Beispiel #1
        public async Task write_fills_out_descriptor()
            var poco = new Poco {
                Foo = "test"
            IEnumerable <IFullEvent> savedEvents = null;

                x =>
                x.WriteEvents(Moq.It.IsAny <string>(), Moq.It.IsAny <IEnumerable <IFullEvent> >(),
                              Moq.It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, string> >(), Moq.It.IsAny <long?>()))
            .Callback <string, IEnumerable <IFullEvent>, IDictionary <string, string>, long?>(
                (stream, events, headers, version) =>
                savedEvents = events;

            await _pocoStore.Write <Poco>(new Tuple <long, Poco>(0, poco), "test", "test", null,
                                          new Dictionary <string, string>()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var dto = savedEvents.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(dto.Event, poco);
            Assert.AreEqual((dto.Event as Poco).Foo, "test");

            var descriptor = dto.Descriptor;

            Assert.AreEqual(descriptor.EntityType, typeof(Poco).AssemblyQualifiedName);
            Assert.AreEqual(descriptor.StreamType, StreamTypes.Poco);
        public void Clear_Test()
            var op = new Mock <IOperationResult <Dictionary <string, object> > >(); //value is null

            var bucket = new Mock <IBucket>();

            bucket.Setup(x => x.GetAsync <Dictionary <string, object> >(It.IsAny <string>()))

            var provider = new Mock <ICouchbaseCacheBucketProvider>();

            provider.Setup(x => x.GetBucket()).Returns(bucket.Object);

            var cache   = new CouchbaseCache(provider.Object, new CouchbaseCacheOptions());
            var session = new CouchbaseSession(cache, "thesessionkey", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0), () => true, new LoggerFactory(), true);

            var poco = new Poco {
                Name = "jeff"

            session.Set("Clear_Test", poco);



    public static Poco CreatePoco()
        var poco = new Poco();

        new PropertyEmptySetter <POCO>(poco);
        public void SetOfT_Test()
            var op = new Mock <IOperationResult <Dictionary <string, object> > >(); //value is null

            var bucket = new Mock <IBucket>();

            bucket.Setup(x => x.GetAsync <Dictionary <string, object> >(It.IsAny <string>()))

            var provider = new Mock <ICouchbaseCacheBucketProvider>();

            provider.Setup(x => x.GetBucket()).Returns(bucket.Object);

            var cache   = new CouchbaseCache(provider.Object, new CouchbaseCacheOptions());
            var session = new CouchbaseSession(cache, "thesessionkey", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0), () => true, new LoggerFactory(), true);

            var poco = new Poco {
                Name = "jeff"

            session.Set("SetOfT_Tests", poco);

            Poco actual;
            var  result = session.TryGetValue("SetOfT_Tests", out actual);

            Assert.Same(poco, actual);
        public async Task Test_Get()
            var cache = GetCache();

            var poco = new Poco {
                Name = "poco1", Age = 12
            const string key        = "CouchbaseCacheTests.Test_Get";
            var          collection = await _fixture.GetDefaultCollectionAsync();

                await collection.RemoveAsync(key);
            catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
                // Ignore

            await collection.InsertAsync(key, GetBytes(poco), new InsertOptions().Transcoder(_transcoder));

            var bytes  = cache.Get(key);
            var actual = GetObject <Poco>(bytes);

            Assert.Equal(actual.ToString(), poco.ToString());
Beispiel #6
        public void When_Cipher_Is_Modified_HMAC_Throws_AuthException()
            var providers = new Dictionary <string, ICryptoProvider>
                { "AES-256-HMAC-SHA256", new AesCryptoProvider(new InsecureKeyStore("thekeyname", "!mysecretkey#9^5"))
                      KeyName        = "thekeyname",
                      PrivateKeyName = "123teuwoeiwkwkey"
                  } }
            var serializer = new EncryptedFieldSerializer(
                new JsonSerializerSettings {
                ContractResolver = new FieldEncryptorContractResolver(providers)
                new JsonSerializerSettings {
                ContractResolver = new FieldEncryptorContractResolver(providers)

            var poco = new Poco
                StringField = "Woot!"

