// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Safety in case the player ship connection is lost -Adam
        if(mPlayer == null)
            mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();


            if( (!mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayer != null && mPlayer.mThreeBullet) || (mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayerTwo != null && mPlayerTwo.mThreeBullet) )
                //Make the bar move up and down
                mPowerTimerBar.enabled = true;
                if(!mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayer != null)
                    mPowerTimerBar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(1f, mPlayer.mThreeBulletTimer/30f, 1f);
                else if(mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayerTwo != null)
                    mPowerTimerBar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(1f, mPlayerTwo.mThreeBulletTimer/30f, 1f);
                mPowerTimerSwirl.transform.position = new Vector3(mPowerTimerSwirl.transform.position.x, swirlStartY + (mPowerTimerBar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale.y * 24), mPowerTimerSwirl.transform.position.z);
                mPowerTimerBulb.enabled = true;
                mPowerTimerBar.enabled = false;
                mPowerTimerBulb.enabled = false;

Beispiel #2
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        //Finding our player ship reference
        switch (this.playerToTrack)
        case Players.P1:
            this.ourShip = PlayerShipController.p1ShipRef;

        case Players.P2:
            this.ourShip = PlayerShipController.p2ShipRef;

            this.ourShip = PlayerShipController.p1ShipRef;

        //If our ship reference is null, we disable this component
        if (this.ourShip == null)
            this.enabled = false;

        //Getting our camera component reference
        this.ourCamera = this.GetComponent <Camera>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Safety in case the player ship connection is lost -Adam
        if(mPlayer == null)
            mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();

        else if(mOverHeatBar.canvas.isActiveAndEnabled) //Only do stuff when the canvas is actually turned on
            //Make the bar move up and down
            mOverHeatBar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(mPlayer.heatLevel/mPlayer.maxHeatLevel, 1, 1f);

            //Display overlay when overheated
                mOverHeatOverlay.enabled = true;
                mOverHeatOverlay.enabled = false;

Beispiel #4
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        //Getting our weapon reference
        this.ourWeapon = this.GetComponent <Weapon>();

        //If we always target player 1, we set our target to the player 1 ship
        if (this.targetType == EnemyTarget.Player1)
            this.targetPlayer = PlayerShipController.p1ShipRef;
        //If we always target player 2, we set our target to the player 2 ship
        else if (this.targetType == EnemyTarget.Player2)
            //If the player 2 ship exists, we target it
            if (PlayerShipController.p2ShipRef != null)
                this.targetPlayer = PlayerShipController.p2ShipRef;
            //If the player 2 ship doesn't exist, we disable this object
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Safety in case the player ship connection is lost -Adam
        if(mPlayer == null)
            mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();

        else if(mPowerTimerBar.canvas.isActiveAndEnabled) //Only do stuff when the canvas is actually turned on
            //Make the bar move up and down ~Adam
                //Make the bar move up and down
                mPowerTimerBar.enabled = true;
                mPowerTimerBar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(mPlayer.mThreeBulletTimer/30f, 1, 1f);

            //Hide the bar when not powered up ~Adam
                mPowerTimerBar.enabled = false;
Beispiel #6
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        PlayerShipController ship = spaceManager.activeShip;

Beispiel #7
    protected override void Initialize()
        rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
        PlayerShipController Player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerShipController> ();

        PlayerBody = Player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
        movementController.Moved += ctlr_Moved;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //get the face sprite to change
        mFace = GetComponent<Image>();

        //find the palyer and the score manager ~Adam
        mPlayer1Ship = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
        mScoreMan = FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     //Find the player ship -Adam
     mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
     //Find the second player's ship ~Adam
     if(mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayer.mPlayerTwo != null)
         mPlayerTwo = mPlayer.mPlayerTwo;
Beispiel #10
 private void Start()
     playerShipController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerShip").GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
     enemies             = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Enemies");
     asteroids           = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Asteroids/Prefabs");
     powerups            = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("PowerUp/Prefabs/PowerupsShooter");
     timeToStartNextWave = Time.time + waveStart;
     timetoSendPowerUp   = timeToStartNextWave * 1;
     formations          = GetComponent <FormationConstructor>();
Beispiel #11
    void SetCameraZoom(PlayerShipController ship)
        float lerpDist               = ship.savedVelocity / ship.maxLinearVelocity;
        float targetCameraSize       = Mathf.Lerp(ship.minCameraSize, ship.maxCameraSize, lerpDist);
        float distToTargetCameraSize = Mathf.Abs(camera.orthographicSize - targetCameraSize);

        if (distToTargetCameraSize > 0.01f)
            camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.Lerp(camera.orthographicSize, targetCameraSize, zoomSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        //Getting our player ship reference
        this.ourShip = this.GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();

