Beispiel #1
    public ARPattern(int markerID, int patternID)
        float[] matrixRawArray = new float[16];
        float   widthRaw       = 0.0f;
        float   heightRaw      = 0.0f;

        // Get the pattern local transformation and size.
        if (!PluginFunctions.arwGetTrackableAppearanceConfig(markerID, patternID, matrixRawArray, out widthRaw, out heightRaw, out imageSizeX, out imageSizeY))
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid argument", "markerID,patternID");

        width  = widthRaw * ARTrackable.UNITY_TO_ARTOOLKIT;
        height = heightRaw * ARTrackable.UNITY_TO_ARTOOLKIT;
        // Scale the position from ARToolKit units (mm) into Unity units (m).
        matrixRawArray[12] *= ARTrackable.UNITY_TO_ARTOOLKIT;
        matrixRawArray[13] *= ARTrackable.UNITY_TO_ARTOOLKIT;
        matrixRawArray[14] *= ARTrackable.UNITY_TO_ARTOOLKIT;

        Matrix4x4 matrixRaw = ARUtilityFunctions.MatrixFromFloatArray(matrixRawArray);

        // ARToolKit uses right-hand coordinate system where the marker lies in x-y plane with right in direction of +x,
        // up in direction of +y, and forward (towards viewer) in direction of +z.
        // Need to convert to Unity's left-hand coordinate system where marker lies in x-y plane with right in direction of +x,
        // up in direction of +y, and forward (towards viewer) in direction of -z.
        matrix = ARUtilityFunctions.LHMatrixFromRHMatrix(matrixRaw);

        // Handle pattern image.
        if (imageSizeX > 0 && imageSizeY > 0)
            // Allocate a new texture for the pattern image
            texture            = new Texture2D(imageSizeX, imageSizeY, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            texture.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            texture.anisoLevel = 0;

            // Get the pattern image data and load it into the texture
            Color32[] colors32 = new Color32[imageSizeX * imageSizeY];
            if (PluginFunctions.arwGetTrackableAppearanceImage(markerID, patternID, colors32))
//	private Guid   cacheGuid               = Guid.Empty;
//	// When indexes update, there are three likely scenarios:
//	//     1) ID has not changed.
//	//     2) ID has shifted by a few values due to sorting.
//	//     3) Content has been removed, and therefore there is no ID.
//	private int ReassociateContentID(int index, TrackableType markerType, string content) {
//		if (string.CompareOrdinal(ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[index], content) == 0) {
//			return index;
//		} else {
//			for (int i = 0; i < ARToolKitAssetManager.
//		}
//	}

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        // Get the ARMarker that this panel will edit.
        ARTrackable arMarker = (ARTrackable)target;

        if (null == arMarker)
        // Attempt to load. Might not work out if e.g. for a single marker, pattern hasn't been
        // assigned yet, or for an NFT marker, dataset hasn't been specified.
        if (arMarker.UID == ARTrackable.NO_ID)

        // Check if a new image was dropped into the Project directory
        string        path = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + ARToolKitAssetManager.IMAGES_DIRECTORY_NAME;
        DirectoryInfo dir  = new DirectoryInfo(path);

        FileInfo[] imageFileList = dir.GetFiles("*.jpg").Union(dir.GetFiles("*.jpeg")).ToArray();
        if (imageFileList != null && ARToolKitAssetManager.Images != null && imageFileList.Length != ARToolKitAssetManager.Images.Length)
            if (imageFileList.Length < ARToolKitAssetManager.Images.Length)
                //An image was deleted from the file system so we might have an empty ARTrackable now
                ARController.Log("Warning: Trackable image removed. Please check all ARTrackables and make sure that they have an image assigned.");
            //We found a new trackable in the file system or a trackable was removed lets reload the trackables.

