public static PointBank GetPointBank(string bank)
            PointBank pointBank = null;
            var       doc       = DatabaseUtils.FindMongoDocument("_id", bank, "pointBanks");

            if (doc != null)
                pointBank = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <PointBank>(doc);
        public async Task PayLoan(int amount, [Remainder] string bank)
            var       user      = Context.User;
            UserInfo  userInfo  = ObjectUtils.GetUserInformation(user.Id);
            PointBank pointBank = ObjectUtils.GetPointBank(bank.ToLower());
            var       loans     = Util.CheckIfUserHasLoan(Context.User.Id);

            foreach (var loan in loans)
                if (bank.Equals(loan.Key))
                    if (userInfo.points < amount)
                        await ReplyAsync($"{user.Username} has {userInfo.points}.\nYou cannot pay {amount}.");

                    else if (amount > loan.Value)
                        await ReplyAsync($"Loan is {loan.Value}.\nYou cannot pay {amount}.");

                    else if (amount < 1)
                        await ReplyAsync($"You cannot pay less than 1 point.");

                    else if (amount.Equals(loan.Value))
                        DatabaseUtils.DecrementDocument(user.Id, "points", amount);
                        Util.UpdateArray("_id", pointBank._id, "currentLoans", user.Id.ToString(), pointBank, "pointBanks", false);
                        await ReplyAsync($"Loan paid back in full to {pointBank._id}");

                        DatabaseUtils.DecrementDocument(user.Id, "points", amount);
                        pointBank.currentLoans[user.Id.ToString()] -= amount;
                        Util.UpdateArray("_id", pointBank._id, "currentLoans", user.Id.ToString(), pointBank, "pointBanks", false);
                        await ReplyAsync($"Payment on loan made.\nRemaining balance {pointBank.currentLoans[user.Id.ToString()]}");

            await ReplyAsync("You do not have a loan out for this bank.");
        public async Task GetBankInfo([Remainder] string bank)
            EmbedBuilder embed     = new EmbedBuilder();
            PointBank    pointBank = ObjectUtils.GetPointBank(bank.ToLower());

            if (pointBank.Equals(null))
                await ReplyAsync($"{bank} does not exist");
                embed.Title = pointBank._id;
                embed.AddField("Money in vault", pointBank.currentCredits, true);
                embed.AddField("Interest Rate", $"{pointBank.interestRate * 100}%", true);
                embed.Color = Color.Purple;
            await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());
Beispiel #4
        public static Dictionary <string, int> CheckIfUserHasLoan(ulong user)
            Dictionary <string, int> currentLoans = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            using (var cursor = DatabaseUtils.MyMongoCollection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToCursor()) {
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    foreach (var doc in cursor.Current)
                        var docArray = doc.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "currentLoans").Value.AsBsonDocument;
                        if (docArray.Contains(user.ToString()))
                            PointBank pointBank = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <PointBank>(doc);
                            currentLoans.Add(pointBank._id, pointBank.currentLoans.Values.First());
        public async Task TakeLoan(int amount, [Remainder] string bank)
            var          user      = Context.User;
            UserInfo     userInfo  = ObjectUtils.GetUserInformation(user.Id);
            PointBank    pointBank = ObjectUtils.GetPointBank(bank.ToLower());
            EmbedBuilder embed     = new EmbedBuilder();

            if (Util.CheckIfUserHasLoan(user.Id) != null)
                await ReplyAsync("You already have a loan out for this bank!");

            if (amount < pointBank.minWithdrawal)
                await ReplyAsync($"Cannot take out a loan less than {pointBank.minWithdrawal} points!");
            else if (amount > pointBank.currentCredits)
                await ReplyAsync($"Cannot take out a loan which exceeds the amount of money in the vault!\nCurrent money in the vault is {pointBank.currentCredits}");
                int loanBalance = (int)(amount * (1 + pointBank.interestRate));
                pointBank.currentLoans.Add(user.Id.ToString(), loanBalance);
                var dict = new BsonDocument {
                    { user.Id.ToString(), loanBalance }
                Util.UpdateArray("_id", pointBank._id, "currentLoans", dict, pointBank, "pointBanks");
                DatabaseUtils.IncrementDocument(Context.User.Id, "points", amount);
                DatabaseUtils.DecrementDocument(pointBank._id, "currentCredits", amount, "pointBanks");
                embed.Title = "Succesful loan approval!";
                embed.Color = Color.Green;
                embed.AddField($"{Context.User.ToString()} points", userInfo.points + amount);
                embed.AddField($"{pointBank._id}'s vault value", pointBank.currentCredits - amount);
                await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());
Beispiel #6
        public static void UpdateArray(string filterField, string filterCriteria, string arrayField, object arrayCriteria, PointBank bank, string collectionName = "userData", bool newLoan = true)
            var doc = DatabaseUtils.FindMongoDocument(filterField, filterCriteria, collectionName);

            if (doc != null)
                var docArray = doc.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == arrayField).Value.AsBsonDocument;
                if (newLoan)
                    if (docArray.Contains(arrayCriteria.ToString()))
                        Logger.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Warning, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.FullName + ".UpdateArray", $"Array already contains {arrayCriteria}"));
                var filter = DatabaseUtils.FilterMongoDocument(filterField, filterCriteria, collectionName);
                var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("currentLoans", bank.currentLoans);

                DatabaseUtils.MyMongoCollection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(filter, update);