        //Making sure our roll trail object is disabled
        if (this.rollTrails != null)
Beispiel #13
    public static void HandleCollision(this ICollidable me, ICollidable target)
        // Reference frame: target is standing still (this makes calculations easier)
        // Adjust velocities to fit the reference frame
        Vector3 otherInitialVelocity = target.GetVelocity();
        Vector3 initialVelocity      = me.GetVelocity() - otherInitialVelocity;
        // Target will be sent directly away from my center of mass
        Vector3 directionTowardsOther = (target.GetPosition() - me.GetPosition()).normalized;
        // Get my initial kinetic energy
        // My KE is equal to the total KE of the system, because the target is stationary in this reference frame
        float initialKineticEnergy = (0.5f * me.GetMass() * me.GetVelocity().sqrMagnitude);
        // How much KE is transferred to the target depends on how direct the hit was
        float kEPercentage  = Vector3.Dot(directionTowardsOther, initialVelocity.normalized);
        float transferredKE = initialKineticEnergy * kEPercentage;
        // Elasticity determines how much KE is converted into damage and how much becomes recoil
        float elasticityAvg = (me.GetElasticity() + target.GetElasticity()) / 2f;
        float recoilKE      = transferredKE * elasticityAvg;
        float convertedKE   = transferredKE - recoilKE;
        // Get the new speed of the target from the recoil KE and set velocity in the direction of impact
        float   theirSpeed       = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Abs(2f * recoilKE * kEPercentage) / me.GetMass());
        Vector3 theirNewVelocity = directionTowardsOther * theirSpeed;
        // Calculate my new velocity using the conservation of momentum formula
        Vector3 myNewVelocity = initialVelocity - ((target.GetMass() * theirNewVelocity) / me.GetMass());

        // Set velocities of both bodies, shifting back to the global reference frame
        me.SetVelocity(myNewVelocity + otherInitialVelocity);
        target.SetVelocity(theirNewVelocity + otherInitialVelocity);
        // Take damage based on the converted KE
        me.TakeDamage(me.CalculateCollisionDamageReduction(target.GetDamage(convertedKE)), false, VectorHelper.Midpoint(me.GetPosition(), target.GetPosition()));
        target.TakeDamage(target.CalculateCollisionDamageReduction(me.GetDamage(convertedKE)), false, VectorHelper.Midpoint(me.GetPosition(), target.GetPosition()));

        // Move to positions so the colliders aren't inside each other
        float   totalMaxRadius     = me.GetCollisionRadius() + target.GetCollisionRadius();
        float   actualMaxRadius    = (target.GetPosition() - me.GetPosition()).magnitude;
        float   radiusDifference   = totalMaxRadius - actualMaxRadius;
        float   myRadiusPercentage = me.GetCollisionRadius() / totalMaxRadius;
        Vector3 weightedMidpoint   = me.GetPosition() + directionTowardsOther * actualMaxRadius * myRadiusPercentage;

        target.SetPosition(weightedMidpoint + directionTowardsOther * target.GetCollisionRadius());
        me.SetPosition(weightedMidpoint - directionTowardsOther * me.GetCollisionRadius());

        // Communicate collision to parent spawner if other is player ship
        try {
            ISpawnable           spawnable  = (me as MonoBehaviour).GetComponent <ISpawnable>();
            PlayerShipController playerShip = (target as MonoBehaviour).GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
            if (spawnable != null && playerShip != null)
        catch (System.Exception e) {
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("Using ICollidable that isn't a MonoBehaviour! How?/nInner Exception: '{0}'", e.Message);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        swirlStartY = mPowerTimerSwirl.transform.position.y;

        //Find the player ship -Adam
        mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
        //Find the second player's ship ~Adam
        if(mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayer.mPlayerTwo != null)
            mPlayerTwo = mPlayer.mPlayerTwo;
Beispiel #15
 private void ExitWind()
     foreach (Rigidbody2D rigidbody in objectsUnderWind.Keys)
         rigidbody.AddForce(-(objectsUnderWind[rigidbody] * (currentWindSpeed * 20)));
         PlayerShipController player = rigidbody.GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
         if (player != null)
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     //Make sure we always have a ScoreManager ~Adam
     if(mScoreManager == null)
         mScoreManager = FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>() as ScoreManager;
     //Make sure we always have a Ship ~Adam
     if(mPlayerAvatar == null)
         mPlayerAvatar = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>() as PlayerShipController;
 public void initJumper(StarSystem starSystem)
     this.starSystem = starSystem;
     jumpBG = GameObject.Find("Jump Background").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     jumpBG.enabled   = true;
     bgTrans          = jumpBG.transform;
     style            = messageStyle;
     cameraController = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraController>();
     cameraTrans      = cameraController.transform;
     playerController = GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
Beispiel #18
 private void AllowMovement(PlayerShipController playerShipController, bool isAllowed)   // установление правил движения игрока при контакте со стеной
     if (playerShipController != null)
         if (_isRightWall)
Beispiel #19
 void OnActiveShipChange(PlayerShipController newActiveShip)
     foreach (PlayerShipController ship in playerShips)
         if (ship == newActiveShip)
             _activeShip         = newActiveShip;
             _activeShip.enabled = true;
             ship.enabled = false;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     //Find the score manager and the player ships ~Adam
     if(FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>() != null)
         mScoreMan = FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>();
     if(FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>() != null)
         mP1Ship = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
     if(FindObjectOfType<PlayerTwoShipController>() != null)
         mP2Ship = FindObjectOfType<PlayerTwoShipController>();
Beispiel #21
    public void Interact(PlayerShipController player)
        Debug.Log("Oh no you friccin moron, you just got INTERACTED! Tag your friend to totally INTERACT them.");
        InteractionUI window = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/UI/InteractionWindow") as GameObject).GetComponent <InteractionUI>();