        // Draw the drag n drop area

        int selectedMarker = ArrayUtility.IndexOf(ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers, arMarker.EditorMarkerName);

        arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Marker", selectedMarker, ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers);

        bool newSelection = false;

        if (arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex < 0)
            //An image was deleted from the file system so we have an empty ARTrackable now
            ARController.Log("Warning: Trackable image removed. Please check the ARTrackable and make sure that is has an image assigned.");
            if (string.CompareOrdinal(arMarker.EditorMarkerName, ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex]) != 0)
                newSelection = true;
                arMarker.EditorMarkerName = ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex];

        ARTrackable.TrackableType markerType = DetermineTrackableType(arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex);
        if (arMarker.Type != markerType)
            arMarker.Type = markerType;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Type ", ARTrackable.TrackableTypeNames[arMarker.Type]);

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Unique ID", (arMarker.UID == ARTrackable.NO_ID ? "Not Loaded": arMarker.UID.ToString()));

        // Draw all the marker images
        if (arMarker.Patterns != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < arMarker.Patterns.Length; ++i)
                GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(string.Format("Pattern {0}, {1}m", i, arMarker.Patterns[i].width.ToString("n3")), arMarker.Patterns[i].texture), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));                 // n3 -> 3 decimal places.


        switch (arMarker.Type)
        case ARTrackable.TrackableType.TwoD:
            if (newSelection)
                arMarker.TwoDImageName = ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex];
            float twoDImageHeight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Image height", arMarker.TwoDImageHeight);
            if (twoDImageHeight != arMarker.TwoDImageHeight)
                arMarker.TwoDImageHeight = twoDImageHeight;

            float   width = 0.0f, height = 0.0f;
            int     imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0;
            float[] transformation = new float[16];

            if (PluginFunctions.arwGetTrackableAppearanceConfig(arMarker.UID, 0, transformation, out width, out height, out imageWidth, out imageHeight))
                Color32[] imagePixels = new Color32[imageWidth * imageHeight];
                if (PluginFunctions.arwGetTrackableAppearanceImage(arMarker.UID, 0, imagePixels))
                    //Set the texture with the trackable appearance.
                    Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(imageWidth, imageHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);

                    //Display label and texture to the user
                    GUILayout.Label("Trackable Appearance");

                    //Resize texture for viewport with max with and height
                    GUILayout.Label(ARTrackableAppearanceScale.BilinearWithMaxSize(texture, 200, 200));

        case ARTrackable.TrackableType.Square:
            if (newSelection)
                arMarker.PatternContents = GetPatternContents(ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex]);
            arMarker.PatternWidth          = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pattern Width (m)", arMarker.PatternWidth);
            arMarker.UseContPoseEstimation = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Contstant Pose Estimation", arMarker.UseContPoseEstimation);

        case ARTrackable.TrackableType.SquareBarcode:
            if (newSelection)
                string[] idArray = ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex].Split(' ');
                arMarker.BarcodeID = int.Parse(idArray[idArray.Length - 1]);
            arMarker.PatternWidth          = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pattern Width (m)", arMarker.PatternWidth);
            arMarker.UseContPoseEstimation = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Contstant Pose Estimation", arMarker.UseContPoseEstimation);

        case ARTrackable.TrackableType.Multimarker:
            if (newSelection)
                arMarker.MultiConfigFile = ARToolKitAssetManager.AllMarkers[arMarker.EditorMarkerIndex];


        arMarker.Filtered = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Filter Pose", arMarker.Filtered);
        if (arMarker.Filtered)
            arMarker.FilterSampleRate = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Sample Rate", arMarker.FilterSampleRate, 1.0f, 30.0f);
            arMarker.FilterCutoffFreq = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Cutoff Frequency", arMarker.FilterCutoffFreq, 1.0f, 30.0f);

        if (arMarker.Type == ARTrackable.TrackableType.Square || arMarker.Type == ARTrackable.TrackableType.SquareBarcode || arMarker.Type == ARTrackable.TrackableType.Multimarker)
            showGlobalSquareOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showGlobalSquareOptions, "Global Square Tracking Options");
            if (showGlobalSquareOptions)
                ARController.Instance.TemplateSize = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Template Size (bits)", ARController.Instance.TemplateSize, 16, 64);

                int currentTemplateCountMax = ARController.Instance.TemplateCountMax;
                int newTemplateCountMax     = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Maximum Template Count", currentTemplateCountMax);
                if (newTemplateCountMax != currentTemplateCountMax && newTemplateCountMax > 0)
                    ARController.Instance.TemplateCountMax = newTemplateCountMax;

                bool trackInColor = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Track Templates in Color", ARController.Instance.trackTemplatesInColor);
                if (trackInColor != ARController.Instance.trackTemplatesInColor)
                    ARController.Instance.trackTemplatesInColor = trackInColor;

