurrentWindow = null;
            window.Visible = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Tessellation done.");
        private void racunanjeBrzina(RezimiObrade rezimi, ReznaPlocica plocica)
            interpolacijaBrzina.Rezimi = rezimi;
            double vMax  = Math.Round(interpolacijaBrzina.vMax, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            double vPrep = Math.Round(interpolacijaBrzina.vPrep, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            double vMin  = Math.Round(interpolacijaBrzina.vMin, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            double sMax  = rezimi.SMax;
            double sPrep = rezimi.SPrep;
            double sMin  = rezimi.SMin;
            double aMax  = rezimi.AMax;
            double aPrep = rezimi.APrep;
            double aMin  = rezimi.AMin;

            izracunatiPrepRezimi.MaxRezim.Brzina  = vMax;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.MaxRezim.Pomak   = sMin;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.MaxRezim.Dubina  = aMin;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.PrepRezim.Brzina = vPrep;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.PrepRezim.Pomak  = sPrep;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.PrepRezim.Dubina = aPrep;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.MinRezim.Brzina  = vMin;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.MinRezim.Pomak   = sMax;
            izracunatiPrepRezimi.MinRezim.Dubina  = aMax;

            List <double> brzine = new List <double> {
                vMin, vPrep, vMax
            List <double> pomaci = new List <double> {
                sMax, sPrep, sMin
            List <double> dubine = new List <double> {
                aMax, aPrep, aMin

            izracunatiRezimi.Brzine = brzine;
            izracunatiRezimi.Pomaci = pomaci;
            izracunatiRezimi.Dubine = dubine;

            double brzina       = 0;
            double pomak        = 0;
            double dubina       = 0;
            string oznakaSerije = "";

            for (int dubinaIndex = 0; dubinaIndex < izracunatiRezimi.Dubine.Count; dubinaIndex++)
                for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < izracunatiRezimi.Brzine.Count; listIndex++)
                    PointCoordinates point = new PointCoordinates();
                    brzina            = izracunatiRezimi.Brzine[listIndex];
                    pomak             = pomaci[listIndex];
                    dubina            = dubine[dubinaIndex];
                    point.XCoordinate = brzina;
                    point.YCoordinate = Math.Round(brzina * pomak * dubina, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                oznakaSerije = plocica.OznakaPlocice + "\n" + "a = " + dubina + "   s = " + pomak;
                graphDrawBrzinaProizvodnost.DrawGraph(listaTacaka, oznakaSerije, plocica.OznakaPlocice, 0);

            oznakaRPlTBox.Text         = plocica.OznakaPlocice;
            oblikRPlTBox.Text          = plocica.Oblik.OblikPloc.ToString();
            ledjniUgaoTBox.Text        = plocica.LedjniUgao.ToString();
            tolerancijaTBox.Text       = plocica.Tolerancija.ToString();
            tipPlTBox.Text             = plocica.TipPlocice.ToString();
            duzinaRezneIviceTBox.Text  = plocica.DuzinaRezneIvice.ToString();
            debljinaPlTBox.Text        = plocica.Debljina.ToString();
            radijusPlTBox.Text         = plocica.Radijus.ToString();
            kvalitetObradeTextBox.Text = plocica.KvalitetObrade.OznakaKvalitetaPlocice.ToString();

            vMaxTextBox.Text  = vMax.ToString();
            vPrepTextbox.Text = vPrep.ToString();
            vMinTextBox.Text  = vMin.ToString();
            sMaxTextBox.Text  = rezimi.SMax.ToString();
            sPrepTextBox.Text = rezimi.SPrep.ToString();
            sMinTextBox.Text  = rezimi.SMin.ToString();
            aMaxTextBox.Text  = rezimi.AMax.ToString();
            aPrepTextBox.Text = rezimi.APrep.ToString();
            aMinTextBox.Text  = rezimi.AMin.ToString();

            granicnaVrednostPomaka                      = racunanjeGranicneVrednostiPomaka(plocica.Radijus, KvalitetObradeStorage.IzabraniKvalitet.RaMax);
            izabraniPomakNumericUpDown.Maximum          = (decimal)granicnaVrednostPomaka;
            izabraniPomakNumericUpDown.Value            = (decimal)granicnaVrednostPomaka;
            pomakUFunkcijiOdRaTextBox.Text              = granicnaVrednostPomaka.ToString();
            dubinaUzavisnostiOdDodatkaTBox.Text         = granicnaVrednostDubine.GranicnaVrednostDubine.ToString();
            izabranaDubinaNumericUpDown.Value           = (decimal)granicnaVrednostDubine.GranicnaVrednostDubine;
            granicnaVrednostBrzine                      = racunanjeGranicneVrednostiBrzine();
            izabranaBrzinaNumericUpDown.Value           = (decimal)granicnaVrednostBrzine;
            brzinaUZavisnostiOdPostojanostiTextBox.Text = granicnaVrednostBrzine.ToString();
            racunanjeParametaraRezanja.Radijus          = plocica.Radijus;
Beispiel #6
        internal unsafe void Launch()
            Console.WriteLine("    type any key to display the corresponding glyph.");
            Console.WriteLine("The top glyph is rasterized before being rendered as an image.");
            Console.WriteLine("The bottom glyph is tessellated and rendered as a set of triangles.");

            using var windowServer     = new WindowServer();
            using var renderingContext = new RenderingContext { Settings = new RenderingSettings { Samples = 8 } };
            using var window           = windowServer.CreateWindow(renderingContext);

            window.BorderStyle             = WindowBorderStyle.Sizable;
            window.Size                    = (500, 700);
            renderingContext.CurrentWindow = window;