        window.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("ScreenUI").transform, false);
        window.player = player;
        window.source = this;
        RectTransform t = (RectTransform)window.transform;

        t.offsetMax = Vector2.zero;
        foreach (OrbitalInteraction i in interactions)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
        if(mPlayer != null)
            mPlayer.mShipStolen = true;
        //Randomly decide the direction the ship will move upon being released
        mMovingRight = (Random.value < 0.5);

        //Base the movement speed off of the players movement speed
        mMovementSpeed = mPlayer.mMovementSpeed;

        //Like the player, the later the level, the faster the captured ship shoots.
        //mShootTimerDefault = 0.25f-(0.15f/25f*Application.loadedLevel);
        mShootTimerDefault = 5f;
        mShootTimer = mShootTimerDefault;

        if(FindObjectOfType<PlayerTwoShipController>()!= null)
            Destroy (this.gameObject);
Beispiel #23
 public override void ApplyEffectOnPlayer(PlayerShipController player)
     player.GetComponent <Spaceship>().AddHealth(healthBonus);
 // Use this for initialization
 private void Start()
     //Getting our ship component reference
     this.ourShip = this.GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
Beispiel #25
 void Start()
     playerShipController = playerShip.GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if(mPlayer == null)
            mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
            if(mPlayer != null)
                mPlayer.mShipStolen = true;
        //Being towed away by the grabbing enemy
        if(mGrabbingEnemy != null && mInTow == true)
            transform.position = mGrabbingEnemy.mTowPoint.position;

            foreach (ParticleSystem shipTrail in GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>())
                shipTrail.enableEmission = false;
        //Moving left and right once no longer being towed
            if (transform.position.z != -2)
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, -2);
            foreach (ParticleSystem shipTrail in GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>())
                shipTrail.enableEmission = true;

            //Staying within the bounds of the play space
            if (transform.position.x >= 19f)
                mMovingRight = false;
            else if (transform.position.x <= -19f)
                mMovingRight = true;
            if(transform.position.y < -30f)
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, -30f, transform.position.z);
            if (transform.position.y > 23f)
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 23, transform.position.z);

                transform.position += Vector3.right*mMovementSpeed* Time.deltaTime;
                transform.position += Vector3.right*mMovementSpeed*-1f* Time.deltaTime;

        //Shooting back at the player
        mShootTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
        //Instantiate an enemy bullet if the player is below this enemy
        if(Mathf.Abs(mPlayer.transform.position.x - transform.position.x) <= 2f  && mShootTimer <=0f && mCapturedShipBullet != null)
            GameObject enemyBullet;
            enemyBullet = Instantiate(mCapturedShipBullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            mShootTimer = mShootTimerDefault;
Beispiel #27
 public virtual void ApplyEffectOnPlayer(PlayerShipController player = null)
 private void Awake()
     S     = this;
     rigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //make sure the player and the score manager aren't null
        if(mPlayer1Ship == null)
            mPlayer1Ship = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
        if(mScoreMan == null)
            mScoreMan = FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>();

        //Change the face
        if(mPlayer1Ship != null && mScoreMan != null)
            //Firing super weapon ~Adam
            if(mPlayer1Ship.mBigBlast.activeInHierarchy || mPlayer1Ship.mLaserFist.activeInHierarchy)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[8];
            //Getting Hit
            else if(mScoreMan.mPlayerSafeTime > 0f)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[7];
            else if(mPlayer1Ship.isOverheated)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[6];
            else if(mPlayer1Ship.mShielded)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[5];
            else if(mScoreMan.mLivesRemaining <= 0)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[0];
            else if(mScoreMan.mLivesRemaining/(mScoreMan.mMaxLives+0.00001f) <= 0.25f)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[1];
            else if(mScoreMan.mLivesRemaining/(mScoreMan.mMaxLives+0.00001f) <= 0.5f)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[2];
            else if(mScoreMan.mLivesRemaining/(mScoreMan.mMaxLives+0.00001f) <= 0.75f)
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[3];
                mFace.sprite = mEmotes[4];
        else if(mScoreMan != null && mScoreMan.mLivesRemaining <= 0)
            mFace.sprite = mEmotes[0];
Beispiel #30
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        //If our target type focuses on the closest enemy, we find the closest
        if (this.targetType == EnemyTarget.Closest)
            //If the player 2 ship doesn't exist, we go with player 1 by default
            if (PlayerShipController.p2ShipRef == null)
                this.targetPlayer = PlayerShipController.p1ShipRef;
            //Otherwise we actually have to find the closest
                //Floats to hold the distances to each ship
                float p1Dist = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, PlayerShipController.p1ShipRef.transform.position);
                float p2Dist = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, PlayerShipController.p2ShipRef.transform.position);

