Beispiel #1
 public void EndTurn()
     canShoot         = true;  //reset flag for next turn
     spaceBootsUsed   = false;
     fireTriggered    = false; //reset flag for next turn
     targetSelected   = false; //reset flag for next turn
     canChangeWeapons = true;  //reset flag for next turn
     playerSettings.EndTurn(); //call master clean up function for all other scripts
Beispiel #2
    void Die()

        //Added this just in case we want to add a deathEffect later
        if (deathEffect != null)
            Instantiate(deathEffect, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        if (ps.isMyTurn)

        //wait 6 seconds before destroyng this game object, to let the animations play
        //WARNING, this is a calculated time, if death animation changes, then this code needs to be generalized
        //but for now this will do the trick just fine
        Destroy(gameObject, 6f);
Beispiel #3
    void Update()
        //Check if game is over
        deadTeamsCounter = 0;
        winningTeamID    = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < GLOBALS.numTeams; i++)
            if (teamsHealth[i] <= 0)
            else if (winningTeamID == -1 || teamsHealth[i] > teamsHealth[winningTeamID])
                winningTeamID = i;

        //Check if there is 1 or less players alive
        if (deadTeamsCounter >= GLOBALS.numTeams - 1)
            if (gameState == GameState.GameOver || gameState == GameState.LoadingScene)
                gameState = GameState.LoadingScene; //change state to prevent repetitive calls to gameOver
                gameState = GameState.GameOver;

        //Check for Pause input if we are not in the pause state
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) && gameState != GameState.Pause)
            prevGameState = gameState;                  //save prevGameState
            gameState     = GameState.Pause;            //Change to Pause state
            pauseMenuCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(true); //enable Pause Menu

        //State Machine
        switch (gameState)
        case GameState.TurnTransition:
            // Start timer for next turn.
            if (!coroutineStarted)
                coroutineStarted   = true;
                coroutineTurnClock = SetTurnClock(GLOBALS.timeBetweenTurns);     //time between turns should be 1 to 5 sec
                if (suddenDeath)

            if (isTurnFinished)
                coroutineStarted = false;                    //Reset coroutine check
                isTurnFinished   = false;                    //Reset check before changing state
                gameState        = GameState.TurnInProgress; //change State

                //Find out which team is next in turn. By looping thru the number of teams - 1
                //If we don't get to the break statement, then game is over
                isOneTeamAlive = !FindNextTeam();

                if (isOneTeamAlive)
                    //Check if all teams are dead by checking the last team
                    currTeamTurn = (currTeamTurn + 1) % GLOBALS.numTeams;

                    if (teamsHealth[currTeamTurn] <= 0)
                        //Everyone died
                        //This is the flag for the game over screen
                        currTeamTurn = -1;
                        //else nextTeamTurn stays the same

                    //Trigger GameOver state
                    gameState = GameState.GameOver;

                //Depending on the next Teams turn, find out which soldier is next on their team
                for (int j = 0; j < GLOBALS.teamSize; j++)
                    //go to the next player alive in that turn
                    currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn] = (currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn] + 1) % GLOBALS.teamSize;
                    //check if Soldier is alive before choosing it for next turn
                    if (soldiersHealth[currTeamTurn, currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn]] > 0)

                // Activate movement Script for player or AI to play and tell camera
                go = teams[currTeamTurn, currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn]];
                if (go != null)
                    go.GetComponent <PlayerSettings>().isMyTurn = true;

                    //Tell camera which player is next in turn
                    cam.soldier            = teams[currTeamTurn, currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn]];
                    cam.shouldFollowTarget = true;
                    Debug.LogError("Next Soldier in turn is dead, this state should never be reached");


        case GameState.TurnInProgress:
            //Start timer to change state
            if (!coroutineStarted)
                coroutineStarted   = true;
                coroutineTurnClock = SetTurnClock(GLOBALS.timePerTurn);     //timePerTurn should be 30 - 120 sec

            //Check if turn suddenly stops because premature death or self injure and StopCoroutine()
            if (isTurnFinished)
                coroutineStarted = false;     //Reset coroutine check

