Beispiel #1
 public char this[PointAxial coords]
         var tup = axial_to_index(coords);
         return tup == null ? '.' : _grid[tup.Item1][tup.Item2];
         var tup = axial_to_index(coords);
         if (tup != null)
             _grid[tup.Item1][tup.Item2] = value;
Beispiel #2
        private void handleEdges()
            if (_grid.Size == 1)
                _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(0, 0);

            var x = coords.Q;
            var z = coords.R;
            var y = -x - z;

            if (Ut.Max(Math.Abs(x), Math.Abs(y), Math.Abs(z)) < _grid.Size)

            var xBigger = Math.Abs(x) >= _grid.Size;
            var yBigger = Math.Abs(y) >= _grid.Size;
            var zBigger = Math.Abs(z) >= _grid.Size;

            // Move the pointer back to the hex near the edge
            _ips[_activeIp] -= dir.Vector;

            // If two values are still in range, we are wrapping around an edge (not a corner).
            if (!xBigger && !yBigger)
                _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(coords.Q + coords.R, -coords.R);
            else if (!yBigger && !zBigger)
                _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(-coords.Q, coords.Q + coords.R);
            else if (!zBigger && !xBigger)
                _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(-coords.R, -coords.Q);
                // If two values are out of range, we navigated into a corner.
                // We teleport to a location that depends on the current memory value.
                var isPositive = _memory.Get() > 0;

                if ((!xBigger && !isPositive) || (!yBigger && isPositive))
                    _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(coords.Q + coords.R, -coords.R);
                else if ((!yBigger && !isPositive) || (!zBigger && isPositive))
                    _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(-coords.Q, coords.Q + coords.R);
                else if ((!zBigger && !isPositive) || (!xBigger && isPositive))
                    _ips[_activeIp] = new PointAxial(-coords.R, -coords.Q);
Beispiel #3
 public void MoveRight()
     var index = rightIndex;
     _mp = index.Item1;
     _dir = index.Item2;
     _cw = index.Item3;
Beispiel #4
 public void MoveLeft()
     var index = leftIndex;
     _mp = index.Item1;
     _dir = index.Item2;
     _cw = index.Item3;
Beispiel #5
        public Bitmap DrawBitmap(HexagonySettings settings, Font defaultValueFont, Font defaultAnnotationFont)
            var getX = Ut.Lambda((Direction dir, PointAxial coords) => 4 * coords.Q + 2 * coords.R + (dir is East ? 1 : 0));
            var getY = Ut.Lambda((Direction dir, PointAxial coords) => 2 * coords.R + (dir is NorthEast ? 0 : dir is East ? 1 : 2));

            int minX = getX(_dir, _mp), maxX = minX;
            int minY = getY(_dir, _mp), maxY = minY;
            foreach (var kvp1 in _edges)
                foreach (var kvp2 in kvp1.Value)
                    var x = getX(kvp1.Key, kvp2.Key);
                    var y = getY(kvp1.Key, kvp2.Key);
                    minX = Math.Min(minX, x); minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
            foreach (var kvp1 in _annotations)
                foreach (var kvp2 in kvp1.Value)
                    var x = getX(kvp1.Key, kvp2.Key);
                    var y = getY(kvp1.Key, kvp2.Key);
                    minX = Math.Min(minX, x); minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
            minX -= 3; minY -= 3; maxX += 3; maxY += 3;

            const int xFactor = 20, yFactor = 34;

            return GraphicsUtil.DrawBitmap((maxX - minX) * xFactor, (maxY - minY) * yFactor, g =>

                using (var unusedEdgePen = new Pen(settings.MemoryGridZeroColor))
                using (var usedEdgePen = new Pen(settings.MemoryGridNonZeroColor, 2f))
                using (var pointerBrush = new SolidBrush(settings.MemoryPointerColor))
                using (var valueBrush = new SolidBrush(settings.MemoryValueFont.NullOr(f => f.Color) ?? Color.CornflowerBlue))
                using (var annotationBrush = new SolidBrush(settings.MemoryAnnotationFont.NullOr(f => f.Color) ?? Color.ForestGreen))
                using (var valueFont = settings.MemoryValueFont.NullOr(f => f.Font))
                using (var annotationFont = settings.MemoryAnnotationFont.NullOr(f => f.Font))
                    var sfValue = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near };
                    var sfAnnotation = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far };

                    for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++)
                        for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
                            if (!((y % 2 == 0 && x % 2 == 0) ||
                                ((y % 4 + 4) % 4 == 1 && (x % 4 + 4) % 4 == 1) ||
                                ((y % 4 + 4) % 4 == 3 && (x % 4 + 4) % 4 == 3)))

                            var dir = Direction.East;
                            var mp = new PointAxial(0, 0);