                //If the player 1 distance is closer, we use that ship
                if (p1Dist < p2Dist)
                    this.targetPlayer = PlayerShipController.p1ShipRef;
                //If the player 2 distance is closer, we use that ship
                    this.targetPlayer = PlayerShipController.p2ShipRef;

        //If the target player isn't in the attack range, nothing happens
        if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, this.targetPlayer.transform.position) > this.attackRange)

        //Variable to hold the offset of the player position to target
        Vector3 posToShoot = this.LeadShipPosition();

        //Looping through all of our rotation objects so they face our target player
        foreach (ObjToRotate objR in this.rotationObjects)
            //If we rotate all of the axis, then we can rotate using quaternions
            if (objR.rotateX && objR.rotateY && objR.rotateZ)
                //Getting the quaternion rotation to face the player position
                Quaternion newRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(posToShoot - objR.objToRotate.position);
                //Rotating to face the new rotation given our rotation speed
                objR.objToRotate.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objR.objToRotate.rotation, newRot, objR.rotationSpeed);
            //Otherwise, we rotate for each designated axis
                //If we rotate the X axis
                if (objR.rotateX)
                    //Getting the quaternion rotation to only move the X rotation to face the player position
                    Vector3    xLookPos = new Vector3(posToShoot.x - objR.objToRotate.position.x, posToShoot.y - objR.objToRotate.position.y, posToShoot.z - objR.objToRotate.position.z);
                    Quaternion newXRot  = Quaternion.LookRotation(xLookPos);
                    //Rotating the X direction to face the new rotation given our speed
                    objR.objToRotate.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objR.objToRotate.rotation, newXRot, objR.rotationSpeed);

                    //If this object ONLY rotates the X value, we clamp the YZ rotations
                    if (objR.rotateX && !objR.rotateY && !objR.rotateZ)
                        objR.objToRotate.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(objR.objToRotate.localEulerAngles.x, 0, 0);

                //If we rotate the Y axis
                if (objR.rotateY)
                    //Getting the quaternion rotation to only move the Y rotation to face the player position
                    Vector3    yLookPos = new Vector3(posToShoot.x - objR.objToRotate.position.x, posToShoot.y - objR.objToRotate.position.y, posToShoot.z - objR.objToRotate.position.z);
                    Quaternion newYRot  = Quaternion.LookRotation(yLookPos);
                    //Rotating the Y direction to face the new rotation given our speed
                    objR.objToRotate.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objR.objToRotate.rotation, newYRot, objR.rotationSpeed);

                    //If this object ONLY rotates the Y value, we clamp the XZ rotations
                    if (!objR.rotateX && objR.rotateY && !objR.rotateZ)
                        objR.objToRotate.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, objR.objToRotate.localEulerAngles.y, 0);

                //If we rotate the Z axis
                if (objR.rotateZ)
                    //Getting the quaternion rotation to only move the Z rotation to face the player position
                    Vector3    zLookPos = new Vector3(posToShoot.x - objR.objToRotate.position.x, posToShoot.y - objR.objToRotate.position.y, posToShoot.z - objR.objToRotate.position.z);
                    Quaternion newZRot  = Quaternion.LookRotation(zLookPos);
                    //Rotating the X direction to face the new rotation given our speed
                    objR.objToRotate.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(objR.objToRotate.rotation, newZRot, objR.rotationSpeed);

                    //If this object ONLY rotates the Z value, we clamp the XY rotations
                    if (!objR.rotateX && !objR.rotateY && objR.rotateZ)
                        objR.objToRotate.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, objR.objToRotate.localEulerAngles.z);

        //Counting down our cooldown times if they exist
        if (this.currentCooldown > 0)
            this.currentCooldown -= Time.deltaTime;

            //If our cooldown between firing is up, we reload our current clip
            this.currentClipSize = this.clipSize;
        if (this.currentTimeBetweenShots > 0)
            this.currentTimeBetweenShots -= Time.deltaTime;

        //Firing at the player whenever possible
        if (this.currentCooldown <= 0)
            //If our time between shots is up, we can fire
            if (this.currentTimeBetweenShots <= 0)
                //Firing our weapon
                this.ourWeapon.FireWeapon(true, false, false);
                //Reducing the number of shots in our clip
                this.currentClipSize -= 1;