            var viewportSize = window.ViewportSize;
            var windowSize   = window.Size;
            var vertices     = new List <(double x, double y)>();

            using var backend = new DrawingBackend(new EntryPointLoader(renderingContext))
                      PixelScaling = viewportSize.height / windowSize.height

            var colors = new RgbaColor[]
                new RgbaColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
                new RgbaColor(110, 100, 70, 200),
                new RgbaColor(130, 30, 50, 200),
                new RgbaColor(150, 90, 80, 200),
                new RgbaColor(170, 40, 40, 200),
                new RgbaColor(190, 80, 90, 200),
                new RgbaColor(210, 50, 30, 200),
                new RgbaColor(230, 70, 100, 200),

            var bufferTexture       = new PointAndImageCoordinates[6];
            var vertexBufferTexture = backend.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexType.PointAndImageCoordinates, 6);
            var buffer            = new PointCoordinates[3];
            var vertexBuffer      = backend.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexType.PointCoordinates, 3);
            var colorBufferHandle = backend.CreateUniformBuffer(UniformType.RgbaColor, colors.Length);

            backend.UpdateUniformBuffer(colorBufferHandle, colors, 0, colors.Length);

            const int GlyphSize = 300;

            var transformBufferHandle = backend.CreateUniformBuffer(UniformType.AffineTransform, 1);
            var imageHandle           = backend.CreateImage(GlyphSize, GlyphSize, ImageFormat.GreyscaleAlpha, ImageComponentType.UnsignedByte);

            var commandBufferInit = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddClearCommand(commandBufferInit, new RgbaColor(55, 55, 55, 255));

            var displayImageCommandBuffer = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddBindImageCommand(displayImageCommandBuffer, imageHandle);
            backend.AddUseShaderCommand(displayImageCommandBuffer, ShaderKind.GreyscaleImage);
            backend.AddBindUniformCommand(displayImageCommandBuffer, Uniform.Transform, transformBufferHandle, 0);
            backend.AddBindUniformCommand(displayImageCommandBuffer, Uniform.Color, colorBufferHandle, 0);
            backend.AddBindVertexBufferCommand(displayImageCommandBuffer, vertexBufferTexture);
            backend.AddDrawCommand(displayImageCommandBuffer, DrawingPrimitive.Triangles, 0, 6);

            var commandBufferInitDrawTriangle = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddUseShaderCommand(commandBufferInitDrawTriangle, ShaderKind.PlainColor);
            backend.AddBindUniformCommand(commandBufferInitDrawTriangle, Uniform.Transform, transformBufferHandle, 0);

            var bindColorCommandBuffers = new CommandBufferHandle[colors.Length];

            for (int i = 1; i < colors.Length; i++)
                bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1] = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();
                backend.BeginRecordCommands(bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1]);
                backend.AddBindUniformCommand(bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1], Uniform.Color, colorBufferHandle, i);
                backend.EndRecordCommands(bindColorCommandBuffers[i - 1]);

            var commandBufferDrawTriangle = backend.CreateCommandBuffer();

            backend.AddBindVertexBufferCommand(commandBufferDrawTriangle, vertexBuffer);
            backend.AddDrawCommand(commandBufferDrawTriangle, DrawingPrimitive.Triangles, 0, 3);

            var commandBufferHandles = new CommandBufferHandle[2];
            var transforms           = new AffineTransform[1];

            transforms[0] = new AffineTransform(m11: 1, m22: 1);

            var  bitmap         = new byte[GlyphSize * (GlyphSize + 5)];
            bool glyphAvailable = false;

            void draw()
                renderingContext.CurrentWindow = window;

                backend.UpdateUniformBuffer(transformBufferHandle, transforms, 0, 1);
                commandBufferHandles[0] = commandBufferInit;
                backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);

                if (glyphAvailable)
                    commandBufferHandles[0] = displayImageCommandBuffer;
                    backend.UpdateImage(imageHandle, bitmap, 0, 0, GlyphSize, GlyphSize);
                    bufferTexture[0] = new PointAndImageCoordinates(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    bufferTexture[1] = new PointAndImageCoordinates(0, 300, 0, 1);
                    bufferTexture[2] = new PointAndImageCoordinates(300, 300, 1, 1);
                    bufferTexture[3] = new PointAndImageCoordinates(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    bufferTexture[4] = new PointAndImageCoordinates(300, 300, 1, 1);
                    bufferTexture[5] = new PointAndImageCoordinates(300, 0, 1, 0);
                    backend.UpdateVertexBuffer(vertexBufferTexture, bufferTexture, 0, 6);
                    backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);

                    commandBufferHandles[0] = commandBufferInitDrawTriangle;
                    backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 1);

                    commandBufferHandles[1] = commandBufferDrawTriangle;
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count - 2; i += 3)
                        commandBufferHandles[0] = bindColorCommandBuffers[((i / 3) % (colors.Length - 1))];
                        var(x, y) = vertices[i];
                        buffer[0] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);
                        (x, y)    = vertices[i + 1];
                        buffer[1] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);
                        (x, y)    = vertices[i + 2];
                        buffer[2] = new PointCoordinates(x, y);

                        backend.UpdateVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, buffer, 0, 3);
                        backend.SubmitCommands(commandBufferHandles, 0, 2);



            OpenType openType;
            var      namePrefix = typeof(GlyphLauncher).Namespace + ".Resources.";

            using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(namePrefix + "ebrima.ttf"))
                openType = OpenType.Load(stream ?? throw new InvalidOperationException())[0];