                ARController.Instance.BorderSize    = UnityEngine.Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Border Size (%)", ARController.Instance.BorderSize), 0.0f, 0.5f);
                ARController.Instance.LabelingMode  = (ARController.ARToolKitLabelingMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Marker Border Color", ARController.Instance.LabelingMode);
                ARController.Instance.ImageProcMode = (ARController.ARToolKitImageProcMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Image Processing Mode", ARController.Instance.ImageProcMode);

        var obj  = new SerializedObject(arMarker);
        var prop = obj.FindProperty("eventReceivers");

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop, new GUIContent("Event Receivers"), true);
Beispiel #3
    // Load the underlying ARToolKit marker structure(s) and set the UID.
    public void Load()
        lock (loadLock) {
            if (UID != NO_ID)
            if (!PluginFunctions.inited)
                // If arwInitialiseAR() has not yet been called, we can't load the native trackable yet.
                // ARController.InitialiseAR() will call this again when arwInitialiseAR() has been called.
            // Work out the configuration string to pass to ARToolKit.
            string assetDirectory = Application.streamingAssetsPath;
            string configuration  = string.Empty;
            string path           = string.Empty;

            switch (Type)
            case TrackableType.TwoD:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TwoDImageName))
                    ARController.Log(string.Format(LOAD_FAILURE, "2D image trackable due to no TwoDImageName"));
                path = Path.Combine(TWOD_FORMAT, TwoDImageName);
                if (!ARUtilityFunctions.GetFileFromStreamingAssets(path, out assetDirectory))
                    ARController.Log(string.Format(LOAD_FAILURE, TwoDImageName));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetDirectory))
                    configuration = string.Format(TWOD_CONFIG, assetDirectory, TwoDImageHeight * ARTOOLKIT_TO_UNITY);

            case TrackableType.Square:
                // Multiply width by 1000 to convert from metres to ARToolKit's millimetres.
                configuration = string.Format(SINGLE_BUFFER_CONFIG, PatternWidth * ARTOOLKIT_TO_UNITY, PatternContents);

            case TrackableType.SquareBarcode:
                // Multiply width by 1000 to convert from metres to ARToolKit's millimetres.
                configuration = string.Format(SINGLE_BARCODE_CONFIG, BarcodeID, PatternWidth * ARTOOLKIT_TO_UNITY);

            case TrackableType.Multimarker:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MultiConfigFile))
                    ARController.Log(string.Format(LOAD_FAILURE, "multimarker due to no MultiConfigFile"));
                path = Path.Combine(MULTI_FORMAT, MultiConfigFile + MULTI_EXT);
                ARUtilityFunctions.GetFileFromStreamingAssets(path, out assetDirectory);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetDirectory))
                    configuration = string.Format(MULTI_CONFIG, assetDirectory);

                // Unknown marker type?
                ARController.Log(string.Format(LOAD_FAILURE, "due to unknown marker"));

            // If a valid config. could be assembled, get ARToolKit to process it, and assign the resulting ARMarker UID.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration))
                ARController.Log(LOG_TAG + "trackable configuration is null or empty.");

            uid = PluginFunctions.arwAddMarker(configuration);
            if (UID == NO_ID)
                ARController.Log(LOG_TAG + "Error loading trackable.");

            // Trackable loaded. Do any additional configuration.
            if (Type == TrackableType.Square || Type == TrackableType.SquareBarcode)
                UseContPoseEstimation = currentUseContPoseEstimation;

            Filtered         = currentFiltered;
            FilterSampleRate = currentFilterSampleRate;
            FilterCutoffFreq = currentFilterCutoffFreq;

            // Retrieve any required information from the configured ARTrackable.
            if (Type == TrackableType.TwoD)
                int   dummyImageSizeX, dummyImageSizeY;
                float dummyTwoDImageHeight;
                PluginFunctions.arwGetTrackableAppearanceConfig(UID, 0, null, out TwoDImageWidth, out dummyTwoDImageHeight, out dummyImageSizeX, out dummyImageSizeY);
                TwoDImageWidth *= UNITY_TO_ARTOOLKIT;
                // Create array of patterns. A single marker will have array length 1.
                int numPatterns = PluginFunctions.arwGetTrackableAppearanceCount(UID);
                if (numPatterns > 0)
                    patterns = new ARPattern[numPatterns];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPatterns; ++i)
                        patterns[i] = new ARPattern(UID, i);