                //If our clip is empty, we start our cooldown
                if (this.currentClipSize < 1)
                    this.currentCooldown = this.cooldownAfterClip;
                //Otherwise we start our cooldown between shots
                    this.currentTimeBetweenShots = this.timeBetweenShots;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     //Find the player ship -Adam
     mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if(mSteamUp == null)
            mSteamUp = GameObject.Find(mSteamUpName).GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
            if(mPlayer.heatLevel/mPlayer.maxHeatLevel < 0.9f && !mSteamUp.GetComponent<AudioSource>().isPlaying)
                mCanPlaySteamNoise = true;
        if(mSteamDown == null)
            mSteamDown = GameObject.Find(mSteamDownName).GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

        //Read Heat Level, Maximum Heat Level, and overheat status from either player 1 or player 2 ~Adam
        if(!mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayer != null)
            mHeatLevel = mPlayer.heatLevel;
            mMaxHeat = mPlayer.maxHeatLevel;
            mIsOverheated = mPlayer.isOverheated;
        else if (mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayerTwo != null)
            mHeatLevel = mPlayerTwo.heatLevel;
            mMaxHeat = mPlayerTwo.maxHeatLevel;
            mIsOverheated = mPlayerTwo.isOverheated;

        //Safety in case the player ship connection is lost -Adam
        if(mPlayer == null)
            mPlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();

        else if (mPlayerTwo == null && mPlayerTwoUI && mPlayer.mPlayerTwo != null)
            mPlayerTwo = mPlayer.mPlayerTwo;

        else if(GetComponent<Image>().canvas.isActiveAndEnabled) //Only do stuff when the canvas is actually turned on
            //Make the bar move up and down
            mOverHeatBar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(1f, mHeatLevel/mMaxHeat, 1f);

            //Display overlay when overheated
                mOverHeatOverlay.enabled = true;
                GetComponent<Animator>().speed = 0f;
                if(mSteamUp != null && mSteamDown != null)
                mRedBulb.enabled = false;
                mBlankBulb.enabled = false;
                if(mSteamUp != null & mSteamDown != null)
                mOverHeatOverlay.enabled = false;
                if(mHeatLevel/mMaxHeat > 0.9f)
                    mRedBulb.enabled = true;
                    mBlankBulb.enabled = false;

                    GetComponent<Animator>().speed = 5f;
                    if(mSteamDown != null)
                        mSteamDown.startSpeed = 5f;
                        mSteamDown.startLifetime = 0.5f;
                        mSteamDown.emissionRate = 50f;
                        if(mSteamUp != null && mCanPlaySteamNoise)
                            mCanPlaySteamNoise = false;
                    mRedBulb.enabled = false;
                    mBlankBulb.enabled = true;

                    GetComponent<Animator>().speed = 1f;
                    if(mSteamDown != null)
                        mSteamDown.startSpeed = 1f;
                        mSteamDown.startLifetime = 2f;
                        mSteamDown.emissionRate = 10f;
        //Hide the steam if the canvas it turned off or the ship is missing
            if(mSteamUp != null & mSteamDown != null)
Beispiel #33
    //Function called when this object is created
    private void Awake()
        //Getting the movement component references
        this.ourFreeMovement = this.GetComponent <FreeMovementFlight>();
        this.ourRailMovement = this.GetComponent <RailMovementFlight>();

        //Getting our controller input based on which player this is
        switch (this.playerController)
        case Players.P1:
            //Making sure there's not already a static reference to the p1 ship
            if (p1ShipRef == null)
                p1ShipRef            = this;
                this.ourController   = ControllerInputManager.P1Controller;
                this.ourCustomInputs = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p1Inputs;
            //If there's already a static reference for the p1 ship and not one for the p2 ship
            else if (p2ShipRef == null)
                this.playerController = Players.P2;
                p2ShipRef             = this;
                this.ourController    = ControllerInputManager.P2Controller;
                this.ourCustomInputs  = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p2Inputs;
            //If there are already static references to both ships, we disable this object

        case Players.P2:
            //Making sure there's not already a static reference to the p2 ship
            if (p2ShipRef == null)
                p2ShipRef            = this;
                this.ourController   = ControllerInputManager.P2Controller;
                this.ourCustomInputs = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p2Inputs;
            //If there's already a static reference for the p2 ship, we disable this object

            //Making sure there's not already a static reference to the p1 ship
            if (p1ShipRef == null)
                p1ShipRef            = this;
                this.ourController   = ControllerInputManager.P1Controller;
                this.ourCustomInputs = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p1Inputs;
            //If there's already a static reference for the p1 ship and not one for the p2 ship
            else if (p2ShipRef == null)
                this.playerController = Players.P2;
                p2ShipRef             = this;
                this.ourController    = ControllerInputManager.P2Controller;
                this.ourCustomInputs  = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p2Inputs;
            //If there are already static references to both ships, we disable this object