                            if (y % 2 != 0)
                                dir = Direction.East;
                                mp = new PointAxial((x - y) / 4, (y - 1) / 2);
                            else if ((x - y) % 4 == 0)
                                dir = Direction.NorthEast;
                                mp = new PointAxial((x - y) / 4, y / 2);
                                dir = Direction.SouthEast;
                                mp = new PointAxial((x - y + 2) / 4, (y - 2) / 2);

                            var xx = (x - minX) * xFactor;
                            var yy = (y - minY) * yFactor;
                            var hasValue = _edges.ContainsKeys(dir, mp);

                            using (var tr = new GraphicsTransformer(g).Rotate((dir is NorthEast ? -60 : dir is SouthEast ? 60 : 0) + (_cw ? 180 : 0)).Translate(xx, yy))
                                g.DrawLine(hasValue ? usedEdgePen : unusedEdgePen, 0, yFactor * -.68f, 0, yFactor * .68f);
                                if (dir == _dir && mp == _mp)
                                        new[] { new PointF(0, yFactor * -.68f), new PointF(3, yFactor * .68f), new PointF(-3, yFactor * .68f) });
                            using (var tr = new GraphicsTransformer(g).Rotate((dir is NorthEast ? 30 : dir is SouthEast ? -30 : -90)).Translate(xx, yy))
                                if (hasValue)
                                    var str = _edges[dir][mp].ToString();
                                    // Show printable ISO-8859-1 characters
                                    if (_edges[dir][mp] >= 0x20 && _edges[dir][mp] <= 0xff && _edges[dir][mp] != 0x7f)
                                        try { str += " '" + char.ConvertFromUtf32((int) _edges[dir][mp]) + "'"; }
                                        catch { }
                                    g.DrawString(str, valueFont ?? defaultValueFont, valueBrush, 0, 0, sfValue);
                                var annotation = _annotations.Get(dir, mp, null);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(annotation))
                                    g.DrawString(annotation, annotationFont ?? defaultAnnotationFont, annotationBrush, 0, 2, sfAnnotation);
Beispiel #6
 public int GetY(PointAxial p)
     return (p.R + Grid.Size - 1) * YTextSpacing + YPadding;
Beispiel #7
 public int GetX(PointAxial p)
     return (2 * (p.Q + Grid.Size - 1) + p.R) * XTextSpacing + XPadding;
Beispiel #8
        private Tuple<int, int> axial_to_index(PointAxial coords)
            var x = coords.Q;
            var z = coords.R;
            var y = -x - z;
            if (Ut.Max(Math.Abs(x), Math.Abs(y), Math.Abs(z)) >= Size)
                return null;

            var i = z + Size - 1;
            var j = x + Math.Min(i, Size - 1);
            return Tuple.Create(i, j);
Beispiel #9
 public Position GetPosition(PointAxial coords)
     var tup = axial_to_index(coords);
     return tup == null ? _endPos : _gridPositions[tup.Item1][tup.Item2];
Beispiel #10
 private void mouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (_lastRendering != null)
         _lastMouseDown = _file.FromScreen(e.X, e.Y);
         if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
             mnuContext.Show(ctImage, e.Location);
             DlgMessage.Show("The position you clicked is: " + _lastMouseDown.ToString(), "Axial coordinates", DlgType.Info);
Beispiel #11
        private PointAxial? handleEdges(PointAxial ip, Direction dir, bool? isPositive)
            if (_file.Grid.Size == 1)
                return new PointAxial(0, 0);

            var x = ip.Q;
            var z = ip.R;
            var y = -x - z;

            if (Ut.Max(Math.Abs(x), Math.Abs(y), Math.Abs(z)) < _file.Grid.Size)
                return ip;

            var xBigger = Math.Abs(x) >= _file.Grid.Size;
            var yBigger = Math.Abs(y) >= _file.Grid.Size;
            var zBigger = Math.Abs(z) >= _file.Grid.Size;

            // Move the pointer back to the hex near the edge
            ip -= dir.Vector;

            // If two values are still in range, we are wrapping around an edge (not a corner).
            if (!xBigger && !yBigger)
                return new PointAxial(ip.Q + ip.R, -ip.R);
            else if (!yBigger && !zBigger)
                return new PointAxial(-ip.Q, ip.Q + ip.R);
            else if (!zBigger && !xBigger)
                return new PointAxial(-ip.R, -ip.Q);

            // If two values are out of range, we navigated into a corner.
            if (isPositive == null)
                return null;
            // We teleport to a location that depends on the current memory value.
            if ((!xBigger && !isPositive.Value) || (!yBigger && isPositive.Value))
                return new PointAxial(ip.Q + ip.R, -ip.R);
            else if ((!yBigger && !isPositive.Value) || (!zBigger && isPositive.Value))
                return new PointAxial(-ip.Q, ip.Q + ip.R);
            else if ((!zBigger && !isPositive.Value) || (!xBigger && isPositive.Value))
                return new PointAxial(-ip.R, -ip.Q);

            // This should never be reached
            throw new InvalidOperationException();