            var bytes = serializer.Serialize(poco);

            bytes[90] = Convert.FromBase64String(Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("s")))[0];

            Assert.Throws <AuthenticationException>(() => serializer.Deserialize <Poco>(bytes, 0, bytes.Length));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Build()
            Poco model = new Poco
                ClassComment = "用户信息",
                ClassName    = "UserInfo",
                NameSpace    = "App.Entity",
                Properties   = new List <PocoProperty>
                    new PocoProperty {
                        Comment = "用户ID", Name = "ID", TypeName = "int"
                    new PocoProperty {
                        Comment = "用户名称", Name = "Name", TypeName = "string"
                    new PocoProperty {
                        Comment = "用户年龄", Name = "Age", TypeName = "int"
                    new PocoProperty {
                        Comment = "用户性别", Name = "Gender", TypeName = "bool"
            string result = await _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync("Test/Poco", model);

            byte[] fileBuffer = BuildZipFile(new List <(string fileName, string fileContent)> {
                ("UserInfo.cs", result)

            return(File(fileBuffer, "application/zip", ""));
Beispiel #8
        public async Task NodesAsPocoProperties()
            const string Expected = "{\"MyString\":null,\"Node\":42,\"Array\":[43],\"Value\":44,\"IntValue\":45,\"Object\":{\"Property\":46}}";

            var poco = new Poco
                Node     = 42,
                Array    = new JsonArray(43),
                Value    = (JsonValue)44,
                IntValue = (JsonValue)45,
                Object   = new JsonObject
                    ["Property"] = 46

            string json = await Serializer.SerializeWrapper(poco);

            Assert.Equal(Expected, json);

            poco = await Serializer.DeserializeWrapper <Poco>(json);

            Assert.Equal(42, (int)poco.Node);
            Assert.Equal(43, (int)poco.Array[0]);
            Assert.Equal(44, (int)poco.Value);
            Assert.Equal(45, (int)poco.IntValue);
            Assert.Equal(46, (int)poco.Object["Property"]);
Beispiel #9
        public void ExecuteUpdate(string ticket, string attributeID, string changeValue, string catAttrID, string endpoint)
            int id = 0;

            // Setting the URL with for the search method with its endpoint
            Rclient.BaseUrl = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/v2/search", endpoint));

            // Setting the request type and adding the respective headers and parameters
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST).
                          AddParameter("where", attributeID);

            request.AddHeader("otcsticket", ticket);

            string response = Rclient.Execute(request).Content;

            Poco item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Poco>(response);

            //countLabel.Text = (item.Results.Count).ToString();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var obj in item.Results)
                // Getting the id from the seach results and setting it to the variable idS
                id =;

                // Inserting the id value to be used for changing the category attribute
                InsertAttributeValues(ticket, id, changeValue, catAttrID, ++i, endpoint);
        }// EOM
Beispiel #10
        public void Test_Serialize()
            var providers = new Dictionary <string, ICryptoProvider>
                { "AES-256-HMAC-SHA256", new AesCryptoProvider(new InsecureKeyStore("thekeyname", "!mysecretkey#9^5"))
                      KeyName        = "thekeyname",
                      PrivateKeyName = "123teuwoeiwkwkey"
                  } }
            var serializer = new EncryptedFieldSerializer(
                new JsonSerializerSettings {
                ContractResolver = new FieldEncryptorContractResolver(providers)
                new JsonSerializerSettings {
                ContractResolver = new FieldEncryptorContractResolver(providers)

            var poco = new Poco
                StringField = "Woot!"
            var bytes = serializer.Serialize(poco);
            var poco2 = serializer.Deserialize <Poco>(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            Assert.Equal(poco.StringField, poco2.StringField);
        public CreateFromPocoWindowViewModel()
            // バインド方式:TwoWay
            // TwoWay: ToReactivePropertyAsSynchronized()
            FirstNameTwoWay = Poco.ToReactivePropertyAsSynchronized(x => x.FirstName)
            LastNameTwoWay = Poco.ToReactivePropertyAsSynchronized(x => x.LastName)