        //Passing our controller input to our movement mechanic scripts
        this.ourFreeMovement.ourShip = this;
        this.ourRailMovement.ourShip = this;

        //Getting our health and armor component reference
        this.ourHealth = this.GetComponent <HealthAndArmor>();
        //Getting our energy component reference
        this.ourEnergy = this.GetComponent <ShipEnergy>();

        //Looping through all of our weapons, wings and engines to tell them what player ID we are
        if (this.playerController == Players.P1)
            this.mainWeapon.objectIDType      = AttackerID.Player1;
            this.secondaryWeapon.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;
            this.shipCockpit.objectIDType     = AttackerID.Player1;
            this.mainWeapon.objectIDType      = AttackerID.Player2;
            this.secondaryWeapon.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;
            this.shipCockpit.objectIDType     = AttackerID.Player2;
        foreach (ShipWingLogic wing in this.shipWings)
            if (this.playerController == Players.P1)
                wing.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;
            else if (this.playerController == Players.P2)
                wing.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;
        foreach (ShipEngineLogic engine in this.shipEngines)
            if (this.playerController == Players.P1)
                engine.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;
            else if (this.playerController == Players.P2)
                engine.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;

        //Getting the default pitch for the engine sound effect
        this.defaultPitch = this.engineSoundEmitter.ownerAudio.pitch;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     mScoreManager = FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>() as ScoreManager;
     mPlayerShip = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>() as PlayerShipController;
     mScreenFader.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(0f,0f,0f,0f);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     mScoreManager = FindObjectOfType<ScoreManager>() as ScoreManager;
     mPlayerAvatar = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>() as PlayerShipController;
Beispiel #36
    //Function called from PlayerStartingPositin.Awake to set the player ship controller IDs
    public void SetPlayerShipID(Players playerID_)
        //Setting this ship's controller to the given ID
        this.playerController = playerID_;

        //Getting our controller input based on which player this is
        switch (playerID_)
        case Players.P1:
            p1ShipRef            = this;
            this.ourController   = ControllerInputManager.P1Controller;
            this.ourCustomInputs = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p1Inputs;
            this.GetComponent <CameraWeight>().playerThatCanFollow = Players.P1;
            this.ourRailMovement.railParentObj.GetComponent <CameraWeight>().playerThatCanFollow = Players.P1;
            this.GetComponent <CustomShipTextures>().SetPlayerShipID(Players.P1);
            this.shipShield.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;

        case Players.P2:
            p2ShipRef            = this;
            this.ourController   = ControllerInputManager.P2Controller;
            this.ourCustomInputs = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p2Inputs;
            this.GetComponent <CameraWeight>().playerThatCanFollow = Players.P2;
            this.ourRailMovement.railParentObj.GetComponent <CameraWeight>().playerThatCanFollow = Players.P2;
            this.GetComponent <CustomShipTextures>().SetPlayerShipID(Players.P2);
            this.shipShield.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;

            //If this ship was set as the p1 ship reference, we remove it
            if (p1ShipRef == this)
                p1ShipRef = null;

            p1ShipRef            = this;
            this.ourController   = ControllerInputManager.P1Controller;
            this.ourCustomInputs = CustomInputSettings.globalReference.p1Inputs;
            this.GetComponent <CameraWeight>().playerThatCanFollow = Players.P1;
            this.ourRailMovement.railParentObj.GetComponent <CameraWeight>().playerThatCanFollow = Players.P1;
            this.GetComponent <CustomShipTextures>().SetPlayerShipID(Players.P1);
            this.shipShield.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;

        //Looping through all of our weapons, wings and engines to tell them what player ID we are
        if (this.playerController == Players.P1)
            this.mainWeapon.objectIDType      = AttackerID.Player1;
            this.secondaryWeapon.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;
            this.shipCockpit.objectIDType     = AttackerID.Player1;
            this.mainWeapon.objectIDType      = AttackerID.Player2;
            this.secondaryWeapon.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;
            this.shipCockpit.objectIDType     = AttackerID.Player2;
        foreach (ShipWingLogic wing in this.shipWings)
            if (this.playerController == Players.P1)
                wing.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;
            else if (this.playerController == Players.P2)
                wing.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;
        foreach (ShipEngineLogic engine in this.shipEngines)
            if (this.playerController == Players.P1)
                engine.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player1;
            else if (this.playerController == Players.P2)
                engine.objectIDType = AttackerID.Player2;
Beispiel #37
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Awake()
        //If this starting position is for player 1
        if (this.playerToSpawn == Players.P1)
            //Spawning in the player 1 ship prefab at this transform position and rotation
            GameObject p1ShipObj = GameObject.Instantiate(GlobalData.globalReference.player1Ship.gameObject) as GameObject;
            p1ShipObj.transform.position = this.transform.position;
            p1ShipObj.transform.rotation = this.transform.rotation;

            //Getting the component for the player ship controller
            PlayerShipController p1Ship = p1ShipObj.GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();