                //Stop Coroutine just in case of premature death or self injure

                //If there is a projectile, follow it
                if (projectile != null)
                    cam.soldier            = projectile;
                    cam.shouldFollowTarget = true;     //follow projectile
                    gameState = GameState.WhatchingShot;
                    gameState = GameState.TurnTransition;

                //Deactivate movement Script for player or AI to play
                go = teams[currTeamTurn, currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn]];
                if (go != null)
                    ps = go.GetComponent <PlayerSettings>();
                    if (ps != null)
                        ps.EndTurn();     //call clean up function for players end turn
                    //we do nothing since the player is gone anyway

                isTurnFinished = false;     //Reset check before changing state. THIS must be CALLED at the END of this state!


        case GameState.WhatchingShot:
            //Once projectile is null, change state
            if (projectile == null)
                gameState = GameState.WhatchingDamage;
            else if (cam.soldier == null)
                cam.soldier = projectile;     //this is in case the initial projectile releases more projectiles

        case GameState.WhatchingDamage:
            //Start timer to change state
            if (!coroutineStarted)
                coroutineStarted   = true;
                coroutineTurnClock = SetTurnClock(timeWatchingDamage);     //timePerTurn should be 30 - 120 sec
                coroutineEnded = false;

            if (coroutineEnded)
                coroutineStarted = false;   //Reset coroutine check
                isTurnFinished   = false;   //Reset check before changing state
                gameState        = GameState.TurnTransition;

        case GameState.Pause:
            //Adjust timer to not being affected by the pause and save the current game state
            if (!stateSaved)
                stateSaved          = true;                //Update flag
                Time.timeScale      = 0.0f;                //Stop time
                AudioListener.pause = true;                //pause all sound affected by time

                turnClockWhenPause = turnClock;            //Save turnClock
                StopCoroutine(coroutineTurnClock);         //And stop the turn Coroutine

                gameClockWhenPause = gameClock;            //Save gameClock
                StopCoroutine(coroutineGameClock);         //And stop the game Coroutine

                isTurnFinishedWhenPaused = isTurnFinished; //Save turn state
                currTeamTurnWhenPause    = currTeamTurn;   //Save current Team Turn

                //Check for out of bounce errors
                if (currTeamTurn < 0 || currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn] < 0)

                //Force player to change to the gauntlet weapon
                go = teams[currTeamTurn, currSoldierTurn[currTeamTurn]];
                if (go != null && !GLOBALS.isTeamAI[currTeamTurn])
                    WeaponController wc = go.GetComponent <WeaponController>();
                    if (wc != null)
                        wc.ChangeWeapon((int)WeaponCodes.Gauntlet);     // Weapon Code for the gauntlet is 0
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) || !pauseMenuCanvas.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                stateSaved          = false;                    //reset flag
                AudioListener.pause = false;                    //un-pause all sound affected by time
                isTurnFinished      = isTurnFinishedWhenPaused; //Recover this variable state

                //Check if the coroutine was in progress or not, this only happens in exactly 1 frame
                if (!isTurnFinishedWhenPaused)
                    //Resume gameClock Timer
                    coroutineGameClock = SetGameClock(gameClockWhenPause);
                    //Resume turnClock Timer
                    coroutineTurnClock = SetTurnClock(turnClockWhenPause);     //time between turns should be 1 to 5 sec

                Time.timeScale = 1.0f;                       //Unfreeze time
                gameState      = prevGameState;              //Resume the game
                pauseMenuCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(false); //disable Pause Menu

        case GameState.LoadingScene:


        case GameState.GameOver:

            Debug.Log("Game Over");

            //Get reference to GameOverScreen component
            GameOverScreen gos = gameOverCanvas.GetComponent <GameOverScreen>();

            //pass the teamID
            gos.winningTeamID = winningTeamID;

            if (winningTeamID != -1)
                //Pass the name of the winning team if there is one
                if (GLOBALS.teams[winningTeamID] != null)
                    gos.winningTeamName = GLOBALS.teams[winningTeamID].teamName;

                //pass winning team color
                gos.winTeamColor = GLOBALS.teamColors[winningTeamID];

            //Enable the game over canvas to trigger the end of the game


            Debug.LogError("Invalid State reached... but HOW??!!");