            // バインド方式:OneWay
            // OneWay: ObserveProperty().ToReadOnlyReactiveProperty()
            FirstNameOneWay = Poco.ObserveProperty(x => x.FirstName)
            LastNameOneWay = Poco.ObserveProperty(x => x.LastName)

            // バインド方式:OneWayToSource
            // OneWayToSource: ReactiveProperty.FromObject()
            FirstNameToSource = ReactiveProperty.FromObject(Poco, x => x.FirstName);
            //.AddTo(Disposables);  // TODO:不要?
            LastNameToSource = ReactiveProperty.FromObject(Poco, x => x.LastName);
            //.AddTo(Disposables);  // TODO:不要?
        public async Task Test_RemoveAsync()
            var cache = GetCache();

            var poco = new Poco {
                Name = "poco1", Age = 12
            const string key        = "CouchbaseCacheTests.Test_RemoveAsync";
            var          collection = await _fixture.GetDefaultCollectionAsync();

                await collection.RemoveAsync(key);
            catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
                // Ignore

            await collection.InsertAsync(key, GetBytes(poco), new InsertOptions().Transcoder(_transcoder));

            await cache.RemoveAsync(key);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <DocumentNotFoundException>(() => collection.GetAsync(key));
        public void Remove_Success()
            var op = new Mock <IOperationResult <Dictionary <string, object> > >(); //value is null

            var bucket = new Mock <IBucket>();

            bucket.Setup(x => x.GetAsync <Dictionary <string, object> >(It.IsAny <string>()))

            var provider = new Mock <ICouchbaseCacheBucketProvider>();

            provider.Setup(x => x.GetBucket()).Returns(bucket.Object);

            var cache   = new CouchbaseCache(provider.Object, new CouchbaseCacheOptions());
            var session = new CouchbaseSession(cache, "thesessionkey", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0), () => true, new LoggerFactory(), true);

            var poco = new Poco {
                Name = "jeff"

            session.Set("remove_success", poco);
            Assert.Contains("remove_success", session.Keys.Cast <string>());

            Assert.DoesNotContain("remove_success", session.Keys.Cast <string>());
Beispiel #14
        public void Test_Insert()
            var builder = new Mock <IMutateInBuilder <List <Poco> > >();

            builder.Setup(x => x.ArrayInsert("[0]", It.IsAny <Poco>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Returns(builder.Object);
            builder.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(new DocumentFragment <List <Poco> >(builder.Object)
                Success = true

            var bucket = MockHelper.CreateBucket(BucketKey, new Poco {
                Key = "Poco-1", Name = "Poco #1"

            bucket.Setup(x => x.MutateIn <List <Poco> >(BucketKey)).Returns(builder.Object);

            var collection = new CouchbaseList <Poco>(bucket.Object, BucketKey);

            var poco = new Poco {
                Key = "Poco-2", Name = "Poco #2"

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => collection.Insert(0, poco));

            builder.Verify(x => x.ArrayInsert("[0]", poco, true), Times.Once());
            builder.Verify(x => x.Execute(), Times.Once());
Beispiel #15
        public void QueueTrigger_ProvidesPocoComplexPropertyBindingData()
            // Arrange
            Poco expectedChild = new Poco
                Value      = "abc",
                Int32Value = 123
            IStorageAccount account = CreateFakeStorageAccount();
            IStorageQueue   queue   = CreateQueue(account, QueueName);
            Poco            value   = new Poco {
                Child = expectedChild
            string content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value, typeof(Poco), settings: null);
            IStorageQueueMessage message = queue.CreateMessage(content);


            // Act
            Poco result = RunTrigger <Poco>(account, typeof(BindToPocoComplexPropertyBindingDataProgram),
                                            (s) => BindToPocoComplexPropertyBindingDataProgram.TaskSource = s);