            //If the starting movement type is "Rail" we tell it which rail to start on
            if (this.movementType == RegionZone.RegionMovement.Rail)
                p1Ship.ourRailMovement.enabled = true;
                p1Ship.ourFreeMovement.enabled = false;
            //If the starting movement type is "Free" we enable the free movement component
            else if (this.movementType == RegionZone.RegionMovement.Free)
                p1Ship.ourRailMovement.enabled = false;
                p1Ship.ourFreeMovement.enabled = true;

            //Enabling the camera for this player

            //If the game mode is single player, we make sure the camera is full-screen
            if (GlobalData.globalReference.singlePlayerMode)
                this.cameraToActivate.GetComponent <Camera>().rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
            //If the game mode is co-op, we make sure the camera takes up the top half of the screen
                this.cameraToActivate.GetComponent <Camera>().rect = new Rect(0, 0.5f, 1, 0.5f);
        //If this starting position is for player 2 and the game mode is co-op
        else if (this.playerToSpawn == Players.P2 && !GlobalData.globalReference.singlePlayerMode)
            //Spawning in the player 2 ship prefab at this transform position and rotation
            GameObject p2ShipObj = GameObject.Instantiate(GlobalData.globalReference.player2Ship.gameObject) as GameObject;
            p2ShipObj.transform.position = this.transform.position;
            p2ShipObj.transform.rotation = this.transform.rotation;

            //Getting the component for the player ship controller
            PlayerShipController p2Ship = p2ShipObj.GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();

            //If the starting movement type is "Rail" we tell it which rail to start on
            if (this.movementType == RegionZone.RegionMovement.Rail)
                p2Ship.ourRailMovement.enabled = true;
                p2Ship.ourFreeMovement.enabled = false;
            //If the starting movement type is "Free" we enable the free movement component
            else if (this.movementType == RegionZone.RegionMovement.Free)
                p2Ship.ourRailMovement.enabled = false;
                p2Ship.ourFreeMovement.enabled = true;

            //Enabling the camera for this player

            //Making sure the camera takes up the lower half of the screen
            this.cameraToActivate.GetComponent <Camera>().rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 0.5f);
Beispiel #38
 public override void ApplyEffectOnPlayer(PlayerShipController player)
     player.Dps = attackSpeedBonus;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if(mScoreMan != null)
            mHealthValue = mScoreMan.mLivesRemaining/(mScoreMan.mMaxLives+.00001f);

            //Flash the ship parts ~Adam
            if(mScoreMan.mPlayerSafeTime >0f)
                mShipHull.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                mShipLeftWing.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                mShipRightWing.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                mShipLeftClaw.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                mShipRightClaw.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                mShipHull.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                mShipLeftWing.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                mShipRightWing.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                mShipLeftClaw.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                mShipRightClaw.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);

            mShipRightClaw.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
            mShipLeftClaw.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
            mShipRightWing.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
            mShipLeftWing.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
        if(mHealthValue < 0f)
            mHealthValue = 0f;

        if(!mP2UI && mP1Ship != null)
            //Adjust the meters ~Adam
            mOverheatValue = mP1Ship.heatLevel/mP1Ship.maxHeatLevel;
            if(mOverheatValue < 0f)
                mOverheatValue = 0f;

            mTripleTimerValue = mP1Ship.mThreeBulletTimer/30f;
            if(mTripleTimerValue < 0f)
                mTripleTimerValue = 0f;

            //Flash the ship gun parts ~Adam
            if(mScoreMan != null)
                    if(mScoreMan.mPlayerSafeTime >0f)
                        mShipLeftGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                        mShipRightGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                        mShipLeftGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                        mShipRightGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                    mShipLeftGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
                    mShipRightGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
            //Show this player's individual score ~Adam
            mScoreText.text = "P1 Score: " + mScoreMan.mP1Score;
        else if(mP2UI && mP2Ship != null)
            //Adjust the meters ~Adam
            mOverheatValue = mP2Ship.heatLevel/mP2Ship.maxHeatLevel;
            if(mOverheatValue < 0f)
                mOverheatValue = 0f;

            mTripleTimerValue = mP2Ship.mThreeBulletTimer/30f;
            if(mTripleTimerValue < 0f)
                mTripleTimerValue = 0f;

            //Flash the ship gun parts ~Adam
            if(mScoreMan != null)
                    if(mScoreMan.mPlayerSafeTime >0f)
                        mShipLeftGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                        mShipRightGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 1);
                        mShipLeftGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                        mShipRightGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 0);
                    mShipLeftGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);
                    mShipRightGun.GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("UIFlashState", 2);

            //Show this player's individual score ~Adam
            mScoreText.text = "P2 Score: " + mScoreMan.mP2Score;

        //Control the overheat whistle noise
        if(mOverheatValue  < 0.9f && GetComponent<AudioSource>().isPlaying)
            mCanPlaySteamNoise = true;
        else if (mOverheatValue > 0.9f && mCanPlaySteamNoise)
            mCanPlaySteamNoise = false;