            // Assert
            AssertEqual(expectedChild, result);
            public static void Run([Table(TableName)] CustomTableBinding <Poco> table)
                Poco entity = new Poco();

Beispiel #17
        public void Test_Remove()
            var poco = new Poco {
                Key = "Poco", Name = "Poco #1"

            var builder = new Mock <IMutateInBuilder <List <Poco> > >();

            builder.Setup(x => x.Remove("[0]")).Returns(builder.Object);
            builder.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(new DocumentFragment <List <Poco> >(builder.Object)
                Success = true

            var bucket = MockHelper.CreateBucket(BucketKey, poco);

            bucket.Setup(x => x.MutateIn <List <Poco> >(BucketKey)).Returns(builder.Object);

            var collection = new CouchbaseList <Poco>(bucket.Object, BucketKey);

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => collection.Remove(poco));

            builder.Verify(x => x.Remove("[0]"), Times.Once());
            builder.Verify(x => x.Execute(), Times.Once());
Beispiel #18
        public void IgnoreIfPath()
            TypeAdapterConfig <Poco, Dto> .NewConfig()
            .Map(dest => dest.Address, src => src.Child.Address)
            .IgnoreIf((src, dest) => src.Child.Address.Number == "100", dest => dest.Address.Location);

            var poco = new Poco
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Child = new ChildPoco
                    Address = new Address
                        Number   = "123",
                        Location = "10,10"

            var dto = poco.Adapt <Dto>();


            poco.Child.Address.Number = "100";
            var dto2 = poco.Adapt <Dto>();

Beispiel #19
        public void MapPath()
            TypeAdapterConfig <Poco, Dto> .NewConfig()
            .Map(dest => dest.Address.Number, src => src.Child.Address.Number);

            TypeAdapterConfig <ChildPoco, Dto> .NewConfig()
            .Map(dest => dest.Address.Number, src => src.Address.Number + "test");

            var poco = new Poco
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Child = new ChildPoco
                    Address = new Address
                        Number   = "123",
                        Location = "10,10"
            var dto = poco.Adapt <Dto>();


            var dto2 = poco.Child.Adapt <Dto>();

            dto2.Address.Number.ShouldBe(poco.Child.Address.Number + "test");
        public async Task TableEntity_IfBoundToExistingPoco_Binds()
            // Arrange
            const string   expectedValue = "abc";
            StorageAccount account       = CreateFakeStorageAccount();
            CloudQueue     triggerQueue  = await account.CreateQueueAsync(TriggerQueueName);

            await triggerQueue.AddMessageAsync(new CloudQueueMessage("ignore"));

            CloudTable table = await account.CreateTableAsync(TableName);

            Dictionary <string, EntityProperty> properties = new Dictionary <string, EntityProperty>
                { "Value", new EntityProperty(expectedValue) }

            table.Insert(new DynamicTableEntity(PartitionKey, RowKey, etag: null, properties: properties));

            // Act
            Poco result = RunTrigger <Poco>(account, typeof(BindToPocoProgram),
                                            (s) => BindToPocoProgram.TaskSource = s);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedValue, result.Value);
        public async Task Test_RefreshAsync_WithTimeSpan()
            var cache = GetCache(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 4));

            var poco = new Poco {
                Name = "poco1", Age = 12
            const string key        = "CouchbaseCacheTests.Test_RefreshAsync_WithTimeSpan";
            var          collection = await _fixture.GetDefaultCollectionAsync();

                await collection.RemoveAsync(key);
            catch (DocumentNotFoundException)
                // Ignore

            var v = await collection.InsertAsync(key, GetBytes(poco),
                                                 new InsertOptions().Transcoder(_transcoder).Expiry(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 2)));

            await cache.RefreshAsync(key);

            await Task.Delay(2000);

            await collection.GetAsync(key, new GetOptions().Transcoder(_transcoder));
Beispiel #22
        public void QueueTrigger_IfBoundToPoco_Binds()
            Poco expectedContent = new Poco {
                Value = "abc"