        //Find ships if they're null
        else if (!mP2UI && mP1Ship == null)
            if(FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>() != null)
                mP1Ship = FindObjectOfType<PlayerShipController>();
        else if (mP2UI && mP2Ship == null)
            if(FindObjectOfType<PlayerTwoShipController>() != null)
                mP2Ship = FindObjectOfType<PlayerTwoShipController>();

        //Set the bar sizes ~Adam
        mHealthBar.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(mHealthValue, 1f,1f);
        mOverheatBar.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(mOverheatValue, 1f,1f);
        mTripleTimerBar.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(mTripleTimerValue, 1f,1f);
Beispiel #40
        public void Start()
            //var ship = Resources.Load<GameObject>("ship1.prefab");
            //var ship = Resources.Load<GameObject>("ShipGameStarterKit/Models/Ship of the Line/ship1.prefab");
            var ship = Resources.Load <GameObject>("ship_1");

            if (ship == null)
                //ship.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                //ship.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                var ship1 = Object.Instantiate(ship) as GameObject;

                var pc = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("PlayerCamera")) as GameObject;
                pc.transform.parent = ship1.transform;
                var so = pc.GetComponentsInChildren <ShipOrbit>()[0];

                var shipController = new PlayerShipController();
                so.control = shipController;


                ShipTemplate st = new ShipTemplate
                    Id           = 1,
                    Pref         = "ship_1",
                    Speed        = 4,
                    SpeededUpSec = 15,
                    AnglePreSec  = 10.3f,
                    AngleUpSec   = 5.0f,
                    Hp           = 1000

                PlayerShip = shipController;

                //  这里先模拟船只向前移动(z轴增加的移动)
                //  在Z轴上移动
                PlayerShip.Direction = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);


                var ship2 = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("ship_2")) as GameObject;
                //ship2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
                ship2.transform.position = new Vector3(40, 0, 0);
                npcShip1 = new NpcShipController();

                var ship3 = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("ship_3")) as GameObject;
                ship3.transform.position = new Vector3(-40, 0, 0);

                var camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
                camera.AddComponent <FrmPlayerShip>();

            lastUpdateTime = OneServer.NowTime;
    private void Start()
        playing = false;
        if (gameMaster != null)
            playerNumber     = gameMaster.AddPlayer(gameObject);
            gameMasterActive = true;
        else if (isLocalPlayer && isServer)
            NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(Instantiate(gameMasterPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity), connectionToClient);

        if (isLocalPlayer)
            // Generate a name for the player
            CmdSetPlayerName(namePool[Random.Range(0, namePool.Length)] + "_" + Random.Range(0, 99));

            GlobalVars.globalGameObjects.TryGetValue("hud", out hud);
            healthUI = hud.transform.Find("Health UI").GetComponent <Text>();

        if (isLocalPlayer && isServer)
            icebergMaster = Instantiate(icebergMasterPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
            NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(icebergMaster, connectionToClient);
            //GameObject.Find("Multiplayer_Manager").GetComponent<NetworkManager>().customConfig = true;
            //GameObject.Find("Multiplayer_Manager").GetComponent<NetworkManager>().connectionConfig.MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize = 248;
            //GameObject.Find("Multiplayer_Manager").GetComponent<NetworkManager>().connectionConfig.MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount = 248;
            //GameObject.Find("Multiplayer_Manager").GetComponent<NetworkManager>().connectionConfig.MaxSentMessageQueueSize = 248;

            //setting cache here
            if (globalGameObjects.TryGetValue("multiplayer_manager", out gameObjectCache))
                gameObjectCache.GetComponent <NetworkManager>().customConfig = true;
                gameObjectCache.GetComponent <NetworkManager>().connectionConfig.MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize  = 248;
                gameObjectCache.GetComponent <NetworkManager>().connectionConfig.MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount = 248;
                gameObjectCache.GetComponent <NetworkManager>().connectionConfig.MaxSentMessageQueueSize         = 248;
                Debug.LogError("Could not find Multiplayer Manager");

        kaijuCore       = playerObjects[0].GetComponent <KaijuCore>();
        shipCore        = playerObjects[1].GetComponent <ShipCore>();
        shipTurret      = playerObjects[1].transform.Find("Ship Pivot/Ship Body/Turret Base/Turret Horizontal").GetComponent <ShipTurret>();
        kaijuController = playerObjects[0].GetComponent <PlayerKaijuController>();
        shipController  = playerObjects[1].GetComponent <PlayerShipController>();
        isKaiju = false;
        globalGameObjects.TryGetValue("kaiju_tracker", out kaijuTracker);

        if (isLocalPlayer)
            GlobalVars.globalGameObjects.TryGetValue("starting_camera", out startingCamera);
            GlobalVars.globalGameObjects.TryGetValue("ocean", out ocean);