Beispiel #23
            public static void Run([QueueTrigger(TriggerQueueName)] CloudQueueMessage ignore,
                                   [Table(TableName)] CustomTableBinding <Poco> table)
                Poco entity = new Poco();

Beispiel #24
        public async Task QueueTrigger_IfBoundToPoco_Binds()
            Poco expectedContent = new Poco {
                Value = "abc"

            await TestBindToPoco(expectedContent);
        public async Task GetValueAsync_Poco_ReturnsValue()
            Mock <IConnection>          rethinkDbConnectionMock = PrepareRethinkDbConnectionMock();
            RethinkDbValueBinder <Poco> rethinkDbValueBinder    = PrepareRethinkDbValueBinder <Poco>(rethinkDbConnectionMock.Object);

            Poco value = (await rethinkDbValueBinder.GetValueAsync()) as Poco;

        public void Should_Ignore_GetType()
            var poco = new Poco {
                FirstName = "Foo", LastName = "Bar"
            var dto = poco.Adapt <Dto2>();

        public async Task GetValueAsync_Poco_RunsGetOnTable()
            Mock <IConnection>          rethinkDbConnectionMock = PrepareRethinkDbConnectionMock();
            RethinkDbValueBinder <Poco> rethinkDbValueBinder    = PrepareRethinkDbValueBinder <Poco>(rethinkDbConnectionMock.Object);

            Poco value = (await rethinkDbValueBinder.GetValueAsync()) as Poco;

            rethinkDbConnectionMock.Verify(m => m.RunResultAsync <JObject>(It.Is <ReqlAst>(reql => GET_DOCUMENT_REQL_MATCH(reql)), It.IsAny <Object>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
        public void Should_Copy_Value_From_Get_Method()
            var poco = new Poco {
                FirstName = "Foo", LastName = "Bar"
            var dto = poco.Adapt <Dto>();

            dto.FullName.ShouldBe("Foo Bar");
Beispiel #29
            public void Poco_DeserializedCorrectly()
                var poco = new Poco {
                    Foo = "foo", Bar = 1
                var result = poco.ToJsonString(false, false, false);

                result.Replace(" ", "").Should().Be("{\"Foo\":\"foo\",\"Bar\":1}");
        public void Allow_GetType_If_Property_Is_Type()
            var poco = new Poco {
                FirstName = "Foo", LastName = "Bar"
            var dto = poco.Adapt <Dto3>();

        public void TestPocoArray()
            var arr = new Poco[200];
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                arr[i] = new Poco()
                    Name = "Foo" + i,
                    Age = i

    protected override void Main()

      // Start with a typical object...
      Poco obj = new Poco();

      // and wrap it with a dynamic proxy.
      dynamic asyncObj = ObservableDynamicObject.Create(obj);

      // Properties, events and methods will now return observables.

      IObservable<string> messageChanged = asyncObj.Message;

      IObservable<EventPattern<PongEventArgs>> pongRaised = asyncObj.Pong;

      IObservable<int> pong = pongRaised.Select(e => e.EventArgs.Value);

      using (messageChanged.Subscribe(ConsoleOutput("Message changed")))
      using (pong.Subscribe(ConsoleOutput("Pong")))

        asyncObj.Message = "New Message";


        IObservable<Unit> ping = asyncObj.Ping(12345);


        IObservable<int> calculate = asyncObj.Calculate("Hello World");

        using (ping.Subscribe(ConsoleOutput("Ping")))
        using (calculate.Subscribe(ConsoleOutput("Calculate")))
Beispiel #33
        public void Can_change_serialization_options()
            var mockResponse = new MockHttpResponse();

            var dto = new Poco();
            Assert.That(dto.ToJson(), Is.EqualTo("{}"));

            var httpResult = new HttpResult(dto)
                ResultScope = () => JsConfig.With(includeNullValues:true)

            var reponseWasAutoHandled = mockResponse.WriteToResponse(httpResult, MimeTypes.Html);
            Assert.That(reponseWasAutoHandled.Result, Is.True);

            Assert.That(mockResponse.ReadAsString(), Is.EqualTo("{\"Text\":null}"));
Beispiel #34
 private void SyntaxAppend(StringBuilder syntax, dynamic value, Poco.Columns col)
     if (value != null)
         if (col.DataType.Contains("char"))
             syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = \"{1}\",", col.Name, value);
         else if (col.DataType.Contains("bit"))
             syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = \"{1}\",", col.Name, value.ToString().ToLower());
         else if (col.DataType.Contains("date"))
             syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = DateTime.Parse(\"{1}\"),", col.Name, value);
             syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = {1},", col.Name, value);
Beispiel #35
 private void SetInsert(dynamic row, StringBuilder syntax, Poco.Columns col)
     var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);
     SyntaxAppend(syntax, value, col);
        public void Deserializes_Poco_with_string_with_quotes_correctly()
            var original = new Poco {Name = "\"This is a string surrounded with quotes\""};
            var json = JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(original);
            var fromJson = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<Poco>(json);
            var fromJsonType = (Poco)JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString(json, typeof(Poco));

            "{0}||{1}".Print(json, fromJson);

            Assert.That(fromJson.Name, Is.EqualTo(original.Name));
            Assert.That(fromJsonType.Name, Is.EqualTo(original.Name));
Beispiel #37
        private void FallbackInsert(dynamic row, StringBuilder syntax, Poco.Columns col)
            var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);

            if (value != null)
                syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = {1},", col.Name, value);
Beispiel #38
        private void GuidInsert(dynamic row, StringBuilder syntax, Poco.Columns col)
            var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);

            if (value != null)
                syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = Guid.Parse(\"{1}\"),", col.Name, value.ToString().ToLower());
Beispiel #39
 private void DateTimeInsert(dynamic row, StringBuilder syntax, Poco.Columns col)
     var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);
     if (value != null)
         syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = DateTime.Parse(\"{1}\"),", col.Name, value);
 protected bool Equals(Poco other)
     return string.Equals(Key, other.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Beispiel #41
 private void CharInsert(dynamic row, StringBuilder syntax, Poco.Columns col)
     var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);
     if (value != null)
         syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = \"{1}\",", col.Name, value.Replace("\"", "\\\""));
Beispiel #42
        private void BinaryInsert(dynamic row, StringBuilder syntax, Poco.Columns col)
            var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);

            if (value != null)
                syntax.AppendFormat(" {0} = Convert.FromBase64String(\"{1}\"),", col.Name, Convert.ToBase64String(value));
        public void Test_Indexer_Set()
            const string key = "CouchbaseDictionaryTests.Test_Add";

            var dictionary = new CouchbaseDictionary<string, Poco>(_bucket, key);
            dictionary.Add("somekey1", new Poco { Name = "poco1" });
            dictionary.Add("somekey2", new Poco { Name = "poco2" });

            var item = dictionary["somekey1"] = new Poco {Name = "poco3"};
            Assert.AreEqual("poco3", item.Name);
        public void Create_OtherType_CanConvert()
            // Act
            IConverter<Poco, EntityProperty> converter = TToEntityPropertyConverterFactory.Create<Poco>();

            // Assert
            Poco original = new Poco { Value = "abc" };
            EntityProperty property = converter.Convert(original);
            Assert.Equal(EdmType.String, property.PropertyType);
            string expected = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(original, Formatting.Indented);
            Assert.Equal(expected, property.StringValue);
	    public void Starting_with_quotes_inside_POCOs()
	        var dto = new Poco {Name = "\"starting with\" POCO"};

	        var json = dto.ToJson();

	        var fromDto = json.FromJson<Poco>();

            Assert.That(fromDto.Name, Is.EqualTo(dto.Name));
Beispiel #46
        private bool SpecialIgnoreFound(dynamic row, Poco.Columns col)
            var value = GetProperty(row, col.Name);
            foreach (var item in Program.SpecialIgnores)
                if (table == item.Item1 && item.Item2 == col.Name && item.Item3 == value)
                    return true;

            return false;